
Thursday, 30 June 2011

To Your Success

If we fill our mind with failure, we have no room for success. 
When we nurture thoughts of success, we have room for new thoughts to come forth.  We begin practicing relating to our desired good.  Refuse to succumb to circumstance and open your mind to new ideas.
Match your feeling tone with your desire and new thoughts, answers, and solutions will come forth.
To Your Success

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Are You the Drama Mama or the Role Model?

By Carmen Honacker

Birds of a Feather, Flock Together

We are all a product of our childhood, parents and environment. Whatever we learn from those around us tends to be what we pass on to others. We all do what we think is best, even though our understanding of what is best and our tools to execute or manifest the best might be severely distorted or completely lacking. Great examples are overbearing parents who think they are protecting their child by hovering over them and not granting them any freedom to grow or make their own decisions; another example would be severely abused people who go out and rescue other broken people, even though the objects of their help are completely uninterested in receiving it.
The problem is not only that broken people attract other broken people, but that they continue the cycle of dysfunction. If neither one in a relationship has the tools to properly function the proverbial s*** ends up hitting the fan sooner or later. Entwined in a perfect dance of pushing each other’s buttons and triggering each other’s responses, they perpetuate their brokenness; until one finally runs or seriously gets hurt, either emotionally or physically. The cycle is complete when they have children and pass their broken coping mechanisms on to their offspring.
Very few are generally willing or able to break the cycle. After all, it’s all they know, no matter how crazy their life might be. Human beings are odd creatures, as they generally don’t seem to learn from their mistakes. Very few people are open to fixing themselves; and usually they have to hit some rock bottom or there have to be such dire consequences to their behaviors that they are forced to learn. But then, if you take a look at addiction, even the direst consequences don’t get through to everybody. “Broken” is a way of being and after a while it is is the only way one knows how to be. And lots of people tend to compare themselves to their parents and operate under the misconception that they are OK, as long as they are not as crazy as their parents were/are. To most, less dysfunctional equals not dysfunctional at all. If they can cope in an every day job, the illusions of normalcy becomes even bigger.
I, too, used to dance the cycle of dysfunction and insanity; sometimes more and sometimes less. But to some degree, I was always aware of it and hence, never had children. The fear of not being able to be a proper role model and to potentially make another pay for my potentially poor choices was overwhelming; and in the end it won when I decided to not put a child into this world.
Taking a long hard look at my immediate family drives my point home. The relationships they have, the way they deal with conflict, hardships and problems is terrifying to me. The fact that they keep attracting the same because none of them ever learn or change is also scary. They walk under the grand story of “our family never has any luck;” then they turn around and engage in another dysfunctional relationship. And like anything behavioral oriented, they keep going round and round, until the day they die; filled with regret and bitterness.
Our society teaches us that we are victims. There are too few enlightened or even reasonably intelligent people out there who speak their mind, publically. Hence, the cycles of craziness, dysfunction, blame, fear and hate mongering continues. Most are buying into it and very few question the validity of it all.
We are all masters of our own destiny. We are the creators of our own universe; regardless of what shit hole we may have emerged from. No matter if we were abused, forgotten, ignored, smothered or driven insane by others, we can still make a choice and walk away. Our past never has to equal our future! We can choose to be sheep and continue the cycle, or we can choose to take responsibility, be courageous and break it. It always is our choice, no matter what anyone may try to tell us. And it’s important to break the cycle, for as long as we are broken, all we will attract and create is more of the same

30 Things Everyone Should Know About Love

By Psychic Agnes ext. 5400

A Love Betrayed – It Can Happen!

If love is betrayed, it’s hard to forget. Yet, it’s even more difficult to let go and forgive. Love is not supposed to hurt; therefore, it’s difficult to plan or anticipate any reaction. Like many women, I’ve had an unfaithful lover and the loss of trust that I couldn’t seem to recover from. However, I’ve learned a few things along the way and the experience is worth the price I had to pay.
I’ve learned:
1. Love is best measured by what it does and not only what is said.
2. Anyone is capable of anything, but it doesn’t need to be accepted or tolerated.
3. Pain is temporary, but it doesn’t need to consume one’s mind.
4. The quickest way to get over a lover is to find another.
5. Cheaters are inclined to repeat until they face romantic defeat.
6. More than one soulmate is possible and probable.
7. It is important to love yourself more than anything else.
8. Pride should not be set aside to chase a lover that wishes to hide.
9. A strong mind is worth more than any lover you can find.
10. A lover should always convince you why they are worthy of your love.
11. Hoping for change can simply prolong the pain without realizing any gain.
12. A lover does not need to necessarily need to know how deep the pain can go.
13. Desperation never fixes unrequited love or infatuation.
14. Self-respect is a boundary we should all strive to protect.
15. We are all deserving of a love that is real, constant, unconditional and true.
16. Never fear requiring truth or asking for proof.
17. Never doubt your own worth.
18. The beauty of sex is that it has no limits or context, but we can all have and deserve what we expect. There is no good reason to settle for less.
19. Your body is solely your own, so don’t give it freely to anyone who isn’t worthy.
20. Focus on other things besides a lover who you may be sharing with another.
21. If you can’t completely love yourself, then do not expect it of anyone else.
22. A lover will do what is believed to be acceptable to you. They can’t stay if you decide to walk away.
23. Don’t be afraid to move on when all faith, hope and truth is gone.
24. Fear of rejection does not lead us to a relationship worthy of protection.
25. Mending a broken heart is difficult if it is continuously torn apart.
26. If a lover can completely control your will, then a relationship will not likely find a way to allow heartache and pain to heal.
27. There is nothing wrong with a background check, as falling in love doesn’t need to be foolish just because there’s a feeling of connection.
28. Keep your best interests in mind when deciding someone is worthy of your time.
29. Love can be misunderstood and still remain good. But, it cannot remain at its best if it’s a constant and trying test.
30. A good love has minimal strife and helps you to live a good life.
I’ve made all these mistakes and learned the aforementioned lessons. I’m passing them along as a mere suggestion in the hopes that you can better assess the cause and outcome of your affection. The same ideals and thoughts may not work for everybody, but maybe my experience can simply help somebody. You’re not alone, and please know that you can survive it all and make it on your own. People do break up and make up. Sometimes, it can work out just fine. That can be easily determined if you’re still in love and free of a troubled mind. Love does not need to make anyone so unsettled that they become unwilling to accept something or someone who is better. Everyone cannot stay together forever, and relationships can come to an end. However, I have found that we can all exercise control of our emotions and feelings when love comes to an end. Also, it isn’t even necessary to remain friends. Your mind, body, and soul can offer all the things for which you can truly depend

Monday, 27 June 2011

The real reason why people upset us

As long as somebody else's words or actions can upset you, then that means your own enjoyment of life is dependent upon other people. Therefore, your happiness is never your own, but rather, 'belongs' to the people who upset you.

In order to move past this difficulty, we must choose to become self-aware... even at the most difficult times. Therefore, every time we are upset by somebody else, it would help us to ask ourselves, "Why does this upset me?" And then when we have an answer, again ask "Why does that upset me?"

The intention is to discover the root cause of why that person's behavior upsets us.

For example, if a partner leaves their cups around all the time, we might be upset. But why? Well we say "It's disrespectful." Is it really? Why do we believe it's disrespectful? We might discover that it is what one of our parents did as a child. And then we may remember all the fights our parents had over the exact same issue.

By understanding that, we then see that the real reason we are upset by our current partner leaving the cups out has nothing to do with disrespect, but instead, it is a reminder of all the past arguments from our parents.

That's a *very* brief and limited example... and I hope that you will discover your own answers through this exploration.

Just remember from now on - every time something upsets you - just pause and ask yourself why... because you're usually not upset because of what's happening in the present, but because of something that happened in the past.

Another example: Your partner comes home late. You're upset and say they're disrespectful. But when you feel your body, you notice you feel -scared- so you ask yourself why. What you discover is that somewhere inside you, there is a fear of being abandoned... and when they come home late, it makes you worry they might be leaving you. And maybe you discover that's because as a child you never knew when one of your parents would come home, or perhaps your parents divorced, or perhaps one parent left for a regular routine trip and never came home (died, ran away, etc).

And so you discover that your partner coming home late upsets you not because it's disrespectful, but because you have a fear of being abandoned.

This logic is true of ALL things which upset us.

It happens to varying degrees... some smaller than others. Sometimes it's so minor we won't even notice it, such as us being frustrated that a little child has stepped on our toes again or defied our seemingly simple request. Or maybe it is a huge issue, one which has come up in a relationship (personal, or professional) many many times and is never resolved.

Whatever it is, if you want to experience more peace in your life, just be like a child again... remember to ask "Why?"

You've heard that old saying: 
"If you put your mind to something you can achieve it."  
But no one ever taught you how to really put your mind 
to something so that you do achieve it.  
Yes you can achieve anything if you instruct 
your mind and subconscious mind properly. 
Unfortunately most people don't know how 
to instruct their mind or subconscious mind so they 
never end up achieving what they really want. 
Instead, they end up getting their mind and 
subconscious to create things they really don't want.  
If you don't direct your mind and subconscious mind 
to focus on what you want, you'll likely end up 
getting what you don't want, it's really that simple.  
How can you stop creating what you don't want and 
get your mind and subconscious mind to actually work for you?
Most people don't control their mind; they don't instruct their subconscious mind
because they don't control their thoughts. 
Most people are not even aware of the thoughts they have everyday, 
and they don't choose their beliefs.  
Instead you mind constantly sends the wrong messages 
or wrong instructions to your subconscious mind. 
And that's how you end up creating the life you don't want.  
You want to be successful and happy, so do you have thoughts 
and beliefs that reflect success and happiness. 
You don't actively choose your thoughts. 
Instead you leave your mind on autopilot, accepting whatever 
thoughts it conjures up and then you begin to believe these thoughts. 
You don't choose your beliefs; you merely accept what your mind 
and what other people tell you. 
You may want to be successful and happy. 
You may do everything you can to be successful and happy. 
But if you're not enjoying the success and happiness you want 
then take a moment to analyze your thoughts and beliefs.  
You'll find that what you think is the exact opposite 
of what you want to achieve.  
Sure you want to be successful but you really don't have 
any thoughts or beliefs that suggest you can be successful. 
Whatever you want to achieve you can if you have a 
belief system that allows you to succeed.  
If you want to make more money you have to have a belief 
system that says you believe you can make more money.  
If you want to meet the right person you have to 
believe that you can meet the right person.  
If you want to succeed at something you have to 
believe that you can succeed at it. 
So how do you create beliefs that correspond with what 
you want to accomplish? 
First think about what you want to achieve. 
Then ask yourself if you really believe that 
you can accomplish your goal.  
If you don't believe you can there's work to do 
and you're going to have to change your belief 
system so that it allows you to succeed. 
To change your belief system you have to analyze 
your thoughts. 
List all the thoughts and beliefs that you have about 
achieving that goal.
For example: if you want to make more money but you're 
not making the kind of money you want then list why 
you don't think you can make more money. 
Now change those thoughts to correspond with what you want. 
These are your new thoughts, statements or affirmations 
that you should think and recite through out the day. 
Replace those limiting thoughts with these new thoughts. 
If you want to achieve success and happiness then you 
have to create thoughts and beliefs that will allow 
you to achieve those goals. 
Begin changing your thoughts. 
Begin creating beliefs that work for you. 
Eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs. 
Think of your mind as a station that sends out 
energy signals. 
These energy signals are your thoughts and beliefs. 
These energy patterns are picked up by your subconscious mind 
which then goes out and creates the situations, 
circumstances, and events to help you achieve what ever 
your thoughts and beliefs are. 
It also attracts the people to you and guides you to 
the people that can help you achieve your goals. 
The subconscious does not distinguish between what is 
good and bad for you. It simply acts on your instructions. 
Those instructions are your energy signals which 
are your thoughts and beliefs.
So while you may want to achieve a certain goal, 
if you don't believe that you can, if you regularly 
think about why you can't do something instead 
of why you can, then you are instructing your 
subconscious to create situations for you so that 
you don't achieve your goals.
This is why it is so important to eliminate negative 
thinking and create a positive thinking pattern.

To The Great Within You

What is within you is greater than anything that is in your surroundings. 
What is within you is greater than any circumstance of your life. 
What is within you is greater than your history.  Your history does not need to decide your destiny unless you decide it must.
Today, let us not tell our God about our big problems, but instead, tell our problems about our big God.

 If you continue to think like you have always have
done - you will experience what you have always experienced.
It's time to break those unproductive thought and action patterns!

By upgrading your thinking now, you will begin to experience better
quality results in your life on a consistent basis.

Find and eliminate the unproductive thoughts which keep you from
experiencing the quality of life that you truly deserve. In order
to do so, we need to start with a process that I call "Completing
Your Past."

The process of experiencing low self-esteem at certain key moments
of your life is most often caused by unproductive beliefs and
associations you have with regard to specific events and situations
in your life.

Long ago, something happened or someone said something that caused
you to feel poorly about yourself and your self-image took a hit.
From that point onward, you began to see yourself as flawed in some way
and so you interpreted subsequent events from this distorted

The process of completing your past is a rather extensive process.
In fact, it is the most extensive process in the formula for optimal
self-esteem.  This course is not the appropriate place to go through
the entire process, but it is certainly a great place to get you

In order to begin this process, go to a quite place and make
yourself comfortable. Ask yourself the following questions
repeatedly, until you begin to gain access to some answers.

* What negative early experiences can I recall from my childhood
that negatively affected my self-image?
* In what ways did these experiences influence the person I have

* In what areas of my life do I feel inadequate?
* What are the origins of these feelings?

* Do I often feel the need to strive for perfection?
* If so, when did I first realize I was imperfect or somehow flawed?

* In what ways do I tend to feel inadequate?
* When did I first recall feeling this way?

* How was I overly hard on myself or judgmental?
* How might I reframe what happened to create a different
conclusion that is sourced in love, understanding, and forgiveness?

Create Your Own Joy List

What brings joy will vary from person to person, and may also depend on your current mood, preferences, wants and needs, etc.That said, below are a handful of options!I also recommend (as touched on in #1 below) creating a JOY-LIST of all that brings you joy for you to refer to and fulfill for your heart's content :)

What's not mentioned below that I will mention here, is the joy of GIVING!

Giving -be it practically, emotionally, in sending love and blessings, in listening, appreciating, or simply 'being there' for another, is heart-opening indeed, and enables us to experience more of the love that we are and share that love with others. True giving (as opposed to sacrifice or 'giving-to-get') brings great joy!

Be sure also to RECEIVE, so that you do not deny others the joy of that giving also! :)
1. Keep a JOY-DIARY or scheduler that includes daily/weekly joy-doses and joy-treats! (Or add these from your joy-list into an existing diary!).

Write a JOY-LIST of all that brings you joy, and be sure to regularly schedule things from this list into your day/week/year! :)

2. Take trip somewhere this week that makes your heart sing! 

It could be somewhere in nature, perhaps a garden or park, perhaps a weekend break in a new city, a day visit to the ocean, an art gallery or museum, a country drive, a music concert or karaoke night, an amusement park, a fine restaurant, a gym, spa, or helicopter lesson!

Set the date, make the booking and do it!

3. Throw a fun dinner or themed party. Create some fun rules and be creative. Research some fun games that can be played. Get creative!

Perhaps inform people that… Everyone has to wear_______________ Everyone has to share_______________ Everyone has to bring_______________ Everyone has to create _______________

Perhaps everyone bring a cheap gift to share with another by random picking, or bring a home-made cake, present, poem, etc.

4. Do something you’ve never done before! Aim for something you think you’ll enjoy, of course! Perhaps it’s something you’ve always been curious about – a type of exercise, a creative hobby, a type of food, a new meditation technique, singing classes, a roller-blade disco, paint-balling, rock-climbing, pottery, etc.

Doing new things and surprising yourself (and others) can be a great way to bring more joy into your life! Sometimes that means stepping outside your current comfort zone or taking a risk. Go for it!

5. Change your work environment setting in some way if you can. If you work from a computer, find out if there’s a lovely café or restaurant with WiFi you can travel to and enjoy a cup of tea and cake while you’re working for a change of scenery.

If you can’t change WHERE you work, what can you do differently or change in your work routine or environment to brighten things up? Some flowers perhaps? A lush lunch break somewhere new? Ordering in some cake, treats or pizza to your office? Or what about adding a picture, photo, plant, vision board, crystal, meaningful or uplifting object, flowers or affirmation card somewhere on your desk or in your work environment to uplift the energy?

6. Walk in nature. An outdoors trek, even just a short walk, can lift your spirits and fill your heart with the wondrous beauty and joy of nature. Today I went for a brief 15 minute walk along the river-side, and what a delight it was! I was glowing with joy after :)

You can search online for nearby parks to stroll in, or walking trails and hike paths in the countryside. There are also companies that arrange walks and hikes, where you can just turn up, and a small group of others wanting to walk just like you are driven to a location for a guided walk of the area, be it in nature or the city.

7. Exercise. Moving your body with exercise of any kind, clear out the cobwebs, gets your energy flowing and endorphins pumping and elevates your state. There are SO many ways to exercise. Try a few to find those that you love!

You could join a gym, explore martial arts, Yoga, Pilates or Qigong, trapeze, jogging, salsa classes, tennis, climbing, dance, roller-blading, hoola hooping, skipping, swimming, and so on.

8. Listen to the ‘whispers’ and ‘nudges’ in your outer reality; meanings and metaphors present in your world. This is fully covered in the Decoding Realitysection of the Intuition Zone with lots of examples.

When you awaken to the illusory nature of reality – life becomes very magical and fun indeed!
You are loved, guided and supported every step of your journey, whether you realize it or not.

Your outer world is essentially a holographic illusion and can serve as a platform of communication. It speaks of and reflects your current state of consciousness, your beliefs, thoughts and feelings, phases and ‘themes’ you may be going through, learnings and challenges, gifts and patterns, and so on.

Your outer reality can also be a means through which your Higher Self, guides, and the Universe, communicate with you to offer insight and support.

Opening to this guidance and communication can be great fun!

Notice the book someone is reading opposite you on the train, or the leaflet that blows into your path on the street. What are the metaphoric messages these hold – the headings and phrases, email subject lines, perhaps, the conversations you over-hear, etc.? Particularly note any that are repeated or very similar in message and meaning.

Nothing is ‘by accident’ as such. I’m not suggesting here to over-analyze or scrutinize every occurrence, just be open to possible significances and synchronicities.

The universe is whispering. Can you hear it? Life becomes joyous when you develop this co-creative relationship with spirit and open to magical living!

Sunday, 26 June 2011


The indicator we receive most is negative emotion.  But it
can be any type of indicator that tells us we are out of
vibrational alignment.  Health issues, relationship problems,
business problems are all indicators of vibration.  Change
the vibration and the indication must change.

Anytime you are in some situation where it is not as you want it to
be - it causes you to ask for a change. In that moment of asking,
Source Energy answers then lines up circumstances and events and a
rush of energy moves through a veritable vortex. The energy moves
quickly and instantaneously towards the fulfillment of EVERYTHING
you ask for. The question is, "Are you up to speed with that energy

In these days of fast moving energy, the stream is moving so fast
that if you get a little out of alignment with it, the results will
show up fast and usually in a big way.  In other words, when you
are in a car going 100 mph, you pay more attention than if your car
is going 5 mph.  If the car you are driving at 100 mph hits a tree,
it is a much bigger problem for you than if you were driving at 5

We are living in a world of fast moving energy. You cannot be
sloppy with your thinking in an environment where energy is moving
so fast. You have got to pay attention to your thoughts.

But paying attention to your thoughts is nearly impossible. Let's
face it, most people can't even control their kids, let alone
control their thoughts. Monitoring your thoughts is hopeless. So
don't monitor your thoughts, just monitor the way you FEEL. Decide
right now that you want to feel good as much as possible and you
are going to use the power of your mind to focus on better and
better feeling thoughts.

I am sure you are determined to think more deliberately and focus on things
you want. I also realize that can be a little tricky when you are
in the middle of something you don't want.  You can't just pretend
it does not exist or pretend it is not happening. You can't just
withdraw from your work or withdraw from your relationships.
In other words, you cannot just withdraw from where you are
because it has your attention.  You must work out of it one step
at a time

Saturday, 25 June 2011

To Grace

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “We cause as much pain by taking offense, as by giving it.”
On this day, let us turn our offense-taking dial down and turn our grace-giving dial up.  Let us appreciate the opportunity to experience our life as it is --this includes all of us in our human conditions, and all of the interactions that are happening right now or even in our past.  We practice giving grace right where we are.
As we soften our hearts with grace and compassion, we unlock an abundant stream of love and aliveness and open ourselves to a richer, fuller, freer life.
To Your Life,

The Power of Persuasion: Get What You Want

By Alina MikosThe power of persuasion just might be the single most powerful tool any one person can possess, for even when there’s nothing else you can accomplish on your own, you can always persuade others to complete the task for you. As long as you are supplying people with something that they want or need, you can receive what you desire from them. This requires knowing people as well as knowing yourself. You are hardly in the position to persuade others if you cannot overcome your own personal obstacles. Here are a few guidelines to living the life that you want by creating and maintaining symbiotic relationships.
Live Truthfully
Seeing yourself and others for who they are will allow you to follow your instincts. If you are honest, your integrity and inner strength will display leadership qualities which others are automatically drawn to. If you set too much importance on any one thing or outcome, you lose perspective and easily become too attached to the situation. People feel this and have a natural aversion to desperation, for desperation gives the impression that you do not trust yourself to succeed; if you do not trust yourself, why would others trust you?
Avoid Intense Negative Emotions
People can sense emotions. If you’re emanating great negativity, they will probably avoid you altogether, so you’ll never get to first base with them. Furthermore, much energy is wasted on negative emotions such as anger, hatred, or fear. You will ultimately compromise your objective by draining yourself through those destructive feelings, and be unable to maintain a clear head when pursuing your goals.
Always Persevere
To gain another’s support, you will need to be perceived as someone with great conviction. People will follow others who show signs of strength, who seem like an unstoppable force that won’t crumble under any challenges thrown their way.
Encourage Visualization
Often, a person’s imagination will more strongly influence their own feelings than any personal desire you may share with them. Painting a verbal picture of what you see through their individual support is a great way to get their creative juices flowing and encourages them to invest more in your vision.
Make It About Them
The one sure way to make people feel invested in your goals is to include them. Discover their feelings and emotions and find a way to link them with your vision and desires. It’s no more or less than what you would require of another person who wanted your support in their personal endeavors.
Always Make It Their Idea
No one likes to feel pressured or to be told what to do. If you drop key ideas in conversations, often others will ruminate on your suggestions and come to their own conclusions which ally with your needs. Regardless of whose idea it was initially, you now have someone willing to back you up who feels like they have had an evolutionary impact on the goal at hand

Create Your Own Abundance

By Taryn Galewind

Then Share It With Everybody Around You

We all know the ancient story of the loaves and fishes. Jesus was speaking to a crowd, and the speech ran long, as it will with public speakers. The crowd grew hungry, and their host felt he needed to feed them. All he could find was a guy in the crowd who had two loaves of bread and a couple of fish. So Jesus figured out how miracles work, and he produced enough fish and bread for the hundreds following him. You can create abundance, too.

You have all the tools you need to create a feeling of abundance in those who feel connected to you. No, you’re not going to draw kp duty and spend all your time in the kitchen hacking up tuna and dividing mountains of dinner rolls. You can learn to look inside yourself and discover the treasures you can share.
1. Give affection. That’s an easy one. You spread your arms wide, encompass people nearby, and hold them close, warming them in your embrace. Don’t try this with strangers—you’ll want to substitute a warm smile for people you haven’t yet met.
2. Give your time. Cut non-essential tasks from your weekly schedule. Must you really sit in the coffee shop for an extra half hour everyday? Can you possibly shorten a few text messages to free-up and hour or so? Use that time to volunteer with a community organization you’ve always thought about exploring. Work with kids, disabled adults, people learning English as a second language.
3. Give your material possessions. Money, clothing, books, electronics. Find someone who has less than you do, and share.
4. Give support. Be a good friend and a good listener. Allow someone in need to use you for a sounding board. Don’t judge. Dont criticize. Listen. Empathize. Reflect. Encourage.
5. Give laughter. Tell a joke. Read a silly story to an adult or to a child. Tickle a baby. Play with a puppy. Give the gift of laughter to those around you and it bounces right back.
6. Give knowledge. Teach someone something you’re really good at. Share your skills.
7. Give a hand. Help a neighbor. Help a relative. Help anyone who needs a hand out or a leg up.
8. Give effort. Do the next task you do at work, at school, at home, with a tad more pizazz, a little more attention, and an upbeat attitude.
9. Give tolerance. Seek out diversity. Respect our differences. Bite you tongue the next time you have an opportunity to criticize or judge anyone, including yourself.
10. Give someone a break. If someone in your life disappoints you, don’t lash out, don’t misjudge—and throw away the criticism. Give a smile, a hug, a pat on the back, and let the disappointment pass.
With an open heart and a willing spirit, incorporate a few if these simple ideas into your life and watch miracles spring up around you. You’ll discover an abundance of friends willing to nurture and love your blossoming spirit. You’ll grow rich in blessings and find your cup not only half full, it might actually runneth over

Friday, 24 June 2011

Don’t We Love to See a Graceful Winner?

Donald Mc Craig

Success is meaningless. I realize that goes against everything you’ve ever heard, but it’s true. If you plan to drive to school or work and do so you’re a success. Big deal, huh? You drove to school or work.
So if success is meaningless, why are so many people driven to achieve it? Why do so many people want success in their lives? It’s not because of the success itself, it’s because of the feelings we experience when we succeed. The feelings of accomplishment, joy, and the way we like admiration from others when we succeed is just incredible. It causes our bodies to release powerful pleasure hormones. It’s like getting a mood-altering drug. We’re all “feelings addicts.”
That’s not a bad or good thing, it simply is. When we control our feelings we can use them to help propel us to amazing heights of personal, professional, and societal achievement. This can be good for us, those around us, and even for the planet. It feels great to succeed and we just love those feelings.
But feelings can be a detriment if we let them control us. In fact, when those feelings control our behaviors to an extreme it may result in issues such as obsessive-compulsive disorder that require professional intervention.
When it comes to success, sometimes the amazing feelings that accompany it aren’t enough. It’s not enough to feel joy at accomplishment. A dark part of ourselves may crave more.
Schadenfreude. It’s a German word with no English equivalent. It means taking pleasure in the pain or misfortune of someone else. When it comes to concepts of success, people who allow feelings of Schadenfreude to control them aren’t content with winning. Others have to lose. The more painful the loss to others the better you feel. It’s not enough that you get a better job, your competition for the job has to work for you or, even better, be fired. And to have even better feelings, you’ll gloat about it, even to the loser’s face. For some people, they can’t succeed unless you lose, and they have to rub it in. It’s the only way they can get the feelings they’re addicted to. Most people who themselves suffer from this either aren’t aware that people don’t like this attitude or don’t care what people think. This can lead to isolation and loneliness. “People don’t like me because I’m driven toward success!”
No. People don’t like you because you seem heartless, vindictive and cruel, even when you succeed. You’re a poor winner.
Luckily, you can avoid all this beginning with two simple practices:
1. Become aware of your feelings. Make a simple goal like waking every day for a week at an earlier time and exercising or stretching or reading during the extra minutes. When you succeed at achieving your goal, how do you feel? Do you feel wonderful over your success or do you need to tell other people and have them compliment you?
2. Observe someone who had a misfortune. Now, imagine that you benefited as a result of that person’s misfortune. Does it make you feel bad, good, or indifferent?
With these two observations you’ll discover whether you’re internally or externally motivated and whether you need others to fail for you to gracelessly succeed.
If you find pleasurable feelings from succeeding while others fail, spend a week practicing the “Mile in Their Shoes” meditation. Before going to sleep, spend just five minutes imagining what someone who failed feels like. How do they feel in front of their friends and loved ones, as well as not succeeding at their goals? This builds empathy so you no longer need to gloat over others.
If you found you needed the adulation of others to get positive feelings from success, spend just five minutes a day tuning in to where in your body you think you experience those wonderful feelings. Then, just will it to move to your heart. With a little practice of this technique you can become self-actualized. You’ll no longer need external adulation. You’ll feel wonderful without it and any that comes will be icing on the cake!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Stress is a Choice

by David Zerfoss
Several years ago while listening to my pastor give a Sunday sermon, he spoke about how life is made up of a series of choices. It made me realize that my hectic professional and personal life was of my choosing. Therefore, a life of stress had become my choice.

Many of us hurry through life going from one place to the next, focused on conquering the next mountain, making the next deal, running the next errand, and believing we will never have enough time to do all the things we need to get done. Yet, there is all the time in the world if we just realize that we are the creators of this life we choose to live. That's right. Life is a series of choices and being free from stress is one of those choices.

Whether your business life is overly complicated or your personal life (or both), you have chosen this current system of chaos. The world is a tantalizing swirl of getting the next "fix," tempting us to fit more and more things, people and processes into our lives, personally and professionally. And because we are so busy being busy, it's easy to be lured into the fray, with our lengthy to-do lists. Yet, the greatest achievements have often come from the simplest of ideas and in the simplest forms.

To experience a simplified life, we first have to learn to slow down long enough to see through all the clutter. We need to realize that we are powerful magnets that attracted this life to ourselves - no matter what - good or bad.

After you read through the 10 Rules to Simplify Your Life, my wish for you is that you commit to simplify and enroll others for support. Take out a blank sheet of paper and create the life you truly want to live - with less stress and complexity - one that is anchored by a clear sense of your unique and simple purpose

Here's To You

There is a part of you that is already totally and completely in tune with the Infinite.
That part is available and accessible by simply proclaiming, "I am."  Right now, I invite you to take a moment of pause.  Take a breath.  Breathe in and declare, "I am." 
The I am that is the true nature of yourself is all love, all joy, all wisdom.  It is peace, providence, grace and magnificence and is beyond all appearance of challenge. Inviting that I am into your life will bring forth a new joy into this very day.  
Here's To You

Enjoy Your Day

Have you ever been in line someplace and had somebody in front of you who’s waited a long time say to the clerk, “You know, I don’t have all day?”
Have you ever said that yourself?  “I don’t have all day...” Let’s pause for a moment and realize that --you know what, we have all day.  We have been given a precious gift. It’s all day. 
We have one whole day to choose, feel, share and care, love and give --and to receive and experience the precious gift of this life.   On this day, just pause for a moment, and say to yourself, “Wow, I do have all day and I get to choose.”
Enjoy Your Day

You can either click on the link directly and it will open in your media player or you can right click on the link and select "save target as" from your option list ( or the equivalent on a Mac ). This will save the sample to your computer.

This sample is a few minutes in length and will give you a good idea of our approach.You may think the sample sounds a bit strange or even a bit unpleasant.
The truth is; the sound has to be like that for this process to work.The pure sine wave with the white sound background is pretty much the only system that works to accurately control the electrical activity in the brain. This is essential for creating the different consciousness effects we are striving for. Relaxing music and guided hypnosis just does not work consistently enough.

This process really is worth persevering with. We get a lot of students that have success immediately. For others it can take a while to get used to the process.

PLEASE NOTE that this sample is not long enough to induce an altered state of consciousness. It contains the induction frequencies only. These will be around 16 - 18 Hz - way too high to get into a changed state.

OK - Im going to give you a quick description of what to expect when you listen to the frequencies.

Phase 1 (induction - still in natural beta state) - You will hear and be conscious of the sound in your headphones. There will be a rushing sound ( similar to waves moving from one side of your head to the other) and the low drone of the binuaral carrier sound. You may feel restless, apprehensive, nervous or even irritable at this point.Your brain is reluctant to give up control and will try to distract you. Don't worry this will pass.

Phase 2 ( the alpha phase) - The sound continues but you are less aware of it. You will feel very physically relaxed and may have exeprienced a deeply relaxing muscular effect; this happens at around 12 Hz. It is a bit like getting into a hot bath after a long days physical activity. The internal chatter will stop and you will feel true peace of mind ( This is superb for dealing with stress and anxiety; we use this very specifically on our stress manager and instant meditation products)

The alpha frequency induction products will stop at this point; this will include alpha meditation, instant meditation, stress manager; improve memory, increase iq, mood elevator & hypnotic induction. Each product focuses on a different dominant frequency. This is very important as random alpha induction ( from gentle music or hypnosis) is not accurate enough to get the absolute correct state.

Going into the alpha state is very easily achievable. We would expect you to achieve an altered state of consciousness ( into the alpha state) on your very first try with the Mind Sync Brainwave Harmonic system.
You may just want to get into a relaxed state and experience all the benefits that the alpha state can bring:
stress reduction, curing insomnia, dealing with ADD, improving memory, increasing iq and learning ability, increasing concentration, working with affirmations and imagery.
The alpha meditation at Meditation Course will do this quickly and effectively.

If you want to work more specifically in one area of personal development we have a series of products that will concentrate on each one. As mentioned in an earlier newsletter each area is best stimulated by a particular dominant frequency or combination of dominant frequencies. Some examples follow;
The stress manager is the lightest alpha state induction and is superb at taking the edge off stress. In some instances you may not want to be completely de-stressed. Some stress is important for us to function effectively in our day to day lives. We have many students who use this product; before an exam, a big presentation, before or after a difficult class, before that important meeting.
The instant meditation takes things a bit further. This product will completely chill you out. This is perfect for use when you get home from work or school. It allows you to draw a line under the day. You will reach a point where all the internal dialogue stops and you have complete peace of mind. I can assure you that that is a truly wonderful experience If you dont know it. Make sure you dont need to do much for an hour or so after you use this - it is that powerful !!
The improve memory product helps to declutter the mind so that we file and retrieve ( remember) things more effectively. As we get older we get less efficient at doing this. The main reason is that we have too much going on in the mind. It will help most with short term memory but has shown it will improve long term memory too.
Increase IQ helps to sharpen the logical processors in the mind. IQ is actually a measure of how well you do IQ tests. These tend to concentrate on logic and spatial awareness. This one is very, very straightforward. You listen and your IQ rises.
Mood Elevator helps to regulate the correct serotonin levels in the brain. A number of studies have shown that alpha mediation helps with depression - this is why !!
Stimulating the brain at a certain frequency will raise serotonin levels ( but not above where it needs to be - so dont worry about overproduction). A great benefit if your feeling down.
A special mention for speed learning here. It works on 2 levels. The first and most obvious is the way it helps with memory, concentration and logical processing ( see IQ and memory above). If you listen whilst you study you will study for longer, remember more and be able to retrieve more effectively come exam time.
The second uses the Lozanov ( or Mozart ) effect. The sound is pulsed at around 50 cycles / second. Experiments in the 1970's showed that if you paced learning material to the same pulsed beat; your ability to learn and retain material is increased by a factor of 10 !!! They called this the Superlearning effect. I can personally vouch for it working but it does take a lot of preparation. You need to record all of your learning phrases and play them at the same time. It seems to work best with languages and formulae. ( I used mnemonic hooks in all the phrases to increase the association)

Phase 3 (theta state) - You are no longer aware of the sound. Images come into your mind. To begin with they are very like dream images and will not be controlled and will disappear quickly. You may find that you fall asleep in your early attempts. Once you gain experience and confidence you will be able to spend longer and be more comfortable in this phase.

The theta frequency induction products will stop at this point; this will include theta meditation, astral projection, sleep improver; remote viewing, past life regression, manifestation, magickal focus, lucid dreaming, psychic, clairvoyance, telepathy, chi generator, precognition, om meditation. Each product focuses on a different dominant frequency or combinations of dominant frequencies. This is even more important than in the alpha range. Once entering the theta state; music and hypnosis will no longer work. At best this approach will help you to fall asleep more quickly but you are unlikely to achieve consistent controlled theta states.
Using Mind sync controlled sweep binaurals is the only consistently successful method to achieve this level of accurate control

Astral projection, Remote Viewing and Past Life Regression all take place in the Theta Phase of our altered consciousness.
Once you have achieved stability and confidence in the sleep borderline environment you will be able to move your awareness around within this visible environment. You will have dissociated from your physical body and are now in what many people call the astral body or the astral vehicle. In some instances you can still see your physical body. This is not as common as popular literature suggests. It is very rare to see a silver cord connecting the astral and the physical bodies.
With experience you will be learn to differentiate the different types of images.
i) The astral and past life images will often have an ethereal quality. The colours will be vibrant and senses will be extremely heightened. There will often be clues that the content is past life related ( We have many students who will correlate their exeperiences with real events or locations on the internet)
ii) Remote viewing images will seem more part of this world ( and of course they are). Many students have likened this to watching a live remote camera where you have control over angle, zoom and position. You are not visible in these situations.
iii) With astral projection you mostly have control over what you do and where you go ( many have suggested that this is a similar experience to wake induce lucid dreaming - I am personally inclined to agree but would suggest that Dream Induce Lucid Dreaming is a different state and experience - more of that in a later newsletter)
Sometimes you can feel that you are being led and this can be exciting. However you do always maintain control.
Also a quick word about the differences between the astral , super astral and oobe frequencies.
As mentioned the astral frequencies work in the theta phase and help to stabilize the sleep borderline stste. The oobe frequencies go into a deeper state of consciousness than this. The dominant frequencies are almost into the delta range. This has the tendency to slow down the image stream so that you have more control over your interaction. However as the oobe frequencies take you well beyond the normal sleep threshold it is more likely that you will fall asleep to begin with.
The super astral program is much longer than the standard astral or oobe frequency sets. It has a much longer induction period which helps students who have some resistance to brainwave entrainment. It also has a much longer stabilization period. It is ideal for students who have more time to spend on their astral journeys ( you will need to listen for whole 70 minutes).
The psychic development products also work in the lower theta range and include; Psychic Amplifier, Clairvoyance,Precognition and Telepathy.
The demonstration and reproduction of psychic abilities has always been inconsistent and difficult to prove conclusively. Where psychic activity has been produced under laboratory conditions it has invariably been associated with bursts of theta activity. If you stimulate this theta activity directly it is possible to generate psychic activity at will.
The clairvoyance and precognition programs have been developed to be used over time. They will increase your psychic faculties the more they are used.
The clairvoyance is used to develop you clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient ability. Within a few weeks you will have a much higher sense of what is around you. You will also tend to know instinctively what you need to do ( many people use a pendulum for this - you dont necessarily need it once this faculty is developed)
The precognition program is used to develop your ability to see the future ( this will happen almost entirely in your dreams). The majority of the precognitive dreams you have will be of mundane events ( this has been completely correlataed to the deja vu feelings most of us experience - whenever you get deja vu it means that you dreamt that exact series of events some time previously) but it is possible ( but rare) to have precognition of future catastrophic events or lottery wins. We have had a number of students who have reported horse racing predictions or lottery wins.
I would strongly recommend you start to keep a dream diary.
The Psychic Amplifier is exactly that. It works in real time to help you hear/channel spirit/angelic/higher self voices more clearly. The first half of the program uses the binaural sound frequencies to create the exact brainwave state for hearing spirit/angelic/higher self voices more clearly. The second half of the program is pure white sound ( like a hiss or detuned radio). This has been shown to be the best medium to amplify spirit/angel/highe self voices to their maximum. This process is commonly used by psychic investigators. There is no danger associated with this approach.
The telepathy product is best used with 2 people. ( You dont need to buy 2 copies - no harm in sharing it with one other person). If the same dominant theta frequency is created in both brains it acts like a carrier frequency. You will then find it very easy to transmit information from one to the other. Images are best as the brain likes to work with pictures.
We have had some students who have reported enhanced mind reading ability after a few months working with the telepathy product. The telepathy product was not designed for this but it is certainly possible to develop this faculty.

Phase 4 (delta state) - The images that you experienced in the theta state become slower and more controllable ( this is good for OOBE). Eventually they will cease all together. At this point you will often feel a connectedness with the universe or your chosen godhead. It is very difficult to describe accurately as there are very few frames of reference in modern language. The closest is probably the ecstasy, nirvanic or samadhi state. You will almost certainly find that you fall asleep in your early attempts ( some of the healing frequencies like HGH will still be working even if you do fall asleep).

The delta frequency induction products include delta meditation, out of body (oobe), HGH, epsilon & shaman. Again,each product focuses on a different dominant frequency or combinations of dominant frequencies. This is even more important than in the alpha and theta range. Once entering the delta state only controlled sweep binaurals will control the dominant frequencies accurately. Musical accompaniment or spoken words will distract the brain, making it virtually impossible to stay in the delta state.

The chakra frequencies work in a slightly different way.The chakra frequencies will very quickly set up a dominant harmonic in the brains electrical activity spectrum ( it does it more quickly than many of our other products as no induction period is needed - this has another big advantage which i will explain later).

The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways.

After 10 minutes the frequencies change and we set up a new dominant electricial frequency in the brain. This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first.

We repeat this process for all 7 chakra; working, in sequence, from root to crown.

Now getting back to that big advantage !!!

You can use the chakra frequency set whilst you are doing other things ( reading, studying, working out, watching tv,etc,etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta ( normal alert and awake state) range; so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this.

We get a lot of students who have immediate and massive beneficial effects from the chakra frequencies. If you have any dis-ease that is caused by energy imbalance or blockage ; the chakra frequencies will get rid of it very quickly. We have a lot of testimonials for spontaneous healing after only one or 2 uses of the chakra frequency system. You are welcome to take a look at a selection of them at Chakra Frequencies

We have other potent healing products too:
endorphin release is another product that can be used in any environment and without the need to meditate. It can help with mild pain relief and managing cravings
HGH stim works in the delta range but is equally effective whether you are awake or asleep. This product uses a very specific combination of frequencies that stimulate the pituitary gland. We have some very encouraging testimonials about its effect on ageing and age related disease. You can read a selection of the testimonials at HGH

The energizer is a simple pick me up program. Again, it can be used anywhere , anytime. It temporarily raises the electrical activity in
the brain and is similar to the effect of caffeine.

A special word about Manifestation,cosmic ordering and the laws of attraction and abundance:
Many of you will have read or heard of the Cosmic Ordering books by Barbel Mohr. For those of you who havent - cosmic ordering is about asking the Universe for whatever you want or need - and it arrives
(like magic).
I can tell you that it works - if it is done correctly !!
It is very, very important to make your requests ( or orders) in the right frame of mind (literally).
From our experience this is a process that works best in the theta range but with some higher activity also stimulated ( it will work just using orders in theta but a lot more slowly). It does also rely on you being very clear about what it is that you want ( we have found the clearer the better - no ambiguity) and believing absolutely that it will improve your life ( again any doubts and it will not happen).
Our manifestation frequency sets are designed to do exactly that. Take a look at and linked pages for more explanation of the process and the different types of manifestation that are possible.
Remember if you create the correct dominant brain frequency, you are clear in what you want and believe that you will get it - YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT.

You can also purchase products from our Clickbank website. If you are buying only one product or product pack ( not CDs) it is often quicker and simpler to do it from this website than to go through the full shopping cart process. You will find this at Mind Sync and linked pages.

Don't forget our guarantee too. I am pretty confident that you will eventually succeed with this approach but hey, If it really does not work for you - you will get your money back. Just give it a chance.

We have also combined the use of binaural sound and the harmonic effect with hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming. We have worked extensively with hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners to develop this approach. It was found that the user or practitioner could induce a significantly more suggestible state when using the correct sound harmonic.We have created a downloadable or CD version of this induction frequency; details of which can be found at


We have also created a series of harmonics coded with specific NLP suggestions.
NLP, is the science of how the brain codes learning and experience. This coding affects all communication and behaviour. It affects how you learn and how you experience the world around you. It is a key to reaching goals, breaking habits, solving problems and learning new behaviours.
You will also find a huge number of downloadable NLP scripts that can be used independently or in conjunction with the above.
More details can be found from
We also use superliminal suggestion
superliminal suggestion is used to bypass the logical filters. The instruction is specifically coded to make it difficult for the left side of the brain to understand it. The right side of the brain is then left to create the correct, unquestioned imagery required to create the new habit or state.

Meditation Music

Life Video

Stop Giving Your Life Away to This Unseen Form of Greed

Key Lesson: Unhappiness -- with all the negative thoughts and feelings that it breeds -- is a form of greed; this kind of sorrow is produced by a sleeping mind that sees most moments, whatever their given nature -- as never being enough!

It would seem that the task of providing for ourselves and for those we love brings with it a certain kind of dissatisfaction. Most of us must go to work every day and perform repetitive tasks that are rarely of our choosing. And when these unwanted routines run -- as they do -- through our reality, it isn't long before our growing resistance to them leaves us feeling weary, if not burned out!

Break Out of Any Rut

Even if we're lucky enough to make a living doing what we wish, what feels good one moment can become a grind the next; we all know the drill whenever we start feeling stuck. Resistance to our situation swells in us like a cresting wave, and moments later we're carried into a world without gratitude, enthusiasm, or hope. Now add to this sad scenario the fact that this resistance itself becomes a part of our routine, and it's easy to see why we often feel as if we're stuck in a rut!
Yet, not everything is as it seems. Looking at life through the eyes of resistance is not unlike looking at our own reflection in a pool of troubled waters; everything gets distorted. In fact, when seeing our lives through the narrow bars of some unwanted state, nothing is the way we see it.
Yes, it may feel as though we're stuck in some rut, but our original Self can no more get stuck in a rut than sunshine can be glued to the floor. So, the first step to releasing ourselves from any sense of being in a rut begins with seeing this truth:
The real nature of what we call our "daily grind" is really just our own mind telling itself, over and over again, how much it wishes things would change.
If life seems like a grind, it's only because we're following around the same level of thinking that makes it so. Blaming outside circumstances for trapping us in a rut is like blaming the television for the boredom we feel while sitting watching nothing but reruns.
It's time to break our ties with anything in us that would rather complain about its situation than go to work to change it.
The first step to breaking out of any rut in life is to no longer enable the parts of us that keep walking in them while wishing they weren't so deep! Learning to watch our own thoughts and feelings -- to be quietly attentive to what the mind is attending to in each moment -- ensures that we won't fall into these ditches, because our heightened level of attention keeps them from being dug!
For encouragement along the way, just notice how, each time you bring your attention into the present moment, it's you who gets the gift of being made new. That's the way it works.
See how many times you can catch yourself just as you're about to go on the "ride" of not wanting to be where you are -- of not wanting to do what you must. Then deliberately step out of that long line of repetitive thoughts and feelings. Take your attention off what you don't want, and bring it into the new moment -- as it is.
This new and higher level of attention connects you to the present moment, the living now that is one and the same as your original Self. The interior task of working to remain attentive in this way grants you entrance into a world free of routine, without ruts of any kind -- because no one has ever been there before you.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Job Selection Blues

Solutions are at best merely pathways to allow expansion, spiritual renewal, and pride in our accomplishments. Allowing the present lack of security to override feeling better only intensifies your current issue. As a first new step, give yourself the certainty that the decisions you make can be better than those of others.
To get things moving, go back and examine the route that led you to your present door. If that is no longer an option, keep trying to open doors to find a new entryway. The starting point is a job that focuses on financial return regardless of the field of endeavor. Emotional well-being springs from feeling that you are taking care of problems as practically as possible.
Reliving past emotions will never bring you to a place of peace. A positive role for ourselves is created outside of the life events we experience. Capturing the good around you at every given moment, while detouring yourself away from unpleasantness, is the only way to feel like your true self.
Visualizing the future will never come about by depending on other people’s input. It’s like having a stranger select your meal when you know specifically what you want to eat. It always leaves much to be desired and little fulfilled. Finish the past and begin anew. After all, no one’s life is perfectly lived.
Job selection is an ongoing process; it will not end with your next job. We often need to break down our aspirations into doable quantities. Think of a house. The foundation is your financial independence. The walls hold ourselves up to the task of personally accepting the challenge we are facing. Windows are perspectives we develop while looking for solutions on finding our career. The roof is the attainment of a position that personifies much of what we enjoy doing.
You have in your hands the ability to turn everything around to face the direction of your choice. Life is a continuum of many starting points that can go forward to give increased enjoyment and challenge. Giving up alternatives keeps us stepping backwards. Choice seems like a small detail, although it is the main component that holds everything in place while we steer to our future.

The universe has a message for YOU!…

BEFORE you read below the dotted line below, pick a number between 1 and 7.
You might want to take a moment to just relax, take a deep breath, close your eyes perhaps, and intend on choosing a number that is appropriate for you at this time from 1-7.
Perhaps one pops out immediately, or just ‘feels right’.
Once you have your number, read the message next to your number below.
It’s a message for you, right now :)
You might think the possibility of that is a little silly or implausible, and that’s OK. Think of it as a game, if you like. Have a go for the fun of it if nothing else, and let me know if the message below next to your number was insightful in any way.
At the deepest level, we are all connected by the Universal Mind, or what Carl Jung called, the Collective Unconscious. I believe a part of you (call it your Higher Mind, if you like), already knows the message which is most appropriate for you below. This is how it works with picking  Tarot Cards, for example, or when you know your friend is about to call, or psychic readings confirmed in parapsychology, or the “100th Monkey Effect” phenomena (search up on this if interested as I won’t side-track into details about it here).
You can also look at it from this perspective: you are creating your reality in every moment, including the message you are about to receive. As quantum science now proves, nothing exists until it is observed. Everything is energy, and it is thought that can determine energy into form. Intend that the message you receive is one most suited to you at this time, and receive that which is appropriate from the universe.
Once you’ve read your message, you can pick a second number and repeat if you wish, or return another time and repeat, or read all 7 out of interest.
Let me know how it goes :)
Love and blessings,
——————————-READ YOUR MESSAGE BELOW!——————————-
1) Flow
The universe is encouraging you to allow more flow into your life. Flow happens when you feel a sense of trust and positivity in general, and is reflected in synchronicities, blessings and opportunities manifesting on your path.
Are you open to the opportunities coming your way? Are you being repeatedly nudged – by your intuition or external signs and pointers – in a certain direction? Is there a new hobby, project, career move, attitude, routine, or a positive change in your life that you feel called towards at this time? Are there certain doors that are opening, and others that are closing? Or could you just relinquish your grip on how things ‘should be’ and loosen-up a little more to allow more flow to enter your life?
Being in flow allows life to become less stressful, and more fun, easy and magical. It requires a level openness, humility and letting go.
Are you wanting things to be a certain way or trying to control things? Let go of anything you’re holding onto – be it bad feelings, shoulds, or expectations and allow life to become the beautiful dance it was always meant to be.
Flow is enhanced the more you embrace the truth that you deserve. You deserve all your heart desires, whether you feel that way or not, and the universe is ever on your side. Are you? You are ultimately the only one that can get in your way; your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, choices, and so on.
You are loved totally and unconditionally by the heart of creation. Open to receive that love. Let it show up in the form of positive events, people and successes you attract. Be open to the new and trust in turnings of the tide. Follow your intuition, take bold happy steps to towards your dreams, be spontaneous, and dare to explore outside your comfort zone.
Let go, trust, and let flow :)
Trust in the flow, it only ever wants the best for you, you know.” ~Aine Belton
2) Self-Love
How have you been at loving yourself lately? The universe is bringing this to your attention to remind you about this key foundation for true lasting happiness.
In what way could you be more loving to yourself, and acknowledge more of your goodness, truth and beauty? Do you own or recognize your inherent value and worth? In what way could you do so more?  And in what way might you honour your heart more – your feelings, your deepest wishes and desires, the love and gifts inside of you?
Are you in need of some TLC or nurturing and nourishment at this time? Be kind and tender with yourself. Take it easy. Listen to the needs of your body, mind and spirit.
Are you lacking self-love because you are lacking self-forgiveness for something in your past? If so, let yourself off the hook and forgive yourself so you can start loving yourself fully again. Who you TRULY are is wholly innocent. If you do not see this, it simple means you do not see who you truly are!
The more you love yourself, the more you will be able to love others. Your happiness in itself is one of the greatest gifts you can give to those you love. Furthermore, if you’re lacking self-love you will be more self-absorbed and focussed on sourcing things from ‘out there’ – be it love, validation, appreciation, respect or approval, for example. Give those things to yourself, right now. When you do, you will more readily give them to others.
Quit the search and start to quench your thirst within. When you love yourself, you rest in an inner sanctuary of the peace and beauty of your heart and radiate a warm positive energy that blesses you and your world.
Let go of any negative self-concepts and start to feed yourself with positive self-beliefs and a loving positive image of yourself. You are a divine being of love and light, and you deserve all your heart desires, ever and always, whether you believe it or not (so you may as well believe it!)
3) Hope
Are you lacking hope in some area of your life at this time? Has your optimism or positive expectation waned around a particular goal, project or outcome you desire?  The universe is wanting to remind you of the power of hope and encourage you to rekindle its light and to have faith in YOU and your future.
Hope is always a catalyst to a brighter tomorrow.” ~Aine Belton
How can you use hope to generate new energy, vision and possibilities? Get excited and passionate again. Renew your enthusiasm and feel the brightness of hope for your dreams and desires.
One way to ignite hope is through Future Causation which I cover in my previous “How To Change Anything In An Instant!” article  you may want to read.
There can be a dark side to hope, such as hoping for something to come about that doesn’t actually serve you, or hoping someone else will change rather than addressing the situation, etc. Give hope to what you are wholly sure will be a bright future for yourself. Give hope to those areas that deserve to blossom and bloom into all they can be. Have hope for greater happiness, success, love, laughter and joy, for example. Hope for the wellbeing of others, and have hope in general.
As you hope, you increase desire, imagination and positive expectation, which are all part of the manifesting process.
Hope is not the same as neediness or desperation in any way, which are contractive and constrictive energies. Hope is expansive and generates light and positivity.
Get in touch with the wonder of hope and harness its energy for your life and your dreams. Perhaps you are here to be a beacon of hope to others in this life, in which case share that sense of hope and its message of a bright future. Have faith and shine your light!
4) Giving
You are being asked to put your love into action in some way.
Is there someone in particular you’ve been withholding love or giving from, or you could express more of your love to in some way? Or have you been shying away from life in general and not sharing your gifts, presence or love in some way? Have you been ‘too busy’ and not found the time for those people who matter to you? The greatest gift you have to give people is YOU! Are you giving you? Are you there for people?
There are many ways you can give and share, which I detail shortly. Do so in a way that brings you joy and does not feel like a sacrifice, as that is not what true giving is about.
What’s important here is that this giving is genuine and heartfelt. I’m not talking about martyrhood or obligation here. I’m talking about sharing and expressing your love and care in a way that feels meaningful to you, which is a blessing to others, as well as yourself.
Giving when your heart isn’t in it, or giving-to-get (which isn’t giving at all), or giving out of a feeling of duty or obligation is also not authentic giving, and the person at the ‘receiving end’ won’t feel really like they’ve been given to, as what is received most is the energy and intention behind the giving. That’s why even the smallest act or gift can have the biggest impact if coming from a loving place.
Get in touch with the love and care you have for someone and act from this place.
Let your abundance shine by giving to others, not just in the tangible physical sense, but by giving of who you are and expressing your love, appreciation and gratitude to those around you. You can give in energy, in your thoughts, blessings and well-wishes too, and send love from a distance, silently even.
There are many ways you can give, and it’s certainly not money-bound.
You can give of your time, appreciation, care, well wishes, talent,prayers, nurturing, inspirations, attention, information, touch, wisdom, hope, support, thoughts, blessings, and so on. You may also want to give some of your income away, such as through tithing 10% to a charity each month if you feel financially comfortable to do so.
Give in a way that feels true to you.
Don’t deny yourself or others the wonders and rewards of giving.” ~Aine Belton
Ultimately it is the intention behind your giving that is more important than the actual means of giving. It is you desire to help, your love, care and the expression of that.
Give in a way that brings you joy and have fun sharing your heart!
5) Peace
Peace is that still centre, that place of calm and tranquillity inside from which all good things can rise. From the well of peace, love, joy and inspiration can bubble up, new perspectives can dawn, and freedom, healing and release can occur.
When at peace you can better hear the voice of Higher Self. Rather like the clearing of clouds from the sky, when at peace the sun of love can shine more fully into your reality and grace your life and your day.
When you let go of negativity through peace, it doesn’t have to come back. A new day can be begin, and when you change, so does your world.
What helps you find peace? Perhaps it is meditation (this is always a winner for greater peace). Perhaps it’s spending time in nature, receiving a massage, slowing your breathing, chilling out on the sofa, reading, going for a walk, having a hot scented bath, singing, swimming, or doing yoga.
Receiving healing, such as energy healing like Reiki, or any other kind, can create the space for greater peace, and meditation in itself can allow subtle healing shifts to occur in your being also to calm you, bring you to centre and allow peace to settle.
Cut out or cut down on toxic and high acid foods and beverages, especially the more toxic ones like sugar, coffee, and alcohol. Calming herb teas like mint and camomile, alkaline food and drinks (think GREEN), and Bach Flower remedies can all be helpful to cultivate a peaceful physical environment.
Peace is protective because through its dawning you let go of stressful energies that may be negatively impacting you and the “yamma yamma” of your monkey mind; the mental and emotional tape-loops that can be crowding your thought-feeling space with junk.
Take some time out for peace. If you don’t think you have time for peace, I definitely suggest you make time for peace. What’s interesting is that when you slow down and generate more peace, everything else slows down too, and you actually create MORE time for yourself. Time is an illusion and reality is created from the inside out. Give it a go:)
6) Imagination
This is a reminder of the power of your imagination.
How have you been using your imagination lately? Are you feeding your dreams or your fears? Are you imagining the very best for your life and others? Are you thinking big or small? Do you lack positive imagination in some areas? Could you expand your vision of the possible to encompass brighter imaginings and happier futures? Etc.
Shift your focus from fears and problems to solutions and desired outcomes.
Your imagination is a potent ally when it comes to creating your reality. It is a doorway to the possible, a bridge to your unconscious mind, and a boundless palate with which you create your world.
What is now proved was once only imagined.”~ William Blake
Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real or imagined. What you feed it with your imagination, through visualizing and focus, manifests in your world.
Spending just 5 minutes each morning after waking, and before sleeping at night, to visualize desired outcomes and step into the shoes of the futures you desire, and the happy, bright you that you are becoming (that in truth, is who you really are), will allow more of that energy to into your life and act as a magnet to those realities. (For more on this, you may want to also read “How To Change Anything In An Instant!” ).
You are a magical manifesting machine, creating your reality in every moment! Never forget how powerful your imagination is in bringing a new life forth :)
Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attraction.” ~Albert Einstein
When visualizing your desires with your imagination, engage all of your senses. Imagine not just the visual images, but also the sounds, smells, textures and tastes of your dreams come true. Most importantly, engage the feelings of the outcome you seek, as it is these that are most real and meaningful and the most in attracting your desires. How you feel about what you imagine will determine whether you will successfully attract it or not, more than the exact specifics of what you imagine, or how good your visualization skills are.
Immerse yourself in the feelings. Feel as if your goals is already accomplished, your wish already answered.
7) Forgiveness
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces of healing and transformation and a most gracious gift we can give ourselves and another.
Who do you need to forgive? Is it yourself? May I remind you that even if it is someone else, you may wish to forgive yourself for ‘allowing’ something you want to forgive them for into your life at whatever level. Of course, many problems can hide a gift that you may not see at the time. You may look back in time even with a painful experience and view it with new eyes, seeing it as part of the tide of change in your life.
Forgiveness returns you to a place love and liberates you from constricting states; it is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. Ultimately, you know when you’ve forgiven someone by how you feel. You either feel neutral or positive towards them. Sometimes forgiveness happens in layers, or you may think you’ve forgiven but a new wave of emotion comes up to be processed to allow greater forgiveness.
You don’t have to agree with someone, or a behaviour, to be able to forgive them/it. You can forgive the “why” not the “what” – the pain or dysfunction that lies behind any given behaviour, rather than the behaviour itself.
A lack of self-forgiveness stands in the way of love, success and abundance and can lead to self-sabotage and the trappings of guilt. Everyone makes mistakes – it’s part of being human. Your mistakes do not define you, or certainly shouldn’t, for they are not who you are. Rather than judge or condemn yourself, instead, recognize, acknowledge and forgive yourself, or others. This enables letting go and change.
Set yourself free TODAY!