
Saturday, 29 January 2011

The Key to Success...

By Karim Hajee
If you want to be successful at anything you first have to believe
that you can accomplish something. Your key to success is your
belief system. If you have a negative belief system then your
success will be limited. If you have a positive
belief system then you will enjoy success after success and a
rewarding life. 
Before I ended yesterday's session - I talked about how beliefs are
vibrations sent to the subconscious mind and the universe.
These vibrations are then manifested in reality.
We're going to get into how your limited beliefs create
a limited reality and what you can do to change that. 
Unfortunately most people don't believe that they can achieve their
goals. They often wish they can - but they don't truly believe this.
In the end they have a negative belief system that limits them. 
Because a lot of people have been conditioned to believe that
things are difficult, that life is tough, that you have to fight to
get to the top, etc.
These are all limited belief patterns that will destroy your
chances for success. 
Any negative thought pattern or belief will create a vibration that
will ultimately limit or destroy your chances for success. 
Where do these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs come
For most of your life, your mind has been reacting to situations,
listening to others, following what other people say and basically
going in a negative direction.
Because your mind has never been told what to do. 
Look at it this way: There's your mind - which contains all of these
negative thought patterns and negative beliefs - and then there's
you - who wants to achieve all these wonderful goals.
However you have negative thought patterns that go against your
ability to achieve your goals. 
Here's an example:
You want to be successful in your job.
But your thought pattern is that you're no good, that you can't
even do your job well, no one likes you, they're going to make cuts and
you're next.
If you have such a negative thought pattern and negative beliefs
about your abilities - no matter how much you may want to do better
and no matter how much you may want to improve your performance at
work - it won't happen. 
Why not? Because you don't believe it will happen. Every belief you
have is picked up by your subconscious mind and manifested in
Negative thought patterns lead to a negative belief about
particular areas of your life.
You see your subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what is
good for you and what is bad for you. It doesn't say: "Hey, let's
not do that - it won't be good for you." That moral clause is in
your mind - your subconscious simply responds to the instructions
from the mind. Those instructions are your thoughts, and beliefs. 
That's why if you have a negative belief about something - your
reality will represent that belief - and you continue to believe it -
because you think it's true. It becomes a vicious cycle, which you
created in the first place because of the negative thought pattern
that you held on to for so long. 
The only way you can break it is to change your beliefs - then your
reality will change. Start changing your beliefs today and begin taking
control of your life right now. 
If you want to be successful, enjoy happiness and inner
fulfillment, and become more confident - then start examining the
areas that need improvement.
Then take the next step and make note of your thought patterns? Do
they limit you? Are they getting in the way of what you want to
achieve? Do they help
you accomplish your goals? 

Let's take a look at another example. 
Suppose you want to meet the right person - but you believe that
there are no good men or women out there.
You believe that relationships are difficult and that you can't have
a long-term relationship with someone. You believe that all
relationships come to an end.

No matter what you do, no matter what you try, you'll never meet
the right person because your limiting belief system will stop you
and sabotage every relationship and every opportunity for a
long-term relationship. 

If you have a negative belief system about money or success, if you
worry, stress out, or get scared about the future - your
subconscious will act on these beliefs and make them your reality.

In many ways you destroy your own life based on the negative thoughts that you constantly have. 
Negative beliefs and negative thought patterns will make your life

Where do these negative beliefs and negative thought patterns come
from? They come from how you interpret your past experiences, they
come from your upbringing, they come from your childhood experiences,
they come from conversations you've had with friends, neighbors,
and people you trust. 

Here's the good news - they don't have to live with you forever.
They don't have to be a part of your life from now on.
You can change these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs
- into powerful positive thoughts and powerful positive beliefs so
that you achieve your goals and live the life you want.

Start changing and eliminating negative thoughts. Create positive
thoughts and positive beliefs. Start living the life you want today. 

Change Your Thoughts
Next - take a look at what you want to achieve in life.
Think about those goals and then start paying attention to the
thoughts you have as you think about achieving those goals.
Write down your negative thought patterns, negative beliefs -
and see what you come up with.

Types of Meditation

By Trevor
There are many different types of meditation techniques a person
now can use in order to bring themselves peace and tranquility.
Certainly anyone who is already using a meditation technique has
discovered the many benefits to be gained from it. However although
meditation is now become extremely universal and people all around
the world are using it in order to bring peace, serenity as well as
a way to help heal and improve their lives there are many different
techniques to be considered.

Some techniques are extremely expansive and will allow your
thoughts to be able to flow freely, whilst others will need to
concentrate and focus your thoughts on one particular thing. Such
techniques that people are learning to use when it comes to
meditation are as follows:-

  1. Transcendental Meditation
  2. Guided Meditation
  3. Zen Meditation
  4. Chakra Meditation
  5. Mantra Meditation
  6. Healing Meditation
  7. Yoga Meditation

These are part of a few of the meditation techniques that a person
can now learn to use, but below we are going to be taking a close
look at Mantra and Raja Yoga meditation.

Mantra Meditation

This technique involves a person learning to consciously repeat
certain sounds that they find appealing to their mind and which
will help them to achieve a meditative state. The word mantra
actually means "revealed sound" or a "combination of sounds" which
are developed naturally. However it is important that you do not
confuse mantra meditation with religious chanting.

Raja Yoga Meditation

This particular meditation technique will take the person (often
referred to as a Yogi) to a much higher level of self awareness.
They find that they are elevated to much higher levels of joy and
bliss as their mind moves away from the pleasures associated with
the body and reform any bad habits that they may have. However in
order for a person to fully understand this particular technique
they will need to have the right kind of guidance from an
instructor trained in this method often referred to as a guru.

However as previously mentioned there are lots of different
meditation techniques for a person to choose from and it is best
that they learn as much about each one before they decide to use a
particular one. You may well discover that it may take you several
attempts to find a technique that you are truly comfortable with
and which will help you to achieve your goals of becoming relaxed
and happy with who you are and the life you lead.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Unfulfilled Expectations: Get What You Want By Holly Allende

As a child, I believed in Santa Claus. Every year, my mother would ask me to write a letter to Santa telling him what I wanted for Christmas. On that special day, much to my amazement, I got what I asked for. Little did I know that my parents played a big role in making that magic happen.
As an adult, we still expect that someone will magically know what we want or need. If you believe that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
It’s time to take off the blinders, and take another look at reality. I remember as a toddler pointing at things to get what I wanted. I was too young to talk and oblivious to social norms – how things happen in life. As I got older, I learned how to talk and began to understand the social norms. No longer could I point at something and expect it to be handed to me. I had to use my words and say something! Otherwise, I would never get what I wanted or needed.
Look… it’s not that our loved ones aren’t in tune with us. It’s just that they can’t know everything about us. I recently discovered a love for anything steampunk. I haven’t told my fiancĂ© this, so would I expect that him to know about it? Nope. The same goes for gifts, assumptions about cleaning the house, anything financial and what happens in the bedroom. If we don’t tell our loved ones about our interests or changes in tastes, then what can we expect? Disappointment and resentment.
If this is sounding a lot like what you’re going through, take a moment and ask yourself why you can’t ask for what you want. Does it affect other relationships? At work, can you ask for a raise? Have you told someone you couldn’t take on the extra work because you’re already overloaded? If not, why? Why can’t you stand up for yourself? Why do you expect others to do it for you?
Discover the Reason(s)
Try this writing exercise to get to the bottom of this issue:
1. When do you ask for what you want? List three to five examples.
2. When don’t you ask for what you want? List three to five examples.
3. Why do you think there is a difference between the two?
Plan the Next Steps
Now try this writing exercise to plan your next steps. This can help you decide the best way to start asking for what you want in specific situations.
1. Do you want to change?
2. What do you want?
3. How are you going to get it?
4. Is your plan realistic?
5. When are you going to start this plan?
At times, I thought I didn’t deserve what I wanted or needed. I thought my needs should come after everyone else’s or that I was being too needy. In reality, asking for what I wanted helped my loved ones get to know me better, and they better understood me as well. The bonds between us grew stronger because they knew I would be more open with them and they could be the same with me.
Stop holding back, and start opening up to your loved ones. Be honest with them and yourself – and you just might get what you want.

Set Your Boundaries December - S.K. Smith

So many of us are givers… As science taught us long ago, for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same is true of
human nature: for all the givers in the world, there are also takers.
In a perfect world, each of us would do and be a little of both – doing
for others, and receiving in return. So we would achieve balance. Right?

Well, balance can be hard to come by, and many of us find ourselves stuck on one side of the “give and take” equation – and, takers, you know who you are! For those of you who feel like you are being run ragged, late summer – harvest season – is the perfect time to make a change in your behavior. In this case, it starts with learning how to set boundaries.

People who have problems setting boundaries include those who don’t know how to say no, those who think they’re superhuman (and should be able to take on anything), and those who want to please others at all costs – including sacrificing themselves and their happiness. What these individuals don’t realize is that they’re almost always choosing this behavior.

That’s right! No one else is making you miserable, overworked or overwrought – they don’t have that power over you. While the more demanding may continue to pile those requests on until you feel like you’re going to explode, the key to achieving balance in love, work or any other area of life is learning when to say “when!” None of us are singularly responsible for anyone else’s happiness.

A closer lookWhen you’re feeling overwhelmed (as those of us who give too much have a tendency to do), it’s easy to hold the world at large responsible for your stress. The thoughts going through your head might include these: “I can’t make time for everything!” or “I can’t please everyone all of the time!” – as you’re attempting to make enough time and please everyone, of course. If you want to get out of this vicious circle, you’ve got to have a clear look at your actual responsibilities, versus what you elect to take on against your better judgment. We all have the power to say no. The problem is that very often we don’t elect to do so.

Help!Whether we want to admit it or not, everyone has a breaking point. If it’s a work situation that’s pushing your limits, you might consider the fact that you could impress your boss more by knowing when to ask for help. If you’re taking on more than you can actually handle – and you’re still finding it difficult to state the facts and propose a realistic solution – take the time to recognize that you’re actually doing your employer a disservice as things are. Speak up!

MotivesIf it’s a romantic situation – where you’re putting in more than your partner and feel, perhaps, like you’re being taken advantage of – take a moment and step back. Try to get to the root of your behavior. Are you overcompensating for what you fear are your shortcomings? Are you worried that if you don’t do these things, that person won’t love you? Whatever it is that’s prompting your actions (it may even be patterns set in place by watching your parents as a kid), you’ll want to realize that if the only way to make someone stay is to be at their beck and call, you don’t really want them to stay in the first place! You deserve better. And anyone who truly loves you will hear you when you say you’re overwhelmed – and they will do their best to help.

LimitsNow that you’ve had a chance to consider why you choose to overaccomplish, it’s time to figure out what you actually can take on, realistically – without forgetting your own needs. If you’re used to going overboard all the time, this may be a difficult task. You may have even forgotten what it is like to take care of yourself. On that note, make yourself your first priority. What do you need to feel at ease, in touch – and in control of your own destiny? What things do you know you can do for others without robbing yourself?

Tick tockMake an honest assessment of your time constraints, and then set your limits. For instance, if you’ve been stuck at the office until 8:00 every night and it’s hurting your relationship, you may state that you’re happy to work until 7:00 – but you need to be home by 7:30 for dinner with your loved one. In that same situation (but on the other end), you can tell your partner that you’ll do your best to be home by 7:30 each night, but you can’t be also be responsible for planning and cooking dinner – at least, not all of the time.

Speak upWhatever you decide, remember that if no one knows about your changes, you can’t expect them to help you adhere to them. Let those in your life to whom you feel responsible know about the new ground rules. Explain that you’re simply trying to do right by everyone in your life, including yourself, and that you’d like to try something new in order to facilitate a more workable situation.

Most importantly, with your new boundaries in place and your happiness as your number-one priority, you have to stand your ground. No one can read your mind, but if you’re clear about your capabilities, they will be able to start respecting your limits. Good luck!

Remember Your Past Lives

By  Psychic  Hern 

As promised, I have an idea for you to try when you’re going into your past lives. When you meditate, you need to make sure that you know you’re going back into the past life, and I want to share with you the way in which I do it in all of my group sessions. I call it the “Mists of Time.”
Start out by getting into your meditation as you normally would, and go as deep as you normally go. Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t have to go very deep to have a great regression, and a light meditative state is sufficient to allow the journey to happen.
See yourself in a small boat, and see or feel it float downstream. Up ahead, see a beautiful blue mist, and the boat heading toward this mist. This is the mist of time. You will pass into this mist, and when you emerge at the other side, you will be in the past life that you need. You can purposely go back to a particular time to explore, or allow your guides to choose one for you. Either way, it’s about exploring.
When you reach this past life, step out of the boat and notice the following things:
- Look around and make a mental note of what you see
- Look at yourself, starting with your feet, clothes, hair, jewelry
- Look for clues as to the time and date
- Are you male or female?
- See the dwelling where you live and explore it
- See if you can recognize any people
The important thing is to not question anything that you get, because this will short-circuit the moment. You will have plenty of time to question your results when you are done. Always keep a journal handy so that you can look back over your notes. You will see patterns emerging that will enable you to get clear about how you can apply what you have learned from the past life in your current life.
When you are ready to return, get back into the boat and allow it to come back the way it came. This is a simplified version of the process of regression. You can call me at ext. 5239 if you need more details, and anything else that you need to know

Remember Your Past Lives

By  Psychic  Hern 

As promised, I have an idea for you to try when you’re going into your past lives. When you meditate, you need to make sure that you know you’re going back into the past life, and I want to share with you the way in which I do it in all of my group sessions. I call it the “Mists of Time.”
Start out by getting into your meditation as you normally would, and go as deep as you normally go. Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t have to go very deep to have a great regression, and a light meditative state is sufficient to allow the journey to happen.
See yourself in a small boat, and see or feel it float downstream. Up ahead, see a beautiful blue mist, and the boat heading toward this mist. This is the mist of time. You will pass into this mist, and when you emerge at the other side, you will be in the past life that you need. You can purposely go back to a particular time to explore, or allow your guides to choose one for you. Either way, it’s about exploring.
When you reach this past life, step out of the boat and notice the following things:
- Look around and make a mental note of what you see
- Look at yourself, starting with your feet, clothes, hair, jewelry
- Look for clues as to the time and date
- Are you male or female?
- See the dwelling where you live and explore it
- See if you can recognize any people
The important thing is to not question anything that you get, because this will short-circuit the moment. You will have plenty of time to question your results when you are done. Always keep a journal handy so that you can look back over your notes. You will see patterns emerging that will enable you to get clear about how you can apply what you have learned from the past life in your current life.
When you are ready to return, get back into the boat and allow it to come back the way it came. This is a simplified version of the process of regression. You can call me at ext. 5239 if you need more details, and anything else that you need to know

How to Win Your Own Life

By Guy Finley

No human being has any authority over you. Your life belongs to you and to you alone. No scowling face or irritated manner, no challenging posture or threatening tone has any power to make you feel nervous or anxious, frightened or angry.
What this means is that if we are not living life completely on our own terms -- if there is anyone in our life that dominates us -- it isn't because life has given that person an unfair advantage or power over us. The fact is simply that we have given away our true estate in life, a forgotten heritage that calls to us now to remind us that our True Self cannot be dominated by anyone or anything. Each of us is entitled to be a wholly independent and totally free human being. Truth declares that nothing real stands between you and this noble life, and it invites you to recover the real pleasure of living life on your own terms.
"I can actually feel the rightness in this idea, and there are times when it seems I am able to live life on my own terms. Then there are those other times when, for some unknown reasons, it feels like I have no life of my own. For instance, sometimes I agree to do things for people I don't really want to do at all, or I find myself in places where I don't really want to be -- with people I don't really like -- and yet I can't seem to leave. And sometimes I feel so much resentment toward the very people whose approval means the most to me... it just doesn't make sense. When these times come, not only am I unsure of why I am acting the way I am, but I don't even like myself. It doesn't add up! How can a person be in charge of his own life one minute, and in the next minute find it in someone else's hands?"
The truth is it will never add up as long as you are figuring in flattering but false notions about yourself. Plug this new self-insight into your equation and see if things don't immediately make more sense: Whenever you do something that you resent doing but feel compelled to do, you must unconsciously be more concerned with how others feel about you than you are with how you are really feeling. This is what it means to live in conflict.
"I can see that this must be the case. It explains almost everything except for why I would want to treat myself this way. Why do I care at all about how I appear in the eyes of others?"
Please follow this explanation carefully. It will set you back on the road to having your own life. You have always believed that the better people feel about you, the better you can feel about yourself. However, you may have never really considered that the opposite of this belief must hold equally and unhappily true, and that is: The less you are approved by others, the more alone and uncertain you feel. This helps to explain why you think you have to please people, as well as why you resent those you feel you must please. Being approved by others has become a strange kind of life-support system wherein, after a lifetime of depending on it, you unconsciously believe that there won't be life without someone there to approve you into existence. Just the opposite is true. The more you depend on others to confirm you to yourself, the less real life you have of your own.
The chief cause of why our lives so often wind up in the hands of others is not that they are superior or that the world is too strong for us, but that we don't want to face the uncertainty and aloneness that we think we are too weak to bear. This is the real cause of all of our wrong relationships in life. We have been betrayed by a belief in our own weakness.
The conscious refusal to go along with your weakness is what invokes and finally delivers real inner confidence. This new kind of strength gradually becomes the cornerstone of a true individual existence -- the life you've always wanted. The stakes are actually eternal -- but self-victory is as certain as the fact that light always triumphs over darkness. If you will stay in the middle of this struggle for true self-possession, not asserting your individuality but allowing it to flourish and to blossom -- bearing what you must bear by refusing to submit yourself to negative, self-betraying influences -- you will come to know the highest approval that life can award: Reality itself will approve you. And when it does, all of your struggles will become a thing of the past. You will possess yourself. No one around you will suspect that you now live in a new kind of bright inner world -- a world that is always on your terms, because your terms and the terms of this happy new inner world are never in conflict. You have won your own life.

Early Bird « Chakra Healing

Early Bird « Chakra Healing

“Am I on the right path in life?”

By Reed (Psychic California Physics)
“Am I doing what I was meant to do? Am I where I am supposed to be in life?”

 The first step in answering that is to understand “what” it is that you’re meant to do and “where” it is that you are meant to do it. If we define the “what” and the “where,” then it’s easy to tell if you “are.”
The existential question of why we are here has been argued since folks had the ability to argue, and I’m not trying to open that can of worms here, but I believe that we’re here to fulfill our potential, that is, to learn and grow, and our choices will put us in just the right place to do that. Simply put, the “what” is to learn, and the “where” is right where you are now.
You probably aren’t completely opposed to the idea of change, or you wouldn’t be reading this. So you can learn, and you’ve created your own classroom already. Imagine yourself in these circumstances and you’ll see what I mean.

1. You’re unhappy with your job because your father insisted that you become a lawyer when you really wanted to be an electrician. Believe it or not, you’re doing exactly what you should be doing right now. You’re on the right path. You’re a lawyer because you haven’t yet put enough faith in your own dreams. This path can teach you to embrace your own desires and live life in your own way, on your own terms. You created this opportunity to learn to be your own authentic self because you didn’t know how in the beginning.
2. You’re unhappy because you love your lover more than your spouse. You’re on the right path. You’re not with the person you love because you haven’t yet learned to say goodbye and fully embrace change. Perhaps you place too high a value on the material things you might lose in a divorce. Perhaps you think that church / parents / kids will be disappointed in you if you leave. This path can teach you to say goodbye, let go, and value your own opinion of yourself. You created this opportunity to grow because you didn’t come into this world already knowing how to do these things.
3. You’re in an abusive relationship. You’re on the right path. (Let me make it clear on this one, abuse is never right and the victims are not to blame for the abuse. My point is that since the abuser is not likely to change, the victim must.) You’re there because you have no idea how strong, amazing, powerful, and capable you are. You have no idea how much you are worth. Maybe you believe that you deserve what’s happening, or maybe you believe that you can’t support yourself financially. Maybe you fear violence if you leave. This  may have come about because you didn’t know how to recognize a dangerous person before getting involved with him or her, how to stand up for yourself, how to utilize the court system or community resources, how ask for help, or how to get protection. Get help. Do it now. Bullies can be defeated and you might be amazed at how fast you can learn how to do it.
4. You feel disconnected from the spiritual. You’re on the right path. You feel disconnected because you haven’t yet found what connects you. Maybe you doubt your abilities. Maybe you need to break free from the religion of your parents. Maybe you think you don’t deserve the personal attention of Spirit / God / the Universe. Again, your choices have created for you the perfect learning experience.
Are you on the right path? Yes… almost always, yes. You are where you are for a reason, your very own personally crafted, perfectly crafted, reason

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Spiritual Benefits of Vegetarianism and Veganism

By Taryn GalewindIf you wonder about spiritual reasons to pursue a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, you only have to watch the documentary Food, Inc. The producers aim to inform and reform how animals are processed to provide food for modern humans, and you can’t watch this program and not feel spiritually moved. Do vegan and vegetarian lifestyles – plant-based eating – have an undeniable spiritual benefit?
Our presence here on Earth requires that we revere and respect all living things. Some believe animals were created, or evolved, to serve and sustain mankind, and no one can condemn a person or call them unenlightened because they consume animal products. Humans once hunted for survival. Animals were killed quickly, when necessary to family sustenance. Every part of the animal was used. The animal benefactor was respected, even revered – and sometimes worshiped. The gods, a creator or the Earth were thanked and the meat, furs and by-products reverently shared among neighbors.

However, we have devolved our ways of using animals into a cruel, torturous and indefensible big business. Every religion and spiritual philosophy through the ages has taught that we’re here to share the earth.
1. The Bible speaks of vegetarian eating in Daniel 1:3-16: “Daniel and his friends refuse to eat from the king’s table which has meat on it, but eat vegetables instead. After ten days they are found to be healthier than those who eat at the king’s table.”
2. Eastern-based Food for Life says: “Veganism is an integral component of a cruelty-free lifestyle… to animals… to the ecological integrity of our environment, and to ourselves…”
3. The Torah, says, demands humane treatment of animals and reflects concern for the land and ecology. The Torah places grave importance on protecting human health.
As we grow spiritually, we may struggle to help bring peace to our planet. We may advocate for the well-being of our fellow creatures. We may recognize the holiness in all life. It’s pretty hard to see modern animal-based eating fitting in with this type of spiritual growth, isn’t it? We can’t grow and evolve if we refuse to nurture bodily health, decline compassion to animals, fail to safeguard the planet, ignore world hunger and turn our backs on peace and nonviolence. Can we balance spiritual growth with today’s big-business food production?
If you’re curious about modern spiritual benefits of vegetarianism and veganism, do some homework and determine your own truth. Consult the words of sages like Leonardo da Vinci, Confucius, Kafka, Einstein or Plato. Ask your medical practitioner or talk with a psychic advisor. Study how we obtain both plant and animal-based foods. Let go of excuses and, with an open mind and heart, look inside yourself and see where your own spiritual path leads.

How Repetition Leads to Habits and Habits to Your New Reality

Most people simply do not get what they want to achieve or what
they would like to accomplish because they don't believe that it
will happen.

They say to themselves: "I will become rich," or "I am a successful
business person," but their subconscious mind instantly rejects
these ideas because it has been programmed from early childhood
with contradictory beliefs: "I am a loser. I am not good enough. I
don't deserve it." You name it, all manner of negative impeding
beliefs have been programmed into us starting at a very early age
and usually continuing well into our adult lives.

You might have the strongest desire to attain something, but as
long as your subconscious holds a particular belief that is not
aligned with that desire, nothing will ever happen to manifest the
desire. This is the single most important fact you have to

In a nutshell - you set your goals with your conscious mind and you
reach them with your subconscious mind.

Move Mountains Using the Single Most Powerful Ability of Your Mind

The functionality of belief is the most powerful instrument of
your mind. I am not talking here about religious beliefs, I mean
the process of creating a mental thought, that over time turn into
a belief.

Here are some common limiting beliefs around money:
-       I never have enough money
-       I am not clever enough to earn big money
-       I don't have the education to become rich

Most of us have more or less the same limiting beliefs, which
we've cleverly adapted to every threatening positive belief over
time. We simply accepted them as true because we didn't know
otherwise!  Create some positive beliefs for yourself for a change
and don't let the negative ones get in your way. The moment your
new belief or attitude is fully integrated in your subconscious,
you have successfully rewired your mind. At this point your new
belief or attitude is self-actuating and it will begin to manifest
itself into your reality.  Rewiring your brain is not only
necessary, it is also fun. Think of the delight you will experience
when you begin to understand how easy it is to achieve success.

Think of how your life will change for the better and how different
your attitude will be about yourself. 

Discover the Secret Source of Spiritual Power

By Guy Finley
 An immense river of spiritual energy is flowing within you -- right now.
Those who have discovered how to tap into this tremendous source of power enjoy a vastly different life than everyone else. They see more deeply into other people, they are immune to ordinary problems and worries, and they can't help but attract authentic success to themselves wherever they go.
In this email, you'll find out how to touch this special river of energy within yourself, and let it help you realize your highest aspirations.
So, to get started, I'd like to explain one important point: This energy isn't esoteric or mystical. You don't have to rely on "faith" to find it and there are no mystical chants or imaginary visualizations required to make it "manifest" itself. The energy we're talking about is as real and tangible as your fingers and toes.
In fact, you can feel this energy
inside of you right now by doing
this simple 3-minute exercise:
For just a moment, put down whatever else you are doing... take your hands off the mouse and keyboard... sit back in your chair... close your eyes... take a deep breath... and let go of all the tension in your body.

Start with letting go of the tension in your head and face, then your neck and shoulders, then your arms, and work your way down to your legs and feet.

Then, as your body relaxes -- and a new kind of stillness appears to replace your usual state of physical tension -- just quietly notice all of the energy you can now feel moving in and through you in the moment.

This is the fine energy of real life. It animates everything, and everything moves through its field... including your own body, thoughts, and feelings.

This means there is already a higher order of being within you, a new level of self that knows -- without thinking -- it has nothing in common with any negative, self-limiting thought or feeling. In fact, this new self fears no dark state, any more than the sun worries over what to do with a shadow!

This discovery, and its powers of liberation are just the beginning of something that is literally unimaginable... something that can't be seen with your physical eyes.
The real magic of this exercise
comes from an unexpected place:
Higher Awareness.

When we consciously place our attention on ourselves and become awareof our body, our thoughts, and our feelings -- something extraordinary happens.

Suddenly, all of the energy inside of us that was going in 100 different directions -- solving problems, feeling excited, being stressed, considering what other people think, judging our surroundings -- becomes unified under the authority of a single intelligence.

This very special part of us, this single intelligence, can be called our True Self, and the dawning of our relationship with it "Self-Realization."

What is normally a mish-mash of thoughts, feelings, and tension inside of us becomes calm and orderly when attended by our True Self. Our heart rate slows, our mind becomes more still, and our surroundings become more clear and vivid. Which leads to a host of real, tangible benefits in our life:
  • Our relationships instantly improve because we are more sensitive to other people
  • Our mind is free to be quicker and more creative
  • We are less susceptible to falling into negative states
  • We make better decisions because we can see situations more clearly
  • Our bodies are healthier because we have less tension and make better life decisions
While most people in the world seek success and fulfillment by gaining powers and possessions outside of themselves, the wise man or woman realizes that success must come from the inside -- not the outside. In reality, the value of a man or a woman is determined by what he or she is, not by what they have.
This is why Self-Realization is so vital if we want to live an enlightened and successful life. Self-Realization is one and the same as true and authentic spiritual power. It is what shines the light on all limitation and weakness, unifies the disparate parts of us, breaks down the barriers between human beings, and leads the way to compassion, wisdom, and love.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Interpreting Nature’s Messengers

By Psychic Verbena 

There are some excellent books and oracle decks describing the basic meaning associated with different animals and plants, but, ultimately, reaching a real understanding of your encounter with one of nature’s messengers is a lot like dream interpretation. Knowledge of a symbol’s general meaning is just the beginning.
The full message to you lies in your own relationship to the animal (or plant), the context of the event, your surroundings, what you were thinking about at the time, and so on. Here are some questions to ask yourself, with links to detailed answers, to help you hone in on your messenger’s full meaning.
1. What’s your personal relationship to the messenger? Do you collect bears? Or dragonflies? Or daisies? Or slugs? Did you have a recent dream in which it was featured? Do you have a family affiliation with lions or elephants or cedar trees? Do you love to watch raptors (predatory birds) as they coast along watching for prey? Do scampering chipmunks turn you to mush? Does your cat or dog love to chase squirrels? Do you find stones with holes, or broken shells, or agates irresistible? Do you always pick up feathers?
These relationships are important to the interpretation for many reasons. If you always pick up feathers and stones, then your guides and angels know that’s a great way to get your attention, and it can be an important validation if you find one just before or after a message. Your relationship with the messenger, whether you think it’s amazing, or funny, or cute, or cozy, is also an important part of the message.
For example, suppose your family home is surrounded with cedar trees, and you’ve always loved their fragrance and graceful movement. One day you’re feeling lonely, and suddenly notice up ahead that a single cedar is dancing in a small eddy of wind, while the surrounding trees are still. Wouldn’t you rush back to your apartment and make plans for a visit home?
2. What’s the context? What were you thinking about when it happened? Were you alone or in a group? Were you walking down a sidewalk or hiking in nature? Was the landscape soft and friendly or hard and challenging? Was it largely silent, or full of nature’s music? Was your messenger out of context, and how does the style of the landscape add to the message?
3. In what direction were you heading? What direction did your messenger come from, and then move off toward? Shamans sometimes say that a messenger which circles you completely is introducing itself as a power animal.
4. How did the messenger behave? Was it going about its business normally? Did it seem healthy or ill? Was it courting? Or hunting? Or sleeping? Or obviously relating directly to you, like a ladybug landing on your hand?
5. Were there any colors which caught your attention? What about shapes which were out of the ordinary, such as a square or a triangle?
6. If there was more than one messenger, such as a group of crows or ravens making a racket, or a few ducks or geese flying overhead, how many were there? Had you seen other critters in similar numbers recently?
Here’s a fun example from my own life. One afternoon I was sitting in my car at a stop sign, silently mulling over whether it was time to get a divorce (idling away, not moving forward, and distracted from the task at hand). It was just after Valentine’s, and my preschool daughter (who couldn’t read yet) was eating candy hearts. She absent-mindedly handed me one which said “Do it.” Immediately afterward, a red-tail hawk (which I associate with important messages, and my power number is 1), streaked down out of the sky and pounced across the narrow road in front of us. It stood on its prey, looking directly at me, wings outspread, for what seemed a long time. Then, in case I hadn’t fully understood, it lifted off, prey in its claws, and flew to the North (the end of a cycle). You of course can guess what I decided to do…
To encourage nature’s messengers to speak to you, walk in woods or parks, take binoculars to the beach, and explore wetlands and small groves. And, above all, pay attention. Get familiar with what’s a normal part of the natural world surrounding you, and then you’ll quickly recognize the elements that make a visitation exceptional… and meaningful...

Money Matters: A New Career With Pictures of Success

Psychic Abrielle Gina from Newport Beach asks:
I have recently obtained my aesthetician’s license in hopes of reinventing myself, since my real estate investments are depreciating and not producing. Am I on the right career path, and will my real estate investments improve?
Psychic Abrielle ext. 9894 Responds:
Gina, in regards to your new career as an aesthetician, I’m receiving a very clear picture of a sign with an arrow pointing upward and at the top of the arrow is the word “success.” Much as we have road signs to help us drive, the sign representing your career ahead looks extremely positive.
Specific words I psychically hear as you begin your new career are “financial success through networking” and “entrepreneurial opportunities.” I’m guided to tell you that you won’t find work as an aesthetician through the want ads. Instead, you’ll find it networking in your local community by targeting specific salons and spas and presenting your credentials. I get a vision of a very tall, vibrant woman and the color of purple around her. I see you smiling and shaking her hand – she’s a great person to work with! Gina, your new place of work appears to be about twenty miles from where you live.
I’m also being pointed to take a look at three wonderful pictures of you: the first picture is of your name on a billboard, the second is of a beauty product line you have developed and marketed via the Internet, and the third is of you walking a golden road with two briefcases. One case is filled with your beauty line and the other is filled with the deeds of your real estate portfolio. The guidance coming to me about these three pictures is that the skills you have utilized in choosing your real estate investments will help you be a success in your career as an aesthetician!
Gina, finally, in regards to your real estate investment portfolio, I specifically hear the words “three to five years” with the emphasis on five years being stronger for your real estate portfolio to have a minimum of a twenty percent increase. I hear a little whisper that it could go as high as a fifty percent return as well. I know that may be hard to hear, but it looks like you’re traveling on the golden road of success as an aesthetician.
Choosing to start a new career in a struggling economy, you may feel there are limited opportunities because of geographic location, age group, or your past career. Gina is a good model of someone who decided to reinvent themselves with a new career and to pursue additional education. In what seems to be a limited economy, unlimited thinking and unlimited activity can help you to pursue new connections, new networks and new careers that will yield results.
Networking in this economy will be your most successful choice. Using LinkedIn, job resource centers – found in almost every city in America. This will be the fastest way to manifest new positions and/or new careers.
Best of luck to you

Stress Healing with Meditation

By Trevor
Many people find stress healing by using basic meditation
techniques. Meditation is where your body and also your mind are
both consciously very relaxed and well focused.  And people who
practice mediation on a regular basis report heightened focus,
awareness and concentration, plus a much more positive outlook in
their lives.

There are various approaches to meditation, but the basic
principles are the same across the board. You want to remove
negative, obstructive or wandering thoughts and daydreams and seek
to calm your mind, deeply focused on self improvement, clearing
junk from your mind and readying it for better quality stuff.

Some people who practice meditation close out all sensory input -
i.e. sights, sounds and touch - while striving to detach themselves
from the everyday chaos around them, focusing instead on deep,
profound thoughts. This can take some time getting use to, but then
you will tune in to more awareness of your surroundings.

No need to practice any strange or uncomfortable meditation
positions. Just be comfortable. Stand, sit cross-legged, lie down,
walk or whatever while you're meditating, and wear loose clothing
so that you are comfortable.

Where you choose to practice meditation should be a safe, soothing
environment. You can choose your bedroom, family room, living room
or any room where you feel comfortable. And you may prefer to sit
(or lie down) on an exercise mat, depending upon the position you
choose to meditate in (like sitting cross-legged).

Silence is golden, or so many say. It helps the majority of those
practicing meditation to relax and meditate. Hence, you might
choose an area with plenty of quiet and isolation; no cell phone,
land line phones, no Xbox or door bells, no washing machine and
dryer running, etc.  Also some prefer nice, pleasant aromas while
meditating, so you may opt for scented candles, oils for lamps or
other materials.

With meditation, the main concept is to focus.  So practice
focusing on one specific thought or object -with your eyes open,
while ignoring all activity, noise, and chaos all around you.

For more information, check out numerous books at your local
library on the topic. And head online to hundreds of articles on
meditation. Increase your meditation efforts and decrease your
stress. And reap plenty of healthy benefits, both inside and out,
in your body and in your mind so that you can better handle stress
when it comes up.

Stop Deceiving Yourself: You Deserve Better

By Carmen Honacker

Breaking the Deception Habit

I recently found myself wondering (again) “How in the world could they do this to me?” Using this sentence always involves being cheated on, deceived or scammed on a huge scale. It almost always describes acts that are so incredibly selfish, cruel, thoughtless and appalling that most of us can merely stand there with our jaws dropping, wondering what in the world just happened, and knowing that we will probably be somewhat scarred for life now. The worst part is that we would then wonder if we brought this situation upon us, deserved it—or, if we saw it coming, feeling even worse. A friend of mine added an interesting insight that never really occurred to me. It’s something so obvious that most of us probably never even noticed it!
The reason that most of us would never do these horrible things to another is that we simply wouldn’t put ourselves into the position to begin with! Think about that for a moment!
How often have I been dirt poor, wondering how in the world I’d ever get out of the hole I was in? But my pride prevented me from asking for help. I would rather take on a second job or sell something dear to me to pay my bills than ask anyone for help. I have never once asked anyone for a large sum of money, for co-signing a loan, putting something in their name, and so on. I did ask my friend Ute for a loan of $100 about 14 years ago, because my car had been broken into and I had no money to pay for a new window. Needless to say, I paid Ute back within a month.
The people who constantly ask others for money or “favors” tend to have one huge thing in common: they’re the only ones who keep finding themselves in situations where they have to ask for such huge “favors” to begin with. How many responsible people do you know who keep defaulting on loans, have horrible credit, keep being evicted or have other judgments against them? The key word here is “keep!” All of us may have had bad luck at one point or another in our lives. But I’m talking about individuals who year after year after year keep living above their means, never learn responsibility and keep blaming and pointing fingers. Irresponsible people usually claim to be victims, have zero accountability and a huge arsenal of excuses. If they can’t be honest with themselves, how honest do you think they’ll be with another?
In crimes and scams, there are only two types of people. There are the scammers/criminals/takers and the victims/givers. What sucks for those of us who have been taken is that in many cases we should have seen it coming, and probably did. To others, there seems to be something severely wrong with us victims too, because we know on some level that what walks like a duck and quacks like one is, in fact, a duck, but yet we keep yelling “NO! It’s a friggin’ kangaroo!” Unfortunately, this is what lies and deception are built upon: our unwillingness to see someone or something for whom and what they truly are.
We all do it, male and female! We think that “this thing” could never happen to us. We arrogantly judge those who are scammed and we scold them by saying “well, I tried to warn you.” The thing is that most of us are actually good people. We want to believe that others are also good, and we want to give the benefit of the doubt. We don’t want to go through life jaded or suspicious, and sometimes it will take us a second or even third time to “get it.” It doesn’t make us stupid or weak—unless of course, we never get it.
When my friend told me the correlation between those asking for a certain type of help being the only ones who would need that kind of help, I figured I needed to share the love. While I have discarded the last Muppet out of my life and live a “Muppet free” existence now, I know that it isn’t so for others. Some keep giving and giving in hopes that they can turn the turd into a golden nugget. For those I say, look at who is asking you all the time for help, andthen decide if you are helping or enabling. If they have lied to you before, they will probably do it again. If they have screwed over others, have cheated on everyone else or been abusive to those before you, they will do the same to you. Keep a good eye out for their past behaviors and continuous track record! It isn’t a kangaroo, my dear, it’s a duck!
Just food for thought

Psychic Workout: Create Candles for Healing, Love and Success

By Psychic Marin

There is little in our life that can’t be enhanced by the glow of a candle. Whether it is a spiritually-purposed candle, or simply a fragrant one, candles bring warmth and energy to any environment.
At some point in your life, you have most likely made a candle. A holiday gift you made at school as a child, or a milk-carton candle you fashioned at summer camp. Rolled bees-wax candles are the simplest to make, and are perfect for those who want to actively participate in a spiritual act but may lack crafting skills. The supplies are easy to come by, as flat pieces of bees-wax can be purchased at most craft stores, and you will also need a wick and dried herbs or oils.
Try this simple candle-making exercise, from beginning to end, to help you be prepared and confident in achieving your desired goals.
1. Begin by focusing on your desired goal or outcome. Placing your hands on top of the wax, announce your prayer or wish. This creates a charge with your personal energy, and programs your desires into the candle you are crafting.
2. Begin by cutting the wax sheet into the desired height you would like the candle.
3. Place the wick at the edge of the wax sheet, allowing approximately one inch to hang off of the wax, as this will serve as the wick.
4. Delicately fold the wax sheet over the wick, just enough to cover and secure the wick. If the wax appears to be cold and rigid, you can use a hair dryer to increase the temperature of the wax and ease of molding.
5. After the wick is secured, sprinkle herbs to concentrate your candle, or add a few drops of purpose oil. You can use the blow dryer to lightly heat the wax, which will allow you to press the herbs into the wax easily.
Here’s a few suggestions of meaningful herbs:
Love: Rose, Lavender, Cinnamon
Money: Clove, Sage, Pine, Basil, Mint
Protection: Sage, Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood
Psychic Awareness: Anise, Rosemary
Purification: Sandalwood, Sage, Thyme, Musk, Pine, Cedar
Stress: Patchouli, Lavender, Camphor, Copal
Grounding Yourself: Nag Champa, Sandalwood
6. As you begin to roll the candle, focus on your intentions and desires. If you want to bring an energy to you – money or love, for example – roll the wax towards you as you roll the candle. If you’re trying to remove negativity, roll the candle away from you in a banishing motion.
7. After rolling the candle, heat the edge of the wax, lightly pressing it to maintain the candle’s shape.
These hand-rolled candles are simple to create, yet profound in their purpose. Sometimes simpler is better, allowing for greater concentration on intention. When you light these candles, you can see their energetic purpose and spiritual language, with words expressed by the flickering flame spoken to the Heavens

Let Go of Your Negative Past...

By Karim Jajee
Those bad memories, bad relationships, that resentment, anger 
and any negative experience you're holding on to needs
to be released, discarded, dumped into the trash along with 
yesterday's news. 
Thinking about those negative events really cripples you. 
It destroys any chance for success and happiness and 
there's no need to hang on to them. 
Thinking about them brings up pain, anger, makes you feel 
sad or gets you depressed. 
With those feelings consuming you there's just no way 
you can be happy and you destroy any chance of great 
success because you're living in the past.
I know it's easy to say: 
"Just let go - move forward, forget about it, just let go." 
But that's easier said than done. 
Today I'm going to show you how you can really let go 
of unwanted events, emotions and situations, 
passed or present that are holding you back...
you'll start living the life you want, enjoying 
greater happiness and begin moving forward.  
When you hold on to negative experiences you 
actually block our ability to move forward. 
If you're hanging on to a negative or unpleasant 
experience then you're naturally thinking about it 
regularly. It may consume your mind for most of the day. 
It may be your only focus and it gets you down everyday. 
When that happens you prevent yourself from moving 
forward and healing. 
I'm not talking about memories we all have memories. 
But how many memories do you recall regularly? 
How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday? 
Chances are you're like most people and you have a 
number of unpleasant experiences that you're 
holding on to, and that prevents you from moving forward. 
These negative experiences can be a traumatic event 
that took place during your childhood or a 
fight you had with a friend which resulted in a 
grudge that you carry and because of that grudge 
you no longer speak to each other. 
The more you carry the worse life gets, it's that simple. 
You're carrying useless baggage that's really slowing you down. 
Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and 
along the way you keep picking up heavy objects, 
things that really don't serve you but you want to hang on to. 
After a while these objects begin to weigh on you, 
they slow you down and unless you get rid of them 
you'll never get to where you want to go. 
You can begin to let go by simply getting your 
mind to focus on something different. 
Think of positive events. 
Think of positive experiences. 
Think about how you want to improve your life
and start taking steps to make the changes. 
Doing this pushes your mind in a new direction and gives
your subconscious mind a new set of instructions. 
You basically tell yourself and your subconscious mind that
you're moving on and ready for more positive situations in life. 
Your subconscious then helps you by directing you to the 
people and situations that will allow you to move forward and enjoy life. 
Start letting go today. Start living a better, happier life today - visit: 
It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on. 
That will help but if you really want to start 
moving on then you have to get your mind to focus 
on new things and in the process you automatically 
let go of the negative events and situations that 
have been slowing you down. 
When you focus on more positive things 
and focus on what you want you begin shifting that
energy and start attracting positive situations 
to help you create the life you want. 
The next step is to create a new action plan. 
Let's face it the past is over so what next? 
Where do you want to go now? 
How do you plan to get there? 
You may not have the answers to all these questions, 
but merely thinking about the options and the future 
forces your mind to go in a new direction. 
When you do this you automatically let go of 
unwanted feelings and emotions. 
Start focusing on what you want to happen. 
Let go of the past and negative situations by 
getting your mind to focus on different things. 
Direct your subconscious mind to help you let 
go by giving it new instructions. Start letting go today