Someone once said: 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.' In other words, if the horse is thirsty, it doesn't need you to tell it what to do. It will just naturally take a drink when it needs one.
It's the same with manifesting.
If you take action simply to try and 'hurry up' the universal energy, you're only forcing the issue. And when it comes to the universe, force will get you nowhere.
That brings us to another crucial point about manifesting in general and the universe in particular. Knowing that everything is made of the same stuff, and that this 'stuff' is all connected, we also realize that everything we do to one bit of stuff affects all the other bits. This is known as the Law of Attraction.
The simplest way of putting it is: like attracts like.
If you send out positive energy, you'll get positive energy back. If you send out love and kindness, you'll get the same in return. But if all you manage to send out is negativity and aggression, then that's what you can expect to receive.
When you practice manifesting with our Manifesting Recipe Sheet, you'll write in what you want and then formulate your wishes into an intention.
Intentions are stronger than wishes, because they imply something you're going to achieve, rather than something you wish you could achieve. Instead of daydreaming about what you might have, intentions signify that you INTEND to get exactly what you want.
One of the ways that you can make your intentions even more powerful is by attaching an emotion to them.
In other words, how will having that new car make you feel? Will more money make you excited or less stressful? Would a new house make you proud and successful? Would a better job give you more time to do the things you want to do, with the people you want to be with?
When it comes to manifesting, as long as you go about it in the right way, you always get what you ask for. Your job is to give the universe as much information about the things you want as possible. Then you can relax and let things happen naturally, knowing that the universe will take care of its side of the bargain.
So the more definite you are about what you want, why you want it, and how it will make you feel, the more realistic your vision becomes.
And that sends a clearer message to the universe.
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