
Friday, 3 June 2011

Purify Your Body To Purify Your Mind

Having a strong, clear mind you can count on when you need it doesn’t depend only on intelligence, but also on having a healthy body. If your health is fragile, if you get sick often, it becomes a lot harder to concentrate on what you’re doing.

When you’re sick, much of your energy is used to heal your body, deal with pain, and recover your lost health. That means your energy is no longer available for use by your mind. And when that happens, you can’t function at maximum efficiency, or exploit all your potential. When you’re weak, the performance of both your body and your mind suffers.

Many scientific studies have proven that this is true: the health of your body has a direct impact on your mind, and vice-versa.

Medical science has known for a long time that some diseases are caused by negative states of mind. They’re called “psychosomatic” illnesses, from the Greek ‘psyche’ which means mind, and ‘soma’ which means body.

To prevent these kinds of illnesses, we have to regularly rid our body of the toxins that accumulate in us day after day, toxins we may not sufficiently eliminate on a daily basis. A healthy, strong body results in a healthy, strong mind.

A Healthy Mind Depends On A Healthy Body
When you purify your body you clean your cells, especially those in your heart and brain, your two most important organs.

Your heart allows blood to carry nutrients to all parts of your body. Your brain enables you to perceive and understand the world around you, and use your understanding to be more free. Thus, although thoughts may be immaterial, they need the support of the body, and especially the brain, to find expression. The full use of your senses also depends on the vitality of your cerebral faculties. From that point-of-view, purifying your body’s cells by doing some physical house-cleaning is essential.

To clean your body you don’t need to use any special products or miracle remedies. All you have to do is follow a method that’s as old as the world. It’s also free, and you’ll consume a lot less in any given amount of time (which will save you money).

What I’m talking about is fasting!

Get Rid of Your Oudated Ideas
When we mention fasting, most people immediately think of privation, suffering, religious penitence, and so on. They imagine that the practice is reserved for people who follow some strict religious discipline, who voluntarily deprive themselves of food to gain forgiveness, or who want to promote some cause that’s important to them.

Therapeutic fasting has nothing to do with the suffering that people impose on themselves for religious reasons, or to attain a political goal.

Fasting isn’t something confined to religion, practiced by monks who want to purify themselves and atone for their sins. Many scientists and experts in nutrition have been recommending fasting for as long as they’ve been practicing. They see it as a healthy activity with no religious connotations whatsoever, simply as a form of therapy that’s been proven effective time and time again.

That’s the view I want to present to you in this Good News Letter: fasting should be done voluntarily, with an understanding of its therapeutic principles.

Solid - Not Liquid - Fasting
Therapeutic fasting doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of everything, only solid foods. In other words, although you shouldn’t eat, you can drink liquids, the basic one being water, but including mildly sweetened fruit or energy drinks. If you drink fruit juice, the best thing is to prepare them yourself at home, using only fresh (organic if possible) fruit, and no sweeteners.

One-to-Three Liters of Water A Day 
A good way to clean your body of toxins, whether you’re fasting or not, is to drink one to three liters of water every day.

Adapt the amount of water you drink to the season – you’ll only need a liter and half in winter, while three liters per day is recommended in summer.

A liter of water really isn’t very much, and the more you drink the more often you’ll go to the toilet, allowing your kidneys to eliminate more toxins.

Obviously you should be sure to drink enough water even when you’re not fasting. If you want to keep your body – and your mind – healthy, I recommend drinking water as a regular part of your daily hygiene. Your body will thank you for it your whole life long!

Limit How Long You Fast 
When you start fasting there’s absolutely no question of depriving yourself of food for weeks, or even months at a time. If you’re a beginner, fast for one day a month. When you get used to it, you can fast for one day a week. Many dietary experts advise people to fast regularly, say once a month, to gain maximum benefit. The practice is recognized as one of the best ways to purify your body, and your mind.

I recommend a 100% natural method that’s effective, and very easy to do. You can fast this way without losing any physical or mental energy, and without having to fight the desire to snack (which is the worst thing you can do if you’re dieting or fasting) or even eat a meal.

You can go on this simple fast when you’re working, without anyone noticing, and without lacking the energy you need to perform your tasks well. You may even feel a surge of physical and mental energy that makes it easier than normal for you to do your job.

You'll Be Filled With New Energy   

Under ordinary circumstances your energy may sometimes ebb after you eat a heavy meal. Everyone has to deal with the problem, especially if you tend to eat too much at a sitting.
Try to remember a meal where you or someone else ate too much. You probably wanted to take a nap, not run a marathon!
During a controlled fast like the one described below, you won’t have to worry about losing energy. On the contrary, depriving yourself of food for a short time should endow you with more energy than you knew you had, both physically and mentally. You’ll be able to accomplish things that would normally be beyond your abilities, and your mind will be sharper than ever, since a period of fasting is an excellent way to stimulate creativity and imagination.

Light Fasting
There are many kinds of fasts. Some last longer than others, and each one has its own set of rules to follow. The one I recommend is easy and effective:

-    Breakfast: all the fruit you want
-    Lunch: fruit or a green salad (not both!)
-    Supper: same as breakfast

Whenever possible opt for fresh fruits, preferably organic, especially those grown in your own region.

Anyone can do this kind of light fasting for one day, and it’s a good way to train yourself for more difficult regimens.

Fast for only one day the first time you do it. When you feel ready, try it for two days, and then work yourself up to a maximum of three days, which is enough to thoroughly clean your body, and improve your health.

More Intense Fasting
When you’re used to doing the fast for three days, you can move on to the next phase, which should be easy if you were able to follow my instructions so far.

This time, choose only one type of fruit, and eat as much of it as you want, morning, noon and night.

Three days on this fast will clean your body even more thoroughly than the first kind of light fasting described above.

Fruits are one of the best things you can eat to get rid of toxins.

Fruits recommended for this type of fast include melons, grapes, oranges and coconut.

P.S: Fast for one to three days, up to a maximum of five days, never longer! During both types of fasting, make sure you drink a lot of water.

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