
Monday 2 May 2011

What is Prayer?

The answer to this question may seem obvious, but really it isn’t.

For most people, prayer is the most effective way of connecting with the Higher Vibratory Astral Powers.

The real meaning of prayer has been somewhat misplaced over time. These days prayer is considered to be little more than an archaic practice with little or no benefit. In fact, prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon, no matter what you ask for  Luck, a better life, Love, health, money, success... since it’s the best and easiest way to enter into contact with the Higher Vibratory Astral Powers (the Supreme Entity). Don’t forget you can call this Entity anything you like, depending on your spiritual beliefs, since it’s composed of the souls of saints, sages, spiritual masters and prophets of all callings who have passed into the Great Beyond.

What Prayer Is Not

Under no circumstances should your prayers have harmful intentions, or be aimed at hurting anyone. If they are, there’s no chance they’ll come true.

You could even attract malevolent entities who nourish themselves on negative vibrations emitted by human beings, people who have harmful thoughts inspired by poisoned emotions like hate, jealousy, envy, greed and anger.

Give your prayers form by expressing them in thoughts, and visualize them coming true as clearly as you can. That will create positive vibrations emitted by you (the sender) towards your chosen Entity (the receiver).

If you formulate your prayers in a general way, without addressing them to any specific receiver, your energy could be captured by anyone who’s tuned in to it.

So be careful when you formulate a prayer.

1-    Be positive.
2-    Address your prayer to a specific Entity.

Conditions For Effective Prayer 

To these conditions for effective prayer I would add the following:

3-    Pray with as much faith and conviction as you can.
4-    Take positive steps to make your prayers come true.

Praying With Faith and Conviction

Faith and conviction are the cornerstones of effective prayer. Any prayer that isn’t repeated with great conviction, either to yourself or out loud, will not come true. You need to have a firm believe in the existence of the receiving Entity you direct your prayers at, or they will be doomed to failure.

You have to pray as if your life depended on it, even when you make a minor request. Your prayers should rise up to your receptive Entity like a powerful, blinding laser-beam of light.

They shouldn’t come only from your mind, but from your entire body and soul!

First, adopt a position you find comfortable, and maintain it the entire time you recite your prayer. Every spiritual tradition has a special posture for praying (standing, kneeling, sitting cross-legged, etc.). Use the position you feel is most appropriate for raising your prayers to the Divine Forces on high.

If you don’t have a special position in mind, sit on a chair, keeping your back straight but relaxed, with your hands on your knees, palms facing upward to connect with Divine Energy.

Formulate your prayers in your own words. That will give them more force than if you used a pre-prepared formula. Of course, if your spiritual tradition already has certain formulations you should repeat, then obviously you should make use of them.

When you’re finished, add your own personal request to the prayer, with as much faith and conviction as you can.

Do Positive Things To Make Your Wish Come True

There’s one more ingredient for making prayers successful: after you pray, you can’t just sit around and wait passively for things to happen. Instead, you have to maintain the same positive frame-of-mind you had when you made the prayer, and then let the old saying Heaven helps those who help themselves be your guide. Each day, think, speak and act in ways that will help make your prayers become real. If you do, they’re sure to come true! 

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