An assortment of write-ups about life's ups and downs and solutions by gifted psychics,renowned life coaches and writers
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Monday, 22 August 2011
We certainly sense love with a feeling, but I read once a long time ago that love is actually a verb. Love is behavior. Love is the way we show up, the things we do, the way we speak, the way we treat one another.
Today, let us each decide that we are going to expand love in our lives by the way we express love every single moment. This might mean that we will call somebody that we love and haven't spoken to for a while. It might mean that we will leave a note of surprise for a friend or a beloved. It might mean that we will write a thank you note to someone who has done something that has gone perhaps unnoticed but not unfelt.
Love is way more than a feeling; Love is actually a verb. Love is behavior; if we love, it shows up in the way we act, in the way we speak and in what we do. Let's choose more love today.
To Love
Choosing the Meditation CD
One of the easiest ways to begin meditating is to use a CD to help
guide you. But what should you look for if you want to choose the
best meditation CD to take you into a meditative trance? ?l=J9QHw&m=1oIZAyTtj5DGY1&b= 3fXQ.AurS6EKmlFqPMHrbA
Remember that a lot of meditation tracks nowadays are supplied as
MP3, so don't restrict yourself to just CD's.
Start by deciding what you want from your meditation. There are
lots of different things that you can use meditation for and there
will almost be a meditation CD that suits your needs.
Healing meditation
With these meditation CDs it's worth checking other people's
reviews. Amazon sells a number of different pre-recorded meditation
tracks and is a good way to find out the experience that other
people have had with the track you're thinking of buying.
Learning meditation
With the increase in interest in meditating, there are a number of
products on the market that are aimed at teaching you how to
meditate. Each of these will have a different focus - maybe
traditional methods, maybe breathing, maybe focusing on your deep
down core energy. Again, the best meditation CD for you will depend
on what your desired outcome is but most of the ones on the market
are of a good quality.
General purpose meditation
These may or may not involve a spoken voice. If you find certain
accents and voices distracting, it's probably worth investing in a
meditation CD that either has no words recorded or that has these
words included subliminally so that you don't consciously hear
them. The backing track is usually some kind of natural sound such
as rainfall or birdsong or the sound of waves gently breaking on a
guide you. But what should you look for if you want to choose the
best meditation CD to take you into a meditative trance?
Remember that a lot of meditation tracks nowadays are supplied as
MP3, so don't restrict yourself to just CD's.
Start by deciding what you want from your meditation. There are
lots of different things that you can use meditation for and there
will almost be a meditation CD that suits your needs.
Healing meditation
With these meditation CDs it's worth checking other people's
reviews. Amazon sells a number of different pre-recorded meditation
tracks and is a good way to find out the experience that other
people have had with the track you're thinking of buying.
Learning meditation
With the increase in interest in meditating, there are a number of
products on the market that are aimed at teaching you how to
meditate. Each of these will have a different focus - maybe
traditional methods, maybe breathing, maybe focusing on your deep
down core energy. Again, the best meditation CD for you will depend
on what your desired outcome is but most of the ones on the market
are of a good quality.
General purpose meditation
These may or may not involve a spoken voice. If you find certain
accents and voices distracting, it's probably worth investing in a
meditation CD that either has no words recorded or that has these
words included subliminally so that you don't consciously hear
them. The backing track is usually some kind of natural sound such
as rainfall or birdsong or the sound of waves gently breaking on a
“Getting Things Changed”
“Getting Things Changed”
7-Part Introductory Course
To Liberate Your Life
Chris Cade
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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The author, Publisher, and distributor assume no responsibility for
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“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Lesson #1
Boundaries Can Set You Free
Like many people, Jane started
meditating because she knew it would
improve her life.
When it was new and the enthusiasm was
there, she found it easy. Once the novelty
wore off, however, Jane wasn't that excited
about meditation anymore.
It didn't feel that great. She tired of it
easily. She couldn't stop wondering what
was happening on Facebook.
She quickly found her meditations go from 30 minutes a day to 30
seconds. "I'm just not in the flow, today," Jane would say as she
pulled out the IPad to check her emails.
This approach of "I'll do something when it's going good but quit
when it's not going so well" is destroying people's will power
whether they are trying to meditate, paint a portrait or get in shape.
Most people feel like this
after meditating because
they aren't setting
productive boundaries.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
That's why I tell people to time their meditations. Set an alarm. Have
a goal. This forces you to say to yourself: "It doesn't matter if my
meditation is good or bad... I'm just going to finish it."
Whatever you want to do to improve your life -- set a timer.
Take it a step further by keeping a log or journal tracking your
Now, once you overcome this barrier to your will power then your
"Inner Critic" (a subconscious villain that tries to stop you from living
a fulfilling life) will use another far more cunning tactic...
Let's say Jane has committed to meditating five minutes each day
whether she's in the mood or not. It's a little difficult at first, but after
a few weeks she's really enjoying it.
Then one day she's experiencing a very deep meditation and doesn't
want to stop when the alarm goes off. So she keeps on meditating as
long as she continues to feel this deep state of peace.
Sounds good, right? Not so fast...
Now, when will she actually stop her meditation since the alarm has
already gone off? When her meditation starts going bad. That's
So now Jane's giving up. Again.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
In my subconscious reprogramming system, Liberate Your Life, I
recommend that you meditate for whatever time you know you can
consistently commit to every day. Then if you're having a great
meditation one day and you want to meditate more, wait until the
timer goes and set it again for another five minutes (or whatever time
you decide).
The same goes for exercise. If you're on a runner's high after two
miles then set another goal. Maybe aim for another mile. Or do the
same route again. But don't just keep on running until you don't feel
like it anymore.
All of us come into life with our subconscious whims, moods,
thoughts and beliefs dictating most of our actions. That's why the
first phase of my Liberate Your Life program is all about discovering
how your Inner Critic is stopping you from doing what you know you
should do to make your life better.
To make it easy for you I've broken the program up into very
manageable individual pieces. I send one short lesson to members
each week. If you're really stuck on time this can be done in 50
minutes or less.
So, if all you did was put aside 10 minutes a day, Monday through
Friday, you'd be able to make massive improvements to your
subconscious kingdom enabling you to guide your thoughts,
emotions and actions to achieving the goals you've set in life.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
I suggest everybody who is struggling to make real progress on the
path of personal development at least commit to completing one
lesson of Liberate Your Life each week. Tell yourself: "I'm going to
stick with this for six months. At the very worst I'll at least be
developing my will power something I can apply to anything. At the
very best I'll have freed myself from my Inner Critic and can start
living the life I've only dreamed about."
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
Now, some people will say that setting boundaries, time limits and
tangible goals for something as intangible as a personal
transformation is "unnatural." It's not "going with the flow." In the
next lesson I'll respond to that objection. I think, once you hear my
take, you'll agree that NOT setting boundaries is actually what's
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Lesson #2
“Unnatural” Or “Uncomfortable?”
As I mentioned in the previous
lesson people will often cut short
positive actions like meditation or
learning an instrument -- because they
just don't "feel in the flow" that day.
They further argue that setting boundaries
by committing to a set amount of practice
or study time each day is "unnatural."
Boy isn't our Inner Critic cunning... It
picked a term like "unnatural" to stop us
from committing to consistent actions that
would make us happier, healthier and
After all, being all-natural, green and organic is the way to go.
But if someone has smoked a pack of cigarettes every day for the
last thirty years I can guarantee you they are going to find that it
feels very "unnatural" to stop smoking.
This is unnatural... just like
it's unnatural that your
subconscious has been
incorrectly programmed to
think that being
'uncomfortable' is a bad
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
But smoking certainly isn't natural. We didn't come out of the womb
smoking cigarettes. Sure, in Indonesia you can see videos of kids
smoking as early as two-years old. One toddler on the island of
Sumatra who has become world famous "goes crazy, slamming
his head on the floor and even gets sick if he doesn't have his two
packs a day."
You only have to look at the somewhat "freaky" video of this
overweight toddler smoking 40 cigarettes a day to realize that it may
be "uncomfortable" for him to quit but it's certainly not natural for
him to continue.
Likewise, whenever we set new boundaries on our life (either to
avoid a bad habit or create a good one) it may be uncomfortable at
first. But if it is going to make our life better then it's certainly not
You know what's really unnatural? Not being able to stick to
something if you know it's going to improve your life. That's
And it's certainly not "living in the flow." It's living in fear of taking
Not taking action may be "comfortable." Especially if that's what
someone has been doing all their life. But it sure isn't natural.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
We humans give way too much importance to emotional likes and
dislikes. "I love this. I hate this." We'd be far happier if we focused
on what we WANT instead of what we "like."
To start going after what you really want in life, building incredible
amounts of will power and determination, seriously consider
becoming a member of Liberate Your Life.
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
One of the things that makes Liberate Your Life so different from
other transformation programs is that it deals more with stories
rather than thoughts and beliefs. Most programs try to change
negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs into positive ones. But
Liberate Your Life shows how to get to the root of all thoughts,
feelings and beliefs namely the stories being retold inside your
Every experience you've had, every book you've read, every TV
program you've seen has all been recorded as stories in your
subconscious. Those stories are guiding your life. You need to
decide which stories you want directing your thoughts and actions
and which need to go, and Liberate Your Life shows you how to do
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
Lesson #3
In Order To Get Anything Done…
Gag Your Inner Critic!
Remember this scene from the
movie "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is about to fly
into an asteroid field to evade capture by
Darth Vadar and company.
"The possibility of successfully navigating
an asteroid field," warns the fretting
android, C3P0, "is approximately 3,720 to
"Never tell me the odds," replies Han Solo.
After surviving the asteroid field Han Solo points his little spaceship
in the direction of Darth really, really big spaceship.
"The odds of successfully surviving an attack on an Imperial Star
Destroyer are approximately..." ventures C3P0 until Princess Lea
tells him to shut up.
Succeeding in life requires
developing your ability to
shut off the negative
robotic voices in your
subconscious mind.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
Finally, CP30 pleads: "I really don't see how that is going to help!
Surrender is a perfectly acceptable alternative in extreme
circumstances!" At which point Lea shuts the robot off.
We are all born with a C3P0 of an Inner Critic babbling away in our
head constantly telling us how the odds are against us and we
should just give up.
In order to get anything done you need to bind and gag your Inner
Critic. Once it's out of the way you can start the journey whether
it's one of self-discovery, of changing old habits, a new career or
learning a new language.
But as long as you have a neurotic voice in your head telling you why
you can't do something then you won't make as much progress as
you are truly capable of.
That's why Liberate Your Life is all about removing the selfsabotaging
Inner Critic first, self-discovery second.
When the Inner Critic is out of your life (or at least silenced) you are
able to fully engage with whatever program, book or teacher you are
I bet you have a stack of personal development programs sitting on
the bookshelf...
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
So when are you going to do them?
You're going to do them after you take Liberate Your Life... after you
have liberated your mind from that voice in your head that is
stopping you from using whatever personal development strategies
you know will help you.
Right now your Inner Critic is telling you that you can never learn
__________ or that you can never practice ________ every day.
Your Inner Critic doesn't really care what "blank" is it tries to tell
you that you can't do it.
"Photo-reading? Mind power? Italian? Martial arts? You can't learn
that!" says your Inner Critic. "Who are you kidding? Or even if you
did make some progress it wouldn't produce any real results. You
could have spent that time enjoying yourself watching TV and
hanging out with your friends on Facebook."
Sure, your subconscious may not come out and say things this
clearly. Usually your Inner Critic is FAR more stealthy than that. But
some subconscious or conscious variation of this is true for everyone
who isn't able to move forward in life.
As we've already talked about... your Inner Critic doesn't want you to
change your life. It only wants to keep you "comfortable."
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
If you have enough food in the fridge for the next three days, your
Inner Critic is happy. If you paid the rent or mortgage this month,
things are good.
Like a baby it's mainly concerned about eating, sleeping, pooping,
peeing... Or much like our caveman ancestors who did not know how
to stop food from rotting or to farm the kill of the day was all that
But we are neither children nor caveman. We want so much more
from life. And the distractions that 80% of the population embraces
celebrities, sports, beer just aren't fulfilling enough for people like
you and me who want, and deserve, to live up to our greatest
You want to move forward. You want to discover what your purpose
is here on earth and what you are capable of.
But your Inner Critic won't let you.
Your Inner Critic has to go.
It's time to Liberate Your Life.
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Lesson #4
Why You Need More Than 60 Days
To Change Your Life
How many people truly change their
life in a meaningful way in 60 days or
Honestly... not many.
Sure Aaron Ralston changed his life in 127
hours. But he had to spend five days with his
arm trapped under a boulder, alone in the
wilderness, dehydrated, until he finally
amputated his arm to set himself free.
I don't know about you... but I'd rather stick to small incremental
steps on the path of personal development. Applying one insight at a
time over the course of the next day, week or month until it bears
Sure we all want instant results but that's not how the universe was
set up...
Rain will remain rain at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
The best way to the top
is one small step at a
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
At 41 degrees it's still rain. 35 degrees, 33 degrees... it's still rain.
Cold rain. But still rain.
But once the temperature drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit it suddenly
becomes snow.
It's not like the rain starts looking a little more snow-like. It just
suddenly shifts once the temperature has dropped enough.
As we slowly change our "internal temperature" we may not notice
any change until enough effort has been made.
I started on the path of personal transformation in 2006 as of now,
that is five years of effort. Today I can say with all honesty that my
life has changed in every way possible.
Five years. That's really nothing.
Sure, I wish I could tell you those changes happened in five
minutes... but that would probably require that I amputate an arm or
become a cast away on some deserted island.
Why wait for drastic and painful challenges to force us to catch up
with life?
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
Let's let our personal development unfold like a beautiful piece of
music that plays in the background of our life not a series of earsplitting
crashes that makes us fearful of change.
That's why when I look at a typical 60 day refund policy for a
personal development product I suspect that the creator is not
promising you any real results; that they're only guaranteeing you'll
be "happy" enough with the content to not ask for a refund. Either
that or the program is just way to intense for the average person to
I was going to offer a year-long guarantee on Liberate Your Life
but that didn't feel right to me. The way I see it, since I guarantee to
change your life, I might as well give you your entire life to
experience real and lasting results.
That's why Liberate Your Life comes with a lifetime guarantee.
In other words, if three years after completing my program you feel it
didn't make any difference in your life then just let me know and I
will refund your purchase, no questions asked.
That's not all...
If you complete the entire program, prove that you did every
exercise, and you still want a refund then I'll give you double your
money back. That's how confident I am that if you follow this
program ... the aftereffects will benefit you forever.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
If you're ready (or at least ready enough) you can join Liberate Your
Life today. You'll get instant access to the first lesson plus a copy of
Supercharge Your Affirmations (a special guide I wrote that shows
you how to really make affirmations a powerful tool for changing your
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
Even if you already use affirmations, I guarantee you'll learn at least
half a dozen new things to 'Supercharge' them in your life. I could
easily sell "Supercharge Your Affirmations" separately for more than
the monthly fee. But it is yours at no additional cost when you join
Liberate Your Life.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
Lesson #5
Unrealistic Expectations About
Speed Of Change
Everybody wants instantaneous
results. It doesn't even have to be
good results. Just fast!
Look at fast food. It's not good food. It's
just fast food.
Most polls show that Wendy's makes the
best fast food in the nation (compared to
other fast food joints). But it certainly
doesn't make the most money. Why?
Because Wendy's sacrifices speed for
McDonald's knew what they were doing. They don't make good food.
If people want good food they go to a restaurant. They want fast
Likewise, as a baby, we wanted our needs tended to as quickly as
possible. Sleep. Eat. Diaper change. Sleep. Eat. Diaper change. And
You're not a baby anymore
even though your
subconscious still sometimes
acts like one.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
if those needs were not met within seconds then we would often start
Even as children start to get older it takes a while before they can
perform any type of action that doesn't produce instantaneous
results. Sure they learn how to drink out of a cup, but can they
squeeze an orange fresh and then clean up after?
One of the things we love about children is that they live in the
But it's also a limitation.
They can't grasp the concept that the present moment affects the
When my son Quan was four years old, I asked him "Why do you
think it's raining?"
His response?
"Ummm... because there was a tsunami."
Try having a conversation with a little one about how the world
works. It's entertaining but not very accurate. They just don't get
cause-and-effect especially when there is a time delay between the
cause and the effect.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Children haven't had enough experience doing one thing
continuously and having a specific result come from it eventually.
In fact, many adults haven't either.
A typical job involves people doing tasks that produce immediate
results flipping a hamburger, answer the phone or packing a box.
Most employees aren't involved with the complex play of cause and
effect that goes into running any business.
It's a big paradox for people in the personal transformation field.
They want to change the direction of their lives -but- they also just
want to be more present now.
I say, switch that "but" to an "and." Do both.
In fact, that's the only approach that works. You need to be fully
present now while taking actions and thinking thoughts that will lead
your life in the direction you want it to go in the future.
It's like the old Zen saying: The path is the goal.
Time does not exist. Quantum physics is proving what sages of
every religion have taught for millenniums: Present, past, and future
are dreams.
In truth we shouldn't even live -for- the present. The present is no
more real than the past or future.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Just learn to live. Just to be. Then words, actions, thoughts... they
just happen naturally (in the real sense of the word).
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
Liberate Your Life my 24-Week Subconscious Reprogramming
System doesn't produce instant transformation. This isn't a fast
food joint. You may have to wait a few weeks (or even months)
before Liberate Your Life has made some serious improvement to
your life... But, fortunately, time is an illusion. The path is the goal.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Lesson #6
What If You Give 100%...
And You Fail Miserably?
“One of the big reasons people are
so reluctant to start a program, read a
book or follow a path of personal
development is because they have a
very legitimate concern:
"I may invest all this time and money and
not get the results I expected or possibly
make my life worse because I could have
been doing something more productive
with my time."
Okay. Let's say your worst fear happens.
Maybe you follow a course 100% for 6 months and it makes your life
absolutely miserable (highly unlikely unless a person didn't do their
due diligence upfront).
On the surface it seems like you've wasted time and money while
receiving no positive results (and many negative ones).
Failure is impossible when
you give something your
best effort.
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Below the surface, though, you've actually gained some very
valuable "assets."
First, you've discovered what does NOT work for you. If it was such
a total disaster than you can probably guarantee if you do the exact
OPPOSITE type of program then you'd see outstanding results.
Secondly, just sticking to something and not giving up for a
prescribed time builds tremendous amounts of will power. Will power
that then can be so very easily applied when you find the right thing
you should be doing.
Thirdly, by going down the wrong path, you'll learn extremely
valuable information about yourself. What type of approach connects
with you? What doesn't? How do you engage with different formats,
personalities, teachings, ideas and ways of thinking?
Truth be told, one of the reasons we have so much trouble figuring
out which path we should follow is because we don't know ourselves
(literally). And if you look at most people's upbringings it's no
How was it decided which type of classroom you should be put into
at school? Was it based on whether you were more hands-on or
more a thinker? Was it based on whether you learned better visually
or audibly? Was it based on whether you were good at math or good
at communication?
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Highly unlikely, at best.
It was based on the year you were born. You might even call it your
"date of manufacture." Most children are basically treated the same
and progress on the same path of traditional education systems,
indiscriminately grouped with other children with the same
manufacturing date. Unless people were among the rare few to be
educated with a Montessori or Waldorf approach, it's no wonder so
many people have so much trouble figuring out how best they learn,
what interests them, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and
which type of personal transformation path they should take.
Sadly, after 12+ years of traditional schooling it's pretty difficult to
know what makes any of us different from anybody else. The
simplest way to figure out what type of personal transformation
program will work for you is simply to try one for 6-12 months. Sure
you might go down the wrong path but you'll learn a lot about
yourself and will then be able to identify what really works for you.
If you haven't already, consider joining my six month subconscious
transformational program, Liberate Your Life. I can't say whether it's
the perfect program for you but I can confirm that it has been for
many other people.
Click The Link Below And Join Liberate Your Life:
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Lesson #7
Why Would You Work On Personal
Transformation, If You Can Barely Put
Food On The Table?
Twoday, 43 million Americans rely
off food stamps to get by.
Only a handful of people still have any
real savings. People with a good job
wonder if it's going to last.
In such dire circumstances why would any
one in their right mind want to invest
money in a personal transformation
program? Shouldn't survival come first?
Survival! That's priority number one for
the Inner Critic.
Real survival thinking, however, is far-seeing. We aren't cave people
fighting the elements with no idea whether we'll have something to
eat tomorrow.
Your subconscious mind
equates taking
responsibility for your life
as being the same as
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
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Liberate Your Life
Families living off food stamps could find themselves starving if the
government was forced to shut down or the currency collapsed.
People living paycheck to paycheck would only need one medical
emergency to send them spiraling into disaster.
I pray your situation isn't that extreme. But we only have to look past
the underreported unemployment numbers to know this is where the
developed world is heading.
And we can go on blaming the economy, the government, pollution,
globalization, Wall Street and WalMart.
But it won't help much.
We have to take responsibility for our own lives.
So it's a paradox... Becoming a member of Liberate Your Life is the
very thing that enables financially challenged people to achieve the
mental clarity necessary to become abundant. On the other hand, it's
pretty much near impossible to justify to your Inner Critic to buy a
personal development product when you're charging your groceries
to your credit cart.
Now, of course, most people need not sacrifice food to become a
member of Liberate Your Life. Instead they could cut out cable TV for
a month. Skip taking your family to a restaurant or movie one
weekend could also pay for the whole program. Or perhaps there are
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
books, DVDs, furniture or other items around your home that you're
not using that you could sell on eBay or have a yard sale.
The Inner Critic, however, can even be even more clever in arguing
why you can't afford Liberate Your Life....
Let's say you cut the cable. Your Inner Critic will immediately tell you
that you're just thinking about yourself and ignoring your family's dire
need to watch commercial TV. Your family may even say it s okay
and that they'll borrow videos at the library (and maybe even a book)
but underneath your Inner Critic makes you feel like you're a bad
parent or spouse.
Even if you think your family would shun you for diverting funds from
HBO to make yours and their life better... it really comes down to a
"distorted sense of survival." As a child we needed our family to
survive. As caveman we needed a tribe to stay alive.
You don't want to lose your tribe.
In essence, your Inner Critic is telling you that if you join Liberate
Your Life your family will abandon you because you spent money
they wanted to use for something else. Without your family you will
not be able to meet your own needs. And you will die.
None of this is conscious.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
But it's pretty effective subconscious trickery on the part of your
Inner Critic.
That's why only an elite group of people join programs like Liberate
Your Life.
Obviously, if you're struggling to put food on the table, joining a
$7,000, 7-day "heal-your-inner-child" workshop that requires a $1200
plane ticket, $1400 in hotel fees and $700 in restaurant bills is simply
But for most people who are able to afford an internet connection,
the fee involved in being a member of Liberate Your Life is hardly
Sure, your Inner Critic may not like me pointing this out. I've just torn
down its number one excuse for keeping you from making some
massive improvements in your life.
But I'm not here to help out your Inner Critic. That's the job of the
mainstream media. I'm here to help you. And if your Inner Critic
doesn't like it all the better.
Looking at it consciously, we both know that your family isn't going to
leave you over a small investment like Liberate Your Life.
But anyone who avoids transforming their subconscious will forever
be a slave to their habits, moods and negative beliefs which are
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
detrimental to living an abundant and truly meaningful life in the 21st
Join Liberate Your Life if you haven't already. You can ask for your
money back at anytime. If you do all the exercises in Liberate Your
Life I guarantee that you will have the clarity and inner fortitude to
liberate yourself from all of life's stresses financial or otherwise (or
I'll give you double your money back).
Click The Link Below And Join Liberate Your Life:
How about that for a worst-case scenario? Even if you use the
program completely and decide it's not for you, you get TWICE as
much money as you spent on the program. There's not even a stock,
bond or other investment that will literally guarantee you a minimum
100% return on your money. So even if your Inner Critic says you
don't have the money, get the program, do the program, and then get
double your money back in 6 months.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
What Is Liberate Your Life?
Introducing the subconscious
reprogramming system created by personal
transformational teacher, Chris Cade.
It is a 24-week course that teaches you how to transmute the
negative subconscious memories, stories and experiences that are
currently dictating your life, your beliefs and your view of the world.
Each week you receive a new lesson and mental exercise to
complete. These unique exercises replace limiting thought patterns
with empowering stories that allow you to live directly from your
innermost being.
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
About The Author
Chris Cade calls himself a reluctant hero.
He is a second-degree black belt and martial arts
Champion who has swum with wild dolphins and
tested software to find the bugs.
His journey leaving a six-figure income and corporate life with
Hitachi and Adobe for a spiritual one has rewarded this visionary
with the most popular spiritual story site on the internet.
A graduate of The Monroe Institute's Gateway Voyage program, and
a student of the Diamond Approach, Chris is a spiritual teacher,
lecturer, and father to his son, Quantum.
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
What People Are Saying
About Liberate Your Life
"I just finished my first lesson in the Liberate Your Life program.
Brilliantly expressed material. So very compelling. Something tells
me I am going to fall in love with learning and live in great
anticipation of each lesson for the next 24 weeks. Life as I know it
has already begun changing for the best!"
Mary Cate O'Malley,
San Diego, California, USA
Hi Chris: I would like to send my gratitude to you for the Liberate
Your Life course. For many months I was not taking the time for
growth and it took its toll by leading to unhappiness and total
exhaustion. There were many negatives slipping into my life that I
felt I had no control over. I hurt spiritually, emotionally and
Getting in touch with you at your website was the first step which has
lead to a jump in my spiritual and personal growth I had been longing
for. Growth, whether personal or spiritual, should be done on a daily
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
basis, either by learning new ways or just mediating. It is a hunger in
my soul and if I do not feed it, it gets cranky and I attract negatives
into my life as a sign from my higher self. It did not take long for all
the negatives to turn into positives because I started on a spiritual
and personal development way of life again.
Again, thank you for reaching out and helping those who want... to
live happier and fulfilled lives.
To anyone who has not gotten this course, you should seriously think
about it since I am only in Lesson 2. Take all the help you can get!"
Nicole P.
New Brunswick, Canada
The Break-Through I Am Looking For
Overall I have found the first 4 lessons and the bonus lessons of
help in my quest for simple peace in my head and therefore my life.
The concept of the Inner Critic, for me, could be the break-through I
am looking for in that I feel it is the greatest of all hindrances to
peace of mind. So that being said I am looking forward to the lessons
that are in store. The first 4 have certainly been thought provoking
and I hope the following lessons will continue to bring me closer to
being able to challenge and deal with the Critic effectively - now that
I am aware of it. Many kind regards and best wishes.
Anne Flynn
“Conspiracy of Distraction”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
I Can Already See The Shift
I did the exercise in lesson one quickly and easily and then I started
on the work on affirmations and that's taking a lot more thought. It's
not hard but it is taking work and concentration. I can already see
the shift in my thinking.
Susan Mazzanti
A Great Way To Start The Week
I have just finished printing out Lesson 4 of Liberate Your Life, and I
want to let you know how much I am enjoying the programme, and
how much I appreciate it.
Each lesson appears in my in-box on Sunday evening, and I work
through it on Monday morning. It feels like such a great way to start
the week, and the bonus lessons have been a wonderful surprise. I
am printing each lesson out to keep them all together as a book. This
way I know I will be able to refer to it as often as I want to (which is
not always the case with my computer!)
Thank you for doing this Chris, and keep up the good work.
Sending you my very best wishes.
Julie B.
United Kingdom
“Getting Things Changed”
A 7-Part Introductory Course to Liberate Your Life by Chris Cade
Get more free personal transformation ebooks and resources like this by going to:
Liberate Your Life
Moving Forward With Great Speed
The first four lessons have brought out many new ways of looking at
my patterns and limited beliefs. By being more aware of some of the
conflicts and creating my climax I have allowed myself to break many
of the repetitive patterns I have lived with for years. I am big on
mantras and affirmations and was great having another view at the
words we choose to create our affirmations. This was a great
reminder for me...
In the last four weeks I have made some giant moves forward in
finally listening to where I want to be and better yet I am stronger in
my commitment to who I am and have let go of relationships that
have kept me held back for many years.
Facing the truth is hard sometimes but I have finally been able to
face some of the difficult ones and am moving forward with great
speed and becoming aware of how much joy life has to offer...
Thank you so much for sharing this great lesson with all of us...
Click The Link Below To Learn More About Liberate Your Life:
You have tremendous power.
ou have tremendous power... the kind of power that
will help you make more money, meet the right person,
enjoy greater success at work and in your personal life.
will help you make more money, meet the right person,
enjoy greater success at work and in your personal life.
But you have to use this power correctly and work with
it regularly you constantly give it the right information and keep telling it
what you want it to create in your life.
it regularly you constantly give it the right information and keep telling it
what you want it to create in your life.
This power that I'm referring to is your Inner Power.
That powerful force within you that's connected to your subconscious mind.
When you start working with it correctly you'll begin enjoy greater success,
happiness and live a life filled with passion and confidence.
happiness and live a life filled with passion and confidence.
You and everybody around you has the same special power.
This power is always at work.
The only reason you're not living the life you want is because
you're not working with this power correctly.
This power is always at work.
The only reason you're not living the life you want is because
you're not working with this power correctly.
Today I'll show how to work with and apply this power so that you start to
change your life and begin to enjoy the kind of success you want.
change your life and begin to enjoy the kind of success you want.
So read on and enjoy!
To get this power working for you you have to first begin directing your subconscious mind so that it attracts and guides you to the people, situations and opportunities that will help you
succeed and create the changes you want.
Whether you want to make a million dollars, meet the right person, get a new job,
grow your business, or have more free time, - you first have to begin
directing your subconscious to help you do this.
grow your business, or have more free time, - you first have to begin
directing your subconscious to help you do this.
To do that you should be thinking about what you want and not what you don't want.
Instead of thinking about getting out of debt, think about having more money.
Instead of thinking about how difficult it seems to find a job think about finding the right job.
Instead of thinking about why you're business is suffering think
about how you can grow your business.
about how you can grow your business.
Instead of thinking about how little time you have, think about
what you can do to create some spare time for yourself.
what you can do to create some spare time for yourself.
By shifting your focus to what you want, you direct your
power to help you get what you want.
power to help you get what you want.
You also stop creating what you don't want.
Next, change the way you see things and the way you see yourself.
If you want to be successful then see yourself as someone
who can be successful.
who can be successful.
If you want to be a millionaire, see yourself as someone who is wealthy.
Don't think about what you don't have, think about what you do have
and you'll attract more positive situations.
and you'll attract more positive situations.
Give yourself positive encouragement.
You're never going to be successful if you only focus on
what's wrong with you or why you can't do something.
You're never going to be successful if you only focus on
what's wrong with you or why you can't do something.
Instead, think about your positive qualities and why you can succeed.
If you want to be in a healthy, loving and caring relationship,
then you have to see yourself as someone who can be
in a loving, caring relationship.
then you have to see yourself as someone who can be
in a loving, caring relationship.
You can no longer accept any limiting or negative
thoughts and beliefs about yourself.
thoughts and beliefs about yourself.
For example: If you want to be successful you can no longer say, think or
believe that: "it's too difficult to be successful, I don't know what to do.
I never get any great opportunities. My parents never encouraged me.
My friends don't support me. Everybody around me is too negative.
I don't get any positive feedback."
believe that: "it's too difficult to be successful, I don't know what to do.
I never get any great opportunities. My parents never encouraged me.
My friends don't support me. Everybody around me is too negative.
I don't get any positive feedback."
These are all negative statements, thoughts and beliefs
that prevent you from achieving your goals.
that prevent you from achieving your goals.
Eliminate them and change them to statements that help you achieve your goals.
Instead of saying something is too difficult, focus on why you can achieve your goals.
If you continually focus on the negative things you'll have your
Power Within working against you and it will create more of what you don't want.
For example: if you say it's too difficult to do something, your power within will
make it difficult for you to achieve what you want.
Start using your Power Within to achieve your goals. Power Within working against you and it will create more of what you don't want.
For example: if you say it's too difficult to do something, your power within will
make it difficult for you to achieve what you want.
Begin eliminating those negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.
Start believing in yourself and your ability.
Get your Inner power and your subconscious mind working for today - Only you can determine your own success. It doesn't matter if people around you are negative.
You don't need encouragement and support from friends or family.
You only need to believe in yourself
and see yourself as someone who is successful.
Because you can accomplish what ever they want, when you believe you can.
Once you do that, once you raise the bar a little higher, once you believe
that you can and will accomplish your goals you will.
Because you'll be directing subconscious mind to bring
you opportunities for you to succeed, make more money,
meet the right person and make the right choices.
that you can and will accomplish your goals you will.
Because you'll be directing subconscious mind to bring
you opportunities for you to succeed, make more money,
meet the right person and make the right choices.
So don't believe the excuses or reasons that your mind gives you.
Take a look at where you are today and decide
what kind of life you want to live.
Start seeing yourself as successful in every aspect of your life.
Once you see yourself as successful you direct your mind and
subconscious mind and you start using your power within to help
you achieve your goals.
what kind of life you want to live.
Start seeing yourself as successful in every aspect of your life.
Once you see yourself as successful you direct your mind and
subconscious mind and you start using your power within to help
you achieve your goals.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
8 Steps to Finding the Meaning of Your Life
Your First Step Revealed Here!
It's hard to imagine a more challenging subject than "The Meaning of Life!"
So many really BIG questions!
- Why are we here?
- What is our purpose?
- How can we finally know the fulfillment we long for?
And yet... What could possibly be more important than to know the true purpose for which you and I are here on earth?
After all... How can we hope to be fearless in the face of trying times unless we understand the real reasons why life unfolds as it does?
As you might imagine, real answers to timeless questions like, "What does it take for us to be at peace with ourselves?" -- or "Where are we to find unconditional love?" -- aren't easily come by, let alone found in a single place.
That is... until now.
This past summer solstice, individuals from all over the world gathered at Life of Learning Foundation in Merlin, Oregon, to hear self-realization author, Guy Finley, share some of the most profound insights ever shared on the meaning of life.
All who were there for these five days of groundbreaking dynamic talks were inspired, enriched, and deeply touched by the revelations Guy presented.
More than a transformational experience, these talks transported us into the uncharted territory of our own highest possibilities. We each came away with a rich and new understanding about the meaning of our life, and how to fulfill it.
After all... How can we hope to be fearless in the face of trying times unless we understand the real reasons why life unfolds as it does?
That is... until now.
This past summer solstice, individuals from all over the world gathered at Life of Learning Foundation in Merlin, Oregon, to hear self-realization author, Guy Finley, share some of the most profound insights ever shared on the meaning of life.
All who were there for these five days of groundbreaking dynamic talks were inspired, enriched, and deeply touched by the revelations Guy presented.
More than a transformational experience, these talks transported us into the uncharted territory of our own highest possibilities. We each came away with a rich and new understanding about the meaning of our life, and how to fulfill it.
Here's Your First Step
Let me share with you some of the amazing, yet down-to-earth lessons from just the very first talk.
First, we learned why it's so important for us to understand the meaning of life: The meaning we give to life is what defines our purpose for living. In turn, our purpose defines our choices... acting as the driving force behind everything we do and pursue! With this revelation before us, it brought us all to ask avery important question:
First, we learned why it's so important for us to understand the meaning of life: The meaning we give to life is what defines our purpose for living. In turn, our purpose defines our choices... acting as the driving force behind everything we do and pursue! With this revelation before us, it brought us all to ask avery important question:
For all of our seemingly endless plans and pursuits, what have we actually won from the world that stands the test of time?
Here are the facts. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose; yet, regardless of the temporary outcome, this truth stands: our one true need remains unanswered.Possessions, powers, even the endless approval of others can't answer why our heart often feels empty even in the face of abundance. And here's why:
What we really want from life, above all else, is to know that our life itself is meaningful.
We want to see our own highest possibilities fulfilled, to know that who we are matters!
Being able to realize this precious new understanding -- about what is most meaningful of all -- empowers us in an unimaginable way. Our day-to-day choices change effortlessly, and our actions follow suit. Even our former sense of frustration with unwanted moments takes on new meaning!
We see that we can either walk the usual path, follow the familiar old pattern of hoping a brighter tomorrow is on the horizon... or, we can start looking in a whole new direction. This is why the most unwanted moments in our lives can actually prove most pivotal.They can give us the clear understanding that the part of us that has always defined our purposes and pursues them -- just doesn't know what it's doing!
With this realization we stop trying to find meaning, purpose, and plans through a level of mind that can only reconfigure old ideas.
Instead, we simply bring ourselves into the light of the living moment. Now we are present to what reality itself wants to give to us; we quietly, confidently realize that the true meaning of life is within Real Life itself.
The fear of "missing out" vanishes.
Everything we really need is right there within us.
And that's when it happens! That's when we make a grand discovery:
What we really want from life, above all else, is to know that our life itself is meaningful.
We want to see our own highest possibilities fulfilled, to know that who we are matters!
Being able to realize this precious new understanding -- about what is most meaningful of all -- empowers us in an unimaginable way. Our day-to-day choices change effortlessly, and our actions follow suit. Even our former sense of frustration with unwanted moments takes on new meaning!
With this realization we stop trying to find meaning, purpose, and plans through a level of mind that can only reconfigure old ideas.
Instead, we simply bring ourselves into the light of the living moment. Now we are present to what reality itself wants to give to us; we quietly, confidently realize that the true meaning of life is within Real Life itself.
The fear of "missing out" vanishes.
Everything we really need is right there within us.
And that's when it happens! That's when we make a grand discovery:
It is in the "mirror of the moment" that we find the meaning of our life, as well as how to make the most of it... all at the same time!
You see, Life is always showing us its meaning -- sharing with anyone who has "eyes to see" its power and presence, its simple beauty and perfect wholeness. But we're so used to looking in the mirror of our old desires -- and then acting on their demands -- that we've lost sight of just what a gift our life is intended to be... all the time!
Being present to what each new moment is trying to give us, versus trying to take something from it that we've imagined will make us whole, is the difference between fearless living and learning to live with fears that never go away.
The more clear we are about the true meaning of our life, the nearer we are to knowing a happiness and fulfillment that nothing in this world can ever take from us.
Being present to what each new moment is trying to give us, versus trying to take something from it that we've imagined will make us whole, is the difference between fearless living and learning to live with fears that never go away.
The more clear we are about the true meaning of our life, the nearer we are to knowing a happiness and fulfillment that nothing in this world can ever take from us.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Trust Your Intution!!!
Everyday your intuition guides you, helps you, tries to save you
some time, sends little messages that will make life better for you if you listened and followed.
But most of us (myself included) don't always listen to that little voice. We don't
always follow what it says.
It will say something, we may hear or recognize the message, but then we get
distracted and we forget about it, only to realize later "should have listened to that voice."
That voice is your intuition. It's like your best friend; it only says and does things to help you.
It only wants to make your life easier and more enjoyable.
Once you know how to ask your intuition for guidance
you'll get the right responses and the right instructions.
Then you have to listen and follow, which is where most people fail.
That only happens because your conscious mind, that rational thinking part of you,
doesn't always agree with your intuition and will often put up a fight, give some resistance
and try to get you to do the exact opposite of what your intuition wants you to do.
But once you know how to respond, life gets easier and you get more of what you want.
How do you tap into your intuition? How do you get the right answers so that you get
more of what you want? And how do you follow your intuition so that things work out?
I'm going to explain all of that in today's newsletter.
Let's go back to my sheet of paper that I just couldn't find.
I needed that piece of paper. It had some important information.
Earlier in the day I was playing with my 3-year old son who was making me chase him
around the house, he gets a big laugh out of that.
I spotted him in a room where he was holding a piece of
paper. At the time I wasn't looking for that piece of paper but wanted to see what he had.
Something told me it might be important (that was my intuition trying to save me some time).
I tried to get the piece of paper from him but he thought it was part of the fun and ran off.
I later spotted him stuffing the piece of paper into a box and when I went towards him he
laughed and ran off again.
I got caught up in his game (and the fun) and kept chasing him.
Something told me (that intuition again) to go back and see what that piece of paper
was (we don't leave too many thing lying around with a set of 3-year old twins and a
one year old reaching and grabbing anything).
But I got distracted, kept playing with him and forgot about it.
Later that day I was looking for that important piece of paper, the one I had left on
my desk next to my computer (you know where this is going).
I knew that paper existed. I had seen it a day earlier.
But it wasn't there.
I kept asking: "Where is that darn piece of paper?"
It had to be in the house or in the garbage.
I searched the house (so I thought) and couldn't find it.
Now it was time to check the trash (oh, how I hate doing that),
which was just like giving up since I knew it wasn't in the trash, but I had to check anyway.
Just as I was opening the garbage bag my wife said:
"Hey wait a minute. Was it a lined piece of paper?"
"Yes it was."
"I thought I saw something in a box, let me take a look."
Then it hit me.
My son had stuffed a piece of paper in the box that I was supposed to check to see
if it was anything important only I got distracted and forgot about it
(that was my intuition guiding me again).
My wife checked the piece of paper and sure enough...
"Here it is..."
My son had grabbed the piece of paper off my desk and stuffed it in a box.
Those of you who have kids are probably laughing at this because something similar
has probably happened in the past.
But that's not my point.
My point is that earlier in the day, while I was playing with my son, my intuition
showed me the piece of paper that I would need later in the day.
I even got a feeling/message to go back and check that piece of paper to see
what it was; but I didn't follow up and I didn't follow the intuitive message.
So now I needed that paper, and had to get my intuition to help me.
I knew the paper existed.
I kept asking for it when I said: "where's that darn piece of paper?"
I trusted and let go when I decided to check the garbage
(the last spot to check) even though I knew it could never be in the garbage.
While I was heading outside check the trash I said to myself: "Oh well, I guess I'll have to
wait until they call me back and ask why I didn't follow up. I'll simply tell them the truth and
deal with the consequences, that's all I can do."
What happened is a clear example of how our intuition is always
communicating with us and guiding us. It also shows how we can communicate with
our intuition to get help when we need it.
Here's how it works.
First realize that what you want already exists. It's here, its in this world, you're within reach
of it all you have to do is find it.
So decide what guidance or information you want. Realize that the
answers already exist.
If you want something in particular like a better job, a new
relationship, a new home or trying to find an important document, realize that what you want already exists.
This is very important. Because if you don't believe it
exists you'll never see it, even if it stands up and slaps you in the face.
Next, ask for what you want.
I kept saying where is that darn sheet of paper?
I also kept saying what did I do with it? Where did I put it? What happened to it?
If you want the right job, ask for it. Say: I want the right job, where is the right job for me?
I know it exists so where is it? I want the right job.
Then let go. Tell yourself you've found what you want and leave it alone.
I let go when I accepted that I couldn't find that piece of paper, but decided to check the trash anyway.
I also said to myself: "I guess I'll just have to wait until they call me back and ask
why I never followed up. I'll simply tell them I misplaced the information and deal with the consequences."
That's when I let go of it.
Within a few minutes of letting go, my wife called out to me when she found a
piece of paper with some notes on it. The paper was found.
You need to let go and you do that by realizing that your happiness does not depend
on something happening in your life and that you'll find a solution.
Your happiness doesn't depend on whether you have a job or not.
Your happiness does not depend on whether you are in a relationship or not.
If you want to be happy, be happy.
Focus on positive things and let go of what you want.
Then it will flow to you easily.
So think about what you want.
Know that what you want exists already.
Ask for what you want.
Let go of it by accepting that your happiness doesn't depend
on you having what you want.
Get your intuition working for you today.
Develop your intuition, this is a powerful partner who can make your life easier and guide you to success.
Your intuition is your powerful partner. It is always guiding you and bringing you answers everyday.
You just need to see them and recognize the guidance you're getting.
You ask your intuition by using your thoughts.
It brings you what you want based on what you think about.
So think about what you want.
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your ability.
You are a powerful human being, capable of creating what ever you want in life.
You can achieve your goals.
You can succeed.
You can live your dreams.
You can enjoy a better life.
Get your intuition and your subconscious mind to help you create more of what you want.
Everything you want already exists.
You can achieve your goals.
You can succeed.
You can live your dreams.
You can enjoy a better life.
Get your intuition and your subconscious mind to help you create more of what you want.
Everything you want already exists.
How many people truly change their life in a meaningful way in 60 days or less?
Honestly... not many.
Sure Aaron Ralston changed his life in 127 hours. But he had to spend five days with his arm trapped under a boulder, alone in the wilderness, dehydrated, until he finally amputated his arm to set himself free.
I don't know about you... but I'd rather stick to small incremental steps on the path of personal development. Applying one insight at a time over the course of the next day, week or month until it bears fruit.
Sure we all want instant results but that's not how the universe was set up...
Rain will remain rain at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
At 41 degrees it's still rain. 35 degrees, 33 degrees... it's still rain. Cold rain. But still rain.
But once the temperature drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit it suddenly becomes snow.
It's not like the rain starts looking a little more snow-like. It just suddenly shifts once the temperature has dropped enough.
As we slowly change our "internal temperature" we may not notice any change until enough effort has been made.
I started on the path of personal transformation in 2006 – five years of effort. Today I can say with all honesty that my life has changed in every way possible.
Five years. That's really nothing.
Sure, I wish I could tell you those changes happened in five minutes... but that would probably require that I amputate an arm or become a cast away on some deserted island.
Why wait for drastic and painful challenges to force us to catch up with life?
Let's let our personal development unfold like a beautiful piece of music that plays in the background of our life – not a series of ear-splitting crashes that makes us fearful of change
Honestly... not many.
Sure Aaron Ralston changed his life in 127 hours. But he had to spend five days with his arm trapped under a boulder, alone in the wilderness, dehydrated, until he finally amputated his arm to set himself free.
I don't know about you... but I'd rather stick to small incremental steps on the path of personal development. Applying one insight at a time over the course of the next day, week or month until it bears fruit.
Sure we all want instant results but that's not how the universe was set up...
Rain will remain rain at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
At 41 degrees it's still rain. 35 degrees, 33 degrees... it's still rain. Cold rain. But still rain.
But once the temperature drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit it suddenly becomes snow.
It's not like the rain starts looking a little more snow-like. It just suddenly shifts once the temperature has dropped enough.
As we slowly change our "internal temperature" we may not notice any change until enough effort has been made.
I started on the path of personal transformation in 2006 – five years of effort. Today I can say with all honesty that my life has changed in every way possible.
Five years. That's really nothing.
Sure, I wish I could tell you those changes happened in five minutes... but that would probably require that I amputate an arm or become a cast away on some deserted island.
Why wait for drastic and painful challenges to force us to catch up with life?
Let's let our personal development unfold like a beautiful piece of music that plays in the background of our life – not a series of ear-splitting crashes that makes us fearful of change
One of the big reasons people are so reluctant to start a program, read a book or follow a path of personal development is because they have a very legitimate concern: "I may invest all this time and money and not get the results I expected – or possibly make my life worse because I could have been doing something more productive with my time."
Okay. Let's say your worst fear happens. Maybe you follow a course 100% for 6 months and it makes your life absolutely miserable (highly unlikely unless a person didn't do their due diligence upfront).
On the surface it seems like you've wasted time and money while receiving no positive results (and many negative ones).
Below the surface, though, you've actually gained some very valuable "assets."
First, you've discovered what does NOT work for you. If it was such a total disaster than you can probably guarantee if you do the exact OPPOSITTE type of program then you'd see outstanding results.
Secondly, just sticking to something and not giving up for a prescribed time builds tremendous amounts of will power. Will power that then can be so very easily applied when you find the right thing you should be doing.
Thirdly, by going down the wrong path, you'll learn extremely valuable information about yourself. What type of approach connects with you? What doesn't? How do you engage with different formats, personalities, teachings, ideas and ways of thinking?
Truth be told, one of the reasons we have so much trouble figuring out which path we should follow is because we don't know ourselves (literally). And if you look at most people's upbringings it's no surprise...
How was it decided which type of classroom you should be put into at school? Was it based on whether you were more hands-on or more a thinker? Was it based on whether you learned better visually or audibly? Was it based on whether you were good at math or good at communication?
Highly unlikely, at best.
It was based on the year you were born. You might even call it your "date of manufacture." Most children are basically treated the same and progress on the same path of traditional education systems, indiscriminately grouped with other children with the same manufacturing date. Unless people were among the rare few to be educated with a Montessori or Waldorf approach, it's no wonder so many people have so much trouble figuring out how best they learn, what interests them, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and which type of personal transformation path they should take.
Sadly, after 12+ years of traditional schooling it's pretty difficult to know what makes any of us different from anybody else. The simplest way to figure out what type of personal transformation program will work for you is simply to try one for 6-12 months. Sure you might go down the wrong path but you'll learn a lot about yourself and will then be able to identify what really works for you.
Okay. Let's say your worst fear happens. Maybe you follow a course 100% for 6 months and it makes your life absolutely miserable (highly unlikely unless a person didn't do their due diligence upfront).
On the surface it seems like you've wasted time and money while receiving no positive results (and many negative ones).
Below the surface, though, you've actually gained some very valuable "assets."
First, you've discovered what does NOT work for you. If it was such a total disaster than you can probably guarantee if you do the exact OPPOSITTE type of program then you'd see outstanding results.
Secondly, just sticking to something and not giving up for a prescribed time builds tremendous amounts of will power. Will power that then can be so very easily applied when you find the right thing you should be doing.
Thirdly, by going down the wrong path, you'll learn extremely valuable information about yourself. What type of approach connects with you? What doesn't? How do you engage with different formats, personalities, teachings, ideas and ways of thinking?
Truth be told, one of the reasons we have so much trouble figuring out which path we should follow is because we don't know ourselves (literally). And if you look at most people's upbringings it's no surprise...
How was it decided which type of classroom you should be put into at school? Was it based on whether you were more hands-on or more a thinker? Was it based on whether you learned better visually or audibly? Was it based on whether you were good at math or good at communication?
Highly unlikely, at best.
It was based on the year you were born. You might even call it your "date of manufacture." Most children are basically treated the same and progress on the same path of traditional education systems, indiscriminately grouped with other children with the same manufacturing date. Unless people were among the rare few to be educated with a Montessori or Waldorf approach, it's no wonder so many people have so much trouble figuring out how best they learn, what interests them, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and which type of personal transformation path they should take.
Sadly, after 12+ years of traditional schooling it's pretty difficult to know what makes any of us different from anybody else. The simplest way to figure out what type of personal transformation program will work for you is simply to try one for 6-12 months. Sure you might go down the wrong path but you'll learn a lot about yourself and will then be able to identify what really works for you.
Monday, 15 August 2011
Tailor You Cosmic Orders yourselves!!!
Be precise
The more precision you can add to your cosmic order, the better. So
if you've started out thinking that you'd like a new car, that's OK
but you need to get more precise. There are lots of different ways
you could get a new car - you could rent one for the day, you could
get one loaned to you whilst yours is in for repair, etc. There are
also lots of different definitions of new cars - they could be well
used but new to you, they could be fresh from the showroom and so
on. The more precise you are, the better the chance the universe
has of correctly interpreting your cosmic order and therefore
delivering it to you.
Be patient
Sure, you might turn into a millionaire tomorrow but it's not
highly likely unless you won the lottery. Place a reasonable time
expectation on your cosmic order. Not so long that it will never
manifest in your life but not so short that unless you successfully
robbed a bank tomorrow it just won't happen. So bring in a
timescale but make it one that is feasible. There's nothing wrong
with the length of time being shorter than normal so long as it's
Be "you"
Like most other things in your life, Cosmic Ordering varies
according to who you are and what your values are. Don't repeat
someone else's order parrot fashion unless it fits with your
personality. Tailor your cosmic orders to your own wants and needs
and way of life.
The more precision you can add to your cosmic order, the better. So
if you've started out thinking that you'd like a new car, that's OK
but you need to get more precise. There are lots of different ways
you could get a new car - you could rent one for the day, you could
get one loaned to you whilst yours is in for repair, etc. There are
also lots of different definitions of new cars - they could be well
used but new to you, they could be fresh from the showroom and so
on. The more precise you are, the better the chance the universe
has of correctly interpreting your cosmic order and therefore
delivering it to you.
Be patient
Sure, you might turn into a millionaire tomorrow but it's not
highly likely unless you won the lottery. Place a reasonable time
expectation on your cosmic order. Not so long that it will never
manifest in your life but not so short that unless you successfully
robbed a bank tomorrow it just won't happen. So bring in a
timescale but make it one that is feasible. There's nothing wrong
with the length of time being shorter than normal so long as it's
Be "you"
Like most other things in your life, Cosmic Ordering varies
according to who you are and what your values are. Don't repeat
someone else's order parrot fashion unless it fits with your
personality. Tailor your cosmic orders to your own wants and needs
and way of life.
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