
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Silence by John Petrov...

Having a time of stillness in your life can be similarly wonderful,
if you don't have it already. Let's take a look at some ways to
find quietude in your life and see how the sound of silence can
allow your thoughts to emerge.

Now, I should note that you don't need to be an early riser to find
a time of silence during your day. It's one of the options (as I'll
talk about below), but it's only one option among many.

   * Rise early. If your day is so busy that you just can't find
the time to be alone and to have stillness and silence, getting up
a bit earlier can be a good solution for some people. It's not for
everyone -- some people hate getting up early. I used to be one of
those, but in recent years I've discovered a love for the early
morning hours. Here's how to wake earlier if you want to do that.

   * Late nights. If you're not into early mornings, late nights
can be just as peaceful, when everyone's asleep. Turn off the TV
and get away from the computer. Find other ways to spend this
golden time, in quiet.

 * Get out into nature. Sometimes households and offices can be
a bit noisy and chaotic. To escape the noise, get out into nature
as much as possible. Find a park, or a trail in some woods. Go to
the beach or a pond or a lake or a river -- water is one of my
favorite ways of finding peace in nature. Pay close attention to
everything around you, instead of blocking it all out.

 * Meditation. Many of you aren't into meditation, and I totally
get that -- for years I dismissed it as "new agey" and not worthy of
serious attention. But it doesn't have to be anything complicated
or difficult to understand. Try this very simple meditation: close
your eyes (after reading the rest of this paragraph) and pay
attention to your breathing. Notice your breath as it enters your
body, and again as it goes out.

Your mind will probably stray -- that's OK. Just pay attention to
these thoughts, let them go without forcing them out, and gently
return your attention to your breathing.

Keep doing this for a minute or so. Gradually increase
the time you do this as you practice. It's nice to get into a
comfortable position, but not so comfortable you fall asleep!

 * Exercise. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post,
exercise is one of my favorite things to do during my time of
silence. It can be anything: running, walking, biking, swimming,
strength training, rowing. This exertion of energy helps release
stress and gets the blood flowing to your brain -- giving you some
of the best thinking you'll do all day.

 * Take a break and take a walk. Every hour or two, take a break
from working. Get away from the computer, and stretch. Then take a
walk, to get the blood flowing. It's fine to just walk around your
office or building, but if you can get outside into the sunlight
(or rain, as the case may be) and fresh air (or less-than-fresh
air, as the case may also be), I find that to be helpful. Sure, it
might not be all that quiet if you're out in a busy street, but
it's better than being cooped up all day.

  * Yoga. I will admit that I'm not into yoga, but I know some
people who swear by it. I've tried it and enjoyed it, but it's just
not my thing. That said, I think it's worth a try and it can be a
great quiet-time exercise.

   * Reading. One of my all-time favorite quiet-time activities! I
love curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee when all is
quiet, and losing myself inside the magical world of fiction. If
you haven't been reading as much as you'd like, finding some quiet
time in the morning (or evening) can be a great way to work reading
into your routine.

   * Journaling. There's something therapeutic about writing in a
journal, and if you make it a daily habit, it can be one of the
best things you do all day. It gives you a way to reflect on your
life, on the things you've been doing and the things you want to
do. It records your life so you can look back on it later. And it
brings clarity to your thoughts in a way you might not find without
writing. Blogging can be a great form of journaling.

   * Bathing. I don't get a chance to do this enough, but I love
to take a nice long bath. That might not seem very manly, but I
don't care. It's relaxing and enjoyable. Calgon, take me away!

   * Massage. If you can afford it, it's nice to go and get a paid
massage now and then -- Eva and I had numerous massages during our
trip to Thailand, and they were wonderful. Quiet, relaxing, oh so
pleasurable. Of course, you can do this the cheap (more positive
term: frugal) way by exchanging massages with your significant
other on, say, alternating days. Use massage oil and candles and
relaxing music to create a great atmosphere.

   * Museums, art galleries, libraries, gardens. If you live in a
city, it can be hard to find zones of quietude. But they do exist.
When I lived in San Francisco, for example, some of my favorite
quiet places (besides parks and the beach) were the city's
libraries, museums, galleries, and private gardens. Find those
places in your city and use them as oases.

   * For those with kids. Many of these things can be difficult if
you have kids to take care of -- trust me, with six kids, I know the
feeling. Some suggestions: take advantage of the early mornings or
late evenings when they're sleeping; exchange quiet times with your
significant other so that one watches the kids while the other
relaxes or exercises; trade kid-watching duty with a friend or
relative; pay a babysitter for a short time each day; or find
activities for your kids to do while you get your quiet time.

   "Silence is a source of great strength." - Lao Tzu

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