
Thursday, 20 October 2011

A Memo to Parents from a Child...

Just want to share this article to all the parents, taken from the book "The Mustard Seed" by Joseph A. Galdon, S.J.
Thank you to our daughter's school for sending this letter to us parents.

"A Memo to Parents from a Child"

     Don’t spoil me. I know very well that I shouldn’t have everything that I ask you for. Sometimes I’m only testing you. So I ask for everything under the sun just to see how far you will go in spoiling me. Don’t be afraid to be strict with me. Actually, I prefer it when you are strict because it gives me a sense of security. Just to know that you have rules and that I have to follow the rules gives me a great sense of confidence that to know that you are in control. My teacher told us one time that discipline provides a “sanctuary of security” for us when we are growing up. I know she was right.

Don’t let me form bad habits. I don’t always know what is good and what is bad, and I have to rely on you to see the bad habits that I am starting to form and to talk to me about them. Don’t make me feel “smaller” than I am. It only makes me want to behave “big” and stupidly. When you treat me like a little child all the time, I will keep on acting like a little child. Treat me as though I were older than I really am and I will try to live up to what you expect of we as an "older person”. It's a challenge for me to grow up.

 Please don’t correct me infront of other people. It makes me ashamed and rebellious. I will pay a lot more attention to you if you talk to me “man to man” or “woman to woman,” quietly and reasonably and in private. Don’t always make me think that my mistakes are sins. Most of the time, they really aren’t. They're just mistakes. You will spoil my sense of values if you make me think mistakes are sins when they really aren't. And please don’t protect me from the consequences of my mistakes. Sometimes I need to learn the painful way. If I make a mistake or do something wrong, I have to learn to accept the consequences. It doesn’t help me grow when you protect me and shelter me from my mistakes. Don’t be upset when I say “I hate you.” I really don’t hate you at all. I hate the power and control you have over me. But when I think about it, I realize that your control over me is good, because you love me.

Don’t pay too much attention to my little ailments. I can handle them if you don’t baby me. Sometimes I use these little ailments to get the attention that I need from you so much. Please don’t nag me. If you do, I have to protect myself by pretending that I am deaf and I didn’t hear you. The only way I can escape from your nagging is not to pay any attention to it. Then your nagging doesn’t do any good at all.

 Please don’t forget that I can’t always explain myself to you the way I want to. I don’t have the words or the experience to explain it to you so that you can understand what I am really thinking. That’s why my explanations seem unreasonable sometimes, or don’t make any sense to you, because you are older and more experienced and more logical than I am. Therefore, don’t put me off when I ask questions. That’s the only way I can figure things out for myself. But if you are annoyed or impatient with my questions, I will stop asking you about things and won’t talk to you anymore about the things that I think are important. Then I’ll seek the information I need elsewhere, and that is never as good as asking your parents about things that worry you or perplex you.

 Don’t be inconsistent, because that makes me feel confused and I start to lose all my trust in you. Don’t tell my fears and worries are silly. They are terribly real to me, even if they aren’t real to you. What I want you to do is listen to me and reassure me and try to understand what I am trying to say about my own worries and confusions.

 Most important, don’t suggest to me that you are perfect, that you never make mistakes, because you do, and I know that you do. It comes a great shock to me when you keep telling me that you are always right and then I discover that you make mistakes, too. I don’t want a parent who is perfect. I want a parent who loves me and understands me. Don't ever think that it is below your dignity to admit that you were wrong or to apologize to me when you make a mistake. It makes me feel surprisingly warm and loving towards you when you apologize with love.

 Don't forget-ever- that I love experimenting. That is what growing up is all about. I can't get along without trying out things for myself. So please put up with my experiments and talk to me about them afterwards, so we can work them out together and see what was wrong and what was right. Don’t forget how quickly I am growing up. I know it is hard for you but please, try. I know you want to keep me the way I was when I was younger. But that isn’t very good for either of us. So please try to keep pace with me. Please keep yourself healthy. I NEED YOU. I LOVE YOU.

                                                                                                          -Author Unknown

You're more powerful than you think. 
That's because you have a tremendous power within... a power that when 
directed correctly will help you make more money, meet the right person, 
enjoy greater success and allow you to enjoy life as you become 
more confident everyday.  
It's your inner power... that powerful force within 
you that's connected to your subconscious mind. Once you work with it  correctly
you'll begin enjoy greater success, happiness and live a life filled with passion and confidence.   
You and everybody around you has the same special power. 
The only reason you're not living the life you want is because you don't know 
how to use your special power.

To get this awesome power that you have working for you you 
first have to direct your subconscious mind to attract the people, situations and 
circumstances that will help you create the changes or improvements you want.
 Then you need to change how you see things and how you see yourself.  
That means putting an end to the constant negative self talk 
or negative chatter that goes on inside your head.
 If you want to be successful then see yourself as 
someone who can be successful.
 You also have to give yourself positive encouragement. 
You're never going to be successful if you only focus on 
what's wrong with you or why you can't do something.
 If you want to be in a healthy, loving and caring relationship,
then you have to see yourself as someone who can be 
in a loving, caring relationship. 
You can no longer accept any limiting or negative 
thoughts and beliefs about yourself.  
For example: If you want to be successful you can no longer say, think or
believe that "it's too difficult to be successful, I don't know what to do. I never get 
any great opportunities. My parents never encouraged me. My friends don't support me. 
Everybody around me is too negative. I don't get any positive feedback." 
These are all negative statements, thoughts and beliefs 
that prevent you from achieving your goals.
 Eliminate them and change them into statements that help 
you achieve your goals. Instead of saying something 
is too difficult... focus on why you can achieve your goals.
 If you keep the negative statements you have your Power Within working against you. 
Because it will create what you don't want. 
For example: if you say it's too difficult to do something, your power within will make 
it difficult for you to achieve what you want.
 Only you can determine your own success. 
It doesn't matter if people around you are negative. 
You don't need encouragement and support from friends or family.
You only need to believe and see yourself as someone who is capable of being successful.
Because you can accomplish what ever they want... when you believe you can.
Once you do that,  once you raise the bar a little higher, once you believe that you 
can and will accomplish your goals you'll be on 
your way to greater success. 
You'll also be directing subconscious mind to bring 
you opportunities for you to succeed, make more money, 
meet the right person and make the right choices.
 So don't believe the excuses or reasons that your mind gives you. 
Take a look at where you are today and decide 
what kind of life you want to live. 
Start seeing yourself as successful in every aspect of your life.  
Once you see yourself as successful you will be able to direct your mind and 
subconscious mind and start using your power within to help you 
achieve your goals.

New opportunities will begin to pop into your life everyday.
 You'll meet people who can help you in ways you never thought possible.
 You'll be working with your power within, unleashing it so that 
you create the life you want.
 So focus on what you want. 
Decide what you want. 
Be clear and specific because you'll be attracting more and more of 
what you want, and less of what you don't want.
 Unleash your power within by focusing on what you really want. 
Eliminate the negative thoughts and replace them with 
powerful, positive thoughts. 

 life of passion, purpose, abundance, love and joy is a life well worth living!

BUT, I realized I left a word out - and that word is so important... So what is it?

Well, if you haven't guessed already, it's Health!

You are here because you are ready to live your best life and to do that you need to keep your body healthy. Here's the deal...

Your body is the vehicle you have been given to travel through your life. To have your life be the best life possible means honoring that vehicle - loving it, nourishing it, respecting it...

Your body is an extension of you - it is an expression of you!

Your body is made up of systems that are so intricate and advanced that they keep you living and breathing without you having to think about it.

Your body is inherently magnificent as you are...

So many people deny their body love and positive attention - and I promise you that impacts every other area of your life (whether you realize it or not). 

Most people don't. As a matter of fact, studies show that a majority of people hate their bodies. Stop for a moment and think about that. What do you think the result of that habitual hate is? Do you think it creates motivation? Do you think it's a wakeup call to change? Or do you think that it perpetuates feelings of depression and failure?

So, why do people hate their bodies? Usually, it's because they don't look the way they think they should. But the question that needs to be asked is, what should they look like? What is the "perfect" weight? This is an important point because our ideals that we compare ourselves to are a big problem when it comes to our body images. We live in a culture that is constantly holding up ideals that are not real.

We see a model on a magazine cover and think, "I should look like that." But what we don't see is how the model had 5 people doing hair, makeup, and clothes design. We don't see the perfectly placed lighting and fans. We don't see the photo editing that removes any "imperfections." What we finally get is literally a cartoon. Something that is not, and never could be, real. Now, what I just described is ONE PICTURE; now multiply that by 3,000, which is the average number of ads we are exposed to EVERY DAY.

So, what is the result of all this? Sure, we ignore it, but it is so pervasive that these ideas of unreal perfection begin to creep into our collective consciousness as reality. And this is where the problem starts because the balance disappears. Soon we find that we have no representations of people that are "normal" and beautiful. More and more actors and actress we see seem to have had plastic surgery and it becomes the acceptable norm. But it can't be. 

You need to love your own body, and you're going to start right now because you deserve it. Let's start simply by talking to yourself (in your head) and say the words "I love you, body." It probably feels a little weird. That's a natural response to doing something new.

Now, I want you to love all the things that work perfectly for you. If you're reading this, then I'm going to assume that your heart is beating, your eyes are seeing, and your lungs are breathing, so start there. "I love you, heart and lungs, for keeping me alive all these years." "I love you, eyes, for letting me read this incredible article." And so on.

Now, if you feel silly doing this let me point out something that is really silly. It's looking at a picture of a model with contacts and saying to yourself "I wish I had eyes that color," or looking at a body that has been slimmed down with Photoshop and feeling bad because you don't look like that. That doesn't make any sense.

Now, back to your body. What about your legs? Never mind the shape of them for a moment, think about them differently and say, "I love you legs for giving me mobility." How about your hands? Can you say something nice about them?

The purpose of this is to genuinely appreciate and love your body. It's a way to build up self esteem and focus on what is truly important. You can go through other things you love about your body like hearing, smelling, tasting, being able to dance, sing, type, smile, etc.

Now, what about body weight and shape? You can love your body no matter what the scale says or what size clothes you wear, and at the same time you can also want to slim down. I can tell you from direct experience that the biggest mistake people make in weight loss is that they try motivating themselves by beating themselves up. That will not work for permanent weight loss. If you hate your body there is a good chance that you will unconsciously keep the weight on. You need to begin by loving yourself and your body.

It's easier to do this when you realize that your goal weight and size are a means to an end. The weight isn't what's important; it's the feelings you're going to experience at that weight that are important. Will you feel sexier, happier, more confident, healthier? Why do you want change your body? You'll find that focusing on these feelings is one more tool you can use to motivate yourself.
This is also important because you don't just reach a certain weight where everything instantly changes. It's a process. If your main motivation is to feel more confident, then begin thinking about ways to feel more confident now. Don't wait.

Love and hate are very powerful emotions; one is a force for creation and one is a force for destruction. If you want to permanently create a new shape for your body, make sure you choose the force that can make it happen. It makes all the difference in the world.

He believed in himself. Despite having the odds against him, he believed in himself.
He believed in his vision.
He believed that he could change the way we communicate.
He believed he could make a difference.
And he did.
This past week we said goodbye to Steve Jobs - the co-founder of Apple who
revolutionized the way we communicate, work and play.
But life was never easy for him and the only reason Jobs succeeded is because he
believed in himself.
He didn't let the naysayers stop him.
He didn't let the doubters hold him back.
He dropped out of school because he couldn't afford the tuition.
He collected used soda cans and returned them to collect the deposit money.
He walked 7 miles just so he could get a hot meal from a shelter.
But all along he believed in himself and his vision.
He never gave up.
When he slept on a cold hard floor with only a blanket he didn't give up.
Through all those years of struggle, Steve Jobs directed his mind, his subconscious
mind and his powers to follow his vision.
That vision and belief was planted on his subconscious mind, success was sure to
follow. And did it ever.
When he passed away on Wednesday - Steve Jobs was a billionaire, surrounded by his
family. He built one of the most valuable companies in the world and he made a big difference.
You too can make a difference.
You too can be wealth and successful.
You may not think you can - but you can.
You just have to believe in yourself.
You just have to follow your vision.
You just have to believe that you can.
You have to dismiss the naysayers and the doubters who want to extinguish your burning desires.
Believe in yourself and believe in your ability.
They kicked Steve Jobs out of his own company.
But he didn't give up.
He worked his way back and turned it into the biggest and most influential company
in the world.
A rival computer company tried to wipe him out but he got smarter and stronger.
He never gave up.
And neither should you.
We won't have another Steve Jobs.
But one day there will be somebody who makes an impact.
Somebody who makes a difference.
Somebody who believes in themselves.
Somebody who believes in their vision.
Somebody who never gives up - no matter what the odds.
Somebody who empowers themselves and forces others to be better.
That somebody could be you... when you believe in yourself.
Start believing in yourself today.
Create your vision and believe in your ability.
Plant that belief on your subconscious mind.
Keep working toward your goals.
Never give up no matter what others say - you can and will succeed when you believe.
Yes we will miss Steve Jobs and Apple will never be the same without him.
He made a difference. Now it's your turn - and you can.
When you believe...
Develop the mindset that Steve Jobs had.
Create the beliefs that drive you to succeed and bring in joy and happiness.
Plant those empowering beliefs on your mind and subconscious mind so you believe in yourself.

Get a New Man, Now!

Have you about had enough with that guy that’s not only the opposite of your dream man, he’s actually toxic to your well-being? You’ve given it your best shot, worked hard to turn it around, but the handwriting is all over the wall? You can get yourself a new man, right now, if that’s what your inner voice tells you is right.
Psychic experts and spiritual advisers say you control your destiny. Focus your energy, direct your thinking, and concentrate on your heart’s desire, and you will have it. Faith ext. 9608 tells us, “Be willing to be open and ready to receive, because what you’re asking for is also looking for you.”
Consider these eight steps to finding the right man and be prepared to receive your heart’s desire. Be ready — your love life can quickly turn golden!
1. Know thyself. Create the best you. Popular psychic Rivers ext. 5273 wants you to know, “The people we attract into our life are reflections of who we are, therefore, first become what it is you want to attract.”
2. Stop stressing. You do control your destiny, but you needn’t wrestle that destiny to the ground to make your dream come true. Breathe, relax, and allow the Universe to assist.
3. Love thyself. Know you’re worthy of love. Touch your spiritual side, meditate every day, and turn off negative inner voices judging you harshly. Listen to William ext. 5131, one of our skilled psychics: “You must first decide you are worthy of love and that your value to be loved is not determined by someone else, but by yourself.”
4. Find an advisor you trust and communicate well with. We all need a little help from time-to-time. Your path may seem clearer if a good advisor helps you visualize the map.
5. Know what you want; open your heart to opportunity. Don’t latch on to the first guy that pays you attention, look deeper. What does Molly ext. 5442 think? “You have to be really focused and know what you want. Yet not so focused on what you don’t have that you can’t see what you actually do have right in front of you.”
6. Seek your soul mate in the right places. You won’t find him in a nightclub unless you love the fast lane. Spend your time doing your own thing. Volunteer, join a club, become politically active, or jog in the park. He’s there. He’ll find you.
7. Build your self-esteem. You don’t need a man, you just wish to enjoy a new relationship. “Like attracts like. Come from a place of neediness and you attract needy people. Come from a place overflowing with self-love, and you’ll attract people equally full and able to give,” says compassionate Krishni ext. 5478.
8. Know what real love feels like. Love isn’t lust and it isn’t all glitter and flash. Real love is steady, passionate, companionable, and joyful. If your new man is ready for love, too, he will happily treat you as you deserve and require to be treated.
We change our fortunes, brighten our futures, and connect with real love by recognizing destiny in our own hands. But we succeed best with nurturing and mentoring. This is your time to connect with an experienced, tuned-in psychic and learn to make brilliant new choices. Glenna ext. 5418 sums it up perfectly, “It’s a great idea to talk to someone else. I’m often that springboard that my callers talk to for a fresh perspective.”

Stand Up For Yourself September

By Jessalyn Marchal
Imagine that our souls have assignments, things they need to learn. If you’re finding that you have trouble standing up to your disrespectful co-worker, a meddling family member, or you’re being taken for granted in relationships, learning to set appropriate boundaries could definitely be on your homework list.
The good news about soul lessons is that you will keep drawing these experiences into your life until you get it right. The trap with blurry boundaries is that it feels like you’re doing the right thing by ignoring your inner whistle blower, and giving in to the other person, but what it really means is that you’ve missed another golden opportunity to learn the lessons you’re soul is asking you to learn.
In business…At the office, your responsibilities should be defined by your job description and your company’s employee handbook as well as dictated by your own values and internal compass. Dealing with an overload of assignments, a bullying co-worker, or an insensitive boss can make your workplace seem like a nightmare. Sure, you could change jobs, but certainly not each time you encounter a difficult personality. Instead, you might find that the lesson to be learned is about self-respect and commanding that others provide no less.
Realize that most companies have set procedures in place to protect employee rights – armed with that back up, stand up straight and stand up for yourself! Tell that co-worker that you’re sorry if they’re having a bad day but that you just don’t understand why they would make that hurtful remark. Say it loud, let someone nearby overhear you. Give that responsibility back to your co-worker – it’s not your fault that they are behaving disrespectfully! Not only are you standing up for yourself and making it clear to this person that you do not tolerate shabby treatment, but you’re showing leadership to your fellow “soul schoolmates” – if I can do it so can you!
Love and friendshipIf boundary setting is an assignment of yours, you will definitely find a willing partner in the love department! Oh, how many people are waiting to take advantage of someone who does not know their true worth? Allowing yourself to be a doormat “because you’re in love” may feel like you’re really showing that special someone how much they mean to you… but what you’re really showing them is that you don’t know the first thing about love, which is loving you!
Relationships are excellent soul barometers. If you’re not feeling reciprocal “give and take” with your partner, then you need to stop, drop and roll. Stop to ask yourself why this person would not want to give back to you. Drop the act and say what you feel. You don’t have to be harsh or critical, but you do need to have a heart-to-heart conversation.Roll with the punches – if you can hash out a resolution with your mate, realize there will be ups and downs in this learning process. If no compromise can be made and you’re still feeling taken for a ride – roll on outta there, you can use the time and effort that you were lavishing on someone else to pamper yourself. You will be teaching yourself what it feels like to be appreciated, cared for and happy and you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for next time.
FamilyDespite how loved we may be by our parents and siblings, there are emotional responses that we have been conditioned to give since birth. Unfortunately, we learned boundaries from people without omnipresence and with imperfections. Boundary issues are here if you’re on a mission of self-discovery. These can be some of the toughest boundaries to solidify because we began forming them when we were too young to understand that we are separate from our parents. If your mom or dad struggled with a boundary, we very well may be, too. It’s not easy to realize that our parents aren’t perfect… but as we are all mirrors to each other, naming what you see as an issue for them allows you to realize it for yourself as well. Learning from their experiences and choices and knowing they were their choics (not yours!), means that going forward you can choose to, or not, carry on family traditions without blinders.
Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease – and then stops squeaking! Going against your own inner guidance when something doesn’t feel right to you is rarely the best choice for the boundary challenged. Asking for what you need and want is something that can be a welcome part of your self-respect repertoire.
Regardless of the situation whether it’s business or pleasure, you are well within your rights to require reciprocal relationships where people uphold their end of the deal. So, before you say “Sure, I’d be happy to…” make sure your inner voice isn’t saying no! You’re the only one who can hear that voice and it’s counting on you to honor it!
People who do not respect where you’re at, or they project their own issues on you, can be released. Simply send them your blessing and let them deal with their own issues – with someone else! It’s your life, so create it exactly as you see it unfolding. And standing up for what you beleive is the first step to a beautiful life.

How to summon universal forces in a flash!…

By Aine Belton ©

Choice is a gateway to the possible, not only at cross-roads and junctures on your path, but in each moment, giving access to the limitless palate with which you paint your life.
You can choose a new action, thought, feeling, or behaviour at any time, and birth an entirely new reality as a result. This power of choice, when owned and yielded, is a remarkable tool of creation, yet for many, still blind to its capacity and presence, it remains inert and unharnessed.
You make hundreds of choices every day. You chose what time to get out of bed this morning, what to have for breakfast, and what to wear, for example, (unless you are still in bed reading this in your pyjamas, which, of course, is also a choice!).
A vast number of choices you make are barely conscious, or you may fail to acknowledge them as the choices they indeed are. Habits, for example, are choices that have become more automatic, be they sleeping patterns, the way you communicate, your daily routine, how you take your coffee, etc.
Many times thoughts, feelings, reactions and addictions, are seen as outside the domain of choice. The more you can own these as choices, however, the more equipped you are to make new ones and initiate change.
Doing things out of duty, obligation or sacrifice, or any role you adopt – such as the role of mother, wife, husband, or employee, for example – can also mask the availability of choice or blind you to its presence.
Behavioural choices are the most obvious to observe, but subtler choices at the level of thought and feeling, belief and attitude, for example, are the most profound, since it is these that can shape your other choices, and influence and determine the reality you experience in deeper ways than you may yet be aware.
Choice is possibly the most powerful of all the tools with which you consciously create your reality, more powerful even than your beliefs, thoughts and feelings, because ultimately choice can supersede these; can steer and direct them in accordance with your will.”
What you tangibly do (your actions) are the most obvious choices, but it is important to become conscious of those at the level of thought, feeling and attitude, the principles and values you abide by, etc.
Choice is available in every moment, and as such, every moment holds opportunity and potential – for greater love, a new direction, a new beginning, expanded success.
Every choice has an impact to a greater or lesser extent, each one like a pebble dropped in a pond; the ripples, the ramifications, spreading out into your future and other areas of your life.
Even one small choice made today that shifts your life by one degree, can overtime lead to a future far brighter than where you may be currently heading, opening you to new worlds of possibility, new doorways, people, horizons, places, and opportunities, new levels of love, happiness and success.
Each moment is ripe with a cornucopia of possibility! I’ve no doubt you can remember choices you made weeks, months or years ago that have significantly changed who and where you are right now. Perhaps you can also think of choices you didn’t make and wonder where your life may have ended up, for better or worse, if you had.
Any journey, any dream that comes to be, begins with a choice.”
Choice is a well oiled tool in the hands of those who live a self-determined life of intentional design. It lies at the hub of conscious creation and unleashing your dreams into the world.
When you realize you have the power to choose in every moment, hope gleams, possibilities unfurl, and challenges become less consuming.
In owning the power of choice, you take responsibility for your life at a whole new level, and are consequently more able to change it. Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment.
Nothing changes until you do, and that change can begin with choice; the choice for a new day and a new way.
What choice could you make right now that would change your life for the better, today, tomorrow, in the coming weeks, months or years?
Perhaps a choice of thought, feeling or action, a choice for a new belief, loving choices for yourself and others, choices that propel you to your dreams, perhaps courageous choices outside your current comfort zone, choices that make your heart sing and bring you joy.
Choice is the flagship of freewill. It is keystone to change and heralds new birth. As you affirm your desire and assert your will through choice, the universe ushers in to support your creation of reality.
When you realise you have the power to choose in any given situation in your life, and that that choice in itself can generate instant change, you awaken a new level of freedom and empowerment. “
Know that your choices hold great power, and that you can work with choice more consciously, more expectantly, more powerfully, more lovingly. Trust in the proceeding turnings of the tide the universe sets in motion in response to those choices of mind and heart.
Choice solidifies your intent and directs the arrow of your will towards creation, initiating the manifesting process. It is an important counter-part to desire. Let your heart’s desire guide your choices. Let love move you, and allow your gifts, dreams and passions to be expressed through choice.
People often accept responsibility for their actions – for what they choose to physically do – yet less often do they accept responsibility for what they think and feel and the impact this has on their life.
It is your thoughts and feelings, your beliefs and attitudes that determine your experience, and in themselves, influence the very types of choices you are likely to make.
What new thoughts, beliefs and attitudes could you choose? How would that change your state and life, your behaviour, expand your potential, and the manifestations of your goals?
You can also raise the bar on choice one more notch and choose entire new platforms of living and being. You can CHOOSE success, choose love, choose healing, choose to be happy, choose to be free, choose YOU – to own and embrace the love and magnificence that you are, and so on.
These can represent choice at its highest power. We rarely own choice at this level, however, mostly equating these things as beyond the domain of choosing.
You are a miracle and your ability to manifest is miraculous too!
Yield the magic of choice and craft your ‘love-life’ – a life you truly LOV

Hear What They Aren't Saying

by Greg Harrelson

During a routine meeting with a former high school friend, he happened to mention to me that his mother owned a property that may be desirable for development. As he described the land to me, I quickly discovered that it was one of the few large tracts of unimproved land still available within the city limits of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

I immediately started to see dollar signs as we discussed further how much money we could potentially make. He then proceeded to tell me the biggest problem was that his mother would not sell the property for fear the kids would take the money and blow it on things that do not matter and eventually be broke once again. As a woman who was raised on this land and in turn raised her children on the land, she would not tolerate that type of activity, so selling was not an opt ion.

Months went by, and he kept telling me that his mother would not do anything and to just forget about it. He and his brothers were upset about the fact that their mom would not sell. The family has no money, and they are barely able to pay the yearly property taxes.

I soon forgot about the property and was introduced to an amazing coaching company that started teaching me about the Law of Attraction. A few weeks into the class, we were asked to set an intention as to what we hoped to attract within the six-month course. They asked us to think big, so after much challenge, I set my intention to attract $20 million in six months. Keep in mind that I had never made more then $1.2 million in any given year so this was surely out-of-the-box thinking.

For about thirty days straight, I continued to visualize my intentions and discuss the vision with many people in my life. Unexpectedly, I received a phone call from my friend wanting to discu ss his mother's property again. This time I was in a different space, so I told him I thought it would be good if I had a chance to speak to her myself in person. He said okay and called me a week later with a time they could come into my office. Before the meeting, he mentioned again that she was worried about the family squandering the money away. I just listened without judgment.

I greeted the family as they entered the office, and we proceeded to go into the conference room. I could feel a little tension from the mother probably because she felt as if she had been forced to meet. In the beginning, it was my intention to have a conversation with her and the family to understand exactly what she was going through. She was concerned about the family getting so much money and what they might do. All the while I just listened. I spoke a little about estate planning, explaining to her how she could remain in complete control of the money and only drip the amounts t hat she felt were needed at the time. Based on the information provided by the family, I would have thought this would provide her with some relief. She acted as if she already knew she could control the money, so it was obvious at that moment that was not the issue holding her back.

Before I was in the Law of Attraction class, I would have likely just thrown my hands in the air and given up and declared that she was not going to do anything. I did the exact opposite. I remained calm and continued to have a good conversation. We talked about how long they had owned the property, who originally purchased the property, what they did with the land, and so on and so on....

It became very clear that she was deeply rooted in this land, and at one point, she said to me, "I can never imagine seeing someone else on my land." That was the beginning of a miracle.

All of a sudden, words started pouring from my mouth as if someone else was speaking thr ough me. It was as if I was an observer to a conversation versus actually having the conversation. I related to her and the fact that her family worked so hard. I was present to the blood, sweat, and tears they must have put into the land. We were connecting. I felt as if she felt that I understood, and more importantly, that I respected her for all that she had been through.

I said to her, "I once thought that maybe we could develop the land and place your family name on the street signs. Yet, now that I have talked to you face-to-face, I feel that is the last thing you are concerned about. You do not strike me as a person who cares if your name is on street signs. That would mean nothing to you." She immediately agreed. Then I said, "How about this? What if we take three to four acres of land and subdivide it and donate it to the City of Myrtle Beach? We will donate it for public park use only. We will donate it in honor of your grandfather who was the first pe rson in your family to work this land. Once we build and donate the park to the city, no one will ever be able to take it away. Then you could take the rest of the land and develop it. Think about this. Sixty years from now, this will be a place where your great-great grandchildren can go and push their kids on the swings. As they enjoy the park, they can talk about all of the blood, sweat, and tears that your family went through in order to create that park."

As I was speaking, it looked as if she had some interest in what I was saying, like she had never thought of that idea before. She looked down at the conference table for a moment and said, "Let's do it. Let's make this happen. I'm ready." That was the miracle. I found myself listening to her in a way that nobody had listened to her. Many developers, investors, Realtors, attorneys, and others had tried for years to get her property, and it was me who she said yes to. She said yes to the solution that I pres ented her.

Looking back over the past few months, I learned something. Prior to understanding the Law of Attraction, I knew about this property and failed in all attempts to develop it. After learning about the Law of Attraction, I created an intention, I attracted them calling me, and I set a time to speak with her. Because my intention was to serve others, I listened for a solution versus listening for an opportunity. The answer appeared without effort, and now we are on our way to building a wonderful community with that special park that her family will enjoy for many years to come.

Advice on Advice

by Michael Webb

A few years ago I had a friend whom was having problems in his
marriage. He confided in a friend and received some advice. Some
very bad advice. Advice that would have probably launched his
marriage over a proverbial cliff had he followed it. Fortunately,
my friend decided to ask some others and me what we thought of the
situation and the advice he had been given. He ignored the first
piece of advice and is still married because of it.

Because of my career in writing and speaking about relationships, a
lot of people seek me out for advice. Here is my advice on asking
for advice.

* In a multitude of counselors, there is wisdom. I love this
biblical teaching. Don't just accept a friend's advice. Don't take
your psychiatrists advice. Don't believe a word I say. Be cautious
about what your Pastor might tell you. Don't act on anyone's advice
UNTIL you have heard from a few friends, counselors or experts on
the subject. Always get a second and possibly third opinion on
serious issues.

* If you are seeking marriage advice, talk to someone who has a
blissful relationship. I probably wouldn't ask a three time
divorced friend for marriage advice just like I wouldn't ask a
homeless person for business tips.

* Don't assume that just because someone has a Doctorate that you
will get good advice. Educated men and women disagree with each
other all the time. Much of their advice is certain to be helpful
but keep your mind open for advice that just doesn't "seem right."

* Don't go searching for the answer you want. If everyone tells you
that you are a chauvinist pig, then don't keep looking for someone
who will say otherwise. Accept their advice and make a change.  If
many people tell you to separate yourself from your abusive husband
or boyfriend, then simply do it.

* Ask at the right time. If you want to get advice from some
friends, make sure you have enough time to fully discuss the issue.
One can't give good advice unless they know most or all of the


How to Overcome
Introduction ..................................................................................................3
Get Your Mind on Track ............................................................................4
Look for the Silver Lining ..........................................................................6
Finding Solutions ........................................................................................8
What are the next steps you can take to make it better? ............................8
Stay Away from Unproductive “What If’s” ..............................................9
Take Advantage of the Resources Available to You ..................................10
Make a Plan of Action ...............................................................................12
Your Plan ..................................................................................................12
Take Decisive Action .................................................................................13
Learn From Your Challenges ....................................................................15
Remember the Negatives, Too ...................................................................16
“Take into account that great love and
great achievements involve great risk.”
– Unknown
Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do
you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles because you’re unsure
of what to do? If so, opportunities may pass you by because your resolve to
meet the challenge quickly disappears.
However, the good news is: you can pass any test you face on the way to
your goals!
Opportunities that once passed you by can be turned into stepping stones
on your way to victory. Once you add a few simple strategies to your
arsenal, you’ll be unstoppable on your path to success.
Even big challenges can be surpassed with a few simple techniques.
Overcoming these challenges will spur you on and encourage you to live
the life you were born to live. Instead of feeling fear, you’ll feel confident
when you approach these roadblocks.
It’s okay to feel fear, as long as you allow that fear to propel you
forward. The truth is, anything worth having comes with some setbacks
along the way and obstacles to overcome. Your willingness to face these
challenges head on will determine the level of success you achieve in
your life.
The strategies you learn here can help you every single day. If you take
advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much
stronger person capable of anything.
Everyone suffers from fear from time to time. Some use the fear as an
excuse to give up, and others use that fear to motivate themselves to
achieve their dreams. The choice is yours.
“Mindsets play strange tricks on us. We see things
the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see.”
– Muhammad Yumus
The first step in overcoming any challenge is to expect the best out of the
situation. When you go into a challenge with the expectation of failure,
chances are good that you will fall short of your goal. Your mindset going
into any situation plays a big role in whether or not you’re going to come
through it with success.
Even when your situation seems overwhelming and completely
unbeatable, you can choose to think the best of it. Find the good in the
situation, learn from it, and focus on solutions. When you do, you’ll
routinely turn the frustrations of your life into victories.
Try these strategies to focus your mindset on expecting the best:
1. Use positive self-talk. When you face a challenge, do you find yourself
saying, “I can’t do this?” If that’s the case, your self-talk is sabotaging
your success. Instead, tell yourself you can and will succeed.
• Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them.
• Resolve today that you refuse to give up until you reach the goal
you’ve set.
• By simply changing what you say in certain situations, you can alter
the way your mind thinks about difficult circumstances.
2. Replace negative thinking with productive thinking. Think about the
road before you in a way that spurs you on toward success.
• Replace thoughts of “I can’t” or “I’ll never make it” with productive
thinking. Tell yourself, “I’ll figure out a solution.”
• Then focus on a solution, instead of the challenge. When
something’s frustrating you, put your mind to work in a productive
manner. Think about what’s great about the situation you’re in.
How can you make it the way you want it? This kind of thinking
can only lead to success.
Remind yourself that the only way to fail is to give up and, instead, resolve
to keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach your
3. Believe in yourself. You’re capable of amazing things. You just have to
trust in your abilities, gifts, and talents.
• Reflect on your previous accomplishments. You’ve certainly
succeeded at many things before, but you’ve likely forgotten. Focus
on previous victories and you’ll feel confident to tackle any
With the proper mindset in place, your talents, desires, and abilities will
naturally draw success to you. Even when you fall short, you’ll make the
most of the experience by learning from it and moving forward in a
positive direction.
In every situation, there is a silver lining to be found and appreciated. Do
you look at something that’s hard and get easily frustrated about how
difficult it is? Do you always believe that the worst-case scenario is the
likely outcome? You can learn to think differently and steer the ship of your
life in a different direction.
What’s the high point of the challenge you’re facing? There’s something
positive about the situation you’re in. What is it? What can you learn from
this? How can you grow from this experience? How will this experience
make you a better person? How will this event in your life alter your future
for the better?
Think of a stressful situation you currently face. Take time right now to
close your eyes and ask yourself, “What’s great about this?” At first, your
mind will likely answer something like, “Nothing!” Continue to think
about it until your mind gives you two or three satisfying answers.
This is different than thinking that everything is perfect when it’s not.
Instead of denying reality, you’re giving your mind a more accurate,
balanced picture of reality. Allowing your mind to realize that there are
both positive and negative aspects of your current situation puts
yourself in a more productive frame of mind to deal with those negative
parts of that reality.
Discover the lesson. Every situation has something to teach you if you’ll
look for it. Ask yourself:
• What can I learn from this challenge about my abilities and
my circumstances?
• In what ways does facing this situation improve the quality of
my life?
The only way you’ll find solutions to the frustrations you face is to look for
them. Think of something in your life that’s frustrating you. Instead of
thinking of all the reasons this bothers you, think about ways you can make
it better. Is there someone you can ask for help? Are there habits that you
can change? Can you schedule your time differently?
The questions you pose to yourself about your situation will determine
your attitude. And, your attitude will determine your chances of success.
Ask yourself why things are so frustrating, and your mind will return
many reasons for you to be frustrated. Ask yourself how you can solve the
dilemma you face, and your mind will give you the answers you seek.
If you spend your time complaining about your circumstance, you’ll spin
your wheels and stand on the same frustrating ground. Instead of denying
reality, make your reality better by asking yourself how you can affect
things in a positive way.
“Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you
something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.”
– Van Wilder
When you worry about what may happen in the future, you avoid the
productive thinking that can make all the difference in your life. You also
miss out on the gift that’s found in the present moment. Challenges can
help you grow as a person, or it can cause you to stop you in your tracks.
The choice is yours.
Be strong and face what’s in front of you. The more you face your fears
head on, the more confident and motivated you’ll become as you
consciously step closer and closer to your dreams.
The list of what-ifs you face could go on forever if you let it.... “What if I
embarrass myself? What if I fall short? What if this doesn’t work?” Your
mind will answer those questions and prevent you from ever moving
forward. Is this what you want – or deserve?
But what if you asked questions like:
• What would I do if it were impossible for me to fail?
• What would my life be like if I attained this goal?
• How would my loved ones be affected by my success?
• Who can I learn from that has already experienced the success I seek?
• What small step can I take today to create an unstoppable positive
momentum toward my success?
Can you see the difference? Just thinking about those questions makes you
feel more powerful and in charge of your future. One set of questions
makes you huff and puff. The other set of questions gets you fired up,
believing that your success is inevitable.
With the right set of questions and productive thinking, you’ll be a freight
train without brakes that’s destined for the train station that contains
your dream. With a successful mentor and a positive, productive
approach, you’ll continue moving forward until the success you envision
comes to pass.
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;
it empties today of its strength.”
– Corrie Ten Boom
Solutions may come in several different ways:
1. Help from others. Has anyone you know gone through a similar
circumstance and come out successfully? Are there books written by
people who’ve succeeded in this area that detail how they arrived at their
success? Can anyone in your community help you with this project?
• Ask your friends and family if they’ve faced a challenge similar to
yours, and ask what steps they took to accomplish their goal.
• Listen to what they have to say and see if you can implement their
ideas into your own situation.
2. Research. Thankfully, you can succeed even if you lack some knowledge
about the path you must take. The web and your local library contain a
wealth of information that can shorten your learning curve and speed
you on the path to your success.
• Look online for websites or references about your situation.
Read through discussion forums and message boards to see what
others have to say about similar challenges their readers may have
faced. How did they overcome them?
• Why waste time making mistakes, when you can learn from others
who’ve gone before you? Stay focused and determined to find
solutions to your challenges.
• Find out how others have succeeded and you’ll be well on your way.
3. Creative thinking. Out-of-the-box thinking can help you see your
situation in a whole new perspective. Brainstorm new ideas and
consider the benefits of each idea as a possible solution.
“Lack of resource has hanged many a person.”
– Irish proverb
Starting today, map out a plan for your project. What’s the next step you
need to take? If you don’t know what the next step is, then your next step is
to find out what comes next.
When you complete the first step, what do you do next? What do you do
after that? Coming up with a game plan is simple. All you do is list the
steps you must take in order. You can tweak and improve your plan as you
receive feedback on what is and isn’t working. The first draft of your plan,
therefore, is a preliminary list of steps to your success.
For example, let’s say you’re battling a fear of heights. Your action plan
might look something like this:
1. Go to a high place.
2. Take a step up.
3. Take deep, slow breaths when you feel anxiety.
4. Take another step up.
5. Take deep breaths and remain calm.
6. Take another step up.
This is your plan of action to start conquering your fear of heights. Once
you have a plan in place, that plan will be your tour guide to the
destination you’re seeking to reach.
“A good plan is like a road map; it shows the
final destination and, usually, the best way to get there.”
– H. Stanley Judd
Sometimes, the best way to lay out a roadmap is simply to brainstorm and
write down ideas for possible tasks as fast as you can. You can always edit
the list later. Whatever you decide to do, write your list quickly and then
get started on the first task. Your task list and plan will evolve as you
progress toward your goal, gather feedback on your progress, and learn
from others.
Once you’ve set out your plan of action, take the first action step
immediately. Instead of sitting around and looking at your plan, hoping
things work in your favor, make things work in your favor by taking the
first step forward. This will create momentum and motivate you to truly
believe in the probability of your success.
Following through is the key that unlocks your success. You’re strong
enough to accomplish anything you want if you’re willing to follow
through. As you go, notice what is working and celebrate those victories.
Notice what’s not working and tweak your plan as you go, learning from
your mistakes and seeking the advice of successful people you trust.
The hardest part about accomplishing any goal is getting started. The good
news, though, is that once you’re moving in the right direction, you’ll be
unstoppable if you choose to be. Challenges that seem insurmountable
when you begin your journey will seem like stepping stones that propel
you upward.
Troubles along the way simply serve as feedback. They serve as markers that
tell you that a course correction is required. See them for what they really are
and allow them to help you on your journey.
Remember that the path to your destiny is far from a straight line. You’ll
meander to the left and to the right, but you’ll achieve what you seek when
you keep moving forward.
Whether you succeed or fail is entirely up to you. Often, you have far more
ability and creativity inside of you than you think. Even when you lack
these things, someone else who has already succeeded can show you the
steps and strategies you need. Your success awaits, and it’s worth the effort.
“No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.”
– Liberace
Learning from challenges is a key factor that separates successful people
from those who only wish their future was bright.
When you take the time to reflect on the things you’ve accomplished and
how you got there, you’ll find patterns that you can repeat for many other
goals you set in your life. Why make the same mistakes, when you’ve
already learned how to succeed?
Every situation is different. But often the same creative approaches and
tactics you’ve applied in previous situations can be applied again to
overcome new challenges. When you succeed, write down the steps you
took and the results you got. Let this be your success journal that you refer
to again and again when making plans for new endeavors.
As an added benefit, you’ll grow as a person when you reflect on your
successes. Too often, we vividly remember our failures and shortcomings.
But there are many things in your life that you’ve accomplished, so magnify
those things by taking the time to remember and celebrate those victories.
When you take the time to meditate on your successes, you’ll begin to
jump at the chance to go after new and more challenging goals. Instead of
cowering in fear, you’ll welcome the pressure because you know the
talents and abilities you possess are perfect for overcoming any obstacles.
Thinking productively requires you to focus on the downsides, too. We all
make mistakes. The key, though, is to learn from those mistakes. Decide
today that you’ll welcome mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.
When you do, nothing can stop you.
As you reflect on the steps you’ve already taken to reach your goal and
begin to create a plan to conquer your next challenge, ask yourself:
• What obstacles did I overcome to meet my challenges so far?
• How do I overcome the newest obstacles?
• What can I learn from my past challenges that can help me be a
better person in the future?
• How can these lessons improve the quality of my life?
Productive thinking is a balanced approach. If you ignore the positive
things you’ve achieved in your life, you’ll miss the value of those
accomplishments. If you ignore the challenges you faced and the lessons
they bring you, you’ll miss the value in those as well.
Together, your successes and lessons are the teachers and tour guides
that will lead you to the fulfilling life you’ve always dreamed about.
When life gets scary, read your success journal and remind yourself
what you’re capable of. When the negative voice inside of you wants to
close your dreams before you get started, your success journal can
silence that inner voice.
The only thing that separates a successful person from one who only
dreams of success is a willingness to decide what you want, take action,
and respond effectively to the feedback you receive as you go. Learning
from others can make this process much easier, but you have everything
inside of you to succeed.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment
that something else is more important than fear.”
– Ambrose Redmoon

Monday, 17 October 2011

Asking, Then Letting Go

Some of life’s best results come about through the power of paradox. Consider the solution to escaping from quicksand. When you realize you’re stuck in the sinking sand hole, your first instinct is to thrash your arms and legs to get out. But that strategy only forces your weight to sink further into the pit. The solution to getting out of quicksand is to maneuver slowly into a position that allows you to float on your back, on top of this unusual mixture of sand and water. Surrendering to the situation, rather than reacting in fear, brings forth the desired result.
Action Through Non-Action
In verse 22 of the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu explains that if you want to be given everything, then you must give up everything. The Chinese expression “wu wei” describes a non-action way of living through which you accept life, rather than forcing it. In his book Silent Power, Stuart Wilde teaches that non-action requires us to be patient and “wait for things to unfold naturally.”
To be patient, we have to replace fear with faith. Oftentimes when we pray, we have a specific goal in mind that we want spiritual forces to help us achieve. We ask for a certain amount of money to pay for something or for a specific physical illness to be healed.
However, ironically, this sort of directed prayer does not always bring forth the desired results. According to a study reported in Larry Dossey’s book Healing Words, nondirected prayer—meaning an approach to prayer that is more open-ended, without a specific outcome in mind—is more effective. The faith expressed in the style of prayer that says “Thy will be done” or “in the highest good for all” can be frightening at first, because you are saying you will accept whatever God or the Universe gives you. But the paradox is that surrender is actually empowering.
Giving Over, Not Giving Up
Janet Quinn, a nurse who works with people who have AIDS, is quoted in Healing Words as saying that giving up is like saying there’s nothing else to do. The result of giving up is despair. But surrendering is an active choice that results in a higher quality of life, or, in some cases, a higher quality of dying. The result of giving over is peacefulness.
Praying in the spirit of surrender and trust in your spirit guides opens more possibilities for good. As Henri J. M. Nouwen explains in The Path of Waiting, to wait open-endedly allows our lives to be molded “according to God’s love and not according to our fear.”
Sink or Float
It’s easy to get trapped in the quicksand of life, trying hard each day to survive the stressors of work and relationships. To avoid being pulled deeper into the pit, start each day with a prayerful surrender to accept whatever is best, even if what is best might not feel so good at the moment. Simply say whatever words express your willingness to let go and have faith that you will float.
For some, the words, “Thy will be done” work best. For others, a different phrase might feel right, such as, “I accept whatever the world has for me today” or “I begin this day with confidence and faith in whatever happens.” As long as your intention is to faithfully receive rather than fearfully grab, you’ll float peacefully through your life’s journey.

We, as human beings, tend to hold on rigidly to the past. We do this so much so that we chain ourselves to it. In being chained to the past we are unable to move into the future, even when the future may be looking us right in the eyes.
Many people seem to not want to change. They think that when life falls apart that life is over with and that, if they hold on tightly enough, things will get better.
One of the most magical things about life is that it’s ever changing. New people, new circumstances, new situations arise around us when we allow ourselves to participate fully in life.
One of the amazing things about human beings is that we are among the most flexible species in our world. We can change our mind with a snap of the fingers. We can alter our feelings anytime we choose. We can move from a state of depression to a state of happiness and back in a matter of seconds purely through our physiological actions and our mental beliefs.
When you put these two things together—the ever changing nature of life and the human talent to be flexible in actions/thoughts/feelings, you have not only formulas for success, but a grand adventure waiting for you.
The human mind is a phenomenal tool. It’s sad that the majority of us have been conditioned to use it in a way that is self sabotaging. Instead of building ourselves up by saying things like “What an amazing idea!” or “I always manage to find a solution!” and “It’s too bad they are having a bad day/I shall enjoy mine anyway!” we tear ourselves apart by saying things like “I’m stupid!” or “I can’t do anything right!” and “If only I would have…”
Instead of seeking answers to questions that can benefit us such as “What steps do I need to take to get there?” “What makes my life great?” and “What can I do to make myself happy?” we ask ourselves questions that devastate us such as “What’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I do anything right?” and “Will people be mean to me/reject me if I mess up?”
I’m not saying thinking positively will always equate to having good things happen in life—but I will say that it’s not the events in life which truly matter, rather it’s the perception of those events that we hold in our mind and how we ultimately choose to respond to them that dramatically impacts our lives.
Take for example two young women. Both have experienced breakups. One is happy and excited about the future the other is depressed believing life to be over. What makes up the difference between them? Simply put – how they’ve chosen to view the breakup—not the breakup itself.
The same can be said of two people that shut down their business. Whereas one may feel that life is over and believe that that they were a failure, the other secretly smiles knowing that there will be more business opportunities in the future. He is already creating a new vision, a new plan for his life despite his recent history. What’s the difference between them? Again, perspective.
Now it’s time to ask yourself, what is your perspective? What are your perceptions? Are you happy? If not, don’t you think it’s time you used your gift of flexibility to make changes within your own mind and life? It may not be easy, but it is possible and you’ll be much more thankful that you’ve opted to make those changes when life is feeling and looking ten times better.