By Aine Belton
Your Higher Self is the aspect of your consciousness closest to Source – the eternal spiritual being that you really are beyond your personality self.
This ‘you’ exists beyond space and time and the confines of this third dimensional reality, and is the overseer of your multi selves – past, present and future, conscious and subconscious.
Your Higher Self is more loving, wise, and magnificent than anything you may imagine. It knows all you have been, all you are now, and all you are becoming, in this life-time and others, and is aware of the countless possibilities available for your growth and success and that which will serve you optimally.
Your Higher Self knows you inside out and loves you totally and unconditionally. Its love and vast, all-encompassing perspectives can gift your life immeasurably, pierce the veils and limits of your personal beliefs and limited understandings, and bring truth and light to even the darkest areas.
You can connect and communicate with this exalted self and receive its love, guidance, healing and support (I share one way of doing so at the end of this article).
It is important to ask for help, and be open and willing to receive it, for your Higher Self loves and respects you too much to force anything upon you. It is, however, ever at your side, whether you are aware of that presence or not, and always willing and desiring to help.
The voice of your Higher Self is always loving and kind about you, though it can be direct at times. It does not pander to pity, but does have great compassion for you, and wishes only for your return to truth; the truth of who you are, and the truth that you are loved, loving and loveable, ever and always.
Your Higher Self can communicate with you in any number of ways. Your intuition and subtle senses can be gateways to receive its insights, but there are many other ways, one of which I outline further below.
Meditation creates fertile ground for the voice of your higher self to be heard. When your conscious mind is quiet and stilled, space is created for inspirations to be received, as well as a balancing and realignment of your energy. Getting off the hamster wheel of your ‘monkey mind’, with its tape-loops of constricting thoughts and feelings, allows space for higher wisdom to dawn.
The wisdom of your higher self is sourced in love, will optimally serve you, and reaches beyond the confines of your conditioned mind. It is the golden compass that points ever towards the truth of who you are, your highest path and potential, the true nature of reality, and the love at the heart of all.
When you connect to this ‘grander you’, the unlimited divine being that you are, you become aware not only how immeasurably loved you are, but that all you need exists within you.
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