by Jessica Levesque
There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
—Albert Einstein
There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
—Albert Einstein
My son, Kaden Reece, was gently born into my hands on April 14, 2006. He was born at our home, full-term and healthy. When Kaden was three and a half months old, he suddenly became ill. He was in severe respiratory distress and had a fast heart rate. His chest was retracting and he was breathing between eighty and ninety breaths per minute. We were sent to a cardiologist to rule out a heart condition. Kaden’s blood oxygen levels were in the eighties but they sent us home with no answers. I did not know at the time that the blood oxygen level should be ninety-eight when awake.
Over the next eight months, Kaden and I went from hospital stay to hospital stay, test after test, trying to find out what was wrong with him. The doctors could not pinpoint exactly what the problem was. He seemed perfect except for his persistent rapid breathing and retracting, requiring oxygen 24/7. I brought him for second, third, and fourth opinions, all over the state of Florida. Over eight cardiologists, six pulmonologists, and all the other pediatric specialists that exist saw him. Kaden is such a happy spirit, and anyone who examined him would tell us how great he looked despite his obvious distress. They were all amazed by his strength and would comment on his deep brown eyes and bright smile. Kaden underwent lots of testing, and every test came back normal except his lung CT scans. His first showed a ground glass appearance which usually means interstitial lung disease, for which the only result is death.
We were under lots of other life stresses as well. Our children are fifteen months apart. I had severe postpartum depression after my pregnancy. Our house was almost foreclosed on (we sold it on the day it was set to be auctioned), and our marriage was suffering. Things were spiraling down faster and faster. I had already worked with affirmations for many years prior to our lives becoming so disastrous, and I was telling my son Kaden that he was healthy. But I was feeling and believing otherwise because none of the doctors could figure out what was wrong with him, and his breathing was getting worse. Taking care of two babies with one on oxygen is very difficult.
After we sold the house, we moved to a nicer city. Things started to look up. I was so excited to be finished with the house problems and felt like this was a new beginning for our family. We watched The Secret a few weeks after we moved in, and it reminded us deeply of what we had forgotten. I decided it was time for Kaden to heal and come off the oxygen.
I set the intention that he would be off by his first birthday. As I put him to bed, I told him he was completely healed. His lungs were healed, and he was all better. I told him over and over again and imagined the healing on his lungs taking place. I gave him Reiki and poured my heart and soul into his healing. I told him I believed in him and that I always have and always will. He was breathing at one hundred breaths a minute and was on two liters of oxygen. I imagined his cute little face without a nasal cannula (a plastic tube which connects to the oxygen tank), something I hadn’t seen in eight months. I pictured his breathing soft and steady and how happy it would make him to just be free of that long cord.
The next morning, he kept disconnecting his oxygen, which he had never done before. He pulled it off his face and his breathing was perfectly normal. I was so excited! I didn’t want to put too much stress on his lungs, so after half an hour, I put him on half a liter. He then ripped it off, and I shut off the machine. I said, “Okay, buddy, you did it!” His sister, Jeweliana, was so happy. I kept checking his oxygen saturation levels and his heart rate all day, and he was perfect—he had healed his lungs! I got them dressed and ran outside to show anyone and everyone that he was free. I was so proud of him and so grateful. I cried so many happy tears. That was April 2, 2007. He also started walking that day and hasn’t slowed down since.
I should add that Kaden was also on three medicines through a nebulizer three times a day, antibiotics three days a week, along with Prevacid and a lot of steroids. It would take over half an hour to administer the three medicines and much longer if I had to chase after him. He has had no medicine at all since that day.
He is an amazing spirit. No matter what tests he would endure, he would be back to smiling and laughing in no time. He is a very loving child, and I am so grateful to have him. He has taught me so much about the power within us all. Our lovely daughter, Jeweliana, amazes us each day. They are best friends and bring each other so much joy and laughter. Kaden wakes up each day smiling and is quite the comedian. He is a very sweet, loving boy who loves to cuddle. He is also a big risk taker; he has no fear and loves a challenge. I am so lucky to have such a miracle take place right before my eyes. It’s been seven months since his healing and our healing as a family. Our lives have changed so much in the past seven months. We are very happy, we are financially secure, and we have our health and our family. I now experience each day as the best day of my life. I have so much to appreciate.
Life is amazing, and this is just the beginning of our journey. I now know that no matter what I choose to experience in life, I will continue on. And if I don’t like the outcome I created, I can choose something else. It doesn’t have to take a long time for that change to occur because I believe in miracles. Kaden is my miracle.
Message: Stop limiting yourself. Take responsibility for every area of your life and take action. When you let your heart and spirit triumph over your limiting beliefs, miracles happen. Believing is seeing the invisible.
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