
Wednesday 4 May 2011

Past Lives

Hypnosis is a wonderful experience, often described as relaxing and dreamy, although it’s not sleep. Hypnosis is actually an intense state of singular focus. While listening to the words of a hypnotist you can be gently guided back to the amazing experience of a life or lives before your current life.
Seeing yourself in someone else’s body is an astounding experience. By itself it can free you from self-imposed limitations and false beliefs as to your very nature. Most people describe past life regression as a liberating and exciting experience, and want to do it again.
Under the guidance of a capable hypnotist, you can experience past life regression therapy. Many of the issues people have in their lives today can actually be traced back to experiences in past lives. For example, if you don’t like going on a boat, perhaps you were on a ship that sank in a previous life. If you don’t like being in charge, perhaps you were an officer in the army who ordered men to their deaths. If you have challenges being intimate with a partner, perhaps you were abused in a previous life.
During past life regression therapy, the trained hypnotist leads a person back to the past life that is at the source of current issues. Then, using special techniques, the hypnotist helps a person remove the mental impact from that past life. When the events of the past life no longer have an emotional charge, the issue is no longer a problem today. This form of changework can help produce amazing differences in behaviors.
And now, here’s a secret about past life regression. The entire concept implies a belief in reincarnation. That is, it seems to show that you actually lived before. While it’s true that there are numerous instances of anecdotal evidence that appear to show reincarnation is a reality, for past life regression, the idea of reincarnation, of objectively living previous lives… is irrelevant!
Our dreams often present ideas in the forms of symbols and metaphors. That’s why dreams need to be interpreted and don’t necessarily mean what the images appear to show. Similarly, it may be that while under hypnosis, the unconscious mind presents concepts to the conscious mind in metaphors or symbols. In the case of this discussion, the metaphor is that of a past life.
For the hypnotist, it doesn’t matter whether that past life was objectively real. All that matters is the experience of the past life. When the effects of that experience, or an alteration to that experience guided by a hypnotist, are brought back to present day life, the results can be increased contentment, happiness, spirituality, and virtually instantaneous change for unwanted habits, beliefs, and behaviors. That’s the real value of past life regression—how it improves your life today, not what happened long ago.
When someone tells me they were Cleopatra or Napoleon in a past life—usually something they were either told or imagined—I have to smile. I remember what famed mystic Dion Fortune said: A famous past life doesn’t give added credit to the current life so much as make one wonder what you did to end up in your current lower station!

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