
Thursday, 30 September 2010

Learn To Forgive and Let yourself Grow...

You can be negatively affected for years from the wounds of the past; it can affect you physically as well as mentally. Holding onto anger has been scientifically proven to be stressor to your body and to your day to day joy and happiness in life. Holding on to resentment against those who harmed you can cause depression, problems in relationships, or even in the ability to attract a relationship! There are aspects of that memory that are “cellular” and could become a future “dis-ease” in the making unless cleared. Here are seven steps that can help you to release…
If you’re still involved with this person, you need to examine that relationship and determine if it’s in your best interest to stay in it.
1. If you decide to stay, or if you’re dealing with a family member, get help from a professional to work though the situations and issues that originally caused the pain, or seek counseling together, and create “boundaries” on what to discuss or avoid in communication while you do.
2. If this is an issue from the past (as most are), you need to look beyond the event and work towards seeing what happened in that person’s life that could have caused them to take that action, or to cause you that pain. Explore their life, and what was going on in their world leading up to that incident.
3. Is it a possibility that they were unaware that they caused that pain, or for some reason did not realize it was damaging? Factor that into your examination.
4. Through the work you do in steps 3 and 4, find something that you can use to feel “compassion” for them, or for their situation, or what made them the way they were (or are). What shaped their decision to behave or act in that way? The phrase “They did the best they could with the tools they had” may help you.
5. Release the experience of being a victim. Make it clear in meditation and prayer that you are now “willing to let go” of this old wound, old pain.
6. Write in your journal, or if you do not want to “record” it, write it in letter form that you can release by burning or destroying later: What happened, what it created or caused in you, what facts or reasoning you are using to release it, and, most important, how forgiving this will positively affect your life!
7. “Letting go” means letting go of the old pain, and forgiving that trespass, it needs to be said that you should not put yourself in harm’s way with that person if they have not changed. Forgiveness is good for the soul, yet so is staying safe

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The past is as powerless to darken the present moment, as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it...

The truth about the past is simply that it has passed. This means that our experience of each moment -- for its pleasure or pain, peace or trouble -- is a direct reflection of what we are in relationship with in the present.

Our attention connects us to life; it establishes our relationships with all that unfolds around and within us. Our experience of life reflects these relationships just as a rainbow reveals the different colors of light. This means that, whenever resentment or regret darkens our day, there's only one reason for our sorrow: we've been tricked into revisiting and reforming an unconscious relationship with some misery-making moment from our past. We've simply made a bad connection within ourselves, due to a temporary lapse of attention.

If it helps, think of troubling times like these as your having been distracted while taking a long walk through the city. Maybe you were caught up with thinking about the "good old days!" Then you suddenly realize that, in your dream state, you've wandered by mistake into a dangerous neighborhood where you know that bad things happen all the time. What do you do? Do you stand there and hate yourself for having sleepwalked into a nightmare? Of course not! Awake now to the danger you've put yourself in -- and just get out of there!

We can call on this same simple action whenever our attention wanders and takes us into the bad neighborhood of our painful past. In other words, if the resentful or regret-laden state we're feeling is due to a bad connection, we just deliberately disconnect ourselves from that dark thought by realizing where we are and how we got there. By reclaiming our attention -- by bringing ourselves back into the present moment -- we are released from our unconscious relationship with the past, putting its pain behind us, where it belongs. There's nothing more to it than that -- other than to enjoy how good it feels to be free.

Ways to Raise Your Energy and Help Change the World

By Iain Legg, Creator of The Super Mind Evolution System:

1. DON’T give away your power to people. Take responsibility for your life. If things aren’t going as hoped in your life, re-examine your deepest beliefs. Swap limiting beliefs for empowering ones.
2. DO get a pet! According to Power vs Force, a purring cat vibrates at 500 …my pet dog Cass must vibrate at least 800 with her loving licks and devotion! (She is nicknamed ‘Licky’ by my friends!)
3. DON’T watch movies that drag you down. According to Power vs Force, this is most films. Watch movies that will make you feel good. Listen to music that fills you with positive emotions. Read books that empower you. (Control the input to your brain, and you’ll control your output).
4. DO focus on what you want in your life, not what you don’t want – remember the law of attraction… You have the power to create the life of your dreams – even if the world around you seems messed up, don’t lose focus…
5. DO imagine that what you dream of is in your life now, and feel grateful for it now …and after that think of 10 more things to be grateful for.
6. DO have fun. Life is about being happy. Don’t wait until you have this, or that… Don’t put off happiness. Live now. Enjoy now.
7. DO seek to discover the truth about the meaning of your life. The answers are there if you look for them. Awareness and peace of mind are high vibrations.
8. DO use tools and strategies to help you achieve higher levels of consciousness, such as meditation and the free Alpha audio you can access at the end of this article
9. DON’T watch the news on television. It is filled with negativity which lowers your vibrations. (Why is 95% of all news all the time focused on bad news…). If you want to keep abreast of current affairs search the internet for independent, unbiased news. Seek the truth. Trust your intuition. This will also help you give you a much more balanced view of reality. There’s lots of good news out there if you’re looking for it…
10. DO help other people. Join activist sites like that collect petitions to help humanity. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are good vibrations. Maybe even learn to spread love and heal people from a distance with the power of your mind…

Monday, 27 September 2010

A simple way to stop getting what you don't want

A lot of people focus on what they don't want, worry about what may
go wrong, how things won't work out, what if you don't get what you want?
For example... do you say: I don't want to be mistreated,
I don't want to lose my job, I don't want to be broke, I don't want to be single,
I don't want to be overweight, I don't want... (fill in the blank).
When the emphasis is on what you don't want... your subconscious mind
picks up on the part after the don't want and so creates exactly
what you don't want.
Because you're thinking more about what you don't want.
And the energy or emphasis is on that part of the thought.
If you say you don't want to lose your job, you're really thinking
about losing your job... that's what your mind is focused on.
And that's  what the subconscious mind picks up on and creates.
Your subconscious thinks you want to lose your job, because that's
what you're thinking about.
So your subconscious creates the opportunities for you to lose your job.
What can you do to stop this or turn things around?
Focus on what you want.
In the job example... you really want to keep your job, so focus on
and think about keeping your job.
If you don't want to be single... focus on what you want... which is to
be in a relationship or to be married.
By thinking about what you want you're really telling your subconscious
mind to go out and create opportunities for you to get what you want.
You would attract opportunities to keep your job... you may start making
a better impression, display valuable qualities, or improve your status
and worth as an employee.
In the relationship example you could start meeting new people,
the kind of people you want to be with and waste less time with
those that don't fit with what you want.
When you focus on what you don't want you get more of what you
don't want because that's what you're regularly thinking about that's
where your attention is so your subconscious mind just brings you
more of what you don't want.
Your subconscious mind follows your instructions.
It will do what ever you tell it to do.
Those instructions are your thoughts and beliefs.
Your thoughts and beliefs are often based on what you regularly
think about and focus on.
I know you want to change or improve your life. But if you constantly
think about what you don't want, focus on what is wrong, what isn't
working or constantly looking at all the problems, your subconscious will
just keep bringing you more of what you don't want.
Change your focus.
Change what you regularly think about.
Focus on what you want.
Get clear and specific.
Start giving your subconscious mind the instructions to deliver what you want.
The more often you think about what you want the more your
subconscious mind begins to get the message.
At first it will be challenging to switch from thinking about what you
don't want (if that's what you're used to doing) to thinking about what you want.
But the more often you think about what you want the sooner you'll turn things around.
Once this becomes a habit you're on your way.
So get clear on your goals.
When ever things don't work out or if you hit a rough patch and
hear yourself saying "I don't want..." stop and change your thoughts.
Think of what you want and start telling yourself that you're now doing what you want.
I don't want to lose my job becomes... I'm keeping my job.
I don't want to be broke... becomes... I'm making more money.
I don't want to be single... becomes... I'm in a great relationship.
Then start thinking of what you can do to make what you want a part of your reality.
Keep feeding your subconscious mind the instructions to help you succeed.
Get your mind focused on what you want.
You can achieve your goals.
You can and will get what you want.
You can enjoy your life.
You can enjoy success, happiness and more.
Start living the life you want today.
Get your subconscious mind working for you.

Friday, 24 September 2010

A Special Technique to energize ones Chakras...

I came across a beautiful Ancient Technique written by by Alina Mikos  Jin Shin Jyutsu® Physio-Philosophy is literally translated as "The Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man." Represented by the phrase "Now know Myself," this art maintains that through recognizing the wisdom of the body, we can interpret its messages and apply that knowledge to unlock our stagnant energy and regain proper balance in our being.

The purpose of Jin Shin Jyutsu is to release tensions that have indirectly or directly led to various symptoms in our soul, mind and body. This Japanese practice harmonizes and balances the body's life energy by using principles similar to acupuncture, but without the needles. Through this curative art, our body's energy realigns, facilitating healing and promoting good health while awakening us to our power and ability to harmonize our own energy.

Jin Shin Jyutsu focuses on twenty-six "safety energy locks" along energy pathways in the body. As a path becomes blocked, the stagnated energy disturbs the immediate area, potentially creating imbalance along the complete energy pathway. Placing the fingertips (over clothing) in combination on these energy locks helps restore energy flow and harmonize the body with the mind and spirit. Jin Shin views any physical or mental imbalances, or ailments, as reflections of the disrupted underlying flow of energy.

There is a specific function associated with each of the 26 points on the body, and placing the fingertips on the area will directly alleviate the blocked location and its resonant ailment or discomfort. As each person has a unique body and energy flow, each Jin Shin Jyutsu session differs from person to person, visit to visit, depending on individual needs.

Some symptoms Jin Shin Jyutsu improves are depression, anxiety, asthma, insomnia, menopause, cancer, sexual dysfunction and headaches. Jin Shin Jyutsu has an extensive self-help component and in order to maximize the effects of treatments, trained practitioners teach clients simple self-help exercises.

My Enlightened Experience
After a short interview about my current physical and mental health, my Jin Shin practitioner began by placing her fingertips on my wrists, explaining that she was listening to my energy pulses. She informed me that she had found a harmonizing sequence appropriate for my body, based on unblocking particular energy pathways. She referred to her hands as "jumper cables," using her touch at each specific designated point on my body among the 26 "safety energy locks," to stimulate energy circulation and restore balance to that area.

When she determined that a particular area had been rebalanced, she moved on to the next point. With each point she stabilized, I felt more relaxed and centered. Once during the session I felt pressure in my head, and her fingertips were suddenly there on my forehead, alleviating the pressure immediately. At another point, I felt my ankles lock up, and she quickly moved to my feet, where a series of finger placements caused my feet to instantly relax.

At the end of my session, she taught me a self-help exercise. She had me lie on my back and focus on the series of points referred to as the "Main Central Vertical Flow" by placing my fingertips on specific points from top to bottom: top of head, center of eyebrows, tip of nose, center of sternum, base of sternum, pubic bone and tailbone. I started with the top of my head with one set of fingers, and placed the other set on the center of my eyebrows. I waited until I felt the "energy pulse" of each location (which I would describe as a consistent faint beat of energy against my fingertips), then matched that pulse to the other so that they were in harmony, before moving on to the next pulse.

My one hand stayed on my head while I placed my fingertips on other points on my body, harmonizing each site with the energy pulse of my head. It took me longer to concentrate and balance out the pulse on certain areas of my body, but when I was done with the session, I felt very relaxed and excited to apply the new exercise to my morning routine.

Jin Shin appears to be a non-intrusive but wonderfully effective way of realigning the body's imbalances. I emerged from my session with a great sense of body awareness and internal peace. I'm looking forward to learning more about this ancient healing art that so effectively harmonizes the human body and soul.

On Forgiveness...

Forgiveness. We all have traumas from our past, anger or guilt about what others did to us, about what we did to others, and about what we did to ourselves. These experiences come from those we love, as well as acquaintances and total strangers. And more often than not, we hold onto the pain and are unable to forgive, and that is one of the biggest reasons why we are unable to experience the kinds of purposeful and conscious relationships our hearts yearn for.
Being unable to forgive doesn’t feel very empowering, and it causes us to make excuses why we shouldn’t try again. We sometimes let go of our hopes and dreams. The thing is, when you understand the story behind all of these feelings and experiences, you learn an invaluable secret:
It’s not your fault.
In fact, it’s not anybody’s fault. It’s just one more story, and it’s the hardest thing for most people to change. When we truly understand this, we’re able to transform these old stories of pain and frustration into empowerment. The first thing to understand is why people hurt us.
I believe that people are innately well-intentioned, and that our experiences and conditioning cause us to believe otherwise. I know someone who has hurt people in the past, and it wasn’t because he was a bad person. He was just in pain. He had been rejected and ostracized for so many years that he lashed out at people. He was subconciously protecting himself from more pain and unconsciously  believed that if he pushed enough people away, they wouldn’t be able to hurt him anymore.
The problem is, because he pushed people away he made it impossible to have the very thing he wanted: a deeply fulfilling and connected relationship. It would be easy to blame his peers for all their unkind words and actions, and most people would think he was justified in blaming them.
But is it really their fault?
I don’t believe it is. After all, if he was a good person who lashed out in pain, is it possible that they were merely doing the same thing to him? Perhaps they came from an abusive home, or they were also rejected? Perhaps they pushed him away to protect themselves the same way he did it to protect himself.
In this expanded view, we begin to see that for every person who hurts us, they have a story behind their own pain… a story about why they hurt us (intentionally or not). We then see their story usually involves somebody who hurt them, which is yet another story. In fact, the cycle goes on for generations, and this is why we notice that many families seem to have similar emotional or psychological patterns within them...
So if even we have hurt others, maybe what others have done to us is just another story.

Maybe we’re all characters living this life story, and some of us get hurt by other characters, and we in turn may hurt people as well. It doesn’t make us bad people, just people in pain (the same as the people who hurt us).
I realized is that that people didn’t necessarily want to hurt me, but rather, they just had pain inside they didn’t know what to do with. They had a story they were “taking out on me,” and it really had nothing to do with me. That helped me see that my inability to forgive had nothing to do with them, but rather, with my ideas of them. I had trouble forgiving because I expected somebody to be a certain way, and they weren’t able to live up to that expectation.
This awareness helped me realize that forgiveness was not something I gave to somebody else; it was something I gave to myself. I had to forgive myself for every time I “let” somebody else hurt me. I had to forgive myself for letting go of my hopes and dreams while I unconsciously protected myself from more pain. I had to forgive myself for hurting others, just the way I had been hurt. And I had to forgive myself for believing the stories I told myself, like that I was a victim who didn’t deserve a conscious loving relationship.

Instead of seeing them subjectively as bad or mean, I became curious. I progressively changed my thoughts from “That person is so mean!” to “I wonder why that person might have done that. Is it possible that he’s having a bad day and it has nothing to do with me?”
This more objective viewpoint fostered a greater sense of compassion for myself and others, and it was that compassion and objectivity that objectivity enabled me to transform my painful stories into personal empowerment. I’ve found that I enjoy my relationships with others more, and even with people close to me who have hurt me...

Your partner in Transformation!!!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

It's your Life...:)))

You're more excited about what you're doing now because you're learning something new as you go along. Although your current actions fit into your master plan to move you closer to your goals, there may be an undercurrent of intensity coming from someone who is jealous of your accomplishments. Don't buy into anyone's negativity, especially if they are bringing their fears or insecurities into your life.

Always remember ... at the core of every rich person, every
healthy and energetic and vibrant person, and
every thriving relationship is personal growth.

The path to success can get complex and even
confusing sometimes and that's exactly why people
all around the world LOVE to remain in their present domain of control...but one must understand for elevating one's persona one has to sometimes come out of their comfort zone...Just as a child  who starts school and is usually wary of it  in the beginning!!!

Your Partner in Transformation!!!

Sometimes You Dont' Have to Win Every Argument...Agree to Disagree..:)

On September 18, 2007, Carnegie Mellon professor and alumnus Randy Pausch delivered a one-of-a-kind last lecture that made the world stop and pay attention. It became an Internet sensation viewed by millions, an international media story, and a best-selling book "The Last Lecture" that has been published in 35 languages. To this day, people everywhere continue to talk about Randy, share his message and put his life lessons into action in their own lives.

In a letter to his wife Jai and his children, Dylan, Logan, and Chloe, he wrote this beautiful "guide to a better life" for his wife and children to follow. May you be blessed by his insight.


1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you’re awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy.
Your Partner in Transformation!!!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Toss Your Troubles Away

Like a child who loses interest in an old pair of shoes that are no longer comfortable to wear, troublesome parts of ourselves can't be outrun, only outgrown.-By Sir Guy Finlay

The Courage to Let Go...

We may not yet see it as being so, but whenever unwanted situations come along -- stripping us of some beloved attachment -- it is the operation of one world acting upon another. There is our familiar world, the one we've always known -- who and what we've been, filled with our preferences and possessions -- and acting upon it is a new order of reality whose meaning is unknown at first, but whose secret purpose is to help us awaken to our own higher possibilities. But when in such moments -- moments only these colliding worlds can provide, all we see is our resentment or regret -- we lose sight of this spiritual gift that can be offered to us in no other way.

When we are hurt badly, the higher lesson hidden in this trial is to recognize the time has come to let go of who and what we have been up until the moment of loss. And "how" do we know this is true? How can we be sure there is something good in the "bad" others put us through? Because if we understand that events in themselves have no power to punish us, then who's to blame for our pain when life changes as it must? The real culprit here is our present level of Self -- literally wrecking itself -- as it clings to what can no longer remain in our life...

Yes! It does hurt to be left behind, or to be lied to. Yes, we feel lots of grief and anger -- those knee-jerk reactions that rush in and rule a heart that feels so wrongly compromised. But as long as we cling to the false idea that who we really are is meant to be defined by any "other" -- regardless how sublime -- we have no choice but to feel that we're being pulled apart when our relationships change -- as they must. There's a silver lining to this kind of suffering once we learn to see it! Strange as it is, how else could any of our secret attachments ever be realized and released... if not for the unwanted events that come along to reveal them! Each "troubling" event, seen properly, is the herald of a freedom yet to be known. With this in mind, here's the higher lesson that awaits us on the other side of any loss, if only we'll open ourselves to its healing.

In the spiritual worlds above us, we are the other. The man who came to own a successful horse ranch is -- and will forever have within him -- the small boy who couldn't imagine anything better than his little stick pony. Nothing real can be lost. Just as the seed must give way so that the sapling it holds can spring from it, with all of its greater possibilities, we must learn to let go of what was, so that what may be can grow in its place. Love never dies, but only changes its form and expression that we may see its example and willingly follow suit.

One last thought. Our anger and resentment toward someone who has hurt us do not prove that we loved, and they didn't. What our enmity really indicates is that we don't yet understand the true nature of love, or we wouldn't be ripping ourselves apart because someone tore from us something to which we had become attached. The hole in our soul that is created by any such loss must be left empty. If we let it be filled with negative states, we will never know the birth of a whole new order of love because there is no room for it to grow.

The Truth About Angels and Devils

It's vital to understand that angels and devils exist and are always hard at work around us. This fact is no cause for fear, for while their subtle bodies are invisible, their activities are not. The forces of good and evil can easily be seen working their ways in and through human beings; for it is within us that these levels of light and darkness mold life on earth in their image.

Angelic forces are for you in every sense of the word. They are for your physical health, emotional happiness, mental development, and entrance into their own eternal, light-filled realm. Devils want you to think that those forces they wield are also for you. But these dark forces are always against you because devils, by their very nature, are against everything -- including themselves!

Your protection from devils and their dark, deceptive ways is within your ability to recognize them as devils. This specialized power of perception comes to you first in the form of an intuitive recognition: a blend of insight and past experience. Now let's see how to call upon and consciously cultivate this important new power.

Learn to look for signs of the devil at work by staying alert and awake to where it is that devils most commonly like to delight themselves. Then, when suspecting the presence of these dark forces at work -- regardless of where, or in whom you catch such a glimpse, work to meet these moments without fear, righteousness, or condemnation. Your action works just like a celestial beacon, attracting higher angelic forces to your side. And since angels have complete authority over devils, not only is your complete safety assured, but so is the growth of your spiritual strength. Why? Because each time you stand up to the devil in this way, it becomes increasingly clear to you that the only power darkness has is in the absence of the Light.

Following are 5 Ways to Recognize the Works of the Devil:

1. Angels hate nothing, not even devils. Devils despise angels most of all, because the existence of angels proves the devil's own nothingness to himself.

2. Angels are rewarded by their acts of self-sacrifice. Devils are punished by their intention to be selfish.

3. Angels endure. Devils lash out.

4. Angels never try to impress other Angels with their light because they know, however bright it may be, it isn't their own. Devils delight in fanning their own flames so that they can see how many other devils they can attract with their false light.

5. Angels have no fear of any dark place. Devils tremble in the Light and the dark.
By Sir Guy Finlay
Money is part of your spiritual journey. It's a part of the
self-realization seminar you signed up for in this lifetime
This is really simple, it's fun, and it's very POWERFUL.

First, make a short list of 5 or 10 sentimental treasures that mean a lot to you, but that don't actually cost much money. The purpose here is to identify that which primarily has value only to you.

Then, next to each item, write the names of 1 or more people who you believe would truly appreciate having that sentimental treasure.

Now with your list in hand, pick at least 1 item and go give it to somebody. When you give it to that person, let them know the story of why this treasure is important to you, what it means to you, and also let them know why you are honored and grateful to be able to now give it to this new person.

The intent is to make it clear to the other person that this is something of value, and that it is important to you that they receive this gift for themselves.

After you do this, just notice how you feel inside.

The Secret Cheque to Abundance in Your Life...

Magic 'Abundance Check' Ritual!
The Magic Abundance Check Ritual below is a fun, hands-on manifesting technique for inviting more abundance into your life!
It can be done any time, though you might want to try it at the new moon or waxing moon period (when it is becoming full) to harness the expansion energy!
Even if you're unsure the check will work when you write it, just intend, feel the positive energies of anticipation, let go, and receive.
The increased abundance is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.
Below is a particular method I've come across for this technique. Follow it as described unless your intuition or inspiration guides you otherwise.
You can use a check from your own check-book, or I found this link where you can download and print out a 'Check from the Universe' courtesy of  'The Secret':
If for any reason you don't have a checking account, you can also draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way.
Magic Abundance Check Ritual:
1.)   Take a check from your check-book (or print out the one at the link above).
Where it says "Pay to," write your name.
2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
3.) On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write "Paid in full." [I find it works better if you don't add the squiggly line - no limits right ]
4.) Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance", "The Universe", "Abundance" or whatever resonates most with you.
Don't put a date on the check or write a specific dollar amount in the check unless you feel specifically called to. Remember, this check can be for abundance in ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE. Where ever you need it most.
Where to place your Magic Abundance Check
In general you can place your check anywhere in your home or office that you wish or  feel drawn to - perhaps a special place, meditation area, plant pot, pinned to a vision board or note board, or a particular spot in your home, be it your living room, bedroom, office or kitchen.
You can also use the Feng Shui map/grid known as a Bagua Map, to place your check in what's known as the 'Abundance Corner' of the room you wish to place it in.
Below is a website with a picture of a Bagua Map that you can use to discover which section of any room the Abundance Corner is.

Live Life without Hassels...

I understand what I am about to say may sound crazy to you, but My Friend and Guide Sir Robert Anthony
suggests the possibility that you have been totally
brainwashed and you have unknowingly become your own worst enemy.

In fact, this is exactly what is happening to millions of people.
And most likely, you are one of them.

What I am talking about is the SUBLIMINAL and SUBCONSCIOUS
programming you are getting - programming that is imprinted on your
subconscious without your knowledge.

I am not saying there is an organized conspiracy to program your
mind. The people that are spreading these negative messages
don't even know they are doing it!

The problem is as you are exposed to these mind viruses, you are
likely to be infected. Just as exposure to raw sewage can cause you
to be infected with germs, microbes and other nasty things,
prolonged exposure to the media will infect your mind with many
nasty viruses. Society spends billions of dollars to protect
us from biological and computer viruses. Yet a mind virus can be
the most dangerous of all.

One of the best things you can do to prevent mind viruses is stop
following the news. Don't watch TV, don't listen to "talk" radio,
don't read newspapers or magazines that have the news in them. Why?
Because they all make their money by selling fear, lack, scarcity
and limitation. Bad news is what sells.

Open the average newspaper and you will see that 90% or more of what
you read is negative news. The percentage is about the same for
radio and TV.  Do you really believe it is important to find out how
many houses burnt down, how many people were robbed or killed in
your city, state or another country? Do you really need to be
reminded of the economic situation every day?  Being exposed to all
this negativity creates a negative view of the world and negative
thought patterns in your mind.

When I tell people to skip the news, they invariably ask, "How will
I know if there is a major world tragedy or natural disaster
heading my way or terrorists striking near me?" Trust me. You will
know about all the big stuff you need to know. Let's face it,
the vast majority of your friends and neighbors follow the news so
they can do the watching and reading for you. You still won't be
able to escape it completely because most restaurants and shops now
have the TV news on all day long. So if something major happens, you
will know about it.

I haven't watched the news for the past ten years. I don't read the
newspaper either because I don't want or need to know about all the
bad stuff. My life is about creating good stuff. Eliminate the news
media from your life for the next 30 days and see what I mean.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow