I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N!! ;-)
Imagination is the magical brush with which you paint reality into being.
Moreover, it is not only a tool with which to consciously create your life,
but also a platform through which you can receive the vision, guidance
and inspiration of your Higher Self.
but also a platform through which you can receive the vision, guidance
and inspiration of your Higher Self.
Beyond being a consciously directed creative force, your imagination can
be a gaeteway for receive insights, answers and solutions via the workings
of your I-N-T-U-I-T-I-O-N (at this link) - your number 1 ally for achieving
your highest potential.
be a gaeteway for receive insights, answers and solutions via the workings
of your I-N-T-U-I-T-I-O-N (at this link) - your number 1 ally for achieving
your highest potential.
As Stephen Covey neatly puts, "There's no point climbing the ladder to
success, only to realize that it's leaning on the wrong building."
Your imagination is a key player in the workings of your intuition and cansuccess, only to realize that it's leaning on the wrong building."
pro-actively engage your inner senses.
Your intuitive channels - your inner sight, hearing, feeling and 'knowing' -
can be accessed and catalysed by your imagination in visualization and
meditative journey process, as used in the 'Inner Realm' and 'Gifts of
Insight' meditations of the Intuition Zone.
When you cultivate these senses through the meditations and exercises
in the Intuition Zone, you enhance your visualization capacity and can
more easily and clearly envision your goals in a tangible way with more
pronounced results.Developing your intuitive skills has a two-fold benefit. Firstly, it serves
by enriching your life with invaluable guidance and spiritual illuminations.
Secondly, it develops your imaginative skills integral to the reality creation
What's so wonderful about intuition is that it assists you in experiencing
the grace of co-creation, where success can expand beyond the limits of
your personality to something far more rich, rewarding and magnificent.
Receiving the guidance, insights and opportunities the universe wishes to
bestow opens the doors to your deepest heartfelt dreams. Go to this link
The first step to better times is to IMAGINE them!
Your imagination is multi-faceted and not just about sight. You canimagine sounds, tastes, smells, etc. to create a rich inner template for
manifesting desired realities (which the Manifesting Blueprint Meditation
takes you through step by step).
Instead of focussing on problems, imagine your desired positive outcomes!
What do they look, feel, sound, taste like?
What's so amazing is that the subconscious mind doesn't know the
difference between what's real and imagined! (This can be fully leveraged
in my Manifesting Blueprint meditation).
This has been proven in a number of scientific experiments.
In one study, for example, a group that simply visualized flexing their little
finger 15 minutes a day, five days a week for 3 months experienced an
increase in muscle strength of 22% even though they'd done nothing
physical whatsoever!
This was compared to an increase of 30% in the group that did the actual
physical flexing. Not much difference hey!
Love, joy and bright bright blessings,
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