
Monday 2 May 2011

Magic Stones and Jewels

 This section is a continuation of my Good News Letter for April 2011, when I talked about a stone with important spiritual qualities: Serpentine. Below you'll find descriptions of a few more stones that can influence your body, mind and spirit.

For people who are familiar with esoterism, stones are living entities. This is also true from a scientific point-of-view, since stones are part of  the mineral realm and, like members of the other realms (animal and vegetal) are formed by atoms, with micro-particles called electrons circulating around their core (or nucleus) at incredible speed. 

Even if you can't see it happening, stones change structure over time. The only difference for human beings is that our transformation (birth to death) takes about 70 to 100 years to be completed, while the transformation of minerals takes thousands or even millions of years.

All traditions have endowed minerals with spiritual and therapeutic powers. Below you'll find a few of the main magic stones that can exert an influence on your body and mind.

Agate: This stone is reputed to increase self-confidence. It helps locate hidden treasure, and creates conditions favorable for receiving an inheritance. Agate is a symbol of long life, courage, joy and prosperity. It protects you against jealousy and malevolence. If you wear an agate, it will make the people around you want to help you on your path to success, people in high places who could make your life a lot easier in many ways. 

Aqua-Marine: This stone promotes the discovery and expression of extra-sensorial abilities and psychic powers. It heightens intuition, making it easier for you to explore the depths of your consciousness and mind. Aqua-marine is recommended for people who are studying or teaching, or for anyone who wants to expand their mind and acquire new knowledge, since it makes it easier to assimilate new information. If you wear an Aqua-marine, it will bring you happiness, peace and joy, and promote harmonious relations with other people, especially in your professional and social life.

Amethyst: Amethyst promotes restorative sleep and peaceful nights. If you keep an amethyst under your pillow at night it should enable you to have divinatory or prophetic dreams. The stone also combats stress, and has a soothing effect on your mind. It raises your spirits, promotes spirituality, and motivates you to expand your consciousness. Wearing an amethyst helps alleviate fear and increases self-confidence. 

Citrine: Citrine is a yellow-gold member of the quartz family, associated with the naval Chakra, the center of physical and material power. It vibrates to the Number 6. Citrine accelerates healing and convalescence after illness. It heightens psychic abilities and intuition, combats fear, facilitates understanding and raises consciousness in a general way. It can recharge you with vital energy during periods of stress, as well as under normal circumstances. If you wear a Citrine it will fill you with positive vibrations and promote your spiritual evolution. It's particularly recommended for people involved in the medical profession, or some form of therapy. Citrine also favors the development of artistic abilities, and leads to prosperity.

Emerald: Emerald is a green gemstone that attracts Love and makes it easier to find a soul-mate. It improves cerebral functions (memory, decision-making, learning, understanding) and facilitates the ability to speak in public, making it especially useful for politicians. Wearing an Emerald leads to success in business, notably sales, and promotes the manifestation of material wealth. Emeralds also exert an influence on both the conscious and subconscious mind, stimulating the discovery and expression of extra-sensorial abilities. 

Lapis-lazuli: This beautiful gemstone has therapeutic properties, and as such helps alleviate pain, promote healing, and accelerate convalescence. Being in contact with Lapis-lazuli, or better still wearing one all the time, will strengthen the health of your body, mind and spirit. The stone also helps control emotions, and its soothing effects help fight depression and get rid of negative thoughts, replacing them with positive ones and making you a calmer person. Wearing Lapis-lazuli motivates you to evolve, both personally and spiritually.

Obsidian: Obsidian is usually black, and is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed into extrusive igneous rock. Wearing an Obsidian will keep you firmly grounded. You'll rely on common sense when things become difficult, or during periods of doubt or stress. The stone acts as a link to reality, preventing you from getting carried away by things that have no chance of succeeding. Obsidian also helps you understand any subconscious or mental blocks you may have, revealing the darker side of your personality, and enabling you to be more effective in combating it. It’s very useful as a protection against negative vibrations of either human or astral origin.

Olivine: The stone Olivine is reputed to attract material wealth and money. It promotes professional success, especially in business. Wearing Olivine, or keeping a few stones in your workplace, will lead to prosperity. The stone also offers protection against negative energy, which it repels and sends back to its place of origin. It promotes healing, and makes it easier to maintain a positive attitude in life. Olivine also attracts Love.

Onyx: This stone offers protection in situations of conflict, both during war and in peacetime, when you have disagreements and arguments with people around you. Wearing an Onyx protects you against harmful vibrations, psychic attacks, and spells of all kinds. The stone possesses strong powers of psychic and spiritual purification. Try to find an Onyx with white stripes in it, rather than one which is completely black, since the black ones are considered malevolent.

Opal: Opal represents a collection of the qualities and colors of many other stones. You can therefore “charge†it with a specific goal by visualizing what you want it to accomplish, while holding the stone in your right hand. Wearing an Opal is also recommended for astral-traveling, or having an out-of-body experience, since it protects both your mind and body while you're away. It can also help explore past lives, develop psychic powers, and attract money.

Quartz:  This common (and therefore inexpensive!) stone has many properties. It promotes victory and success, accelerates healing, and ensures that minor problems have favorable outcomes. Wearing a Quartz stimulates clarity of mind, and enables you to be a better judge of situations and people. Quartz is highly recommended for rituals of protection and purification of the body and mind. It heightens psychic and para-psychic abilities, which is why it's used by mediums and clairvoyants in their work. 

Ruby: If you wear this precious stone it will protect you against human and psychic enemies, harmful astral vibrations, and all kinds of negative energy. Rubies are highly recommended for magic rituals because of the energy they emit. They raise your spirits, strengthen self-confidence, provide you with a will-of-steel, and make you constant in your efforts. They also protect you against fear. If you put a ruby under your pillow at night, you won't have any nightmares.

Sapphire: Sapphire promotes the opening of the third eye, the spiritual center of understanding. Wearing a sapphire helps develop your psychic powers, enabling you to delve deeper into your subconscious mind, and discover your hidden abilities. The stone heightens intuition, and is often offered as a gift to improve a relationship or make someone's emotions more positive, since it guarantees fidelity and ensures fulfillment. Sapphire can also help control negative emotions like jealousy, hate and envy, and is recommended for stimulating meditation and ensuring inner peace.

Rock Salt (Sel Gemme): Salt is extremely useful in rituals of protection or purification of people and/or their possessions. Salt is indispensable for cleaning. Bathing your body in salt water helps get rid of all kinds of negative energy. To protect your habitation or workspace, place some salt in all four corners of every room, and then visualize the negative energy around you dissolving. You can also make a circle of salt around your own person, to protect yourself against the dark forces when performing a ritual.

If you think stones are expensive, you're wrong! You can obtain most of them at relatively low cost, by buying ones that aren't perfect enough to be used for making gems, which in no way reduces their properties as described above.

The stones I've listed are the ones used most often in magic rituals, and are most effective for daily protection, and discovering and expressing hidden talents, whether human or extra-sensorial.

Final Advice: When you wear one of these stones, try to maintain a positive frame of mind towards it. Don't consider it a simple ornament, but rather the material manifestation of subtle energy, which you can use to improve your life

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