
Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Life doesn't come with a money back guarantee...

Life doesn't come with a money back guarantee and yet many of us
live like it does. People are certain that they will keep their
jobs. They are certain of living a long healthy life. Others might
be certain that they will lose their jobs or get sick and die
young. Certainty comes in many forms but it rarely corresponds to
the truth.

The truth is nothing is certain. The need for certainty is the need
for safety. It is the basis of all religion. Since we do not like
uncertainty, we choose to believe in something that we feel we
can be certain about, even though we have no logical proof that it
is true.

Some might argue that if nothing can be counted on then why bother
trying. In order to move forward in life many people need to have a
sense of certainty about the outcome. But this kind of certainty is
an illusion.

Certainty is a form of disconnection - from the truth and from
ourselves. When we feel certain about something, we are
disconnected from the natural flow of life.

Certainty is the perpetual elusive dream of most people.

What in life is certain? There is a part of you - your Authentic
Self - that is unchanging. This pure consciousness is certain while
everything else is uncertain, impermanent and an illusion. But how
do you discover or experience this pure unchanging consciousness?
Through Inquiry.

If you are certain about something - anything for that matter - you
immediately place a lid on that thing. It cannot change. You won't
let it change because if you do, you will be wrong in your
certainty. But all things, except one thing, do change.

The only thing that doesn't change is WHO YOU ARE - your Authentic
Self or what is commonly called consciousness. Consciousness is
what remains when all concepts, beliefs, values, habits and ways of
thinking are stripped away. In other words, all of your ideas,
concepts, beliefs and so on will change over time. If this is true
then why waste time on trying to be certain?

By inquiring how and why you get certain results in your life you
learn about your beliefs and patterns that create those results.
Then through the power of your mind, you can consciously form new
patterns. The need for certainty is replaced by a relaxed "learning"

Can you imagine a world in which nothing changes? It would be
absolutely miserable. Inquiry is the habit that leads us out of
that misery.

Through uncertainty you move from being an expert to being a
student. All of life, all experiences, everyone and everything
become our teachers.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

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