
Thursday, 31 March 2011

Blessings in Surprise

by Georgia Williams

Every morning in February, after my neighbor told me his car (the same make and model as mine) was stolen, I jumped out of bed and ran to the window to see if my car was still in my driveway. About two weeks after his car was taken, my purse was stolen. After this happened, all I had the energy to do was go home, cancel my credit cards and checks, get into my bed, and cover my head. Everything was in my purse! On that day, I had gotten my tax return portfolio and my daughter’s portfolio from my accountant. Both of them were in my purse.

The next day, I went to the bank to get a replacement debit card, made a police report at the local station, and then went out into the world and replaced everything I could replace with money—makeup, a makeup bag, my iPod, wallet, purse, and checkbook holder. The only thing I didn’t replace was my digital camera. I couldn’t find what I wanted, and I honestly didn’t know enough about them to buy one just based on the recommendation of a salesperson.

I am quite a talker, but I only told my mother, my cousin, my daughter, and one of my friends about what happened to me. Before I told each person, I prefaced the story with, “I am going to tell you about something that happened, but I don’t want you to say anything to me because I refuse to worry.” I didn’t tell my friends, as I would have in the past when even the slightest mishap occurred, because I knew they would say things to make me worry. And I refused to be drawn into negativity. As I was replacing my things, I kept thinking how lucky I was to have the funds and time to make the purchases. I remembered there was a time when I would not have been able to do anything except borrow a purse and wait to replace my things little by little.

After work the next business day, I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to replace my license and registration. Again, I thanked God that I had a car to drive myself to the office and that the lines weren’t long and brutal. After that, I started to tell myself I was going to get my things back. Every day, when my stomach was getting tight with thoughts of identity theft, I thanked God for giving me back my things, and I forced myself to think good thoughts so I wouldn’t worry. I fantasized about how incredible it would be to get back my things, daydreamed about possible scenarios, and visualized the looks on people’s faces when I told them the whole story.

Three weeks later, after a long, long day, I found myself driving home at about 9:30 PM. I called my home phone to check my messages. I rarely do this because I have a cell phone. Sometimes, I don’t check my home messages for days. There was a message from someone named Jennifer saying she had found some of my things. I called her and met with her immediately. She gave me a handful of personal items—insurance card, pictures, some store discount cards, roadside assistance card, half of my registration card, and a little inspirational prayer I’d kept in my wallet for years. I drove her to where she had found my things. All over the ground, I saw lipstick, mascara, gum, and other personal items. In a garbage can that had been put out for pick-up the next morning were the two sealed envelopes with the tax papers inside. I didn’t even have to dig through the garbage to reach them.

Now, here’s the crazy part. Jennifer had gone to the Salvation Army to drop off some clothes her son had outgrown. She could have gone on any day, at any time. She bumped into one of her friends on the way out. She took a different route home so she could walk with her friend. As they walked and talked, Jennifer saw all my things on the sidewalk and said, “Wow, someone got robbed, what a shame.” She continued walking and then saw a little folded-up piece of looseleaf paper and picked it up. It was a prayer I had handwritten years ago to remind myself to pray and had kept in my wallet for nine years. She read it and said, “I have to give her back her stuff.” She picked up everything that was salvageable, and though my license was not there, she found half of my registration card—the half with my name and half of my address on it. She called information and left a message for me.

Had she not called on that day, I wouldn’t have gotten my things back. Had she not left the message, the garbage would have been picked up the next morning while I was at work. Had I not checked my messages, I would have missed the window of opportunity. I’m convinced it was my positive thinking, gratitude in advance, the application of the Law of Attraction, and God’s supernatural mercy and grace that made a bad situation turn into many blessings.

These are the blessings I believe I received: After being robbed, I felt mad at the world and trusted no one. Jennifer restored my faith in humankind. I struggled with worrying, and as a result of forcing myself not to worry at a time when I normally would have been beside myself with grief, I received my final lesson about worrying (I’ve had some others). I could move on believing the Law of Attraction is real and employing it in conjunction with my faith in God and Jesus Christ. You see, it was God and the application of the Law of Attraction that brought my things back to me. It was my faith in God that moved her to pick up my things and return them to me. I had been struggling with how to combine the two in my mind—still thinking they were somewhat separate—still questioning many things. Now, I feel good within my soul with regard to my beliefs.

After this happened, I told everyone. I was testifying all around and seeing the expressions on faces, just as I had envisioned. I thought I had seen the end of the story, until one day, I was at my cousin’s house telling her about all that had happened. Her husband came down the steps with a digital camera in his hand. Without knowing anything about what had happened to me, he said, “I bought a new digital camera because I’m going to sell my baseball cards on eBay. You can have this one if you want it.”

I started to become very interested in this Law of Attraction, and as a result, my faith grew all around. I started to believe in the impossible. I started to expect good things. I started to pray for deeper understanding and expected to receive it.

In May, my mother told me that I had a cousin who was on a speaking tour in New York. She told me to call him so I could meet him. I teach high school English, and I am the co-advisor of the senior class, so between planning for the prom, graduation, and grading papers, I was overwhelmed. I didn’t call him. Finally, she told me she had invited him for dinner, and I had to call him to give him directions. I called and ended up having to pick him up that day. As soon as he got into the car, I loved him. He brought peace, warmth, and unconditional love. He is my third cousin. I never even knew he existed, but we are both named after my grandfather, his great-uncle. He is a traveling, nondenominational doctor of theology who has spoken in over eighty countries and has written a powerful book, Eternity Invading Time. I showed him The Secret, and he thought it was great. He said, “I’ve been preaching this for thirty years, but I call it faith.” That was enough for me. I had come full circle. It was the ultimate confirmation for me.

Since my exposure to the Law of Attraction, which ultimately strengthened my faith in God, I’ve changed many things in my life, and I have seen miracles. I took and passed the New York life insurance test with almost no effort. I was able to refinance—a miracle for a single woman with my income. Without the recovered tax papers, I would have missed the window of opportunity in which I had to get it done. Within about six weeks, I received over $11,000 in unexpected income. The money did not come from one place; it came from many places. For example, I used to work for the New York City Board of Education. They owed me money for nine years and finally paid. I took three classes during the summer which gave me credits above my master’s so I could qualify for a salary increase. For years, I’d wanted to work on credits above my master’s, but at first I could not afford it because I had to work extra to support my family. When the time came that I could take a class every now and then, I felt fear about being the oldest person in the class. Those fears have gone out the window. I even got “A’s” in all three classes!

I visited my cousin and his family in Texas and now have even more people to love. I started to read the Bible—something I had tried to do many times, but always gave up after the list of who begot whom. I have been able to inspire and be inspired by two women, a good friend and a close cousin, who are both battling and winning the fight against breast cancer. I’ve started to write poetry again, and this time my focus is positive, not trying to save the world or highlighting its social injustice, but shining light on its beauty and showing my gratitude for all that we have. I’m happy in a way I’ve never been. In the past, I thought I was happy, but compared to the peace I feel now, I know I am truly happy. I feel more in control, though I’ve been able to let go of so many things. I feel at peace for the first time in my life. And finally, I have always daydreamed about writing and being published. It is ironic that this is the topic that has made it possible.

Who would have ever thought that being robbed could turn into such a wonderful, life-changing experience!

Message: Don’t worry even when the worst seems to be occurring. Always think positive.

Georgia Williams has been a New York State high school English teacher for nineteen years. She was born in Toronto, Canada, to Jamaican parents. She enjoys writing poetry. 

The Signs of Mental Self Abuse-Stop It !!!

By Alina Mikos

Change Your Self-Perception

How we perceive ourselves, along with the tone and intent of our internal dialogue, shapes our daily lives and experiences. We’re the one person that we truly cannot escape should our relationship with ourselves turn ugly. Usually, though, this form of self-abuse is a habitual way of life, and many people are only minutely aware of how deep its destructive roots actually go. Any strong emotional sensation can be addictive, and while happiness may seem like the preferred emotional addiction, there are throngs of miserable humans who are hooked on emotional pain. Here are a few indicators that you may be an emotional pain junkie.
The Guilt Grip
Guilt, a common form of mental self-abuse, is a behavior many people learn at a very young age. Numerous religions teach their adherents about guilt, and many parents instill this emotion in their children as a part of their moral development. For example, many mom and dads teach their offspring that guilt is the appropriate response for stealing, lying, hurting others or treating them unfairly.
While this emotion is ethical in these circumstances, some people burden themselves with feelings of guilt above and beyond what the situation merits. Carrying around guilt means the person is not willing to forgive themselves. This is not only destructive behavior, but invariably leads to constant emotional pain. The answer is to learn from your mistakes and make peace with them, in whatever manner necessary. Only then can you let go of the iron grip of guilt.
The Repeat Button
Life is full of many experiences, and while it may be the great ones you would choose to relive in your mind, sometimes it’s the destructive memories which often beat their way to the surface. If you find yourself continually reliving specific negative experiences, you are enabling your inner junkie to receive his or her emotional pain “fix.” Find peace with the past and stop beating yourself up over it so that you can clear the way for fresh experiences untainted with emotional baggage.
The Merciless Critic
Perfectionists and individuals of lower self-esteem tend to fall victim to their own inner critic. This internal voice always finds fault with whatever you do and is there to tell you that no matter how great your efforts, you will never be good enough. To be human is to be imperfect, and doing your best is all you can ask of yourself. Whatever the situation, give it your all, and then move on to the next great thing in your life.
Recognizing the signs of mental self-abuse is the only way to turn your life toward a more positive direction. For a wholesome change, try being your biggest fan instead of your own worst enemy

Blessings of Unanswered Prayers

By Taryn Galewind

Can Your Prayers and Affirmations Fail?

The Dalai Lama says that sometimes unanswered prayers or unmet desires are great gifts. Country singer Garth Brooks wrote a song about that statement, and some network or another made a TV movie about it. So the idea that we may not always know what’s best for us has made its way into pop culture. Look at it this way, though: your God, or your Universe, always answers your prayers—it’s just that sometimes the answer is “No.”
Why might that be? If you’re devout and in close communication with your higher power, if your motives are pure and you’re a deserving person, why would your heart’s desires laid before your God be turned down? Think about it in terms of a loving parent.
If a very young child, seeking to make his homework easier, asked his parent for a laptop computer, the parent is likely to say, “No, once you have learned to manage your time and have mastered the elementary skills you need, we’ll talk again. Let’s be prudent in how we use our money.”
Over time, this child learns the value of a dollar. He learns to manage time. He figures out how to build skill upon skill to master complicated processes. Had his impulsive wish been granted at the wrong time, he would learn conspicuous consumption and not much else.
Suppose a young woman who has never taken time to know herself or to contemplate what she truly wants in life sees a gorgeous young man. She prays for him to notice her. She posts affirmations and uses them with great concentration. She meditates and does every spiritual thing she can think of, believing she needs this guy. She doesn’t get him.
Time passes. He becomes known as a womanizer and underachiever. He’s pretty shallow, and our heroine is relieved she didn’t hook up with him. She meets another guy—not a stunner, but a prince among boyfriends. She learns looks can deceive, and a man of substance may be a thing of beauty, even if he isn’t Adonis.
A single parent, I couldn’t afford much financial support when my son was in college. He worked long nights and weekends at a busy restaurant, earning money to pay his expenses for four years, and graduated with honors. He was never bitter. He valued each credit hour knowing he worked hard for the privilege.
If every prayer is answered the moment we conceive it, we miss golden opportunities to grow in spirit and to mature as humans. Earning our blessings makes us value them. Prayer has power. Believers know they don’t have to walk every difficult path alone. But the wisest realize that the power of unanswered prayer or prayer answered in the negative may truly provide the greatest help and strength

The Real Source of Wealth

Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will not only help us earn more money, it will also enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually.

There is a very real possibility that everything you and I have been taught about how to earn money is so far from the truth that it’s almost comical.
Earning money has nothing to do with age, formal education, gender or geography. It has nothing to do with past experience or your formal years of education or your level of intellect.
There are individuals who are functionally illiterate who have become multimillionaires, while there are others who are absolutely brilliant and they are broke. Virtually anyone can be taught how to earn millions of dollars and yet the sad truth is that 97 out of every 100 people are born, live their entire lives, and die without ever learning how to earn money. To perpetuate this ridiculous problem, their ignorance is passed along from one generation to the next.
Our school system has been designed as an environment to enlighten young minds, to replace ignorance with understanding and ultimately improve the quality of life. And though our educational system has obviously been successful in many areas, it has woefully neglected one important subject, ''How to Earn Money.''
A lack of understanding in this area is the cause of numerous unwanted and unnecessary problems, since money is the medium of exchange that is used worldwide for other people’s products and services.

There has always been a small, select group, approximately 3% of our population, who clearly understand that prosperity consciousness is the primary cause of wealth and their prosperity consciousness, like ignorance, is also passed down from one generation to the next.
Let’s look at ''money.'' What is it?
Money is an Idea
The paper you fold and place in your purse or pocket is not money. It is paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. Money is an idea. The earning of money has nothing to do with the paper stuff, it has to do with consciousness.
To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. That may sound strange, however most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. A poverty consciousness will cause a person to see, hear, think and feel ... lack and limitation.
The late Mike Todd said, ''Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a mental state.''
He was correct. There are wealthy people who lose every cent they have through a series of mistakes in judgment, but that does not make them poor. They will have it all back in a short time because of their prosperity consciousness.
Many years ago, George Bernard Shaw expressed his thoughts on money. People have such strong views on both of these statements, I purposely use them in my seminars to cause the attendees to think.
1. It is the duty of every person to be rich.
2. It is a sin to be poor.
Before you reject these as being ridiculous, let’s analyze them. To fully understand what Shaw was saying, you must have an open mind. There is a law that states everything is moving, absolutely nothing rests. You are either moving ahead in life or going in reverse ... growing or dying ... creating or disintegrating, becoming richer or poorer.
The Most Important Universal Law for Becoming Wealthy
There is another law to which people often refer in many different ways ... Karmic Law ... Sowing and Reaping ... Cause and Effect ... Action, Re-Action. How you refer to this law is of little importance relative to your understanding of how it works.
The thoughts, feelings, and actions that you express in life are seeds that you sow. The conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life are the harvest you reap as a RESULT of the seeds that you sow. For a moment, store this information in the back of your mind while we investigate the deeper understanding of the words SIN and MONEY.
Sin is ... transgression of the law. Violating the law is a sin and, in truth, the price of sin is death. That does not mean your heart will stop beating, but it does mean you will regress. I previously mentioned there is a law that states you will either create or disintegrate, you will grow or die. When you attempt to ''get'' without giving, you are trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds, and it will not work.
Now let’s look at ''money.'' What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Attempting to ''get'' money without providing service is also a violation of the law.

Eliminate Anxiety

By Karim Hajee

Fear and anxiety are feelings and emotions that you can overcome
and need to control in order to be successful and enjoy life.
You shouldn't be living with constant fear and anxiety.
 You shouldn't be constantly afraid of what might go wrong or 
what other people will think if things don't work out... or break out into 
a sweat every time you have to do something new.

Those who succeed and enjoy their lives control their fear, they eliminate 
anxiety and panic by changing their focus and by 
thinking of how things will or can work out.
 If you're crippled with fear it's because you're thinking
of how things won't work out or what could go wrong.
You don't have enough information to be confident so your 
mind immediately focuses on what could go wrong.
It then magnifies things - making mountains out of mole hills.
No wonder you get scared. 
Then the anxiety takes over. 
Anybody would be crippled with fear if they focused on 
what could go wrong all the time.
What do you do?

Change your thoughts, start thinking about how things could work out. 
Push your mind to do things differently.
If you're overcome with anxiety it's because you're
also focusing on what could go wrong, how you might be
embarrassed, what people will think of you...
As your mind goes into a negative tailspin you feel trapped, 
you're worried, uncertain, then the panic takes over, the 
fear cripples you and the anxiety overwhelms you.
 Now you can't do anything. 
So nothing gets done. 
Things just get worse and worse. 

You want them to change but the fear and anxiety stop you 
dead in your tracks.
 It's not a way to live.
 What do you do?
 Focus on what you want. 
Think of how you would like things to turn out and 
fill your mind with thoughts of success. 
If you stray, if your mind comes back and give you 
negative junk that leads to fear and anxiety change those thoughts.

Your subconscious mind will then pick up on these new
thoughts and allow you to overcome the fear... 
eliminate the anxiety and get rid of the panic attacks.
You'll begin enjoying life, have greater confidence
and enjoy the success and happiness you deserve.

You can overcome fear.
You can eliminate the anxiety.
You can enjoy greater confidence.
You can enjoy success. 

Today's Prayer

To clear off your Debts Fire this Powerful Prayer Bullet :-

"Every satanic investment eating up my finances be destroyed
 by the fire of God and the blood of Jesus Christ."

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Read This

Help Your Kids Recognize Their Character Strengths

“For healthy mental and emotional growth, we need a gentle, skillful, balanced approach, avoiding extremes. If we are becoming arrogant and self-important, the antidote is to think about our own problems and sufferings, to bring us down to earth. But if we are feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, helpless and depressed, it’s important to reflect on our positive qualities or achievements to uplift our minds.”
(Facebook Post from his Holiness the Dalai Lama 1-18-11)
It is just part of life that at times we feel overwhelmed, discouraged, helpless, sad or anxious and these feelings are equally as debilitating to a child as to an adult.  Anxiety about being reprimanded by our boss because we failed to complete an important task of our job feels just as real as the anxiety a child feels on the way to school knowing they did not complete their homework and will have to suffer the consequences.
The difference for grown-ups is that we have had years of experience dealing with emotional setbacks by using the strengths we know we possess to help us, and some have even had coaching over the years to teach us how to positively deal with life’s ups and downs.
For children these coaches are of course their parents and teachers and one of the greatest things we can do for our children is to help them recognize their unique signature  strengths and virtues, when they have displayed using them and how using them made them feel about themselves, others and their future.
Research in Positive Psychology and Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) reveals tremendous benefits in recognizing and building upon our kid’s core moral and character strengths, and this was recently made crystal clear in a 4th grade classroom where each child created their very own “Pyramid of Power” and how their teacher used the power of helping his students discover their Character Strengths.

But parents don’t have to leave the building of their children’s character strengths up to their teachers at school.  In fact, parents can easily help their kids identify their core strengths by reminding them of instances when we watched them use them.  Here are a few examples:
I remember that time at the park when you made friends with that boy who was playing alone.  You really showed compassion for others by being that way”
“You were so helpful to your sister when she slipped and fell on the wet floor.  You are very caring about others.”
“You really showed how brave you are when you and your friends stood up to help that student you saw was being mistreated.”
This activity promotes collaboration, confidence, mutual respect and engagement with your child, not to mention this puts them in a very positive emotional frame of mind.  Kids beam with joy when they know how proud they have made their parents.
One of the greatest feelings a child can have is when they know they have made their parents happy and proud.
Helping our kids build upon their strengths makes far more sense than to focus on their weaknesses in an effort to over come them.
Children are much more likely to set attainable but challenging goals for themselves, with our assistance at times, when they are aware of the strengths and virtues they possess.  On occasion they will experience mistakes and failures, but they will know they can choose to build upon their strength of perseverance.
Neal H. Mayerson, Ph.D. Founder of the VIA Institute on Character says “Character strengths differ from other types of strengths, such as our talents, interests, skills, and resources.  They are foundational — and upon them we express our talents, develop our interests, build our skills, and use the resources or assets provided to us by our families, schools, workplaces and communities. For example, if a character strength is perseverance, a runner’s talent for speed can be fully expressed.  Without perseverance, it is unlikely the runner will be successful.”
Imagine a future where our leaders where trained from childhood to build upon their character and moral strengths and were committed to using them every day of their lives.
I know I am not alone in my optimism about our future because so many are now doing what it takes to make a difference in our children’s lives.  The dream has been around for a long time:
“We must remember that intelligence is not enough.   Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”  — Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at Morehouse College 1948

Insomniac No More!!

Soothing Scents

Dream pillows and essential oils, especially with lavender scents are soothing for body and mind. Other scents that serve as sleep aids include basil, calendula and rosemary.

Tea Time

Did your grandma give you chamomile tea before bed? Mine did. Turns out this is an excellent relaxer. Apparently, the herb’s anxiety relieving potential has been studied for a couple of decades, and while these tests haven’t been on humans, what they’re finding is that the chemicals naturally present in chamomile act like a drug for anxiety – but without the side effects. (thanks Dragonfly). Other herbs that can work are valerian (warning: tastes bad!) and hops. For a tropical variation, try Kava-Kava with coconut juice (thanks Bogdan!)


A number of people in our community recommended magnesium supplements, reporting good results for sleep once they started a regular regime. It’s supposed to both calm the nervous system and clear the mind. And according to Gordon, “Magnesium is a major deficiency which allows for a level of chronic tension in our systems.” He’s using a transdermal magnesium oil and having good results.


Many folks recommended melatonin as a sleep aid, and while I’ve heard some success stories, the people I know with chronic insomnia don’t seem to have any luck with it. This began to make sense after what Penny shared: “Contrary to popular wisdom, most of the melatonin in the body isn’t actually produced in the pineal gland. Rather, it originates in the small intentine. So if you are having GI problems (Crohn’s, IBS, Celliacs) as part of your health picture, your body may not be producing, or absorbing melatonin. Supplements can help, but always look for the cause, and not treat the symptom.” Sound advice there.

Blue Light

Or the avoidance there-of. We’re talking artificial lighting here folks. Things like: incandescent light bulbs, compact-fluorescents lamps, TVs, computer screens, smart-phones, and the like. Carole had this to share: “Some people are recommending wearing glasses that filter out the blue light for a while before going to bed or not watching tv using computer etc in the run-up to bedtime. Our exposure to artificial lighting for such long periods is so alien to the way our bodies have evolved to function it does seem to make sense that light pollution is making us ill.”

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Largest Unexplored Continent On Earth-The Human Mind !!!

An Excerpt from
The Strangest Secret
by Earl Nightingale

George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."
Well, it's pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed (for a while) that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.
Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety and worry - his life becomes one of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing... he becomes nothing.
How does it work? Why do we become what we think about? Well, I'll tell you how it works, as far as we know. To do this, I want to tell you about a situation that parallels the human mind.
Suppose a farmer has some land, and it's good, fertile land. The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn't care. It's up to the farmer to make the decision.
We're comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn't care what you plant in it. It will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.
Now, let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade. He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land...and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted.
As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants - one corn, one poison.
The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn't care what we plant...success...or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal...or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant must return to us.
You see, the human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth. It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return anything we want to plant.

Learn to Dream...

Thomas Edison once said that if we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves.
Edison had a practice of going to a place he called "The Land of The Solution."  He would get quiet, rock in a rocker, and access that part of the mind where the answers are.  We can all access answers to whatever problems we are facing.
Edison said that if we do all the things that we are really capable of, we would literally astonish ourselves.  Today, let yourself be astonished just a little bit.  You might be surprised with what you really are capable of.
Enjoy The Surprise,




   At this lecture a young woman
   Confidently walked around the
   Room, while leading and explaining
   Stress Management, to an audience.

   With a raised glass of water and
   Everyone knew she was going to ask
   The ultimate question;  Half empty or
   Half full?....She fooled them all.....

   How heavy is a glass of water......She
   Inquired with a smile.
   Answer's called out, ranged from 8oz.-
   20oz.  She replied, "The absolute weight
   Doesn't matter. It depends on how long
   I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not
   A problem.  If I hold for an hour, I'll have an
   Ache in my hand. If I hold it for a day, you'll
   Have to call and ambulance."

   In each case it's the weight, but the longer I
   I Hold it, the heavier it becomes.
   "She continued," and that's the way it is with
   Stress. If we carry our burden's all the time,
   Sooner or later, as the burden becomes
   Increasingly heavier, we won't be able to
   Carry on.

   As with the glass of water, you have to put
   It down for awhile and rest before holing it
   Again.  When we're refreshed, we can carry
   On with the burden.  Don't them through the
   Evening and into the night...Pick them up

   What ever burdens you're carrying now, let
   Them down for a moment.  Relax, pick them
   Up after you've rested.  Life is Short. Enjoy it
   In the now. "Supposed stress that you've

  1. Accept the fact that some day's you're the
      Pigeon, and some day's you're the Statue!

  2. Always keep your words soft and sweet,
      Just in case you have to eat them.

  3. Always read stuff that will make you look
      Good, If you die  in the middle of it.

  4. Drive carefully....It's not only cars that can
      Be recalled by their maker.

  5. If you can't be kind, at least have the
      Decency to be vague.

  6. If you loan someone $20. and you never
      See that person again, it was probably
      Worth it.

  7. It may be that your sole purpose in life
      is simply to serve as a warning to others.

  8. Never buy a car you can't push.

  9. Never put both feet in your mouth at the
      Same time, because then you won't have
      A leg to stand on.

 10.Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
      Just get up and dance!

 11. Since its the early worm that gets
      Eaten by the bird;  Sleep late.

 12. The second mouse gets the cheese,

 13. When everything's coming your way,
       You're in the wrong lane.

 14. Birthdays are good for you. The more
      You have, the longer you live.

 15. You may be only one person in the world,
      But you may also be the world to one person.

 16. Some mistakes are too much fun to make
       Only once.

 17. We could learn a lot from Crayons. Some
        Are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull,
        Some have weird names, All are different
        Colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

 18. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the
       scenery on a detour.

 19. Have an Awesome day and know that some-
        One thought of you today.

  20. It was I, your friend!

  21. Save the Earth....It's the only planet with Chocolate!

        My Beloved Friends I hope you have enjoyed this.
        We all live such a Stress filled world,  I wanted to
        Give you a bit advise and a bit mirth.

         God, our Father, In Your Providence,
         You send Your Holy Angels to watch
         Over us.  Hear our prayers and defend
         Us always by their protection.

The First Step to Putting Out the Flames of Anger

Key Lesson: There is only one reason why any human being ever dances in the fire of any kind of anger: he has yet to discover the parts of himself that love flames.

We Reap What We Sow

In these so-called progressive times, this all but forgotten principle that we reap what we sow is as simple as it is prophetic. Share this simple fact with someone who hates his life, and he will hate you for the truth you tell about why he feels as he does!
If we are ever to realize the integrity and consistent kindness of our True Nature, if we long to know something of heaven while we live on earth, then we must sow the seeds that bring that higher life into fruition.

One cannot expect to reap what one does not sow; and merely hoping for a higher life is not sowing true spiritual seeds, any more than climbing an imagined mountain is the same as reaching its top.
To sow spiritual seeds means that we do spiritual work. Spiritual work is always interior work first, even if, as a matter of course, this work becomes manifest through exterior action. What is this interior work by which we sow the seeds of the celestial within us? Following is one way to sow the seeds of a higher and happier life:
We must deliberately remember our intention to start our whole life over every moment we awaken to find ourselves reliving some past conflict. To cultivate this refreshed outlook, born of remembering that our true life is always new in the Now, is to let go of who we have been and to begin reaping a life free of anger and fear.
If we wish a life that is whole and loving, one that is filled with new light, then we must sow these eternal seeds within ourselves; that is our work. Make your own list of ways to work at sowing the seeds of the higher life. Set your self to the task of being an inwardly awake person and watch how you begin to reap the awareness that makes all things possible.

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The Secret to Happiness

By Donald Michael Kraig

It seems like most of the people I know are happy—sometimes. I know very few people who claim to be happy all the time. Those who are always happy are often criticized for not paying attention to the world. There’s sickness and poverty and war. How can anyone be happy with all of the world’s problems? And everyone has his or her own problems, too.
Is real happiness only an illusion, something that we can grasp at for a few moment but never really hold?
I don’t think so. It is possible to be both aware and happy. So why are so many people unhappy? I think there is one reason for this. It’s their inability to accept a simple truth:
What is, is.
To be happy, all we have to do is accept the reality of things. Does this mean that to be happy we need to simply accept our lot in life and not work to change things? Absolutely not! What it means is that we can accept that things are as they are and we can work to make things even better. Let me give you some practical examples.
1. Imagine you are an employer looking to hire a new person. Two people have all the qualification for the job. Both are unemployed and for both, things are tough. Who would you hire: The person who is happy about being alive, happy about having an opportunity to get a job and happy about using her skills for you, or someone who is unhappy, angry and surly over his situation?
You’d hire the happy person, of course.
2. Your boyfriend is late for your date. Would you have a better time with him if you’re happy that he’s there or if you’re angry that he’s late? Of course you’d both have a better time if you’re happy.
3. You see a co-worker treated unfairly at work. You can get angry and complain or you can be happy to suggest a system that can result in more fairness for everyone. The latter is far more effective.
Being angry, filled with stress, and feeling unhappy has been shown to negatively affect the body, mind, and spirit. Feeling happy and being filled with good cheer has a positive effect. The “bottom line” is that happier is better.
Ways to Accept What Is
There are some things you can do to learn to live a happy life. Here are some suggestions:
Laugh every day. Find something to have a big belly laugh about every day. Famed author and journalist Norman Cousins liked to watch Marx brothers movies.
1. Communicate your needs. Some people get angry when someone doesn’t do something even though they didn’t tell that person what is desired. Don’t expect your children, friends, family, lover or spouse to do something—tell them. If you don’t tell them they won’t know.
2. Accept people as they are. Don’t try to change people into something they aren’t. If you want them to do something differently, let them know what you want and need. Give them the opportunity to do things that will please you.
3. Treat yourself well! Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. Give yourself a treat from time to time. Be as accepting of yourself as you are of others.
4. Work for change with love. Don’t try to change something you feel is unfair because you hate the unfairness. Work for change because you love what can be.
5. Share your smiles. People smile and are happy with people who give smiles. However, it’s important to really mean it when you smile. People instinctively know when you’re honest.
6. Don’t expect instant change. People—including you—take time to change. Compliment people when they change in ways you’ve told them you’d like. Laugh if they don’t.
Whether you’re often angry and unhappy or usually a happy person, it’s not a long distance to being happy every day. If you want it, you can have it. It’s just accepting that what is, is

Don't Make it Personal

By Psychic Claire

A few days ago I awoke to these words literally coming from every corner of my room… “Don’t make it personal.” They were echoing again and again, surrounding me as I opened my eyes to start a new day.
It was as if “they” wanted to make sure I actually heard these words and didn’t lose them in my pre-coffee state. As the day progressed, and I was hit with one heart ripping phone call after another, I kept hearing these words over and over again. It’s easy enough to say them to someone else, but what happens when I’m faced with heart wrenching facts of the people I love and there is not one single thing I can do to help them?
Can I learn not to “make it personal“?? The words were not, don’t take it personal, but very clearly, “don’t make it personal.” There is a huge difference just from the one little word. I realized we really do have a choice. It makes me ask, Is anything personal that happens to/around us? Do we have a choice on the level of suffering in our life? Are our own thoughts and actions the only thing on this planet that are truly personal? We are at the mercy of those we love and their emotional wounds. It is really about them, not us? Can we learn to separate our pain from others? Can we cry for them instead of ourselves??
How do we not make it personal when there is absolutely not one single thing we can do to help the situation and the people we love are suffering, or we feel they are making us suffer? Can it really be accomplished? After this week, yes, I believe it can. It doesn’t mean you have no emotional pain over what is happening, it means we figure out a way not to let it control our thoughts and every waking minute. It is not about stuffing down what you feel about the situation, it is about admitting that yes, it is happening and I am 1000% helpless in this situation. And truly the exact same thing is happening to other people at the same time… but we feel “mine is worse cause it is happening to ME and someone I love.” Deal with the emotions by allowing yourself to feel the helplessness and sorrow. If you try to suppress the emotions, you will only be 30% effective on the one thing you can do… be there for support.
When a friend called and delivered their personal devastating news, it didn’t stop our world as we know it. We are able to love and deal unattached. But when it’s our someone that is dealing with devastation, it’s a little bit trickier to be loving and detached. I took all the phone calls that I received that day and viewed them as if I was the outsider witnessing the events. Oh yes, the pain definitely exists, but most of the icky feeling is that I’m helpless to help those I love. In the state of helplessness comes a state of surrender, in the surrender comes strength, in the strength we find the courage to look the ones we love in the eye and be there for them, not secretly thinking about how horrible this is for us.
My lesson this week was very clear. I am very helpless when it comes to others, I can only change and help myself, everything that happens around me is not about me! I can be there as support, and even thinking anything different is actually a way of running away from the situation and not accepting what is happening in the world and to those we love. But not getting attached, doing what you can do (if anything), and viewing your life from a loving, accepting way will absolutely change your world. It will allow you to be there for the person who is actually the one affected, and takes the me-me-me syndrome out of it.
Now I truly understand what the Wise One means when He/She says, “live your life as the witness.” See your life as if it is happening to someone else; don’t become attached. Experience what you feel when something comes your way, good or bad, get out of your own way and don’t make it personal.
It’s not the old saying “pick your battle.” Looking at life this way, it becomes very clear that the only battle we have is inside of us and how we perceive things! Perception of our lives and things that happen around us is 99.9% of our pain! I honestly believe this with all my heart. Yes, this week was a tough one, but I get it now. Yes, I can and will be there for those I love, and those I have never met with non-judgmental, 100% accepting support without attachment. I will not “make it personal” from this day forward

How To Increase Synchronicities In Your Life!

By Aine Belton

This is a rich & lengthy subject, but I've highlighted some key points below, & will be sharing more with you in future issues.

1. Raise your Vibration! The higher your vibration, the more likely you are to experience synchronicities and ride the loving current of universal flow, receiving magical blessings as you go!
How do you raise your vibration? There are numerous ways to do so on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, which I'll be sharing more about in future issues.

For the purposes of this article, I'll nutshell some examples...
Love is the highest vibration in the universe; hence love for yourself, others and your world will ALWAYS raise your vibration. And gratitude can help open your heart to more of that love.
Essentially, the happier and more love-filled you are, the more aligned you are with your true nature and Source, and the more open a receptor you are to synchronicities and blessings and receiving in general, which is key!
One powerful way to raise your vibration is to work energetically to anchor in high pure universal energies of love and light.
2. Another way to increase synchronicities in your life is to believe in themmore, and keep your eye out for them! 

Understanding the illusory nature of reality, that everything is energy, can open you more to everyday magic! 

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. Reality is not the solid world you believe it to be. Magic and miracles are WAY possible! Energy is malleable. Reality is a trick of the light.
There is love, insights and wonders that want to be gifted to you from higher realms if you open and allow, and start to take of the blindfolds of consensus thinking that can limit the WONDER and MAGIC of each moment!
3. Know you loved totally and unconditionally by the source of creation, whatever name you hold for that. 

Know that this loving infinitely intelligent source wants the very best for you in every moment! 

You are the only one that can stand in your way, and the limiting beliefs, thoughts and feelings you hold that block the truth of this love, and the successes you desire and deserve.

You are loved more than you will ever know!

You deserve whether you believe it or not, so BELIEVE IT!
Know that you worthy of all good things, and open to receive :) 

4. Set goals. Ask for what you want. Write out a wish list. Affirm your desires and intentions. Say them out loud or silently in your mind before sleep and/or on waking. In whatever way you like, affirm what you want to yourself and the universe. 

When you set goals and specify desired outcomes, and visualize these, stepping into the shoes of that future you  set the ball in motion and the universe will start arranging things for your benefit! :)
You create your reality – do your bit with the power of your heart and mind by visualizing your dreams regularly, clearing limiting beliefs that stand in the way, and feeling the outcomes richly and tangibly ahead of time to call them into existence in the present.
5. Have FUN! Fun throws of the shackles of denser energy and negative states, elevating you to higher happy realms where flow and synchronicities abound!

Fun attracts positivity like iron filings to a magnet. It is the antidote to stress, struggle, tediousness and seriousness. When you are having fun you are open and sharing of who you are and ride on the current of spontaneity and joy. What brings you fun, happiness and joy? Commit to more of it in all areas of your life.
6. Start awakening to and decoding the ‘magical messages ' present in your everyday life!

Just as night dreams are rich in symbolic meaning, so is your waking reality! 

It is essentially an illusion, a sea of vibrating energy that appears very solid, but is not at all!
When you understand the nature of reality at a deeper level, you realize it can be a vehicle through which you can receive insights, nudges and opportunities.
Become a detective of your outer reality! Unveil and unravel its secrets!
I LOVE listening to the ‘whispers' and decoding the hidden meanings and messages inherent in the situations, people and circumstances I attract.
Even the title of a book someone's reading next to you on a plane, email subject lines, overheard snippets of conversation, a song that comes on the radio, advertising headlines, a flyer that crosses your path etc., can all hold relevance. 

Life is not just some random set of experiences separate from you. 

As quantum physics now proves, you and your world are inextricably linked! 

Understanding the communications in your world is not only fascinating and illuminating, but for me has been totally LIFE-CHANGING!
The insights and messages I've received with an intuitive path have led to the manifestation of success, abundance, and living the life of my dreams.
I have had countless magic moments and wondrous synchronicities and opportunities by opening my eyes and mind to the metaphoric nature of reality and the gifts and guidance there-in.Decoding reality is what makes life so magical to me, and an exciting journey of investigation and discovery!
Engaging this new dimension of guidance will enable you to take your manifestation to the next level and CATAPULT the Law of Attraction to new domains, because it will help guide you rapidly to what's in your highest; to brightest futures and dreams-come-true!