
Monday, 23 May 2011

To Your Power

We each have this silent partner in the Law of Life. 
This partner is always working with us.
We need only move with this ever-present upward progression of life.  If we try to shortcut it --if we are not willing to learn, think and act in more expansive ways --then the Law continues to work perfectly, patterning the small thinking we are doing and creating continuing struggle for us.
We each have an opportunity to understand how we can harness the Power that is within each of us; the Power that is pulling us to our greater good. 
We are each here to discover who we are and to harness this Power to build great dreams that bless us and our world.
To Your Power

1 comment:

  1. Using the law of thinking we access infinite possibility. We draw from the Universe a particular idea or desire.

    This desire comes as a discontent or longing. Longing is a helpful navigator that gives rise to creation. Longing helps us to choose what we want and coalesce energy around it in order to bring it forth.

    Once you are aware of your longing, uplevel it to a clear intention. You cannot move into intention without awareness. Find your awareness, move into intention and bring your desires forth.

