I believe one mistake many people make when they first hear about the law of attraction is to start denying, ignoring, judging or repressing their 'negative' feelings in fear of any negative consequences they may attract.
The fact is, negative feelings are not 'wrong' per se. Further, what we resist persists. Pretending you don't have feelings doesn't make them go away!
What's more, your emotions can be a helpful guide to your internal thought processes and indicate where beliefs may be out of alignment or incongruent with the successes you seek, or where you may have hidden agendas, unserving attitudes, unhealed aspects, and so on.
Negative emotions can also serve a positive function. Grieving, for example, is a healthy and natural process that may involve the experience of pain yet ultimately lead to healing. Fear is designed to signal when to be on guard or protect yourself potentially. Even anger if expressed cleanly can be productive.
It is only when feelings are repressed that they become problematic and toxic and leak into our world affecting our reality in not so pleasant ways, or come at us as a mirror in the people and experiences we attract. This is why honoring, accepting and releasing your emotions is important.
"Acceptance heals hurt. It heals the resistance that causes or exacerbates the pain. When you accept, it allows you to move forward in the flow, because what you accept, you naturally let go of."
- Chuck Spezzano
When we accept and honor our feelings, rather than fear, judge or repress them, they can be naturally expressed and released and can move through us.
What's more, in the light of love and acceptance we can let go of feelings that do not serve us that much more easily. As said, it is what we resist that persists.
"Pain only exists in resistance.
Joy exists only in acceptance.
Painful situations which you heartily accept become joyful.
Joyful situations which you do not accept become painful.
There is no such thing as a bad experience.
Bad experiences are simply the creations of your resistance to what is."
Joy exists only in acceptance.
Painful situations which you heartily accept become joyful.
Joyful situations which you do not accept become painful.
There is no such thing as a bad experience.
Bad experiences are simply the creations of your resistance to what is."
- Rumi
There are many techniques these days for releasing emotions, everything from writing them down, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), crystal healing, the Sedona Method, the Release Technique, the ZPoint Process, expressing them through creativity, energy healing (such as Reiki), communicating them to a friend or loved one, flower essences, and many others.
Unsurprisingly, and yet so often avoided, feeling your feelings is a fast and effective way to release them.
This doesn't mean indulging in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you. More, it enables them to move through you and be expressed. It takes greater energy to stuff emotions down than to experience them.
Furthermore, denied and repressed emotions don't go away, and require numbing and distraction (through drugs, alcohol or addictions, for example), and can lead to sabotage, repeated patterns, and an inability to be fully intimate with yourself, and hence present and real with others.
Acknowledging, accepting and feeling an emotion will enable its release.Forgiveness, of self and others, can also serve to liberate you from whole clusters of negative emotions.
Sometimes it can feel like you're walking into the fire, yet that fire will set you free. Sometimes it may feel like the dark night of soul, yet that light will lead to a dawn brighter than before, and a future freer, truer, with greater love.
It is in the dark that we search to connect to the love and light within and find the truth - that we are loved, loving and loveable ever and always, that our reality is ultimately an illusion, and that in highest truth, only love is real.
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