
Friday, 29 July 2011

Ekhart Tolle wrote a wonderful book called "The Power of Now," in which he says this:
"See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought about a situation you find yourself in.  What other people say or do, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather.  See if you can catch yourself complaining.  For to complain is always non-acceptance of what is and it invariable carries an unconscious negative charge.  So when you complain you make yourself a victim.  Either leave the situation, change the situation or accept it.  All else is madness."
Today, let's shift every complaining thought, word or deed and either accept the situation, change it or leave it --and bring ourselves into harmony with what is.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

The Synchronicity of Family Connections

By Psychic Phillip ext. 9485It’s been said that we don’t meet our true family at birth, but rather on the road of life. Make no mistake; the most powerfully karmic relationships that we can experience are those with parents and siblings, but that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily positive relationships. Why does a parent treat one child differently than another, even when the children are twins? It’s because our relationships have their roots in other lifetimes. These connections show up astrologically, and the use of this powerful tool can assist family members in not only understanding family dynamics, but also assisting in the improvement of stressful relationships.
I’m often asked by a client to focus on the issues of their children. I thoroughly enjoy these readings because parents know their children well, and they usually have an accurate birth time. The karmic association between the parent and child is often pronounced, and if the relationship is a stressful one, it is often quite simple to correct. It might help to present an example.
A friend presented the birth data of her daughter, husband and granddaughter. My friend is a very gifted and experienced psychic. Astrologically, her daughter has some of her mother’s gifts, but she came in to this life to work on some more mundane issues, thus she is not as clear a channel as her mother. My focus is on the granddaughter.
The granddaughter is only three years old. The parents are now in a position where they have to leave her with baby sitters. She seems to be experiencing extreme stress when left in the company of strangers, almost to the point of panic. Apparently the little girl does well with other children, even during disputes she plays the diplomat and peacemaker. The problem shows up when left with strange adults. She is a precocious child; very intelligent and already learning to read. This is what I discovered.
The granddaughter is a Crystal Child, a very old soul. She is a natural clairvoyant and a natural telepath. She is also clairaudient. It is safe to assume, even at such a tender age, that she is receiving a tremendous amount of information that she has no ability to handle emotionally. Thus, the child and my friend have a karmic link, not only of blood, but of spiritual support. My friend is in a perfect position to coach her own daughter in order to relieve the emotional stress of the child. No one but an experienced psychic could fulfill this role.
Granted, this is an unusual relationship, yet be assured; there are no coincidences when it comes to individual destinies. Family members are together for a reason. Understanding those reasons through astrological analysis reveals a purpose, followed by an action plan that usually alleviates the stress, once and for all

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Make the Most of Your Day

by Guy Finley
Key Lesson: A lesson learned is a day well earned.

How many times will you have that dreaded feeling that "it's all been for nothing"... even as you've "learned" from your mistakes? You may be growing in the addition of psychological information that you carry and refer to about yourself, with lots of facts why you'll never run into trouble again (you know the drill -- how it always starts with how much you see about what you didn't see before), but the inevitable conclusion to each of these recurring painful life experiences is that you have not learned the real lesson behind them, else why their return visit? Which also means it's usually just a matter of time until, because of yet some other unforeseen event, once again you're wondering what on earth your life is for.

Find Out What Your Life is For

One of the secret reasons why the spiritual path is so difficult is because it begins in earnest with the new understanding that life has its own intention, and that real success in life depends upon our uncovering this higher intention and aligning ourselves, our actions, with it. Failure -- to give it a quick definition -- is when men and women place their invented intentions over life's genuine one. Can we not see that the feeling of "all for nothing again" is the proof that our intention did not align itself with life's? Otherwise, something different would have occurred.
Something must happen to us so we realize our actual condition, where one fateful day we say to ourselves: "Look at this! For years I've struggled to escape this circle of myself, to become a different kind of human being, and I'm still going through the same loops. I'm no more able to bring myself a new life than the fall can bring itself closer to spring!" When we no longer push away that fact, when we know we've run out of all explanations -- all "whys" for the way we are -- we're ready for the first time to do something that we have never done before. We are ready to be for something that, by being for it, willchange us.
One fact for both our inner education and constant encouragement is that when you know how to look into life, it's possible to find the celestial in even the most common, natural things... and therein you see thateverything in life is for something. The bees and the flowers, the birds and the trees, the rain and the soil are all for one another; they complete one another. This observable feature of natural life teaches us something vast and vital in our search for God's life. The great dynamic of things that are for one another, that complete one another in an unseen web of life, speaks of an invisible relationship at work going on around us all of the time. When we're for the right thing in this life we get the right reward -- which is the joy of feeling ourselves more complete.
So before the Truth can set us free, we must be for the Truth. We don't really understand what this truth means as it concerns our everyday lives and their various affairs. We lack this essential spiritual knowledge because every time we encounter a moment where there's no denying we've been for the wrong thing, up pops a certain all-knowing part of us that pronounces, "Ah yes... it's clear. I see it all now! I know what went wrong this time." And we buy it! The self that's talking to us has our complete confidence. We've no doubt it knows what to be for and how it's going to change everything the next time around.
In the split second when we do something right for another human being -- when we know we shouldn't hurt someone with our angry tones or cruel remarks, and we abstain from ourselves at the cost of ourselves -- when we know we shouldn't spend money that we don't have or even that we do have, when we do the right thing for ourselves, we receive the reward of doing the right thing. The reason we get that reward is because we are for the right thing! Our conscious action completes us in that split second. And in that same moment, we also receive the encouragement to do the right thing again, which is another kind of reward in itself!
Begin today, this moment, to use your whole life -- every moment of it -- to be for something that is in reality foryou. When you begin to be for God before you're for yourself, then God will begin to be there before you. This Supreme Nature will start to live inside of you and do something that you've never been able to do for yourself: Give you the feeling that -- at long last -- everything is right within you because now the whole of you is for the right thing.

Learning to Accepting Self-Healing

By Psychic Yemaya Early on in my hypnotherapy training, they brought up the concept that any behaviors that we develop through our lives are direct results of either things that happened to us, or things that we did that got stuck in our memories, our psyches, and our subconscious mind. So below the conscious level of day to day life, we have these “sticky” strips that grab onto a word, or a look, or many times, imagined “slights”; they cause this wounded part of ourselves to “react.” Those sticky places and the subsequent reactions are something we hold onto and beat ourselves up over and over again, which actually strengthens the negative reaction we dislike. Forgiving yourself lessens that negative pattern and can free you to change “old tapes” for newer more positive behaviors and overall happiness with who you are!
Think back to the last time or two you reacted in a way that made you uncomfortable. Remember that feeling of gut-wrenching intensity that came just before you reacted? That’s the inner child scrunching down on itself out of fear, guilt, anger, etc… When we feel that “winding up” feeling it means that something has triggered a deeper response than the situation may call for. This is your “moment of choice” to choose a different path. Take a moment of “time out” to clear your head before you act.
Let’s focus on forgiving yourself for each of these uncomfortable moments by understanding that you were “doing the best that you could, with the tools you had at that time!” Realize that these moments are in the past and that by making a commitment to work on the behaviors in the future, you need a “fresh start”. That is what forgiveness can do for you. It is usually something from your past that has caused you to react, and there are many ways to pursue and clear those old wounds with counseling or help. To start to feel better today, you can forgive yourself for any behaviors that happened before you became aware that there was a deeper issue that triggered them.
Forgiving yourself for being human and for holding onto that old fear is the beginning of taking the sting out of it. I like to suggest a nice letter to yourself as loving and nurturing as you would be to a child, or a loved one, or your best friend. Mail it to yourself, and when it arrives, open it and meditate on what is there as if it is from a divine mentor that loves you as perfect exactly as you are! Now you can start to work on changing the behavior!
The key to making this work is to be vigilant in your thinking, when you start beating yourself up, or being negative; have a list of positive affirmations to help you move into the light again! If you change your “mind” and how you think about yourself, your life WILL change for the better!

Monday, 18 July 2011

7 Basic Psychic Self Defense and Energy Protection Techniques

By Psychic Hayden ext. 5424

Protect Yourself From People Who Drain You

I’m sure this topic has been covered many times before. Despite this, it’s always good to have a refresher course. This is especially true considering in our world now more than ever there is so much energy draining and “vampirism” going on.
For those who don’t know, energy vampirism is when a person uses any fear based emotion to emotionally impact us and thereby gain access to our personal energy whereas they are then capable of claiming it as their own. Some of these fear based emotions include intimidation, guilt, embarrassment, pity, anger, and depression.
It becomes important for people that find themselves constantly around energy vampires and their negativity to consistently remind themselves that they are in control of their own energy and where it goes.
That, of course, isn’t always easy and in some cases is much easier said than done. Thankfully, there are many very basic and easy techniques that a person can learn, experiment with, and practice to protect their own energy and themselves from the negativity of others.
Psychic Defense Technique One – White Light
Perhaps the most well known technique in the new age and metaphysical realms is that which involves white light or just light energy. The concept of surrounding ourselves with the white light of eternal love and protection is not really new to many. Still, many have trouble figuring out exactly how to do this. May I suggest the following visualizations:
a) Picture yourself in the center of a light bulb, then imagine it is turned on.
b) While standing under a shower of water (real or imagined), see/feel the water turn into the light.
c) Visualize an angel hovering over you and the light radiating from all around it and around you.
White light is important as being in it raises our own vibrations thus making it less likely that we’ll even encounter those who are choosing to follow the path of a lower vibration (hence negativity). Additionally, it helps to neutralize the negative vibrations that do manage to make their way to our aura.
Psychic Defense Technique Two – Blue Bubble or Blue Shield
Not as well known as the white light technique, the Bubble and Shield technique uses the idea that we can surround ourselves mentally with either a bubble or a shield that will reflect and absorb negativity so that we don’t have to feel the full effects of it. The color blue, associated with the throat chakra, represents will power and when combined with the visualization of the bubble or shield strengthens it.
We can layer the bubble or shield with the white light, so both can be in effect at one time. In truth, in dire situations, all of these methods can be layered to provide additional levels of protection to the psyche and auric energy field.
If you are one of those people that hates being around large crowds because you are so sensitive to energy, this is an important technique which can in essence give your social freedom back to you. Go out to a mall or shopping area where a lot of people are and enter and take note of what it feels like. Exit or excuse yourself to the restroom. Put the blue bubble or shield around yourself before going back. See if you notice a difference.
Going with the idea, one could put a bubble around the person that is being negative too, thereby creating a form of operant conditioning around the individual. When they choose to throw negative energy or use negative emotions to their advantage, this energy can’t escape the bubble and thus they feel the full effects of it. I.E., a person learns that they have to be nice when around you or they get zapped by their own negative energy.
Psychic Defense Technique Three – Physical Body Positions
Crossing your arms and legs can also be very protective. These body positions act to close off the human energy circuits and also protect various chakra (energy) points – depending on where the arms are crossed. The next time you are around someone that seems to be pulling at your energy or spewing a bunch of negativity, sit down calmly, cross your arms and legs, and listen. Their energy won’t be affecting you and eventually they’ll get tired or drained (as they aren’t getting any of your energy and they are using up their own supply) and then just leave you alone for the rest of the day.
Psychic Defense Technique Four – Mirrors
Visualizing mirrors surrounding the self has been used almost as long as the white light and blue energy. The idea here is that your visualization should have the mirrors facing outwards so that energy is reflected away from you. Like the bubble, you can put them around someone else to act as a form of operant conditioning, but this time the mirror’s reflective surface should face inward toward the person you are putting them around.
Psychic Defense Technique Five – Salt
We are speaking of a pure salt here, such as Kosher Salt or Sea Salt. These pure salts absorb negative energy and will ground or take it away from you if you have picked up any. There are many ways to use this technique.
a) Put some salt into a small glass and leave the glass on your work desk or in the room where people are most often found. This will absorb negative vibes. Make sure to flush it and change it out every month or after every fight/argument.
b) Add a sprinkle to some bath water and soak in it. This will pull negativity off and away from you as you soak. Add a touch of baking soda also to revitalize or help regain the lost energy.
c) Dilute some salt into a spray bottle of spring or mineral water. Spray a mist in the air of any room which has been overloaded with negativity or in which recent fights/arguments have occurred. This has the effect of making the environment feel light, pure, and airy again. Many combine this with the burning of sage (often called smudging) to cleanse and clear areas.
Psychic Defense Technique Six – Protection Symbols
Protection symbols come in many forms. It’s the belief in the symbol that will be the most important. However, the symbol itself can act to strengthen the subconscious mind and as a result be an added measure of defense and protection.
Holy symbols tend to be the most popular symbols of protection (cross/crucifix for Catholics/Christians, pentagram for Pagans, cow, Buddha, the list literally could go on) however any symbol can be used as a symbol of protection as long as it is meaningful to you. Thus, don’t make fun of someone who talks about their lucky whatever. It may truly be an important symbol for them and because of their belief and what that symbol invokes; it very well may truly be “lucky” and helpful for them.
Psychic Defense Technique Seven – Prayer and Affirmations
Prayer and affirmations have long been used to build positive energy, amplify other protections, and add layers of defense to the human energy system. In the case of prayer, any prayer which is said immediately following the use of one of these methods will act to strengthen it. In the case of affirmations, affirmations such as “I allow only love around me,” “People adore me,” and “My vibration is stronger and faster each day” can improve your energy and defense techniques. When writing an affirmation, always remember to put it in the present, write it from the first person perspective, and do not include negatives (not, don’t, won’t, can’t, etc) in it.
Likewise, invoking or asking angels for help also falls here. A common conception of the angelic realm is that angels can’t intervene or help humans unless a human has asked and given them permission to do so. The exception being if a person’s life is in danger, then many times that rule can be broken. The point is, always be willing to ask for extra help if you need it. Your angels, guides, and the powers to be will always respond and help out.
There are of course many other techniques. These are only scratching the surface. Please feel free to share your own. Also, be willing to check out the resources of Dion Fortune, Ted Andrews, Christopher Penczak and the many others who have chosen to write about psychic self defense and protection

Friday, 15 July 2011

Here's To A Landmark Day

There are many landmark moments in our lives:  We get married, have a baby, a child graduates; a grandchild is born. 
There may be other moments that perhaps seem less significant in terms of how the world would see them as landmark moments, but they bubble up from inside of us.
At landmark moments we have a realization; a moment when we know that our life is turning here.  Such a moment could be when we have a dinner party, gather some friends and the chatter is going --laughter is happening.  This sharing is occurring but inside ourselves there is a moment when we know this is so good--to be alive.
I invite you to open to the possibility that today can be a landmark moment.  We can open up, pay attention and give thanks.  Thank you.  It is so good to be alive.
Here's To A Landmark Day

The Power of Thought

by Jerry Mooney

A couple years ago, I hit a low point. I hated my job. I suffered through its daily grind for six years. Although it was a high paying job, I was bouncing checks and strapped for money. I was out of shape. I was stressed-out and depressed. I made excuses to not do things I enjoyed, like skiing and kayaking. I was stuck in a boring, unsatisfying rut. My logical side continued to justify my misery. I told myself, “Jobs like this are hard to find.” I felt obligated to stick with it for my family, for my future, and to prove I wasn’t a quitter. The entire time, my heart, my intuition, my body, my friends, and my family were telling me, “You have to quit that job. Who cares about the payday if you’re miserable?”

Eventually the message soaked in. After a dramatic conflict with my supervisors over an unconscionable way of treating customers, I couldn’t take it any more. The corporate bottom line had pushed me too far from my personal values, and I couldn’t stomach it any longer. I took a leave of absence. In the three months that followed, I received psychological counseling. I became introspective and analytical about the status of my life. I decided I didn’t know everything about what I wanted to do, but I was sure what I was doing was not it. I labored over the idea of leaving the company; it seemed like there were so many practical reasons to stay. It felt like I was contemplating jumping off a cliff with the hope I might be able to fly (or at least land without too much damage). The logical part of my brain vigorously rejected the idea of leaving such a “good job.” My logic had me in a stranglehold. I came from a background of poverty and irresponsibility, and I was unwilling to continue the chain. Working at a respectable job, regardless of its emotional toll, was easy for me to justify.

The counseling allowed me to reexamine my values and my relationship with my job. Finally, I summoned the courage to quit. I not only quit, but my exit was so colorful, I wouldn’t be concerned with returning. I burned the bridge down and did so intentionally. I did not want to look back, and leaving the door open to a return might be too tempting in the face of adversity. Instead, I jumped. I quit. I left without knowing what was next. I didn’t have a new job lined up. I didn’t have a lead on any possibilities. I took a leap of faith. I did a summersault into the abyss.

I felt really good and decided to focus on that. I admonished myself to look forward and become excited about the possibilities ahead of me. Moments of doubt and pangs of anxiety crept into my mind. I quelled them and directed my thoughts to possibilities.

Shortly after my exit from the workforce, my mother and I went to my aunt’s for dinner. She was thrilled about a book she recently stumbled upon, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. My mother, my cousin, and I politely acknowledged that it sounded like a fine book and continued to direct the conversation toward our regular topics of discussion. My aunt was unrelenting, however. She didn’t want us to simply agree the book sounded good. She wanted us to read it right then and there. I was more interested in discussing the fact that I left my job and really needed some projects to work out. I promised to read the book, hoping to return the conversation to my dire situation.

My aunt wasn’t satisfied. She wanted us to read it immediately—at the dinner table. She decided our consent was no longer necessary, and without regard to our resistance, she fetched the book and began to read. We listened as she read aloud. The first chapter didn’t take long to read. Once I got over my incredulousness and listened, I realized she was right; this was important. She then passed it to me, and I read the second chapter. We did this for a few hours. The book outlined how we are vibrational creatures living in a vibrational world. Our thoughts are more powerful than we realize, and our attention to this would change our lives for the better. The dynamic of the table grew energetic. We discussed this new way of thinking after each chapter or when moved by an idea. It became clear I must get my own copy. Although the material was completely foreign to me and contrary to the way I thought up until then, it was also intuitive. It was the opposite of everything I was taught and everything I heard on TV, the radio, or read in the papers. It made too much sense to ignore. It rang true inside of me, and this was a voice I was learning to listen to.

I took the book home and tried to read it all at once. I found each chapter made me very tired. The chapters were not long or exhaustive, but I couldn’t read more than one at a time. After each chapter, I had to set the book down and allow it to sink in. These ideas were paving new roads in my brain, and that was exciting, but exhausting. There were no complicated words or exasperating sentences, yet I could have read Kafka at a faster clip.

Since I wasn’t working, I dedicated my days to reading and absorbing this new material and insight. Once I finished, I immediately started rereading. Each time, I was able to take on larger chunks. I began doing the exercises in the book. I really trusted that this stuff worked, but I had no history with this insight. I must confess, my habits and old thought patterns persistently crept into my mind. I would derail, but I used this new insight to help me get back on track. I had plenty of bad mental habits, and these habits were hard to recognize, let alone put down. I still had habits of worry, habits of concern, habits of anger, and habits of fear. These habits kept demanding my attention, but I was committed to my new path. My conscious self wanted these ideas to work. I needed it to work. I dedicated myself to making a mental shift. I immersed myself in the subject. I knew I had a lot of work to do.

Just before I left my job, I had bought a very nice, but modest home. The house was surrounded by beautiful landscaping. The layout was friendly and sound. Behind the main bedroom, a beautiful pond and waterfall provided a place for koi to swim, squirrels to drink, and birds to land. It was a serene sanctuary for my thoughts and me. The yard was bordered by enchanting trees and plants that overwhelmed the senses with aesthetic beauty and fragrant aromas. This house had a healing effect on me. Because of this, I placed tremendous value in it. One of my most persistent fears was that I might lose this beloved house. I knew whatever I did, I had to hold on to it. I had about $9,000 to work with. I figured that would buy me a few months while I plotted my next step. I didn’t want to exhaust my modest savings and be confronted with the fact that I was broke and out of time.

At this point, the people who told me to quit my job were clamoring that I had to make money. Some were pressuring me to get a new job. Others wondered, “Where are you going to get money?” A cacophony of doubts surrounded me, pushing me deeper into my determination to make this work, my way. I had embarked upon a new path, and those questions and concerns were married to my old way of thinking. I did my best to keep them at bay.

I knew I had to envision my life the way I wanted it in order to get it. That meant no dumb job. No more doing it the way others expected. I had to be as committed to my transformation as I was to my old story. I continued to reread Ask and It Is Given and do the exercises. After reading it a few times, I wanted more on the subject but had no idea if there even was more. I had never heard of these concepts to this point. As I contemplated the idea of getting more perspectives, I noticed the foreword was written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I figured I ought to get some of his stuff. The same day, I was cleaning my living room and found a box containing four cassette tapes I had never listened to. It was the Power of Intention program … by Dr. Wayne Dyer. What a miraculous coincidence! I immediately ceased cleaning and listened to the tapes. I kept them on auto-play for days. I began feeling very good!

As good as I felt, my little bank account was dwindling. I continued to worry about money. Instead of letting this worry infest my thoughts though, I began consciously dismissing my fear. This was new. I was beginning to assimilate this information. Wayne spoke to me every day (although, he kept repeating himself), and I was reading inspirational material. I knew something would work out.

One “ace up my sleeve” was a speculation home I had started months earlier. Once finished, I would have some financial breathing room. However, as if to test my faith, my builder called to inform me of a glitch. Poor structural planning required us to scrap the original blueprints. My house was another five months out. I immediately found myself back into old thought patterns. I began to fret. I began to freak out. I began to panic. But I caught myself. I became calm. I decided I wanted to dismiss my doubts. Then, something miraculous happened, and it cemented my newfound faith.

I lay on my bed focusing on possibilities. I tried to quiet my mind. I felt myself becoming lighter. In my mind, I saw myself floating away. I floated into the sky past the Earth’s atmosphere into space, transcending the solar system. I crossed into pulses of light speeding through grid-networks. As I observed, I heard a voice ask, “What would you like?” I said, “I would like my project to finish so I’ll have enough money to get by until I figure out what I’m doing.” The voice replied, “You’ve come to the ocean with a thimble.”

No joke—immediately after I heard the voice, the phone rang. It was my builder. Since I had referred so much business to him, and they botched the plans for the house, they were going to give me a house that was already done. That house had $50,000 in equity and provided exactly what I asked: it bought me time.

It has been less than two years since my aunt introduced me to Ask and It Is Given. In this brief period, I have experienced many more of these miracles. I now own millions of dollars in real estate, I have a big, fat bank account, and I live in a million-dollar mansion. (I still have the original house.) I feel like I’m just getting started. These events are so dramatic in contrast to where I came from and what I’ve known that I feel an obligation to share my insight and make the method of this transformation more understandable and practical for everyone.

Message: We squander our thoughts. If we use their power, we can create more amazing lives.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Use Green Gemstones to Manifest Vitality and Prosperity

By Erica Burke

Green is naturally associated with abundance as it is the color of life, calling to mind lush green forests and rolling fields. Nature’s vitality brings associations of health, abundant blessings, and well-being. In color theory, being surrounded by the color green is supportive to the physical body and inspires feelings of healing and renewal.
Each green gemstone has distinct properties that assist in manifesting specific aspects of abundance. The following are just a few examples of these uniquely specialized properties.
Green Tourmaline Clears Blocks to Attract Success
Green Tourmaline is said to help heal auras and clear away blockages, as well as attract money and success. It has a dense, grounded vibration, making it a great stone to work with to connect to the physical and material world. Tourmaline is unique in that it contains a piezoelectrical charge, a type of electricity that is activated in certain crystalline substances, thus also making it great for working with the mind-body connection.
Jade for Better Business Dealings
In addition to drawing money, jade strengthens mental functions, reasoning ability, and wisdom, so it’s a terrific stone to use for business dealings. It is also symbolic of successful love, if an abundance of love is on your list! It helps you release anxiety and fear-based emotions and brings dreams into reality, as well as luck, longevity, and spiritual self-realization.
Take Charge With Alexandrite
Alexandrite has a very unique color that actually appears to shift from shades of green to shades of red when held up to artificial light. This changeability associates it with changes of fortune. If you are ready to take bold action, alexandrite is said to help you win your desired outcome.
Enhance Career With Emerald
The prosperity emerald brings is not limited to material wealth, but also spiritual and creative riches. It especially benefits career, as it promotes group harmony in work situations as well as helps overcome challenges. It motivates action and truth, and brings a sense of security in personal and work relationships. It is also associated with an abundance of healing, faithfulness, and love.
Green Gemstone Meditation for Prosperity and Abundance:
After having cleaned and charged the gemstone of your choice, hold it in your hands and enter a meditative state. Invoke divine assistance. Imagine any and all blocks towards achieving abundance being swept away. When they are gone, a brand new space opens. Visualize this space being filled with a beautiful green light. This light is filled with the energy of the specific type of abundance you want to attract.
Later on, carry the stone with you, or put in a special place, such as a home altar. Every time you see or hold it, you are reminded that you are filled with abundance always and you have everything you need.

The Small Voice called Wisdom!!!

Inside every single one of us is a still, small voice of wisdom.  It's small because sometimes the voices of the world seem so loud.  The still voice is always present, and if we pay attention, we can hear it.
This still, small voice is always giving us direction.  It is absolutely the perfect signaling device for our aliveness, our health, our well being, and our ability to live life fully.
Most of us have been trained to ignore that little voice. We’ve been taught to use our logic.  What we know is that the more we pay attention to that still, wise voice, the louder it gets, the more frequently we can hear it, and the better and easier our lives become.
Today is an opportunity for us to simply choose to pay attention.  "What is that quiet voice in me saying to me?" Practice listening closely to the voice of the still, small wisdom within you.
Just Listen

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Shyness is Nice, and Shyness Can Stop You… From Doing All the Things in Life You’d Like To

By Nicole Hoelle

Have you ever been at a social gathering and had the impulse to speak to someone, but felt frozen and unable to make that first move or say that first word? Do you find your mouth filling with marbles every time you attempt to speak your mind? Do youpossess a leonine confidence about certain accomplishments, but when you attempt to articulate them are instead overtaken by your inner mouse?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering, along with 40% of the population, from an affliction which has garnered much scientific attention. In fact, shyness has affected the lives of so many peoplethat an institute has been founded in its honor. The Southeast Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University has, under the direction of Dr. David Carducci, conducted much research on the causes of and treatments for shyness.
Not surpisingly, Dr. Carducci did, himself, suffer from this form of social paralysis and admits that it is something that he still “works at.”
While those who are shy may be perceived as having low self-esteem or confidence, this is actually not the case. In fact, Carducci points out, shy people can exhibit extreme confidence in certain areas.
So what does cause one to stand on the sidelines, all tied up in knots and frozen stiff? There’s still much hypothesizing and theorizing about what causes one to retreat into his or her shell, but Carducci and others seem to agree on one thing: shy people have a heightened awareness of themselves, which some may call self-consciousness, others self-centered fear. “Shy people,” says Carducci, “operate as if they have a mirror in front of them all the time.”
“Negative self-preoccupation,” as he calls it, most likely evolves sometime after 18 months of age. However, there has also been research, he states, showing that genetics also may play a role, with 15 percent of infants displaying an “inhibited temperament.”
Some researchers believe that, while this inhibited way of being might evolve from bad childhood experiences, those experiences might have actually been far from abusive in and of themselves. That is, the minds of children often exaggerate an event into something of monstrous proportions. That person who inadvertently interrupted you when you were seven might have grown into a veritable villain in your mind. That villainous presence is then projected onto the cute girl or guy, or the prospective boss, causing you to seize up again and again.
Repeating the behavior only reinforces it. So what’s the solution? Not repeating the behavior. Okay… and just what does that mean? Slow, repeated exposure to new behaviors is how Carducci explains it. For example, he says, engage yourself in new social situations, little by little. This can be done through volunteering or by having a short conversation with someone new. The point is to take contrary action and to do so in a slow and steady fashion.
Since those who are shy tend to stay within the peramters of their very limited comfort zone, the key is to push beyond those boundaries. Another method is to engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation, since shyness is often borne out of intense anxiety.
After such actions the brain can actually be rewired so that your authomatic response to social situations is not one of fear and loathing, but perhaps actually one of enthusiasm.

Looking for Love in All the Right Places…

By Lasara Firefox Allen

Where should you be looking for real love? It comes down to one cardinal rule: never go somewhere to meet people that you wouldn’t go otherwise. Most people do. The question of “Where can I meet people?” often yields the response “At the bar!” or some equally limiting idea.

The problem with this strategy is obvious. If you don’t drink, but you go to the bar to find someone to date, you’re very likely to end up dating someone who you possibly have a fundamental values difference with.
Why spend your time doing things you don’t want to do at places you’d rather not be? It stands to reason that you’d be more likely to find the One at an event, gathering or activity that you enjoy.
So, here’s how to find the One:
1. Make a list of places you like to go. Include places you want to go but haven’t gone yet.
2. Make a list of things you like to do. Include things you’re interested in doing, but haven’t done yet.
3. Commit to going to one place you like to go and/or doing one thing you like to do as soon as possible.
4. Commit to going to one place you like to go and/or doing one thing you like to do at least once a week. Ideally, more than that.
You may not meet the One immediately, but at least you’ll be spending a lot more of your time doing things you want to do. Take the opportunity to enjoy yourself. Make friends. Learn new things. Reinvest in old pastimes, hobbies, and avocations.
There’s no better way to become attractive to the One than to become more fully, glowingly, abundantly yourself. After all, how will the One recognize you if you’re busy pretending you’re someone else?

To Your Best Day

Have you ever caught yourself comparing yourself to somebody else?  
Perhaps they had more education, more money --more of something.  Have you ever noticed how that comparison makes you feel?  Or, have you ever compared yourself to somebody that seemed to have less than you and noticed how that makes you feel?
Both of those forms of comparison and the associated feelings are actually toxic to our own well being.  There is a great line that comes from ancient philosophy and it simply says that comparison is the death of joy.  You and I are not here to compare ourselves to anyone else.  We are here to compare the difference between how we are being and who God would have us be.
Today, let's not compare ourselves to anyone else.  We can simply be more today than we were yesterday.  It’s our own personal best day.
To Your Best Day,

To Faith As Your Lifestyle

I once saw a woman with a wonderful t-shirt that said, "Faith is a lifestyle."
What a great shirt, and what a great concept.  We are all given the same amount of faith.  Nobody gets more faith. Faith is a lifestyle, meaning it is a daily practice to use our faith towards the things that are good, helpful, hopeful --that are life giving.
We put our believing mind toward possibility.  Our faith of course is our believing --what we put our believing in. 
There is still much conversation about the recovering economy and so many other circumstances around us --we can put our believing in those circumstances or we can put our believing in creativity itself. 
This can really be a time that will generate in all of us a way of being creative; a way of choosing what matters. 
To Faith As Your Lifestyle

Believe in Yourself!!!

You Have It In You

Walt Whitman, a wonderful American poet and philosopher, wrote: 
"From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines.  Going where I list, my own master, total and absolute.  Listening to others, and considering well what they say.  Pausing, searching, receiving, contemplating.  Gently but with undeniable will, divesting myself of the holds that would hold me."
I hold it as a changeless law from which no soul can sway or swerve.  We have that in us that will draw whatever we need and most deserve.  
"From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines."  Would you be willing to ordain yourself this day, loose of limits and imaginary lines?
You Have It In You

Enjoy Today's Magic

I want to share with you a reading that came to me once:  "The primary purpose of this writing is to provide you with a reminder service of life's everyday magic, of how  powerful you are, and how far you can reach."
Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of these truths, particularly living in a world that wants to insist that we're limited, aging creatures, stuck somewhere between luck and fate.
A life properly lived is an easy luxurious life.  It's not supposed to be difficult, but we can make it that way with limited thinking, low expectations, or failing to see ourselves as we really are.
We are infinite beings of life --fun-loving gladiators of the Universe --adventurers just being human with eternity before us.  We have power over our thoughts to shape us.
Remember that today.  You are a gladiator of the Universe.  You have power over your thoughts.
Enjoy Today's Magic

The Secret Campsite of Self-Defeat

Key Lesson: Self-pity is the campsite of self-defeat; it is a dark refuge for those parts of us that would rather wallow in what cannot be than dare to explore what is possible.

Almost every kind of unhappy feeling is the result of mistaking the partial for the whole. What this means is that when we don't see the whole picture, we are likely to act in a way that is self-defeating. One example of this would be that terrible sinking feeling that comes with learning too late, after you've become upset, that things weren't the way you were so sure they had been. That, in fact, it was you who had misjudged or misunderstood the person or event; and now that you can see the whole situation, there is no reason at all to be angry or sad, anxious or afraid. How many times have we regretted some thoughtless action on our part once we found out all of the facts?

Steps to Raising Your Life Level

You do not have to accept your present life-level. Life-level is what determines whether you sail through this life or sink in it. At present, it may seem to you as if there are times when you don't have much choice in your own life. I want you to know that this is a lie. This temporary feeling of being trapped is part of your current life-level, where you sincerely feel as though your choices are limited. Again, I want you to know this is simply not true. There is always a choice.
The problem is that most men and women insist upontheir choices. You must see this. Your present life-level has been determined by the choices you have alreadymade. Why go back to the same field of choices? You already suspect that it will yield no real harvest of happiness. Go ahead and confirm your suspicion. Nothing bad will happen to you. In fact, only something good can occur once you stop clinging to useless ideas. You could say that your new choice is to stop choosing for yourself from yourself. This is the first necessary step for changing your life-level. Here is something to help you see the wisdom of your new and higher choice.
If your choices so far have left you feeling dissatisfied and incomplete, you must stop blaming your selections and see that the problem lies with the chooser -- you! You and what happens to you every day are the reflections of your life-level. We are wrongly led to believe that life makes us into the kind of person we are. The truth is that the kind of person we are, our life-level, makes life what it is for us! This is why nothing can really change for us until we see that our unhappiness isn't connected with the event, it is the level of it.
Truthful principles such as these are here to assist you in making higher choices by helping you to increase your self-understanding. This elevated understanding in turn raises your life-level. As you raise your life-level, you will see that you have effortlessly raised the way in which you react to every event.

Live Life!!!

We often don’t really live our lives. We think about the past, or project ourselves into the future, and forget all about the present.

The present moment is the only thing that matters. The past is over, and the future hasn’t happened yet. You should perform each gesture in full awareness of that, at every moment.

That’s the way to calm the wandering of your mind and keep you anchored in the present moment.

When you walk, be aware you’re walking. Don’t think about anything else.

Be conscious of your breathing, and don’t think about anything else.

When you eat, be conscious that you’re eating. Don’t think about anything else.

When you’re out in Nature, take pleasure being in its presence. Don’t think about anything else.

And so on…

Slow down, walk more slowly, eat more slowly, breathe more slowly. Be as fully conscious as you can, in everything you do.

When you walk, be aware of each step.

When you breathe, be aware of each breath.

When you eat, be aware of each mouthful.

When you’re in Nature, become one with it.

If you’re fully conscious, your existence will become a chain of constructive thoughts, words and deeds that will lift you higher.

You’ll be able to stop asking yourself questions about the past and the future, and feel happy in your awareness, as you finally start living in the here-and-now.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Knowing When to Move On Without Burning Bridges

By Taryn 

Has the day come when you know you simply can’t keep the job you have? What do you do to protect your present and your future? As with a love affair on its way out of your life, it’s important to think, plan and act. Keep this in mind—unlike leaving a lover, it’s seldom advisable to leave a job unless you have something else lined up. Land a new job, then consider these tips for knowing when to walk and how to keep your stellar reputation.
Figuring Out When to Walk
1. If you drag your butt out of bed each morning and dread the prospect of going to work, it’s probably way past time to move on. Start making plans. You don’t want to make a snap decision that brings your final paycheck before you’re ready to transition into something way cooler.
2. If your pay is as static as a sock stuck to a sweater, you probably need to try something else. The economy is slow, but people are still being rewarded for work done well.
3. Move on if you’re going nowhere you want to go—you’re doing the same job you’ve done for years, and everyone else has moved on.
4. If the most creative thing you’ve done in months has been shaping a paperclip into a clever weather vane, you’re a candidate for scoping out new prospects.
5. Your boss refers to you as that person over there? Find a new boss.
6. It’s time to go if you do high-quality, on-time work, and the only person who gets an attaboy or attagirl is your boss.
Leaving With Graceful Dignity, All Bridges Intact
1. Create an action plan. Figure out what’s wrong with the job, why you’re unsatisfied. As you seek a new position, make sure you don’t slide into the same issues.
2. Talk with your chain-of-command and determine if there are solutions to be had or it’s hopeless. Never threaten to quit or attempt to extort a raise. Check your attitude at the door and communicate in a professional manner.
3. Make a plan and look for your new job on your own time, not the company’s time. No exceptions.
4. Avoid gossip like the plague. Don’t tell everyone at the water cooler that you’ve had enough and you’re getting out.
5. Give adequate notice. It may be good for the ego to stomp out in high dudgeon, nose in the air and a sneer on your lips, but it may hit you in the backside on your next job, or on some future job. You never know who plays golf with whom, right?
6. Tidy up loose ends. Finish what you’ve begun, project-wise. Don’t leave chaos at your desk, and never, ever sabotage anything for self-satisfaction.
If you cover your bases and make sure you’ve left a situation into which your successor can step without getting a migraine, you’ll be thought of as professional and mature. If you cover your own interests and map your futurebefore severing ties with the present job, you’ll come out OK. You might even find the pot of gold you thought passed you by.

Better Than a Love Spell

By Donald Michael Kraig

Love Spells, Done Right

Love spells. There are books filled with them. Do they work? If they did, do you really think that any lovesick girl with a few dollars in her pocket could buy one? Think of the havoc this could cause!
The main problem with love spells is that they purport to be one-size-fits-all. But how could a love spell in a book be appropriate for everyone? You’re a unique individual and should be doing what’s right for you, not what is right for someone else.
As the author of the world’s most popular step-by-step instruction manual on real magic, Modern Magick, I know this stuff works. You just have to know how to design your own magic!
First, let’s turn the tables for a moment. Assume that love spells worked and the nastiest, most disgusting person you could think of worked a love spell on you, forcing you to love him. Ewwww! Or look at it another way. If you worked a spell on Mr. or Ms. Right and it worked, you’d always know that the only reason that person is with you is because of the spell. Love spells, in the long run, are self-defeating and don’t—can’t—bring love.
But there is something you can do. Assume that there is a person you’d like to have as a lover. It could be someone you know or even a famous personality. Make a list of the qualities that attract you to that person. List his or her height, hair color, personality characteristics, etc. List all the things you must have in a partner. Think about politics, religion, attitudes toward education and toward having children. List as much as you can.
Now, make a love spell doll. This can be three dimensional or just a drawing. Include as much as possible from your list, especially all the “must haves.” You can draw something that represents what you want, such as the number “six” to indicate that he should be six feet tall. You can pin or tape this to an actual doll, or include it in your drawing. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Rembrandt or Picasso. Just do the best you can. Make the love spell doll as complete as possible without it being a specific person.
Next, you have to put the energy into it and embed this into your unconscious mind. Clear your room and stand in its center, holding the doll in your left hand. Extend your arm fully to the left and turn your hand in so you can see the image. Standing in place, begin to turn counter-clockwise while staring intently at the doll. Go faster and faster until you get so dizzy you can’t do it any more. If you fall down, even better! Just make sure your area is safe so you can’t hurt yourself.
What you have done is create an image of the type of person you’re looking for. By turning in place you’re using physical energy. By looking at the image, you’re automatically sending that energy to the image. By doing this until you get dizzy, you’re sending the energy and image to your unconscious.
Now, let your powerful unconscious mind do the magic! It will literally send out signals to anyone with the characteristics you’re looking for to let them know that you’re available. You’re not controlling them, you’re doing a type of selective magical advertising so that you and that certain someone can find each other.
Just two more things. First, this isn’t going to work if you immediately hide yourself away. Go to museums or clubs, libraries or parks, wherever you like to go and believe a person with the desired characteristics and qualities will go. If you’re looking for a tree you’ll have better luck in a forest than on a desert.
Second, don’t question yourself. If you keep asking, “Did I do this right?” or, “How can this work?” you’ll be putting your inner magical energy into thinking about what you’re doing instead of attracting the ultimate partner you’ve always wanted

Monday, 11 July 2011

You Don't Have to Do Everything Yourself

"No man is an island..."
John Donne
When it comes to starting your own business online, there's no reason to think you have to do everything yourself.
If there's a particular element of setting up an Internet business that's got you stuck - writing content or designing a website, perhaps - rather than giving up on the whole idea...
Hire a freelancer to do it.
When you're ready to do that, here are some tips to help you get the most for your money...
It may cost a little more, but it makes sense to use sites like,, and to find people who will do a good job for you. These sites hold the payment until you say you're satisfied. This helps to protect both you and the freelancer. (You can't run off without paying, and the freelancer won't get paid until you sign off on his work.)
  • If you're not using one of the aforementioned sites and, instead, are dealing directly with the freelancer, don't pay for the entire project upfront. Stagger your payments so you don't lose all your money if the freelancer doesn't perform. And if you are paying for the work at an hourly rate, ask the freelancer to submit a timesheet detailing exactly what he did and when, so you can be sure you are getting your money's worth.
  • Ask freelancers applying for your job for samples of their work and testimonials from satisfied clients. Aside from the obvious reason, this will help you weed out "serial bidders" - people who apply for every freelance job going, even if they're not really suited to it.
  • Be wary of new members of websites like who have no client feedback. They could be old members using a new login name to avoid being associated with negative comments from people who have used their services.
  • In your advert, ask for a specific (and unusual) bit of information - maybe something like "Include the word 'flotsam' in the subject line of your e-mailed application." If they don't do it, you'll know they have not paid close attention to your requirements. (Not the kind of person you want to work for you.)
Bottom line: When you work with freelancers, be clear as to what it is you want and be fair. If they do a great job for you, reward them. If their work leaves something to be desired, be firm and demand better.
As long as you choose your people carefully, you can get high-quality work done at a low price - and that will give you an enormous advantage as an online entrepreneur.