
Monday, 27 December 2010

Prayer Academy -By Elisha Goodman

1.   Any witchcraft ceremony designed to swallow my virtues, be scattered by fire in the name of Jesus.
2.                  All my virtues buried by ancestral powers in my family line, receive resurrection now in the name of Jesus.
3.                  satanic trees in my family line, be uprooted by the earthquake of the Almighty in Jesus’ name.
4.                  I separate my life from every evil ancestral dedication by the blood of Jesus.
5.                  I bind every spirit, power or personality assigned to enforce bondage upon my life in Jesus’ name.
6.                  I break every curse associated with evil dedication and I release myself from their consequences in Jesus’ mighty name.
7.                  I break and renounce every ancient covenant binding me with evil powers of my father’s house in Jesus’ name.
8.                 I break and renounce every ancient covenant binding me with evil powers of my mother’s house in Jesus’ name.
9.                  I release myself from the consequences, yokes and burdens of ancestral idolatry by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
10.              I bind and paralyze every strongman assigned to reinforce evil upon my life in the name of Jesus.
11.      LORD I thank You for answering my prayers.

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