
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Implement Your Vision

 Implement Your Vision!

In the previous lesson, you began the process of crafting a
vision that will inspire and motivate you to live life with
passion. Let's now take the steps required to turn this
vision into reality. If your vision is a reflection of your
true core desires, you will be propelled into action by the
self-motivation a compelling vision naturally creates.
If you lack this motivation, your vision is likely not
compelling enough, not based upon your true core desires -
but just merely a wish or a nice idea. One way to know if
you are living your vision is whether or not your actions
are in alignment with where you want to be:
* What are you doing to successfully implement your vision?
* Do you have an action plan with specific goals where
day-by-day, you are on the path with measurable, clear-cut
actions and measurable results that you are en route to accomplishing?

If not, let's create a very specific plan to achieve such
an inspirational vision fueled by your core desires!

If you have formulated a clear and specific action plan,
let's take a closer look at it:
* Are you totally clear about what resources are needed for
you to realize your vision?
* What are they? Please list them in as much detail as possible.

* Do you know what's missing right now that if put into
place would support you to be on the path to realizing
those goals that are in alignment with your vision?
* What is missing for your actions to be in sync with your
vision? How can you better ground your plan of action?

* What are the predictable stops, those stops that are
preventing you from moving forward in life, from being happy,
from achieving success and abundance, from being
productive, from having rich relationships and rewarding
communication with others?
* What can you do to break through these stops?
* When will you get started to do so?

As you can see, bringing about success in any area of your
life takes quit a bit of planning! Focusing on the action
steps to achieve your ultimate desires isn't always easy.
All too often, I see people who possess lofty goals but a
very poor plan.

**It shocks me when I see people plan their vacation better then
they plan their lives! Might this be something you can relate to
as well?

To the contrary, achieving success need not be that
difficult either ...especially when you have a mentor in
place to guide you. A mentor is someone who has already
achieved what you want to achieve - somebody who possesses
the 'success distinctions' that you aspire to have.

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