
Monday, 20 December 2010

Meditation Misconceptions!!!

Meditating is anything which produces or induces a certain freeing
calming tranquility of the mind.It is linked to a certain brain
wave sometimes called an alfa brainwave state. This brainwave is
measureable using bio feedback.

This meditative state can occur when practising any types of
the dishes etc.

It can also occur when the body is stationary i.e. lying, sitting
under a tree, watching the ocean, sitting at a traffic light.

It can occur while listening to relaxation tapes, poetry,
music,watching a candle flame,doing specific breathing exercises,
or by chanting.

It can occur while having a massage, soaking in a hot bath full of
bubbles,lying in hot springs.

By illustrating the above examples I am trying to demystify the
whole meditation process. Meditation is one of our natural states
to be in. It is the "vacation" our system takes from the
stresses,pulls,stimulations of everyday life. It is as natural as

The main misconception I have come across about meditation is that
it has to be forcibly introduced and induced into our lives as if
it is a foreign and difficult thing for our bodies and minds to do.

Minds and bodies have two main jobs : One is to be
active,idea-filled,hectic,stimulated. The other is to be calm,let
ripples of peace engulf us and to be silent, allowing us to feel
oneness with all. Both of these states are natural and normal for
us as human beings.

Minds and bodies are equipped equally well for both jobs. It is
your job as the "manager", to allow bodies and minds to have a
balance between the two. Too much meditating isn't healthy and
neither is too much stress.

Meditation allows us to get in touch with our tranquil side, our
space-filled side, our silent self, that space in our mind :that
"gap' which is nothingness and yet contains allness.

Guided meditations are great, and so is that natural meditative
moment. Let us just remember that any moment in our everyday
existance is a moment where we can just escape for a while and
recharge and rejuvenate ourselves.

So, next time you 're at the park ,see if you can just switch to
the meditation state; next time you are doing the dishes try it.
Next time you are sitting waiting for the train, trance out for a
little while. See how your life becomes richer by giving yourself
meditation breaks,little day dream moments

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