
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

How Repetition Leads to Habits and Habits to Your New Reality

Most people simply do not get what they want to achieve or what
they would like to accomplish because they don't believe that it
will happen.

They say to themselves: "I will become rich," or "I am a successful
business person," but their subconscious mind instantly rejects
these ideas because it has been programmed from early childhood
with contradictory beliefs: "I am a loser. I am not good enough. I
don't deserve it." You name it, all manner of negative impeding
beliefs have been programmed into us starting at a very early age
and usually continuing well into our adult lives.

You might have the strongest desire to attain something, but as
long as your subconscious holds a particular belief that is not
aligned with that desire, nothing will ever happen to manifest the
desire. This is the single most important fact you have to

In a nutshell - you set your goals with your conscious mind and you
reach them with your subconscious mind.

Move Mountains Using the Single Most Powerful Ability of Your Mind

The functionality of belief is the most powerful instrument of
your mind. I am not talking here about religious beliefs, I mean
the process of creating a mental thought, that over time turn into
a belief.

Here are some common limiting beliefs around money:
-       I never have enough money
-       I am not clever enough to earn big money
-       I don't have the education to become rich

Most of us have more or less the same limiting beliefs, which
we've cleverly adapted to every threatening positive belief over
time. We simply accepted them as true because we didn't know
otherwise!  Create some positive beliefs for yourself for a change
and don't let the negative ones get in your way. The moment your
new belief or attitude is fully integrated in your subconscious,
you have successfully rewired your mind. At this point your new
belief or attitude is self-actuating and it will begin to manifest
itself into your reality.  Rewiring your brain is not only
necessary, it is also fun. Think of the delight you will experience
when you begin to understand how easy it is to achieve success.

Think of how your life will change for the better and how different
your attitude will be about yourself. 

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