
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Your Soul’s Helpers

By Erica Burke

Our souls, like our bodies, are constantly growing as we journey through life. We can choose to bring awareness to soul growth and develop it in a desired direction. Just as you might say, “I want my body to grow strong and healthy, so I’ll give it healthy food, exercise, and protect it from toxins,” we can say of our souls, “I want to fill up my soul with patience, kindness, and love. I want to protect it from dwelling in unhappiness, negativity, or lack of peace.” The following “helpers” can facilitate your soul’s growth.
Eckhart Tolle says, “Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment… The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into this world.” You can become aware and present in meditation, journaling, focused prayer, or walks in nature. Choose any practice that speaks to you, and for at least for a few minutes each day, actively connect to awareness.
Deliberate Connection to Spirit
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with all the things I want and need to do. I’m a pretty typical Virgo, and often want things to be done “just right.” But a desire for perfection is limiting in a spiritual practice. You can try to take at least 5 minutes each morning and at the end of the day to connect to spirit, in whatever way speaks to you.
Forgiveness and Letting Go
The many benefits of forgiveness include releasing guilt and resentment, clearing karma, and allowing one to move forward. Letting go of the burden of the past frees us to discover who we are right now, and what intentions we want to manifest.
Plato said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Our thoughts and intentions are constantly creating vibrations in ourselves and others whether we realize it or not. What kind of vibrations do you want to surround you?
Giving Back
By the time he passed away this year at age 91, my uncle had been a volunteer for over 70 years. I always wondered what inspired him to do this. I inherited his memoirs and found the answer. As a young child, he was placed in an orphanage in Staten Island, NY. As he grew up, he was grateful for the love he received from his caretakers, and was inspired to reach out and help others whenever he could. His story taught me that when you give of yourself to another, you just may inspire them to “pay it forward” and continue the cycle of giving.
Gratitude and Appreciation
We’re all in this life together. Let’s make the most of every opportunity to make the world a little nicer for ourselves and others. Consciously feel and express your gratitude and your soul will grow in beauty and blossom in unimagined ways.

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