
Monday, 18 October 2010

"If you put your mind to something you can achieve it."

You probably don't regularly choose your thoughts,
or instruct your subconscious mind.
Instead, your mind and subconscious mind are probably working
on autopilot - just doing what they want when they want
with no clear instructions.
You're probably not even aware of the thoughts you have everyday,
and you probably didn't choose the beliefs you hold.
As a result your mind is constantly sending the
wrong messages or wrong instructions to you subconscious mind.
And that's how you end up failing or not getting what you want. 
I know you want to be successful, wealthy and happy...
but do a thought checkup... and you'll find that you
probably have thoughts and beliefs that don't allow you
to be successful, wealthy, happy or enjoy the kind
of life you want.
If your mind is on autopilot (like most people) then
you're not actively choosing your thoughts and beliefs.
Instead, you're accepting what your mind comes with
(on it's own) and what other people
tell you... now wonder you don't get what you want!
I've analyzed people who try to do everything they can to be
successful and happy (but just aren't getting anywhere).
After examining their thoughts and beliefs I find
what they think and believe is the exact opposite
of what they want to achieve.
Sure they want to be successful but they really don't have any
thoughts or beliefs that allow them to succeed,
be happy or be wealthy.
What ever you want to achieve you can if you have a belief system
that allows you to succeed.
If you want to make more money you have
to have a belief system that says you can make more money.
If you want to meet the right person you have to believe
that you can meet the right person.
If you want to succeed at something you
have to believe that you can succeed.
So how do you create beliefs that correspond with what you want to accomplish?
First think about what you want to achieve.
Then ask yourself if you really believe that
you can accomplish this particular goal.
If you don't believe you can there's work to
do and you're going to have to change your
belief system so that it allows you to succeed.
To change your belief system you have to
analyze your thoughts and list all the thoughts
and beliefs that you have about achieving that goal.
For example: if you want to make more money
but you're not making the kind of money you
want then list why you don't think you can
make more money.
Now change those thoughts to correspond with what you want.
These are your new thoughts, statements or affirmations that you
should think and recite through out the day.
Replace those limiting thoughts with these new thoughts.
If you want to achieve success and happiness then you have to
create thoughts and beliefs that will allow
you to achieve those goals.
Begin changing your thoughts.
Begin creating beliefs that work for you.
Eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs.
Start creating the life you want today

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