Often when we light a candle, a physical action of sending out a prayer, there are visual signs that one can look for as the candle burns and our prayers are heard. What follows are specific divination signs that will assist you in knowing if your prayer will be answered, if you will encounter difficulties and delays, or if it is simply not meant to happen.
Let us take a simple candle-burning exercise from beginning to end so that you are prepared and confident to perform a candle exercise to assist you in achieving your desired goals.
1) Selecting the appropriate candle
For almost all candle exercises, I suggest the tall, glass-enclosed candles, which can be found in grocery stores in the Hispanic food section. Sometimes these candles may be labeled with images of Saints, religious icons, or angels. I suggest these candles because divination signs can be easily read along the glass as the candle burns. Additionally, these candles are inexpensive and usually burn from 5 – 7 days, a suggested length of time for you to perform an exercise to see divination signs. Smaller tea light candles burn quickly, and it’s harder to decipher divinatory messages. Free-standing candles not enclosed in glass can cause a mess as they drip onto a table surface, leaving you to read the divination signs in the melted wax. This can be a little trickier for a beginner.
For almost all candle exercises, I suggest the tall, glass-enclosed candles, which can be found in grocery stores in the Hispanic food section. Sometimes these candles may be labeled with images of Saints, religious icons, or angels. I suggest these candles because divination signs can be easily read along the glass as the candle burns. Additionally, these candles are inexpensive and usually burn from 5 – 7 days, a suggested length of time for you to perform an exercise to see divination signs. Smaller tea light candles burn quickly, and it’s harder to decipher divinatory messages. Free-standing candles not enclosed in glass can cause a mess as they drip onto a table surface, leaving you to read the divination signs in the melted wax. This can be a little trickier for a beginner.
Select a glass-enclosed candle, and choose an appropriate color from the following list:
White: Spiritual practices, marriage, grieving, prayer. Also used for general purpose, or when other colors are unavailable.
Black: Repelling negativity
Green: Money-drawing, good harvest
Blue: Spirituality, health, a peaceful home
Purple: Conquering, mastery, and success in studying, exams, school
Brown: Court cases, finding lost items
Orange: Creating change
Yellow: Devotion, gratitude
Pink: Drawing romance and love, friendship
Red: Romance, sexuality, love and passion
2) Consecrating the candle
Once you have purchased your candle, it should be properly prepared before burning. The purpose of preparing a candle is to establish a psychic link between the candle and your prayer. Holding the candle, announce your prayer or your desired wish. This creates a charge with our personal energy and programs your desires into the candle.
Once you have purchased your candle, it should be properly prepared before burning. The purpose of preparing a candle is to establish a psychic link between the candle and your prayer. Holding the candle, announce your prayer or your desired wish. This creates a charge with our personal energy and programs your desires into the candle.
3) Setting the Light
Light the candle, or “set the light” as it is sometimes called, and allow it to burn while concentrating on your desires and visualizing the desired outcome. Place the candle on a special location such as an altar or area where you will frequently see it burning.
Light the candle, or “set the light” as it is sometimes called, and allow it to burn while concentrating on your desires and visualizing the desired outcome. Place the candle on a special location such as an altar or area where you will frequently see it burning.
You will not blow out or extinguish this candle! Leave it to burn for the entire duration, approximately 5-7 days. Should you need to leave your house and you want to keep it in a safe, pet-free, child-free zone, place it into your bath tub, shower stall, or deep sink to prevent a fire hazard. When you return, place the candle in the special location.
4) Reading the signs
Take note of the progress of your candle and any signs that you may begin to see forming on the glass. You may even want to write down dates and times, noting your observations and what appeared, as the signs do change: waxy buildup you saw one morning may be gone later that afternoon. Divination of signs by observing burning flames is called Pyromancy. In looking at your notes in hindsight, you may be able to link divination signs to events in your life that affected your prayer.
Take note of the progress of your candle and any signs that you may begin to see forming on the glass. You may even want to write down dates and times, noting your observations and what appeared, as the signs do change: waxy buildup you saw one morning may be gone later that afternoon. Divination of signs by observing burning flames is called Pyromancy. In looking at your notes in hindsight, you may be able to link divination signs to events in your life that affected your prayer.
Pay attention to the following signs while the candle burns:
The glass of the candle gives a clean, even burn with no signs.
This means things will go well and you will likely get what you wished for.
This means things will go well and you will likely get what you wished for.
The candle flame flares, dips, and flares again and again.
First, make sure that this is obviously not occurring because you have set the candle in a draft.
This seen as a sign of partial response. It can be interpreted as two steps forward, and one step back. A slow process.
First, make sure that this is obviously not occurring because you have set the candle in a draft.
This seen as a sign of partial response. It can be interpreted as two steps forward, and one step back. A slow process.
The flame goes out before completely burning the entire candle.
This can be considered a bad sign, a negative reply from the divine, questioning your intentions. Relight the candle with prayer (or begin a new candle), and be clear in your desired outcome, if it is for the good of you, others involved, and for the greater good of the Universe. Always allow your higher power to have the ultimate say with the result of your wish.
This can be considered a bad sign, a negative reply from the divine, questioning your intentions. Relight the candle with prayer (or begin a new candle), and be clear in your desired outcome, if it is for the good of you, others involved, and for the greater good of the Universe. Always allow your higher power to have the ultimate say with the result of your wish.
The candle flame sizzles, cracks, pops, or makes other noises.
This is interpreted as spirits (often as deceased ancestral guides) trying to communicate or assist you.
This is interpreted as spirits (often as deceased ancestral guides) trying to communicate or assist you.
The candle burns very quickly.
A fast burn is good, but an extremely fast burn can mean that although the prayer may be answered, it may not last long. You might have to repeat the request or prayer again.
A fast burn is good, but an extremely fast burn can mean that although the prayer may be answered, it may not last long. You might have to repeat the request or prayer again.
The candle burns extremely slowly.
A very slow burn signifies that the outcome is very slow in coming to fruition or that it will take time before you see results.
A very slow burn signifies that the outcome is very slow in coming to fruition or that it will take time before you see results.
The glass has a run of wax droplets down the side of the candle.
These are called “tears” and they indicate difficulty or “tears” before the prayer is successfully answered.
These are called “tears” and they indicate difficulty or “tears” before the prayer is successfully answered.
The candle burns, but leaves up to ½” of unburned wax at the bottom.
Unburned wax at the bottom of a candle is a sign of unfinished business. It is best to perform the exercise again, with a clearer intent or more specific desired outcome.
Unburned wax at the bottom of a candle is a sign of unfinished business. It is best to perform the exercise again, with a clearer intent or more specific desired outcome.
The candle creates a lot of smoke.
Hidden trouble or someone working against your wish. Things may not go well at first, but with repeated effort, you may overcome.
Hidden trouble or someone working against your wish. Things may not go well at first, but with repeated effort, you may overcome.
A half clean and half dirty glass.
A black, sooty top of the glass which fades to a clear bottom indicates that there is hidden trouble.
A black, sooty top of the glass which fades to a clear bottom indicates that there is hidden trouble.
The candle cracks or breaks, spilling wax.
Generally, a broken candle glass is seen as a bad sign.
Generally, a broken candle glass is seen as a bad sign.
5) Disposal of the candle
Since the candle itself is a tangible extension of your prayer, you do not want to treat it as garbage when it has finished burning. You may choose to bury the candle in your backyard, keep it as a memory of a prayer that was answered, or consciously recycle it by disposing it in a recycling location and imagining the energy you put into the candle being recycled into the universe. Most importantly, do not cast the glass into the garbage, as you would not want to throw away your prayer or attained result. Show respect!
Since the candle itself is a tangible extension of your prayer, you do not want to treat it as garbage when it has finished burning. You may choose to bury the candle in your backyard, keep it as a memory of a prayer that was answered, or consciously recycle it by disposing it in a recycling location and imagining the energy you put into the candle being recycled into the universe. Most importantly, do not cast the glass into the garbage, as you would not want to throw away your prayer or attained result. Show respect!
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” — Ancient Chinese proverb
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