This video flawlessly illustrates many hugely important life and business lessons. Frankly, I feel as though I’d be doing you an injustice if I didn’t share this video with you so hit the play button now…
I love how the video opens by explaining that, like all butterflies, the Monarch’s life cycle is entirelycomposed of a series of tiny changes that lead to a radical transformation. A Monarch’s metamorphosis happens only because they’re constantly making sensational changes in their habits which lead to their breathtaking shifts in appearance.
Likewise, we can radically transform every single aspect of our life by making it a habit to consistently take actions that move us closer to success. Longstanding success in life is created by following through with many tiny changes along the way.
Immediately after baby caterpillars emerge from their shell, they return to consume the wholesome and supplemental exterior. After devouring the nutrient-rich shell, baby caterpillars gorge themselves with milkwood leaves. They innately know that the nutrients in shells and milkwood leaves will make it easier for them to transition seamlessly through the next phases of their metamorphosis.
In the same degree that nutrients are essential for baby caterpillars as they move through the final phases of metamorphosis, education and personal development are quintessential supplements for people that want to achieve extraordinary success in business and in life. Scheduling at least 30 minutes of reading time every day is an excellent way to begin your own metamorphosis.
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