
Tuesday, 4 January 2011

8 Bedroom Feng Shui Tips

By Eric J. Leech

Feng Shui is the coordination of the direction, color, and clutter of items around your home in order to have a lasting effect on the flow of chi energy in your life. Depending on the type of flow that’s being stimulated, this can cause either good or bad fortune. Despite whether or not you believe in the ancient thinking of “yin and yang,” there is actually some science behind Feng Shui, how our surroundings affect our mood, and the way we feel about ourselves and others.
Today, we’re going to focus on one particular area of the home: the bedroom. We’re not talking so much about getting a good night’s sleep or finding tranquility, however, but rather improving what goes on between the sheets!
1. Clutter Be Gone. According to Feng Shui guidelines, clutter in our homes produces clutter in our minds, while hindering our emotional state of being. Too much stuff sitting around the bedroom, in the closet, and on top of the bed can block the flow of sexual energy, stifling romantic thoughts with reminders of laundry, dirt, and taking out the garbage.
2. Only the Lonely. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with being alone, the constant reminder can become a real downer in one’s love life. To keep your focus on the union of two passionate lovers, it’s suggested that the items around your bedroom be equally paired together. This includes mated mirrors, paintings, lamps, vases, side tables, and… well, you get the point.
3. Fuel the Fire, Not the Electric Bill. Another downer in the bedroom is electronic devices, such as televisions, computers and cell phones. These items are considered to be distractions from the two most important things that are supposed to be going on in the bedroom—sleep and sex… or a combination of the two.
4. Only One Kind of Exercise. Another bad habit that Feng Shui guidelines frown upon is keeping any form of exercise equipment in the bedroom. This is unfortunately quite common in many relationships and households, but the only exercise that should ever be going on behind closed bedroom doors is the horizontal mambo.
5. Make the Bed Your Focal Point. When looking to give your love life a boost, you should place a great deal of importance on the detail and placement of the bed. For one, it needs to be clutter free, including no junk underneath. The bed should be placed away from all doors and windows, the headboard grounded against a sturdy wall, and equal space should be left on either side. Any mirrors directly reflecting the occupants should be angled towards the entrance of the room (that means no ceiling mirrors).
6. Monkey See, Monkey Do. Another aspect of Feng Shui in the bedroom is the colors that saturate the eyes. You want to think fire, heat, and passion when coordinating colors, which means lots of reds, browns, oranges, and yellows. Keep the cool, neutral colors outside in the hallway.
7. Recharge Your Bed’s Batteries. You probably didn’t know that your bed had batteries, but according to Feng Shuitradition, it does. Opening the curtains every morning will help bring warmth, comfort, and positive vibes to any room in the house, but in particular will bring heat and affection to the bed.
8. Family Photos Prohibited. While Aunt Bessie might have an open invitation to visit your home any time, the one place her face should not be allowed is on the bedroom walls. What I’m referring to here is family photos, which can be an inhibiting factor while trying to arouse your partner. This rule also extends to pictures of pets and kids. The only photos allowed within the boundaries of the bedroom should be of you and your lover engaging in a happy activity (and I said happy, not naughty

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