
Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Joy of Giving

Happiness, Giving & Receiving
Your happiness is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world.
You are the source of your happiness. Happiness is a choice. Give yourself permission to be happy. Make it a priority.
The more you depend on someone else for your happiness, the more you are bound to disappointment.
What brings YOU joy? Do more of it! Be a joy-fountain and share your joy with others.
And remember that are the creator of your reality, that you are loved beyond measure, and that you really can have it all.
You always deserve, and have within you the resources to create, to manifest, a happy, loving, successful, abundant life overflowing all your heart's desires!
When you clear blocks and limiting beliefs, and align your vibration to the successes you desire, sometimes all that is required a willingness and openness to receive.
Receiving creates a gateway through which the universe can bring gifts into your life. It enables the magic of co-creation and the serendipitous possibilities beyond the limits of your imaginings. The more you allow yourself to receive, the more elegant, swift and bountiful your attraction can become.
Consciously open to receive. Make it your intention. Affirm it as a choice. Imagine your desires flowing to you, receiving the love, success, abundance, joy, fun, happiness.
Practice receiving in all areas of your life, whether it's compliments, gifts, the experience of another, the beauty of nature. When you appreciate something and are grateful for it, you allow it in, you receive it.
Giving and receiving are inextricably linked. Each gives birth to the other. So as well as receiving, allow yourself to give.
Giving opens you to greater receiving and is one of the most joyous experiences in life!
Let your abundance shine by giving to others, not just in the tangible physical sense, but by giving of who you are and expressing your love, appreciation and gratitude to those around you.
Gratitude engages both giving and receiving beautifully. When you are grateful you give in the energy of your appreciation, and in such, open to receive more of the same.
It activates your heart and mind with its focus on that which is positive and what you love in your life.
Acknowledge and be grateful for the wonderful thinsg you already have or have had in your life, however big or small.
Gratitude for ANYTHING will invite the energy of abundance in your life, opening you to 'more-ness', whether that's more love, happiness, joy, friendship, success, money, and so on.
The positive emotional resonance gratitude invokes is highly conducive to success.
The greatest of gifts is, of course, to give of who you are!
The more you heal, release negative self-concepts and love and accept yourself, the more you able to BE yourself, love others, and share the amazing, beautiful, magnificent being that you truly are!
Other ways of giving include:
·       Giving of your talents
·       Giving appreciation and acknowledgement
·       Giving encouragement and support
·       Giving ideas, inspiration and wisdom
·       Giving love and care
·       Giving time and attention
·       Giving information
·       Giving touch
·       Giving your opinion
·       Giving joy
·       Giving positive thoughts, blessings or prayers
·       Giving acceptance
·       Giving understanding
·       Giving a listening ear
·       Giving tenderness
·       Giving enthusiasm
·       Giving of your presence/light just by 'being there'
Give in a way that brings you joy. Don't deny yourself or others the wonders and rewards of giving.
Ultimately it is the intention behind your giving that is more important than the actual means of giving. It is you desire to help, your love, care and your expression of that in a way that feels right and true for you.

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