
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

To get the things you want you have to take action, but only when it feels logical and natural to do so.

Someone once said: 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.' In other words, if the horse is thirsty, it doesn't need you to tell it what to do. It will just naturally take a drink when it needs one.

It's the same with manifesting.

If you take action simply to try and 'hurry up' the universal energy, you're only forcing the issue. And when it comes to the universe, force will get you nowhere.

That brings us to another crucial point about manifesting in general and the universe in particular. Knowing that everything is made of the same stuff, and that this 'stuff' is all connected, we also realize that everything we do to one bit of stuff affects all the other bits. This is known as the Law of Attraction.

The simplest way of putting it is: like attracts like

If you send out positive energy, you'll get positive energy back. If you send out love and kindness, you'll get the same in return. But if all you manage to send out is negativity and aggression, then that's what you can expect to receive.

When you practice manifesting with our Manifesting Recipe Sheet, you'll write in what you want and then formulate your wishes into an intention.

Intentions are stronger than wishes, because they imply something you're going to achieve, rather than something you wish you could achieve. Instead of daydreaming about what you might have, intentions signify that you INTEND to get exactly what you want.

One of the ways that you can make your intentions even more powerful is by attaching an emotion to them.

In other words, how will having that new car make you feel? Will more money make you excited or less stressful? Would a new house make you proud and successful? Would a better job give you more time to do the things you want to do, with the people you want to be with?

When it comes to manifesting, as long as you go about it in the right way, you always get what you ask for. Your job is to give the universe as much information about the things you want as possible. Then you can relax and let things happen naturally, knowing that the universe will take care of its side of the bargain.

So the more definite you are about what you want, why you want it, and how it will make you feel, the more realistic your vision becomes.

And that sends a clearer message to the universe. 

Yoga Asanas to Open Chakras

By Taryn GalewindThis month, commit to opening your chakras with Yoga asanas. Put that on project status – this process may change your life. Maybe you aren’t quite clear on what chakras are, and have no clue what an asana is. Follow along, they’re simple, basics concepts that can do you a world of good.
An asana is simply a posture. The word is from the Sanskrit, but that really doesn’t matter – the postures usually relate to Yoga, and they’re healthy, natural, and easy to do. Chakras, you may know, are thought to be energy receptors located along the path of your spine. Psychic experts say these doorways lead to higher consciousness and may be the key to perfecting your psychic talents.
Here are the chakras, moving from the base of the spine upward:
1. Root chakra or Muladhara, at the base of the spine.
2. Sacral chakra or Swadhisthana, near the bottom of your abdomen, about a hand-width below the navel.
3. Solar plexus or Manipura, right around your navel.
4. Heart or Anahata is right where you’d expect it to be, in your chest.
5. Throat or Vishuddha, in your neck.
6. Third eye or brow chakra, Ajna, is a region of the forehead, right between your eyes.
7. Crown or Sahasrara, at the very top of your head.
Think of chakras as portals where you can take in and release vibrations that create psychic or life energies. If you study chakras you’ll learn they may affect body functions by reacting to vibrations around us in colors, lights, sound, and experiences. It’s easy to see how our chakras relate to all of our senses – sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste – since those senses allow us to experience sensations.
Since chakras are aligned along the spine and yoga focuses much of its impact along the spine, it’s only natural to use yoga asanas to open, fuel and energize chakras. Asanas (postures) are very effective, and so is pranayama (yoga breathing). Each causes the spine to clear, energy to flow, and the chakras to be stimulated to higher receptiveness. Kundalini, or the yoga of awareness, may be the most useful asanas, because those postures are designed to stimulate non-functioning chakras by working the spine from one end to the other.
It’s thought that kundalini sends energy or vibrations on their way up and down that very important pathway. You can open dormant chakras by practicing yoga asanas that relate to each chakra’s location. Those postures that stretch the tailbone area work on the root chakra just as those that expand the chest affect the heart chakra, and so forth. If you’re a beginner, it’s advisable to check with your medical practitioner before you begin a new mode of exercise. Then browse the library or the web and find a book that truly seems to speak to you.
Read through the book, study the images. Make sure the language is clear and understandable for you. See if the photos are plentiful so you can model your asanas on them. If books aren’t right for you, view some DVD programs. Watch a number of them until you find one that sounds, looks, and feels right. Then set aside sacred time every day to practice your asanas.
You might want to keep a diary from the beginning of your exploration onward, and see how this work impacts your whole self. Many people find their overall health, posture, and outlook improve. Taking care of your body, spirit and soul by attending to your energies is the best beauty treatment you’ll ever find


Monday, 30 May 2011

Meditation music is just one part of the process, there is much more to meditation!!!

If you happen to be feeling the effects of a stressful lifestyle,
meditation music just may be what you need! This type of music is
extremely helpful when trying to relax and alleviate stress.
Meditation music is just one part of the process, there is much
more to meditation!

You will always want to use the same area in your home for the
process. Make sure that the area has been cleaned well, and does
not have any clutter or trash close by. These things can be
extremely distracting and can take away from the experience. Always
try to use the same space. It won't take long and you will
instantly begin to feel relaxed when you enter the area.

Be sure to put on nice comfortable clothing before you begin the
process. You will want to be able to stretch yourself out
completely without any restrictions when you meditate.

One of the most important things about meditation is the use of
meditation music! You can decide if you would like to purchase the
music, rent it for free from your local library, or you can even
download it for free from your home computer. If you have the
internet on your desktop or laptop computer, you will find that
there are many websites that offer free meditation music that you
can use.

Be sure to take nice slow deep breaths while you listen to the
music. Hold the air inside of your lungs for a few seconds before
you release it evenly. Did you know that there are a lot of
wonderful breathing techniques that you can use?

Look around and find one spot in the room where you can completely
concentrate your focus. You may even want to try repeating a mantra
to yourself. "Om" is very commonly used and can help you to stay
focused and block out any type of interruptions.

You must also learn to visualize while you are listening to the
music. Imagine yourself in another environment. Pick either a real
or imaginary place that allows you to feel comfortable and relaxed.
Use all five of your senses during your imagination.

Once you have gotten the hang of using your meditation music to
relax, you will want to do the process as often as possible. This
helps your body to re-energize and recharge. If possible, practice
your meditation every single day. This may not always be po

The music I personally use to meditate with is on the tracks at:
Sometimes we come to rely on actions and words to make our life what
we want it to be. Then we get frustrated because sometimes we speak
words and take actions that are contrary to the vibration we are

In other words, when you say that you really hope something
turns out well when you really do not expect it to, your words of
hope sound optimistic, but they do not bring you the results you
seek.  When you want something that you sincerely doubt, it cannot
manifest as long as that doubt is prevalent within you.

Most of your beliefs came through your life experiences. Your
beliefs are the result of the things you witnessed in life that
made you believe they are true.  So when you saw something
happening that you did not want to happen, as you observed it, you
came to the conclusion that this is "factual", that this is
"evidence", this is "truth", and this is "real".  You have also
been conditioned to believe that you must focus on things that are

But the truth is, whatever you are focusing on is training you into
a habit of thought.  That's all a belief is - a habitual thought
pattern.  So when you train yourself into a habit of thought that
does not match anything you want, you have set up a cross
current in your vibrational frequency. In other words, you WANT it
this way, but you also EXPECT it this way.

The problem is you got most of your expectations by listening and
watching TV, from family, friends, news media, etc. You have come
to this vibrational habit of thought over a long period of time.
Whether you like it or not, in most cases those thoughts are more
dominate within you than the vibration of your desire.  What is
happening is that there are all kinds of things that you want, but
you are sending out a different or opposite vibration than those
things that you want.

You have to find a way to shift your beliefs before your life can
change. If you do not have what you want, I can guarantee you have a
contradictory energy or belief system going on within you.  Take
the time to discover what it is and then use that awareness to
change it.  Awareness is always the first step to making any change.

Free Meditation Classes...

Click here for the 6 Videos :->

Discover Your Talents E-Book

Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Do you value life? Then waste not time, for that is
the stuff of which life is made.” The value of anything that you obtain or
accomplish can be determined by how much of your time, or your life, that
you spent to acquire it. The amount of yourself that you use up in achieving
the goals that are important to you is a critical factor to consider, even
before you begin. Only by discovering your innate strengths and developing
and exploiting them to their highest degree can you utilize yourself to get the
greatest amount of satisfaction and enjoyment from everything you do.
Deciding what you want to do, what you can do well, and what can give you
the highest rewards for your efforts is the starting point in getting the best
out of yourself.
Strategic Planning
When we do strategic planning for corporations, we begin with the premise
that the whole purpose of the exercise is to reorganize and reallocate people
and resources to increase the rate of return on equity, or capital invested in
the business. Invariably, this is done by emphasizing some areas and deemphasizing others, by allocating more resources to areas with higher
potential return and by taking resources away from those areas that
represent lower potential returns. By developing or promoting newer and
better products and services and by discontinuing those products and
services that are less profitable, the company and all the people in it can
channel their resources to maximize their returns. © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
In doing personal strategic planning, the first thing you want to think about
is increasing your personal “return on energy,” rather than return on equity.
You need to realize that the most essential and valuable thing that you have
to bring to your life and to your work is your ability to think, to act, and to
get results. Your earning ability—which is a function of your education,
knowledge, experience and talents—is your human capital, or your equity.
And the way you use it will largely determine the quality and quantity of your
rewards, both material and psychological, both tangible and intangible.
For example, a young man in one of my seminars came up to me and told
me that he was working as a plumber for a large plumbing-contracting firm.
He made good wages, but he was very envious of the salespeople in his
company who made more money, drove nicer cars, wore nicer clothes and
had much better life-styles. He had completed all his training and had his
journeyman’s certificate, and he was at the top of his wage scale. The only
way he could earn more money was by working longer hours. He realized,
however, that that was not the answer. Instead, he wanted to get into sales,
where his income could be higher and would not be fixed on an hourly basis.
I remember advising him that if he wanted to get into sales, it was up to him
to learn how to sell and then to do everything possible to get his
management to give him a chance at selling plumbing services. His future
was up to him, but he first had to learn how to do the new and higher-paying
job. © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
A little more than a year later, he attended another seminar that I was giving
in that same city, and he told me his story. He had told his management that
he wanted to get into sales. The managers had discouraged him, telling him
that plumbers had very little aptitude for the hard, interpersonal work
involved in selling a complex service. He then asked them what he would
have to do to prove to them that he could sell well. To make a long story
short, they helped him to learn how to sell their company’s services by
having him study manuals and take extra courses on his own time. He
bought books and listened to tapes and began spending time talking to the
salespeople in the organization.
Now a year had passed. He had been a full-fledged salesman for about five
months. He was already earning more than twice as much as the most he
had ever earned as a plumber. But most of all, he was happier. He was more
excited and more enthusiastic about himself and his work than he had ever
been. He loved the field of selling, and he considered his career change to be
one of the best decisions he had ever made.
This story is typical of countless stories that have been related to me over
the years. In each case, the individual had discovered and developed his or
her strengths and, subsequently, improved the quality of his or her life. And
you can do the same. In fact, this may be one of the most important things
you ever do. © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
Define Your Values
This first part of personal strategic planning is called “values clarification.”
You ask yourself, “What values and virtues do I most admire and wish to
practice in my life?” If you wanted to discover your strengths in the work
world, first you would define your values as they apply to employment. The
values that companies settle upon would be similar to the values that you
organize your work life around. Often, both companies and individuals will
choose values such as integrity, quality, respect for others, service,
profitability, innovation, entrepreneurship, market leadership, and so on. For
example, General Electric, as one of its values, is determined to be either
first or second in quality and market share with any product that it offers. If
it cannot achieve a first- or second-place position, it will make every effort to
grow into it, or it will leave the market entirely.
In a similar vein, you could use those values to define your position with
regard to your work. You could decide to plan your work life around the
values of quality, excellence, service, profitability, and innovation. There are
dozens of values that you can pick from, but whichever you choose, and the
order of priority you place on your choices, will determine your approach to
your work.
Your next step is to create your personal mission statement. This is a clear,
written description of the person you intend to be in your work life. I have
often found that this is even more important than setting specific financial or
business or sales goals. Once you have decided how much you want to earn, © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
you need to write out a mission statement that describes the kind of person
you intend to become in order to earn that amount of money.
For example, you might say, “I’m an outstanding salesperson, wellorganized, hardworking, thoroughly prepared, positive, enthusiastic, and
intensely focused on serving my customers better than anyone else can.”
With this as your mission statement, you have a series of organizing
principles that you can use to guide your career choices, your personal- and
professional-development activities, and your work schedule for each day.
This mission statement also tells you the kind of person that you’re going to
be in your interactions with the people whose satisfaction will determine your
career success. A clear mission statement also is a definition of the areas in
which you intend to become stronger in order to achieve your goals.
Define Your Goals
Remember: Your goal is to identify your strengths so that you can deploy
yourself in such a way as to increase your personal return on energy. One of
the best mental techniques that you can use to accomplish this is to see
yourself as a “bundle of resources” that can be applied in a variety of
directions to achieve a variety of objectives. As a bundle of resources, the
amount of time and energy that you have is limited; therefore, your time and
energy must be put to their highest and best use. Stand back and imagine
that you’re looking at yourself objectively, as if through the eyes of another
person, and you’re thinking about how you could apply yourself to bring
about the best results. See yourself as your own employer or boss. What © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
could you do to maximize the output of which you’re capable, and where
could you do it?
Once you have defined your values and written out your mission statement,
the next step is to do what is called a “situational analysis.” Sometimes we
call it a “performance audit.” This is the process of analyzing yourself
thoroughly before you begin setting specific goals and planning certain
activities. You begin your performance audit by asking yourself some key
One of those questions should be, “What are my marketable skills?” Think
about it. What can you do for which someone else will pay you? What can
you do particularly well? What can you do better than others? What have you
done particularly well in the past?
A wage or a salary is merely an amount of money that is paid to purchase
a certain quality and quantity of labor or output. The results that you’re able
to get by applying your strengths and your energies largely determine your
rewards in life. If you wish to increase the quality and quantity of your
rewards, you have to increase your ability to achieve more and better
results. It’s very simple.
Earl Nightingale said that the amount you’re paid will be determined by three
things: (1) the work you do, (2) how well you do that work, and (3) the
difficulty of replacing you.
The laws of supply and demand also affect the labor market, of which you
are a part. Employers or customers will always seek the very most for the © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
very least. That means that you’ll always be paid the very least that is
necessary to prevent you from moving to another organization.
Abraham Lincoln said that the only security a person can have is the ability
to do a job uncommonly well.
The height of your income will be determined largely by how well you do
your job and the difficulty of replacing you. In areas where workers can be
replaced easily, the workers are paid only the minimum amount necessary to
keep them. In increasing your return on energy, one of your objectives is to
become so good in your chosen field that the cost of replacing you is
extremely high. This is the way to assure that you will always be paid well
because no one can get the kind of results that you can get for the amount
that you charge, or the amount that you’re paid (which are the same).
Take Control
In reality, you’re the president of your own personal-services corporation.
You’re completely in charge of production, quality control, training and
development, marketing, finance, and promotion. Thinking of yourself
passively, as being employed and, therefore, subject to the dictates of
someone else, can be fatal to your long-term success. On the other hand,
seeing yourself as self-employed forces you to see that you also are selfresponsible and self-determining, that everything that happens to you
happens because of your conduct and your behavior. You’re in the driver’s
seat. You’re behind the steering wheel of your life. It’s up to you to decide
how to utilize your talents and abilities in such a way as to bring you the very © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
highest return on investment of your time and energy. No one else is going
to do it for you. You’re the boss. Others can help you, guide you, direct you,
channel you, point you in the right direction and even give you opportunities,
but in the final analysis, no one can make the critical decisions that will
determine your future and your fortune.
Define Your Strengths
Here are four questions that you need to ask yourself on a regular basis: (1)
“What do I most enjoy doing?” (2) “How would I describe my ideal job?” (3)
“If I could have any job at all, anywhere, what would it be?” (4) “If I won a
million dollars in the lottery and I had to pick a job to work at indefinitely,
what would I choose to do with my time?”
In uncovering your strengths, ask yourself, “What are my unique talents and
abilities?” What have you been good at in the past? What things do you do
easily that seem to be difficult for other people? In what areas of work do
you seem to get the best results, and do you derive the most pleasure from?
The answers to those questions all are indications of how you might deploy
yourself to increase your return on energy invested.
As a result of your genetic structure, your education, your experiences, your
background, your interests and proclivities, you’re a unique and rare
combination of talents and abilities. You can be extremely good at
something. You’re responsible for finding out what that something is and
then throwing your whole heart into it, without reservation or holdback. Only © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
when you discover what you really enjoy doing and then commit yourself to
it wholeheartedly do you begin to feel really alive and fully engaged in life.
Find Clarity
Look at your current job and current abilities, and ask yourself, “Where do I
want to be in three to five years?” What kind of work do you want to be
doing? What kind of people do you want to be working with? What level of
responsibility do you desire? What kind of money do you want to be earning?
What part of the country do you want to be living in?
Let your imagination flow freely for a while. Imagine that there are no
limitations on what you can do or be, or where you can do it or be it.
Imagine that all options are open to you.
Look at your work and at your life in general today, and ask yourself, “What
kind of people do I admire the most and want to be like?” Who do you know,
or know about, who is doing the kind of work that you want to do and living
the kind of life that you want to live? What changes would you have to make
in your life to be like that person? Remember: Whatever anyone has done,
someone else can do as well. You’ll never be exactly the same as another
person, but you don’t need to be. You can use the successes and
achievements of other people as examples and guidelines to help you decide
where you want to arrive at the end of your particular journey, but you can
be unique and different and successful in your own way.
Harold Geneen, the former CEO of ITT and one of the most powerful business
executives in American history, always used to say, “Start with the goal and © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
work back.” So decide where you want to end up somewhere down the road,
and then plan back to the present day to determine what you’re going to
have to do to get there. If you can make an honest assessment of your
strengths and weaknesses, your threats and vulnerabilities, your areas of
potential opportunity and the areas that might be holding you back, you’re in
a perfect position to begin looking forward to the future, to decide where you
want to go and what you want to achieve.
Be a Leader
Finally, in personal strategic planning, the aim is always to achieve
leadership in your chosen market niche. Business leaders have the authority
to determine the area of excellence in their business. Analogously, on a
personal level, you can choose the thing at which you’re going to become
absolutely excellent and achieve extraordinary results. So in what areas are
you going to work to achieve results that are far beyond what the average
person could be expected to accomplish?
What can you—and only you—do that, if done well, will make an
extraordinary difference in your life? What can you do now, or can you learn
to do in the future, that will give you the biggest payoff for the amount of
time that you invest in it?
Remember: You were put on this earth with a special combination of talents
and abilities that make you different from anyone who has ever lived.
Whatever you’re doing today, it’s nowhere near what you’re really capable of
doing. The key to a happy and prosperous life is for you to regularly evaluate © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
your strengths and weaknesses, to become very good in the areas you most
enjoy, and then to throw your whole heart into what you’re doing. © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
About the Author:
Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company
specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.
Brian is also a founder of iLearningGlobal, the preeminent online Business
Training portal in the world.
Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster
and easier than you ever imagined.
Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed
more than 4,000,000 people in 4,000 talks and seminars throughout the US,
Canada and 40 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar
leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of
economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top
selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of
He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning
programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement,
which has been translated into more than 20 languages.
He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and
Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of
America's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on © Brian Tracy.  All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success
Psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results.
Prior to founding his company, Brian Tracy International, Brian was the Chief
Operating Officer of a $265 million dollar development company. He has had
successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate
development and syndication, importation, distribution and management
consulting. He has conducted high level consulting assignments with several
billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational
He has traveled and worked in over 80 countries on six continents, and
speaks four languages. Brian is happily married and has four children. He is
active in community and national affairs, and is the President of three
companies headquartered in Solana Beach, California.
Brian is also the President of Brian Tracy University, a private on-line
University for sales and entrepreneurship.
If you have any questions about Brian Tracy learning programs and services,
please email or call 1-858-436-7300.

Never Deny The Negative...Just let go...

I believe one mistake many people make when they first hear about the law of attraction is to start denying, ignoring, judging or repressing their 'negative' feelings in fear of any negative consequences they may attract.
The fact is, negative feelings are not 'wrong' per se. Further, what we resist persists. Pretending you don't have feelings doesn't make them go away!
What's more, your emotions can be a helpful guide to your internal thought processes and indicate where beliefs may be out of alignment or incongruent with the successes you seek, or where you may have hidden agendas, unserving attitudes, unhealed aspects, and so on.
Negative emotions can also serve a positive function. Grieving, for example, is a healthy and natural process that may involve the experience of pain yet ultimately lead to healing. Fear is designed to signal when to be on guard or protect yourself potentially. Even anger if expressed cleanly can be productive. 
It is only when feelings are repressed that they become problematic and toxic and leak into our world affecting our reality in not so pleasant ways, or come at us as a mirror in the people and experiences we attract. This is why honoring, accepting and releasing your emotions is important.
"Acceptance heals hurt. It heals the resistance that causes or exacerbates the pain. When you accept, it allows you to move forward in the flow, because what you accept, you naturally let go of."
- Chuck Spezzano
When we accept and honor our feelings, rather than fear, judge or repress them, they can be naturally expressed and released and can move through us.
What's more, in the light of love and acceptance we can let go of feelings that do not serve us that much more easily. As said, it is what we resist that persists.
"Pain only exists in resistance.
Joy exists only in acceptance.
Painful situations which you heartily accept become joyful.
Joyful situations which you do not accept become painful.
There is no such thing as a bad experience.
Bad experiences are simply the creations of your resistance to what is."
-  Rumi

There are many techniques these days for releasing emotions, everything from writing them down, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), crystal healing, the Sedona Method, the Release Technique, the ZPoint Process, expressing them through creativity, energy healing (such as Reiki), communicating them to a friend or loved one, flower essences, and many others.

Unsurprisingly, and yet so often avoided, feeling your feelings is a fast and effective way to release them.

This doesn't mean indulging in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you. More, it enables them to move through you and be expressed. It takes greater energy to stuff emotions down than to experience them.

Furthermore, denied and repressed emotions don't go away, and require numbing and distraction (through drugs, alcohol or addictions, for example), and can lead to sabotage, repeated patterns, and an inability to be fully intimate with yourself, and hence present and real with others.
Acknowledging, accepting and feeling an emotion will enable its release.Forgiveness, of self and others, can also serve to liberate you from whole clusters of negative emotions.
Sometimes it can feel like you're walking into the fire, yet that fire will set you free. Sometimes it may feel like the dark night of soul, yet that light will lead to a dawn brighter than before, and a future freer, truer, with greater love.
It is in the dark that we search to connect to the love and light within and find the truth - that we are loved, loving and loveable ever and always, that our reality is ultimately an illusion, and that in highest truth, only love is real.

Your E-book for The day...

How I Built My Wealth
Early To Rise Presents:
By: Michael Masterson©Copyright 2011 by Early to Rise
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
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Published by:
Early to Rise
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Early to Rise
The Day I Decided to “Get Rich”
It doesn’t take genius to get rich.  Nor are special talents required.  You don’t need to be
lucky.  And you certainly don’t need to be privileged. You do, however, have to make getting
rich a priority in your life –– and be willing to
focus the majority of your time and energy on
doing what it takes to build real wealth.
Change yourself from
Spender to Wealth Builder
The Spender believes that buying things —
and especially status symbols — makes him
richer.  He drives a Mercedes, wears Zegna
suits, sports a Rolex watch, etc.  As his income grows, the Spender buys more and more
expensive things — because that is the only
way he can signal to himself and others that
he is improving himself financially.
The Wealth Builder doesn’t fall into that trap.
He understands that improving his financial
position means increasing his net worth.  To
that end, he hates spending money on depreciating assets (anything with a value that diminishes over time), because he knows that
each such purchase makes him poorer.  Poorer
immediately and much poorer in the long run.
The Wealth Builder takes pleasure from growing richer, and he does so by putting almost
all of his extra money into appreciating assets.
Get to Work One Hour Earlier
and Leave One Hour Later
The first and most important lesson I’ve
learned in my wealth-building history is this:
To get more out of something, you have to put
more into it.
To make more money than you are making
now, you will have to work more.  To make a
lot more money, you will have to work more
and differently.
This may seem too obvious to mention, but it
came as a bit of a surprise to me.
Since so many of us got to know work by doing work we didn’t care about, we learned
(and now it’s deep in our bones) that work is
hard, dull, and boring.  With that idea in mind,
it’s no wonder we look for promises of quickand-easy money.
They don’t exist.
To become wealthy, you need to put yourself
in the profit stream of a thriving business and
contribute to that profit stream by exercising a
financially valuable skill.  Whether that skill
is selling, marketing, product development, or
profit management, it will take you time to get
good at it.
That’s one of the reasons I believe — as Ben
Franklin did — that the most important thing
you can do to acquire wealth is get to work
early each morning.  The extra time gives you
a tremendous advantage over everyone and
everything you compete against.  Plus, the
discipline of doing something most people are
not willing to do will pay off in just about every other area of your life.
If, in addition to coming in early, you stay an
hour later than the rest of your co-workers,
you will accelerate your wealth-building time
line even more.
How I Built My WealthHow I Built My Wealth | 2
Early to Rise
So be at your desk tomorrow morning an hour
earlier than the rest of the world, stay an hour
after everyone else goes home, and everything
else — the brilliant moneymaking ideas, the
diligent follow-through, the sticking to priorities, and the devilish details — will all follow.
Master a Financially Valuable Skill
A financially valuable skill is not speaking
French or ballroom dancing. These are great
to know, and enhance the richness of your life,
but they are not skills that people will pay you
a ton of money for.
Financially valuable skills, are those that
contribute to the profits of a business –– for
example, selling or marketing or product development or profit management.  And every
one of these skills requires the ability to speak
well, write well, and think well.
Speaking and writing well is important, because in any organization or organized system, power moves inexorably to those who are
persuasive. The means of communication you
develop don’t matter so much.  What counts
is that you have a way to convince people that
your ideas are worthwhile.
By “thinking well,” I mean having the ability
to analyze a problem and figure out its component parts — what it is made up of and how
important each of these pieces is. If you apply this thinking to a business situation — say,
analyzing a market — you can figure out solutions before your colleagues have begun to
figure out the problems.
Great marketers are really great thinkers.  They
look at a complicated market, break it down
into understandable patterns, and develop a
selling program that reflects those patterns.  If
you can figure out how to sell products/services when everybody else is throwing up their
hands in despair, you’ll be rich and powerful
sooner (probably) than you even want to be.
To make a high income (in excess of $100,000),
you almost have to do these three things.
Spend some time today thinking about how
you can improve your ability to (1) persuade,
(2) communicate ideas, and (3) solve problems power to persuade and to speak, write,
and think –– and how you might use these
skills to get your income up to at least to
$100,000.  More if you want more.
Earn More Than You Spend
If you continue to get up early and follow my
advice, your income will climb.  How do I
know that?  Because the world is starved for
ambitious, hardworking, and focused people.
But no matter how high you boost your income, you won’t acquire wealth unless you
learn to spend less than you make.  It is the
money we save, not the money we make, that
determines our wealth.
If you have enjoyed a growing income, you
already understand (all too well) what I’m
talking about.  Make more money and things
get better: your car, your clothes, even (and
most expensively) your home address. That’s
fine so long as there is a limit.  But for many
(if not most) income builders, the desire to
spend is always two steps ahead of the ability
to earn.  If you fall into that trap, you will have
the accoutrements of wealth but never its most How I Built My Wealth | 3
Early to Rise
valuable benefits: financial peace of mind and
the freedom to stop working.
The hard part is the mental discipline.
I had to get into the habit of calculating my net
worth every month. It forces you to come face
to face with exactly how much you’re earning… and where that money is going.
It can be scary to see those numbers. But,
it’s even scarier to not know what those
numbers are.
Then, make yourself a promise, like I did: I
promised myself that I would do whatever
it took to make sure that each new total was
larger than the one before. It’s a commitment
to becoming wealthier every day.
That may seem like a simple promise, but it
had a profound impact on the way I thought
about myself, my job, my business relationships, and about wealth building itself.
It made me see — almost instantly — that
many of my habits (including some of my
spending habits) were financially unhealthy.
It also gave me, at times, the panicked energy I needed to do something drastic — to
start something new or end something that
had gone wrong.
You’ll have to be scrupulously honest.  The
temptation to meet your goal by overvaluing a
particular asset may be strong, so be aware of
it and resist it.
Counting your money is an unseemly activity..  But it will remind you of the progress
you’re making — and that will give you the
mental strength to continue.  Ultimately, it
will make spending less than you earn automatic.  And that means your future wealth will
be guaranteed.
Don’t dismiss this little technique because
it’s simple.  All the best and most powerful
things in life are simple.  This WILL make a
Choose Investments That Keep Your
Risks Low and Your Profits High
The traditional idea about investment returns
is that the more you want to earn the more risk
you have to take.  However, it is possible to
get a higher-than-average return with muchless-than-typical risk.
Let’s start by assuming that you begin your
wealth-accumulation program with monthly
savings of $1,000. Let’s figure that by working hard and smart you are able to increase
that $12,000 by $3,000 a year. And, finally,
let’s assume that you are 45 years old and
have 20 years of income-producing years in
your future.  (If you are younger than that,
the numbers I’ll show you will turn out to be
much, much more favorable.)
Over a 20-year time period, putting away
the savings mentioned above, the total “extra” income you’ll have socked away will be
about $800,000. That’s not bad.  It shows you
the power of consistent savings.  And that
$800,000 invested at an average of 12% interest would give you $96,000 a year to live on
in your retirement year
But the numbers I’ve cited so far do not include the effect of compound interest.
If you put all that extra money in the bank and
earn an average of 3% interest compounded annually, you’d have about twice the amounts cited above.  If you could do better than that — say, How I Built My Wealth | 4
Early to Rise
5% — you’d end up with four times as much.
7% would give you about five times as much.
10% would give you about six times that
much, or between $5 million and $15 million.
It’s not easy to get 10% over time, but I believe it can be done if you invest in things
you know.
Here’s how to do it…
45% of Your Savings Should Be in
Conservative Passive Investments
Invest 25% of your savings in your home
To be sure that your home appreciates in value, don’t buy a house until you really know
the local real-estate market. Spend as much
time as you need to scout around, to speak
to people, to watch what’s going on.  When
you are confident that you know the neighborhoods and can recognize properties that
are either overvalued or potential winners, do
what the real-estate pros recommend: Buy a
modestly priced house in an good or up-andcoming neighborhood.
Invest 10% of your savings in stocks
Next, you’ll want money in the stock market.  I recommend that you select a balanced
mutual fund that is meant to “track” the Dow
Jones Industrials. Don’t mess around picking individual stocks or timing your investments (pulling them in and out of the market
depending on economic conditions and other
factors).  Just put your money in and let it enjoy the historic 9% return stocks have given
investors for 70 years.
Invest 10% of your savings in secured loans
The next category — secured loans — is an
important but usually over-looked part of any
Wealth Builder’s investment portfolio.  Secured loans are wonderful because they pay a
decent rate of return — higher than bank savings accounts — with virtually no more risk.
To make things simple, I recommend tax-free
municipal bonds.  If you go for the safe ones
— triple A— you’ll get about 4.75% return in
today’s market.  That equates to about 7% to
8% before taxes.
The first 45% of your invested wealth will
appreciate slowly, steadily, and safely
Take time choosing these investments to begin with, but I believe you’ll do better in the
long run by leaving these investments alone.
Take the time you’ll save by not actively managing your home, your index funds, and your
bonds, and invest it in the management of the
active portion of your investments: (1) a highyield business opportunity and (2) investment
real estate.
Invest 25-30% of Your
Savings in a Side Business —
Something You Know
No matter where you put your money, you
will get better returns in the long run if you
select investments you understand — and if
you continue to learn more about those investments for as long as you are investing in them.
To get the greatest yield with the “active” part
of your investment portfolio, you need to invest in something you are committed to knowing about. How I Built My Wealth | 5
Early to Rise
What types of investments are appropriate for
this portion of your savings?
In my view — and this is an opinion that won’t
find much support among financial planners and
stock gurus — you should probably not put your
high-yield money into such traditional high-yield
investment vehicles as futures, options, microcap stocks, precious metals, and currencies. I
could go on, but you get the idea: Don’t invest
in risky investments unless you intend to become
an investment expert. Most people don’t have the
time or intelligence for that.  I certainly don’t.
And most of the world’s wealthiest people
don’t either.
You may be the rare exception.  If so, learn about
day trading or hedging or spreads, etc.  Figure
out how to make money on covered calls and
micro-spreads and the like. But if you are not
a natural financial genius and you already have
the distraction of a full-time job, I recommend
you invest your money in a side business that
you can learn about on a part-time basis.
Invest 20-25% of Your Savings
in High-Yield Real Estate
The wonderful thing about real estate is how
quickly it seems to expand. You buy a condo this
year with the cash you got back from last year’s
taxes.  It’s barely enough to get you to closing,
but you throw some extra dollars at it and fix the
property up.  Eventually, as your rent increases to
match the property’s appreciated value, what was
a net cash expense becomes a net cash positive.
Year after year, you purchase more and better
properties.  Some, you keep for the long haul.
Others, you sell for a profit and then invest that
money in two (or more) up-and-comers.  You
develop an intimate knowledge of the market.
You can see the specs for a property in a given
neighborhood and, sight unseen, know just
how much you should pay for it.  You learn to
separate your feelings from your actions.  You
buy value and you sell into a rising demand.
Before you know it, five years have passed.
Then 10.  And then 20.  One day, you add it
all up and realize you have accumulated more
than $10 million worth of real estate. What
seemed like a part-time hobby has become, in
retrospect, a retirement windfall.
Why This Is the Best Time
Ever to Build Wealth
Some see economic recovery just over the next
hill. It doesn’t look that way to me.  Still, I’m certain that now is the best time ever to build wealth.
Why?  Because now is always the best time.
Now is always the best time to start something
good.  Good things take time, and time is one
thing that is definitely limited.  The sooner
you begin, the faster you’ll get there.
This is universally true, but it’s especially true
when the goal is to build wealth.  You can’t
control the economy. You can’t predict the
markets. You can’t ultimately protect yourself from disaster.  But you can make yourself
richer tomorrow than you are today.
There’s always something you can do.  Work
an extra hour in the morning. Work another
extra hour before you go home at night. Sell
an extra widget.  Start a partnership.  Cook up
a moneymaking idea.
Remember, every dollar you earn today is
more valuable than a dollar you earn tomorrow How I Built My Wealth | 6
Early to Rise
— because of the value of compound interest.
And every financially valuable secret you
learn today is more valuable than it would be
if you learned it tomorrow — because of the
value of compound knowledge.
Some specific business ideas are certainly
better delayed. (I’ve decided to put off buying an apartment house in my neighborhood
because I’m convinced local real-estate
prices will be lower next year.)  But wealthbuilding action — taking positive steps to
achieve your financial goals — is always
best done immediately.
Be cognizant of the times we live in — the
slowing economy, the burgeoning debt, etc.
— but be equally aware of the passing of time.
Every day that passes is 24 hours of opportunity you won’t have again.  Why not put a bit
of that time to work for you right now?
A Business Veteran Who’s Not
Afraid to Tell It like It Is
He helped take one business from nothing... to
$100 million in revenues. Then, after a short
retirement, he helped a second company grow
from $8 million to more than $300 million.
He got out of the real estate market before it
tanked. He anticipated the recent stock market crisis and got out in time to protect his investments.
In a nutshell, he’s run successful businesses for
more than four decades and he knows how to
teach others - that means you - to do the same.
I’m talking, of course, about Michael Masterson. He’s not only an entrepreneur, premier
business consultant, and investor, but also the
author of the New York Times, Wall Street
Journal, and Amazon bestsellers Changing
the Channel: 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions
for Your Business, Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero
to $100 Million in No Time Flat, and Seven
Years to Seven Figures, among others.
But he hasn’t forgot his roots as an entrepreneur, or what made him successful - as has
happened with other successful biz people
who take a rosy (and hazy) view of their rise
to the top when they set out to write their own
business tomes.
We’ve carefully selected his most breakthrough,
contrarian, and counterintuitive business principles and put them together in one place. It’s
available in The True Path to Profits: A Master
Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Success.
By learning from the “master” you can transform your own ventures. By learning the right
way to start a business you minimize your risk
of losing time and money.
But this isn’t useful only for start ups. Whether
you already have your own company or work
for somebody else you’ll learn principles and
“business rules” that will improve put you in
line for promotion after promotion.
You’ll know:
• The Anti-Trend Guide to developing 7-figure products.
• How to get your competitors - yes, your
competitors - to tell you exactly where to
find new customers.
• The 3 Key Elements that Must Work Together for Your Ads to Work
• The “right” mistakes to help your business grow
• And much more...
Find out more about The True Path to Profits

The only time when you can create your own reality or change your life for the better is in the present.

Manifesting is all about bringing the things you want into your life. But if you spend all your time thinking about the past or daydreaming about the future, then you're letting the present pass you by.

We used to believe that time was a continuum running smoothly from past through present and on to the future. But thanks to quantum physics, we now know that time is little more than an illusion. In fact, our notion of time is a man-made one, created simply to make it easier for us to get on with everyday living.

What happens when you constantly live in the past or try to look ahead to the future?

You become fragmented and unable to do things when it really matters. The only time you can exist is RIGHT NOW, in this very moment. And that's the only time when you can take control of your life and make changes to it.

When you start living in the 'here and now', you'll notice things changing in your life. For example:

  1. You won't feel so fragmented anymore
  1. You won't feel anxious about the future
  1. You'll stop racing against the clock and getting stressed up
  1. You'll look forward to the future instead of viewing it with fear
Living in the present helps you stay focused on what you want to achieve. It also means that if you want a better future, you can take control and make that happen.

When you mention the word 'manifesting', it brings to mind certain images. Some people think it means making items appear out of thin air. Others believe it's just another word for visualization. It does have certain characteristics in common with visualization.

But the truth is that it's much more than that...

  1. Visualization is about creating images of reality in your mind. Manifesting is about creating reality, not an image of it. 
  1. Visualizing involves seeing yourself in a future event, while manifesting is about working in the present to build a better future.
  1. Visualizing involves going inside yourself to see things in your mind. Manifesting is about syncing yourself up with the energy of the universe.
  1. Visualizations only last as long as you visualize them, while manifesting allows you to create your own reality by giving life to your very thoughts. 
As soon as you state your intentions through manifestation, your desires take on a life of their own.

They're no longer wishes or dreams, but have focus, power and intensity. 

Dear Cusp Person...

By Debbie Keil-Leavitt

What Happens if You’re on the Borderline Between Two Signs?

Do you remember the ruckus about the “13th” sign a few months ago that a scientist used to try to discredit Western astrologers – those who use the tropical zodiac? Well, while he was absolutely right about the constellations along the ecliptic (the path of the Sun), he was wrong about the very valid turning points that tropical astrologers use—the change of seasons. These are built on the Spring Equinox and Autumnal Equinox (0º of Aries and 0º of Libra – in that order in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice (0º of Capricorn and 0º of Cancer – in that order in the Northern Hemisphere – reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.)
This elegant zodiac system was developed by the Greeks ruling Egypt around the time of Cleopatra. They divided their zodiac allotting 30º to each sign, so when the signs change, you are born on the cusp. So, the tropical zodiac hasn’t changed in 2,000 years—true. Does the change of seasons affect us all? Absolutely.
If you are born at the end of one sign, or the beginning of another, you are considered “born on the cusp.” No one can deny the power of the cusps in tropical astrology, particularly at 0º of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Recent examples are hard to deny – the lunar eclipse at 29º of Sagittarius (21st of December 2010 Winter Solstice above the equator) brought all tropical astrologers to attention and the revolutions in the Middle East and Wisconsin followed shortly thereafter. When the planet that “shakes things up,” Uranus, reached 0º of Aries the earthquake happened in Japan on that exact day—and there are many, many more examples of the power of these points.
So how does this play out in your chart? When you are born on the cusp of Pisces/Aries, you are completing a life cycle of experiences and entering a “new birth” as a soul. If you were born on the Gemini/Cancer cusp, rejoice—this is the time of year most geniuses are born. Think in terms of Paul McCartney and Brian Wilson in the world of music, people still influencing artists today.
If you were born at the end of Virgo, beginning of Libra you are walking out of the Underworld (6th house to 7th house) into the world of “others.” Sexy and charismatic former President Bill Clinton had his Mars and Neptune near this point. If you were born at the end of Sagittarius/beginning of Capricorn (example: actress and activist Jane Fonda), you are shifting from the area of the explorer, student and teacher to someone who begins to organize businesses, politics and more. These “cardinal points” are the most powerful of the cusps.
My apologies to all of you Aries into Taurus folks, but you will be branded with the fact that Adolf Hitler was born at this time. It certainly shows its potency as a cusp. Taurus to Gemini is the golden voice meeting the agile speaker. Cancer into Leo is the homey person becoming the leader. Leo into Virgo is the leader becoming the analyst with perspective. Libra into Scorpio is the crucial crossing in the zodiac of the balanced person reaching into your own depths. Scorpio to Sagittarius is the famous Scorpion to the Eagle and they are transformed and transforming figures—think “Bobby Kennedy.” Capricorn to Aquarius is the structured person expanding and finding new technologies. Aquarius into Pisces is going from computer networking to reaching others through common intuition

Dear Cusp Person...

By Debbie Keil-Leavitt

What Happens if You’re on the Borderline Between Two Signs?

Do you remember the ruckus about the “13th” sign a few months ago that a scientist used to try to discredit Western astrologers – those who use the tropical zodiac? Well, while he was absolutely right about the constellations along the ecliptic (the path of the Sun), he was wrong about the very valid turning points that tropical astrologers use—the change of seasons. These are built on the Spring Equinox and Autumnal Equinox (0º of Aries and 0º of Libra – in that order in the Northern Hemisphere) and the Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice (0º of Capricorn and 0º of Cancer – in that order in the Northern Hemisphere – reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.)
This elegant zodiac system was developed by the Greeks ruling Egypt around the time of Cleopatra. They divided their zodiac allotting 30º to each sign, so when the signs change, you are born on the cusp. So, the tropical zodiac hasn’t changed in 2,000 years—true. Does the change of seasons affect us all? Absolutely.
If you are born at the end of one sign, or the beginning of another, you are considered “born on the cusp.” No one can deny the power of the cusps in tropical astrology, particularly at 0º of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Recent examples are hard to deny – the lunar eclipse at 29º of Sagittarius (21st of December 2010 Winter Solstice above the equator) brought all tropical astrologers to attention and the revolutions in the Middle East and Wisconsin followed shortly thereafter. When the planet that “shakes things up,” Uranus, reached 0º of Aries the earthquake happened in Japan on that exact day—and there are many, many more examples of the power of these points.
So how does this play out in your chart? When you are born on the cusp of Pisces/Aries, you are completing a life cycle of experiences and entering a “new birth” as a soul. If you were born on the Gemini/Cancer cusp, rejoice—this is the time of year most geniuses are born. Think in terms of Paul McCartney and Brian Wilson in the world of music, people still influencing artists today.
If you were born at the end of Virgo, beginning of Libra you are walking out of the Underworld (6th house to 7th house) into the world of “others.” Sexy and charismatic former President Bill Clinton had his Mars and Neptune near this point. If you were born at the end of Sagittarius/beginning of Capricorn (example: actress and activist Jane Fonda), you are shifting from the area of the explorer, student and teacher to someone who begins to organize businesses, politics and more. These “cardinal points” are the most powerful of the cusps.
My apologies to all of you Aries into Taurus folks, but you will be branded with the fact that Adolf Hitler was born at this time. It certainly shows its potency as a cusp. Taurus to Gemini is the golden voice meeting the agile speaker. Cancer into Leo is the homey person becoming the leader. Leo into Virgo is the leader becoming the analyst with perspective. Libra into Scorpio is the crucial crossing in the zodiac of the balanced person reaching into your own depths. Scorpio to Sagittarius is the famous Scorpion to the Eagle and they are transformed and transforming figures—think “Bobby Kennedy.” Capricorn to Aquarius is the structured person expanding and finding new technologies. Aquarius into Pisces is going from computer networking to reaching others through common intuition

Get Connected...Make a Difference

Bradley Thompson says :- According to quantum physics, everything in the universe is made of energy. The more closely we study things, the more convinced we become that this energy is the driving force that gives life to everything around us.

So every thing, whether animate or animate, is made of energy. And that includes your thoughts, ideas, emotions, and actions. 

On top of that, since everything is made of the same 'stuff', this universal energy, each bit of energy is capable of interacting with every other bit of energy.

Or to put it another way, everything's connected.

Knowing that everything is made of the same stuff, and that everything is connected, means that every thought, idea, emotion or action you take makes a difference. Since we're all part of the energy of the universe, whatever we do creates a change in that energy. And that means we can create our own reality.

As soon as you accept these facts, then the fun really begins. Which leads us nicely on to the First Secret of Manifesting:

In order to create your own reality, you have to know what you want.

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

But surprisingly, not everybody does know what they want. So is there a way to find out exactly what things you'd like to have more of in your life right now?

You can find out what things you want, and what things you don't want, in a number of different ways. The first method involves simply writing down the things you want in a positive and clear manner. This may sound easy enough, but some people find it difficult to stay positive and end up phrasing their desires the wrong way round:

'I don't want to be sick.'

'I want to get out of a bad relationship.'

'I don't want to keep doing the same old boring job.'

Each of these statements is negative, telling us what that person doesn't want, but not making it clear exactly what he does want.

Unfortunately, the universe doesn't work that way. In order to bring you everything you desire, it has to know EXACTLY what you want in the first place. And that means making it clear, precise and totally unambiguous.

So how could you turn these statements from negatives into positives?

'I want to stay fit and healthy.'

'I want a strong, fulfilling relationship.'

'I want a challenging and rewarding new job.'

The second method involves asking questions to find out if the things you THINK you want are indeed the things you'd like to have.

For instance, suppose you believe that you want a new car. To discover how badly you want this new car, ask yourself the following questions:

·      Why do I need a new car? 

·      Will a new car make my life easier or better in some way?

·      What things are preventing me from getting a new car? 

·      How can I overcome them?

Once you've answered these questions, you'll know exactly why you want that new car.  

Everybody can think (in fact, not thinking is impossible!) 

Everybody can answer questions.

So everybody can manifest their own reality. 

Don't Just Survive...Thrive!!!

When we start something new the brain
releases a hormone called dopamine. That's
the feel good hormone released when you're
eating chocolate or having sex. It's a
survival hormone. It allowed our primitive
ancestors to know what would help keep them
alive (e.g. eating food) and the species
going (having sex).

So why does starting something new release
this feel-good hormone? Because, as Chris
Cade explains in his free "Getting Things
Changed" mini-course, prehistoric survival
was very completely dependent on being alert
to new things. Namely, prey, predators and
berries. Caveman didn't know how to raise
livestock, farm or build cities. They were
at the mercy of nature - both its bounty and
its threats.

Have you ever seen the TV show Survivorman?
After being stranded out in the wild, Les
Stroud was usually happy if he hadn't been
attacked by a puma; found clean water; and
had eaten at least one small snake and a
handful of dandelions - over the course of
seven days.

Imagine living like that your entire life?

Our ancestors were always at the whim of
performing short-lived experiences like
escaping a tiger, finding twelve wild
berries or spearing a boar.

In our more sophisticated society, a short
attention span is not so compatible with the
type of material, psychological and
spiritual progress that people like you and
I are seeking. The opposite has become true.
If you can't focus and stick to something,
you make little progress. Sure you won't
starve to death. Instead you find yourself
facing a fate worse than death by wild
alligator -- you find yourself living a
mediocre life.

Unfortunately our ancestors' short attention
span and obsessions with new threats and
opportunities seems to be coded into our
DNA. It is but one of the reasons we have so
much trouble sticking to a personal
development program for more than 12 minutes
(forget about 12 months). This is why we get
bored after learning a few basic greetings
in a new language. This is why we give up
after spending a week dieting and exercising
to lose a pound of weight.

Nonetheless, all of us have experiences
where a burning desire, aroused will power
or life-and-death necessity has made us
commit to certain long-term goals... and
achieve them. And we know that the
satisfaction of finishing a self improvement
course, changing a habit or learning an
instrument produces a deep sense of joy and
wellbeing (that the fleeting dopamine rush
of food and sex can not compete with).
Nothing against food and sex, mind you - but
life is so much more.

I don't believe our ancestors were put on
this planet to just survive... I believe we
were given the gift of evolution so that we
could THRIVE.

Finding My Calling


By Sharon Schmitt

I was first introduced to The Secret through The Oprah Show. But, as I look back at the circumstances in my life, I realize I had frequently applied the Law of Attraction and didn’t even know it. I watched the DVD many times with amazement and wonder.

Years ago, I read a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. I needed guidance on changing my life, and she made excellent suggestions in her book. She had had terminal cancer and cured herself by positive thinking (applying the Law of Attraction). We have so many years of built up “dis-ease,” it’s no wonder we manifest illnesses in our bodies. We were told in our younger years, don’t think this, don’t do that, why are you doing that, money doesn’t grow on trees, kids are to be seen and not heard, quit daydreaming. And later on, your spouse says the same things or worse. I could go on and on, but the point is our lives are based on what our parents and others told us and not how we think or feel. So we keep our frustrations deep inside and presto, we have “dis-ease.” It’s very hard to stay positive with all the negativity around us. But according to The Secret, the power lies in believing in yourself, truly loving yourself, and being happy in the moment, no matter what. The mind is a very powerful tool.

With the Law of Attraction, you can manifest anything you want by thinking, feeling, believing, being grateful, and letting it go to the Universe and/or God. Before I even knew about the Law of Attraction, my life’s dream was to own a Corvette. I would think about it, feel it, see the color, and imagine myself in one, but I thought it was just a far-fetched dream. People would tell me they are expensive, the insurance is high, and it’s a gas guzzler; but I didn’t care … I wanted one. I was out with relatives one day when my husband called. “Are you sitting down? I got a deal on a Corvette, and I’m going to buy it for you.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I was afraid to get too excited because the dream may disappear. When I arrived home, I saw the car and thought, “Shoot!” I wanted a white one, and it was black. Boy, did I sound ungrateful! A few weeks later, another one came along … a deal we couldn’t refuse. Would you believe, it was white! A few weeks later, another deal came along, and that one was white too. Good lord … now I had three, whatheaven! Now I am down to one, and every time I drive it I am so happy for the joy it brings me; I feel young again! By the way, gas and insurance for the Corvette are cheaper than for our Durango. Who knew?

In 2000, I went for a yearly mammogram and learned I had breast cancer. Once the doctor told me the awful news, I didn’t hear another word. My husband and I were walking to the car, and I burst into tears stating, “I’m going to die.” He hugged me and said, “You didn’t hear what the doctor said. It’s curable!” I had surgery, a lumpectomy. Unfortunately, the cancer traveled to a lymph node, so chemotherapy and radiation were on the agenda for me.

While I lay on the couch having a pity party, a thought came to me. Either I could wallow in this or get up and enjoy life! I was up late one night after chemo and decided to surf the Internet for wig stores. That was when I had a “light bulb” moment … I decided to open one. I had some inheritance money I was saving and wanted to do something worthwhile with it. And since I was a hairdresser, I had a lot of experience with hair!

Ever since I made that decision, everything just fell into place. One day, I was cutting a client’s hair. I knew he owned business rental property, and I approached him with my idea. He loved it so much he gave me a deal on the rent that I couldn’t refuse. This was in November of 2000, and the rental would be ready January 1, 2001. My husband remodeled the store with the help of plumbers, electricians, etc., who he knew. I found the distributor I wanted to purchase the wigs from. I opened on May 5, 2001, selling quite a few wigs that day.

Unfortunately 9/11 happened, and all of a sudden no one was buying. The world was scared and devastated, including me. I was nervous since sales were way down. But I knew in my heart this was what I was supposed to do. After all, I attracted cancer for a reason; this was my calling.

After some time, business did pick up. Since the day I opened, I have not regretted a single day. I am grateful for the opportunity to help others in the same situation, to ease the unknown, and make them feel better about themselves. It is a wonderful and satisfying occupation. There is life after cancer!

Right now I’m manifesting my big, beautiful new home and being able to enjoy it with family and friends. I know I will receive it because I believe, I believe, I believe!

Message: Believe in yourself, and anything is possible

Saturday, 28 May 2011

8 Ways to Create Your Personal Success

By Taryn GalewindAs you travel through your day as a worker, a parent, a student, or through any endeavor, you can veer off your path to success. Little distractions cause you to stumble. Frustration can make you quit. However, there are some simple ways to keep moving ahead to personal success every single day.
1. Write things down – your goals, aspirations, hopes, dreams, assignments, and responsibilities. Write in detail, noting your timeline, your recipe for success, and your ideas. The difference between a dream and a plan is that plan is written down. You’re more apt to follow through than to just, well, dream.
2. Meditate on what you need or want to do to change yourself for the better. Make it a point to take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses every day. Figure out how to improve on the weaknesses and delight in the strengths.
3. Get organized. Clean up your physical environment at work or at home. Rid your life of clutter. Toss, give away, or re-purpose stuff you don’t use or don’t need. If your personal space is calm and harmonious, so will your mind be. Success is much easier when you aren’t frantically trying to sort through life’s debris.
4. Learn from others. Don’t copy what they do, but absorb others’ successes, exercise your own creativity, and improve upon what you learn. Read. Talk to people. Find a mentor. Become aware of what is happening around you.
5. Be sure you have the skills, education, and knowledge that you need to achieve your personal goals. If you lack some of what you need, make it a priority to fill that gap. Take classes, get your degree, study with a master, or even take a simple online course. Learn what you need to know. Don’t fake it.
6. Into each day incorporate rituals that encourage motivation, self esteem, and recognition of your accomplishments. You can use affirmations to bolster your personal resolve. You can post love notes to yourself around your home or office. Keep a journal of successes. Whatever ritual you choose, make it a habit. Do it every day without fail.
7. Offer help to others. If you give part of yourself to others each day, you will soon find they return the favor. You’ll learn more. You’ll never lack for help when you’re stuck on a goal or project. You’ll have a stronger personal network. Living in a vacuum doesn’t bring success.
8. At day’s end, mull over what you finished. Give thanks for your successes and for your failures. Accomplishments are the fuel that keeps us going, but the most successful people will always tell you that failure is your greatest teacher.
Maybe it all boils down to awareness. If you pay attention to how you move through your day, you enable yourself to be more purposeful. You will attend more to detail. You’ll recognize your own potential. You’ll become comfortable with asking for and offering assistance where it’s needed. If those are your guideposts, you can’t possibly lose your way on your quest for everyday success.

Things Every Man (and Woman) Should Know

By Eric J. LeechEach man has his own vault of valuable secrets he collects throughout his life. It could be said that most men have at least one priceless piece of information to offer other men through his unique viewpoint and experiences. If we could somehow collect all this information and share it with the men all over the world, just imagine the advantage it would provide them. Several months back, I posted a request asking people from all walks of life to send me their most valuable advice they have collected over their lifetime, and these are my favorites.
Jamie Reidy, author of Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman and Bachelor 101: Cooking + Cleaning = Closing.
– Learn how to tie a bow tie. Everybody has to wear a tux at some point. Clip-on bow ties are all identical. Why not express confidence, individuality and don’t-you-wonder-what-else-I-know-how-to-do?
– Learn to make a good grill cheese. There will come a rainy weekend when all she wants to do is sit on the couch and watch movies. A perfect day for grilled cheese and tomato soup. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to leave and buy sandwiches?
Phil Hotsenpiller, teaching pastor for Yorba Linda Friends Church, and co-author of the Passionate Lives and Leaders series.
– We have become a society of acquaintances and connections. How many of your friends qualify at a level where they would be there no matter what? If you’re married, one of those friends better be your wife. Expand this caliber of friend until you’ve achieved at least five.
– The problem with heroes and superstars is they have a time span and can disappoint you. Everybody needs somebody permanent (faith, spirituality) who will be there for them when nobody else is around.
Michael Ray Smith, Professor of Communication Studies, Campbell U,, near Raleigh, N.C.
Author of Free Press, Freehand
– Every time we don’t answer an e-mail or let a phone call go unreturned and, in general, ignore others, we are telling them something. Often what we are saying is that the person doesn’t matter enough for us to be vigilant about their message.
Garret M. Kramer, Inner Sports, LLC
– Your view on life has nothing to do with your circumstances and everything to do with your state of mind at that particular moment.
– The more still your mind is, the more powerful you are.
Tony Hsieh, CEO of, author of Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose
– Be true to yourself.
– Approach every situation (or person) with an open mind.
– It’s easier to seek forgiveness than permission.
Elliott Katz, author of Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants
– One of women’s biggest complaints is that men don’t show their share of leadership in the relationship. When a man sees a situation that needs to be dealt with, he should step forward and handle it.
– Take responsibility for improving the situation. Don’t blame others. There is little sympathy for a man who blames a woman, even when he thinks she pushed him into it.
Kami Gray, personal stylist, author of The Denim Diet
– Men should ditch the “Dad” jeans and the “trying too hard” jeans. Dad jeans come up too high on your waist, they are too light in color, and they are too baggy. The “trying too hard” jeans are skinny jeans (unless you’re skinny, under 30, and in a rock band), and jeans with pocket bling, stone-washing, and fade spots (unless you’re a nightclub owner or live in Las Vegas).
David Couper, career coach and consultant, author of Outsiders on the Inside: How to Create a Winning Career… Even When You Don’t Fit In!
– A perfect resume is not going to get you a perfect job.
– Most interviewers are not good at interviewing.
– The best person doesn’t always get the job.
Rosalea Hostetler, founder and president of The Balmer Fund
– Because women’s voices have a higher pitch, they simply cannot hear everything a woman says. Men hear about every third or fourth word in a conversation, and invent the rest they don’t catch.
Robert A. Hall, author of The Good Bits, Chaos for Breakfast, and CYA: Protecting Yourself in the Modern Jungle
– Everyone spends far too much time worrying about things that won’t happen.
– A woman’s looks are like dessert—nice at the moment, but you can’t live on a dessert diet.
Jim Duzak, “The Attorney at Love,” former divorce lawyer turned mediator, author of Mid-Life Divorce and the Rebirth of Commitment
– If you can work a lot of little “positives” into your everyday dealings with your wife or girlfriend, there probably won’t be many negatives to deal with down the road.
– With women, foreplay (sex) ideally begins hours earlier in the form of smiles, nice words, and frequent non-sexual touches (touching her shoulders, etc).
Milan Heger, author of The Art of Freedom
– Go extra miles to find your passion (sometimes by finding out what you hate). Make it your life.
– Plan your life, not work. Do your work, but plan your free time, vacations, places to see.
– Find out where your place is on the planet. Travel, and move around until you know something feels right.
– Learn to say NO. Practice saying no to whatever makes you sick to your stomach.