
Monday, 15 August 2011

Tailor You Cosmic Orders yourselves!!!

Be precise

The more precision you can add to your cosmic order, the better. So
if you've started out thinking that you'd like a new car, that's OK
but you need to get more precise. There are lots of different ways
you could get a new car - you could rent one for the day, you could
get one loaned to you whilst yours is in for repair, etc. There are
also lots of different definitions of new cars - they could be well
used but new to you, they could be fresh from the showroom and so
on. The more precise you are, the better the chance the universe
has of correctly interpreting your cosmic order and therefore
delivering it to you.

Be patient

Sure, you might turn into a millionaire tomorrow but it's not
highly likely unless you won the lottery. Place a reasonable time
expectation on your cosmic order. Not so long that it will never
manifest in your life but not so short that unless you successfully
robbed a bank tomorrow it just won't happen. So bring in a
timescale but make it one that is feasible. There's nothing wrong
with the length of time being shorter than normal so long as it's

Be "you"

Like most other things in your life, Cosmic Ordering varies
according to who you are and what your values are. Don't repeat
someone else's order parrot fashion unless it fits with your
personality. Tailor your cosmic orders to your own wants and needs
and way of life.

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