
Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Simplest Success idea!!

 I agree that it sounds like
common sense, but it's not commonly applied. When you really put
this idea into action, you can take your results to a whole new

In a nutshell this was the lesson:

In life you will always have your ups and downs, your successes and
failures. Sometimes things go well for you. Sometimes they go

When you succeed or fail, there's always a CAUSE. You can backtrack
your results to figure out what caused them. You might not be able
to do this perfectly, but you'll usually have a pretty good idea of
the contributing factors.

What caused your income, your health, and your relationships to
improve over the past few years?

What caused things to get worse?

Can you identify the specific causes of your best and worst results?

Once you know the contributing factors to your hits and your
misses, your goal is to deliberately do more of what causes the
successes and deliberately do less of what caused the failures.

Of course some of the contributing factors may not be under your
direct control, but some of those factors will be. Focus your
efforts on what you can control, and don't worry about what's
outside your control.

I must admit that it was hard for me. I thought this was an
oversimplification, but I decided to try it anyway. I thought maybe
he knew something I didn't. I figured I had nothing to lose.

What I discovered was there were several things that I was doing
that were not working very well, but I kept doing the same thing.
Also, there were several things that I was doing that worked really
well, but they were often neutralized by the things that were not
working so well.  In the end it seemed like I was running in place
or advancing very slowly.

You can apply this same idea to improve your results in any area of
your life -- your income, your career, your relationships, your
health -- even your spiritual development. Notice what creates a
success for you, and do more of it. Notice what causes less than
desirable results or a dry spell, and do less of it.

If you haven't had a success experience for a long time, you can
basically throw out whatever you're currently doing in that area
because it clearly isn't working. You'll have to experiment more
to figure out what does work. If you already know that your
current efforts aren't working, there's no point in continuing
along the same path.

You aren't doomed to become a victim of your past, but your past
surely contains clues that can help you enjoy an even better
present and future. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!!!

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