
Saturday 9 April 2011

5 Kinds of Psychic Abilities

By Taryn Galewind

Do You Have Psychic Talent?

Do you have psychic abilities? Humans utilize less than a tenth of their brain capacity, so it’s not outlandish to consider that we probably have deep psychic talents. Have you picked up the phone just as it began ringing or thought of someone, only to find them at your front door soon after? Coincidence, maybe. But might we each have psychic abilities to develop? Consider some possibilities.
Telepathy – The ability to hear or read the thoughts of another person or even of an animal. If you seem to know what someone needs, or have an uncanny ability to sooth and train pets, you may have this skill. Concentrate on connecting with others’ thoughts and see if you can develop your accuracy. Like Sooki Stackhouse in the hit TV series True Blood, you might find thought reading to be a blessing or a curse!
Seeing or Clairvoyance – Do you have visions, maybe dreams, of events that haven’t yet happened? Clairvoyants receive mental images, often described as impressions, of things they couldn’t possibly know or intuit. These sensitives help police departments solve crimes. They help families locate lost relatives. If you find yourself receiving unexplainable images tune in and accept the impressions. Try to clarify your thinking and receive clearly.
Remote Viewing – This is a bit different from clairvoyance. Remote viewing is akin to astral projection. Adepts can relax their physical being and reach out mentally or psychically to a place far from their physical location. Such an adept can minutely describe a location they have never visited down to the exact decor, furnishings, and activities there.
Past Life Reading – Here’s a psychic ability that lets you connect with a subject’s past, long before they were born into their present existence. Past life readings can help people figure out relationship issues, understand their feelings and personality traits, or even explain allergies. If you feel a strong connection to your own past lives, and are aware of your past stories, you may be able to develop sensitivity to others’ lives.
Medium – This skill allows the practitioner to communicate with spirits outside the physical boundaries of this world. It’s said such an adept can connect with spirit guides, channel personalities who left the physical plane, or communicate with angels. Some use trance states, some use cards, and some even use crystals or crystal balls. All of those are tools, not necessities. The ability comes from within. Meditation and prayer may be the catalysts to make you aware of such talent.
We may each have some degree of psychic talent, but you’ll never know unless you practice and enhance your self-awareness. Consult your spiritual advisor or a professional psychic if you think you want to develop your psychic talents. A caution, though – if you decide to pursue things outside the realm of ordinary talents, above all, do no harm

It’s often the case that if we don’t resolve issues from our past, we’ll attract people who trigger the pain, anger, jealously, powerlessness – whatever the problem is – so we can heal it.

Perhaps the greatest gift a dream can give is to reveal where you need to heal so you can attain a healthier lifestyle, and certainly a healthier relationship. If you resolve and release the emotional issue, you’ll lessen the chances of having to deal with it again in a future relationship.

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