
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Real versus Fake Confidence

1) Self-reliance builds confidence and the sense of your ability to cope.  By self-reliance I’m not referring to dysfunctional independence, where you do everything yourself and never ask for help, but more being willing and able to meet your needs in the best way possible on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This may, of course, involve other people, but the key is that it does not depend on others in any prerequisite kind of way.
Being dependent on something outside of you to make you happy, give you an answer, make things easier, provide for you, grant you success, approve of you, etc., only weakens your personal power and stems from the falsehood that your reality or a given quality is dependent on something or someone other than you.
In truth, you are source, not subject, of your reality. The more you take responsibility for your life (without judgment), the more you place yourself in the driving seat, and increase your capacity to craft a life you love with your thoughts, feelings, imagination, desire, choices and actions. As a result,  you feel more confident and empowered.
When you own your power as a creator and your ability to create a life of intentional design, you can shift to even higher gears of co-creation, where you allow the universe to assist you, with its nudges, blessings and synchronicities, to guide you in the manifestation of your highest path.
You are loved, guided and supported every step of your journey. Open to that love.” :)
You have free will, and your mind and its current beliefs, stories and programs are shaping your experience, for better or worse. You can change those patterns and stories to create your Love-Life – a life you truly LOVE!
The awareness of co-creation in itself boosts confidence and faith, and opens you to more of the magical gifts and opportunities the universe wishes to bestow.
Co-creation involves receiving, which I cover in my ‘Magic of Receiving’ ebook you can get a copy of for free as part of the ‘Love Pack’ courtesy of the Global Love Project at this page.
The universe is always on your side. The question is, are you?”
2) Your intuition can also be an ally to confidence. Your intuition relays your heart’s wisdom and is the voice of your Higher Self, and a gateway through which you can receive spiritual guidance beyond the limited perspectives of your conditioned mind and personality self.
Just by acknowledging that you have an intuitive side, however out of touch with it you may be, will allow it to start to blossom and unfurl. Your intuition is communicating with you all the time, whether you are aware of it or not. Most people are simply numb and blind to its presence. Your intuitive senses can atrophy with a lack of ownership and recognition, yet you can build these muscles through practice, as with anything.
Meditation is one way you can listen more closely to your intuition. Your intuition is not necessarily a gut feeling in your stomach (this can be fear or anxiety speaking, for example). Your intuition can be a quiet voice in your mind, a hunch, a vision or inspiration, a sense of ‘just knowing’, or it may speak to you through the way your body or personal energy feels and responds to thoughts, people and situations.
You also have ‘subtle senses’ – sixth-sensory channels through which your intuition can communicate to you. These include clairvoyance (inner sight), clairaudience (inner hearing), clairsentience (inner feeling), and claircognizance (inner knowing).
The more you begin to listen to and trust your intuition, in whatever way you relate to and experience it -  perhaps in personal and subtle ways – the more your confidence may grow in new unfound ways. Your intuition can strengthen a sense of connection to higher realms and love and guidance that is always there for you. Just knowing this guidance is available increases levels of confidence.
Intuition is a large area in itself. I mention it here to awaken an idea and remembrance of its presence. You can move on to explore ways to develop and work with your intuition more consciously if this path that appeals to you.
Let yourself be guided by the waters of your soul, be nurtured by its love, receive the sanctuary of home.”
3) Being Present is a component of confidence. It is hard to feel confident and be in your power if you are not fully present and are distracted by stressful or unsettled thoughts, fears of the future, or regrets of the past. Nor can you be present and ‘in yourself’ if you’re focussing ‘out there’ or on another in a disempowering way (i.e. wanting someone’s approval or being concerned about what others are thinking). If thoughts about others are centred on how you can help, love, or serve (in a genuine rather than sacrifical or ‘give to get’ way), this, however, will help you connect to your love and power.
Being calm, centred and ‘in the now’, helps you feel more grounded and aware, and consequently, more confident and capable in dealing with any given situation. It also enables you to be more of who you are – more authentic through that presence. Joy, fun and lightheartedness are another great way to connect to more of your truer self – your light and essence, whereas seriousness can get you caught in ego.
Getting present may be uncomfortable if it highlights existing feelings you may be trying to avoid through distraction. When you start getting present, you may experience these emotions,  as well as more of what has been kept hidden and repressed. Essentially, you come more fully face-to-face with yourself. You can use this as an opportunity to feel those feelings and allow their release. As you feel them, you will free them.
Meditation is a powerful way to become more present, particularly meditation practices that focus on breathing and the body, such as the Buddhist Mindfulness meditation technique. I personally prefer guided meditation journeys, which can be transformational in many ways, but that’s not what I’m referring to here – more the use of meditation to become more present, centred and grounded in your body.
Physical exercise, yoga, and martial art practices like Thai Chi and Qigong, also aid in strengthening your core and can enhance your solar plexus (personal power energy centre).
4) Get prepared. The more prepared you are for something, the more confident you will feel towards it, and the more you will expect success – and what you expect, you most often get!
If you have an exam coming up yet haven’t revised, you won’t feel very confident. If you have an interview, or are going to give a talk, but haven’t prepared, you’ll likely feel nervous.
You might not necessarily use the preparation you put in, at least not consciously, but you will feel more confident by having laid the groundwork. This alone will aid your energy and performance.
Furthermore, the more prepared you are in any area of your life, the more you create the space to allow opportunities into your life. The universe won’t bring you something if you’re not prepared for it – there wouldn’t be much point, or if you do manifest the opportunity without a means to move forward with it, it may knock, but it can’t dock!
The more you ‘do you bit’, the more you can make use of the synchronicities and opportunities that will come your way to assist you in manifesting your dreams.
5) Trust is a generating energy and puts the power of your mind towards positive outcomes. I’m not talking about naivety or trusting where it’s inappropriate, however.
Here are some examples of trust I’m referring to:
Trust in yourself.
Trust in the love the universe has for you.
Trust in the power of your mind.
Trust in your innate goodness and capabilities.
Trust in the positive outcome of your goal.
Trust in the healing power of love.
Trust that you are on a co-creative journey, that there is a bigger picture, and that there is love, help and guidance available to you in every moment.
Trust that the universe wants you to have what you desire as much as you do.
Trust that you are loved more than you know, more than you may ever know!
Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can have what you desire with belief, intention, positive expectation, and a willingness to receive.
Trust also that if you let go of something, be it a person, thing or outcome, if it is for your best it will come back, else something better will. When you let go you create a space that will always be refilled. If you desire something and are in energetic alignment with it, you will manifest it. Let go of the form of what that will be, and work with the energy of trust.
Trust, as you may sense in getting in touch with it here, brings with it a greater sense of confidence, and lessens any need to control or have things be a certain away, allowing them to manifest in a way that may serve you more than your current imaginings.
Release your dreams and visions into the world. Trust, believe, open to receive and expect their materialization in your world in the highest and best way for you!
Trust in the flow, it only ever wants the best for you you know ;) ”

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