
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What's the one thing that Thomas Edison,
the Wright Brothers and Sir Edmund Hillary (the first man to climb Everest)
have in common?
When they started out, none of them had the slightest idea
of what they were doing.
Edison had no clue on how to make a light bulb.
The Wrights had never seen a man flying before them.
And Sir Edmund Hillary had nothing for inspiration but a long history
of failed and sometimes fatal expeditions.
Yet even without knowing the exact HOW, these people went on
to create history.
Why? Because they realized an important fact:
It doesn't matter if you don't know HOW. What matters is
knowing WHAT you want, and having the RESOLVE to go for it.
When's the last time not knowing the exact HOW stopped you
from doing something?
Like astral projecting? Starting a business? Getting in shape?
Finding a soulmate?
The cold, hard truth is that instead of taking action many
of us squander our entire lives worrying over the HOW.

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