
Monday 2 May 2011

QUICK TIPS to manifest more money

So here's a few quick tips to get you started:
  1. Look at those places in your history where you received negative / lack / non-abundant messages about money. Then invest your energy in letting go of those messages (you may need help from a coach, workshop, or comprehensive program).
  2. When you see something you want to buy, remind yourself that if you really really wanted to, you could buy it... and that you CHOOSE not to buy it at this time.
  3. Always keep some money in your wallet. This way every time you look in your wallet, you are reminded that you do have money. To go a step further, if you have larger bills then carry some of those with you. The larger the bills the better, as this is an everyday reminder of your abundance.
  4. Make a regular habit of donating and/or sharing your money with others. Consider leaving slightly larger-than-average tips for service people, leaving tips when you normally wouldn't, or giving a few coins to a homeless person. The point of this is to remind yourself that even when you give, you still have enough remaining. It's not relevant whether you give one penny, a dollar, or ten thousand dollars... the act of giving money away psychologically counteracts the "lack" mindset that you are working with.
  5. Occasionally, consider making a "Stretch" spend. This is where you literally are acting "as if" you already have the financial abundance you desire even if you don't think you have that money. Don't do it just any time though... only do it when you have a really deep heart's wish for whatever you intend to spend that money on. Sometimes acting "as if" can be a catalyst for attracting money from unexpected places.
Like I said before though, there's a LOT more I could write on this (and I will). For now though, I believe that these tips will help you shift your money mindset away from "lack" and into "abundance."

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