
Monday, 27 June 2011

Create Your Own Joy List

What brings joy will vary from person to person, and may also depend on your current mood, preferences, wants and needs, etc.That said, below are a handful of options!I also recommend (as touched on in #1 below) creating a JOY-LIST of all that brings you joy for you to refer to and fulfill for your heart's content :)

What's not mentioned below that I will mention here, is the joy of GIVING!

Giving -be it practically, emotionally, in sending love and blessings, in listening, appreciating, or simply 'being there' for another, is heart-opening indeed, and enables us to experience more of the love that we are and share that love with others. True giving (as opposed to sacrifice or 'giving-to-get') brings great joy!

Be sure also to RECEIVE, so that you do not deny others the joy of that giving also! :)
1. Keep a JOY-DIARY or scheduler that includes daily/weekly joy-doses and joy-treats! (Or add these from your joy-list into an existing diary!).

Write a JOY-LIST of all that brings you joy, and be sure to regularly schedule things from this list into your day/week/year! :)

2. Take trip somewhere this week that makes your heart sing! 

It could be somewhere in nature, perhaps a garden or park, perhaps a weekend break in a new city, a day visit to the ocean, an art gallery or museum, a country drive, a music concert or karaoke night, an amusement park, a fine restaurant, a gym, spa, or helicopter lesson!

Set the date, make the booking and do it!

3. Throw a fun dinner or themed party. Create some fun rules and be creative. Research some fun games that can be played. Get creative!

Perhaps inform people that… Everyone has to wear_______________ Everyone has to share_______________ Everyone has to bring_______________ Everyone has to create _______________

Perhaps everyone bring a cheap gift to share with another by random picking, or bring a home-made cake, present, poem, etc.

4. Do something you’ve never done before! Aim for something you think you’ll enjoy, of course! Perhaps it’s something you’ve always been curious about – a type of exercise, a creative hobby, a type of food, a new meditation technique, singing classes, a roller-blade disco, paint-balling, rock-climbing, pottery, etc.

Doing new things and surprising yourself (and others) can be a great way to bring more joy into your life! Sometimes that means stepping outside your current comfort zone or taking a risk. Go for it!

5. Change your work environment setting in some way if you can. If you work from a computer, find out if there’s a lovely cafĂ© or restaurant with WiFi you can travel to and enjoy a cup of tea and cake while you’re working for a change of scenery.

If you can’t change WHERE you work, what can you do differently or change in your work routine or environment to brighten things up? Some flowers perhaps? A lush lunch break somewhere new? Ordering in some cake, treats or pizza to your office? Or what about adding a picture, photo, plant, vision board, crystal, meaningful or uplifting object, flowers or affirmation card somewhere on your desk or in your work environment to uplift the energy?

6. Walk in nature. An outdoors trek, even just a short walk, can lift your spirits and fill your heart with the wondrous beauty and joy of nature. Today I went for a brief 15 minute walk along the river-side, and what a delight it was! I was glowing with joy after :)

You can search online for nearby parks to stroll in, or walking trails and hike paths in the countryside. There are also companies that arrange walks and hikes, where you can just turn up, and a small group of others wanting to walk just like you are driven to a location for a guided walk of the area, be it in nature or the city.

7. Exercise. Moving your body with exercise of any kind, clear out the cobwebs, gets your energy flowing and endorphins pumping and elevates your state. There are SO many ways to exercise. Try a few to find those that you love!

You could join a gym, explore martial arts, Yoga, Pilates or Qigong, trapeze, jogging, salsa classes, tennis, climbing, dance, roller-blading, hoola hooping, skipping, swimming, and so on.

8. Listen to the ‘whispers’ and ‘nudges’ in your outer reality; meanings and metaphors present in your world. This is fully covered in the Decoding Realitysection of the Intuition Zone with lots of examples.

When you awaken to the illusory nature of reality – life becomes very magical and fun indeed!
You are loved, guided and supported every step of your journey, whether you realize it or not.

Your outer world is essentially a holographic illusion and can serve as a platform of communication. It speaks of and reflects your current state of consciousness, your beliefs, thoughts and feelings, phases and ‘themes’ you may be going through, learnings and challenges, gifts and patterns, and so on.

Your outer reality can also be a means through which your Higher Self, guides, and the Universe, communicate with you to offer insight and support.

Opening to this guidance and communication can be great fun!

Notice the book someone is reading opposite you on the train, or the leaflet that blows into your path on the street. What are the metaphoric messages these hold – the headings and phrases, email subject lines, perhaps, the conversations you over-hear, etc.? Particularly note any that are repeated or very similar in message and meaning.

Nothing is ‘by accident’ as such. I’m not suggesting here to over-analyze or scrutinize every occurrence, just be open to possible significances and synchronicities.

The universe is whispering. Can you hear it? Life becomes joyous when you develop this co-creative relationship with spirit and open to magical living!

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