
Saturday 2 April 2011

“The wind does not break a tree that can bend.”

Getting buffeted by the winds of circumstance is something we all experience. Times, as always, are uncertain. And all the wishing in the world can’t un-shuffle a deck of cards.
Globally, it’s a time of massive change. But change, even when it’s good, is not always – or even often – easy. And when change is decidedly for the worse, of course it’s even harder. When most of us are faced with change we want to run in the other direction, especially if it’s change that was not initiated by us. So instead we cling to the bits of normalcy that are still available.
But in clinging we become rigid. And rigid trees break in the wind.
So take a lesson from the trees; stand tall, but don’t be afraid to bend. New circumstances in your life may call for new approaches, more education, a release of old beliefs. But in uncertain times, just remember that bending is preferable to breaking.
Ways to become more flexible:
• Do yoga! (Flexible. Yoga. Ha! ). In times of change, your health may become less reliable, unless you take extra good care of your body. Times of change are generally times of stress for most of us. And stress wears at the immune system. Relaxation and exercise are both proven to decrease stress, and yoga offers both!
• Evaluate your thoughts as they arise; “I can’t…” can be changed to “I will…”
• Give yourself props for your successful shifts. Even small moments of acceptance or positive movement calls for big amounts of recognition. The more you move into ease and grace with the changes, the more graceful and easy change becomes.
• Enroll support from trusted allies. No tree stands alone; it relies on its environment for nourishment and support. So can you.
Bending means moving with the wind, instead of bracing against it. So, let the change tousle you about. Sooner or later, it is sure to become a gentle dance.

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